/bbg/ - Bloodborne General- Too lazy to make a new thread edition

Jolly co op Edition

Got parried : >information. If you're new to Bloodborne and /bbg/ READ THIS FIRST BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS

>Accessing the DLC
Note: If the eye isn't showing up, go to: Settings > Playstation Network/Account Management > Restore Licenses

>/bbg/ Fight Club:
Pthumeru - n6rc9jh8
Loran - jjpkdcgd
Isz - 9v8qndas
(every Saturday 6pm EST, general rules:imgur.com/1RjNbF4)

>/bbg/ Spelunking Club
Password = /bbg/
Create a new S/FRC chalice dungeon and beckon anons to join
Use the Short Root Chalice with the password /bbg/ to be summoned or invade
(every Friday 6pm EST, anything goes)

>Resources Pastebin - Planners, Calculators, Spreadsheets, Stats Info, Where to go next in BB, Guide Scans & Wikis

>Chalice Pastebin - General Info, Glyphs for Gems, Best Gems Setups, Multiplayer & Speedrunning

>Media Pastebin - OSTs, Concept Art & Screenshots

>Beasthood & Claws Info

>Wheel, Fight Club, Arc 101 & other Misc. Info

>Bloodborne AR Calculator


cyka blyat

>tfw tried lords of the fallen and its a better bloodborne
never would've knew


Impromptu FC, anyone?

>Yeah, uh, I'm with the, uh, the Church, so can I come in?

Dude let me in, I'm a fairy. Don't you believe in fairies?

Dubs chooses my bloodborne build. I'll be waiting.


arc/tinge with chicago and LHB

No weapons, items only.

Axe only, spin to win. No attacks apart from charged R2 spin


>tfw you run into an adorable little pve shota in Mensis and constantly get his health down to a third and let him back off and heal only to immediately bring his health down again while he knows he can't even touch you so he just keeps trying to run away and wait for a cooperator
Come baaack~
I just wanna play with you

END only


but user...
Chunk build is simply STR...

>tfw beating someone who heals on you like 5 times while not healing myself once

>I get low health, back off to heal and he lets me
>Right about to kill him, back off to let him heal
>Continues until our vials are gone while swapping weapons and spicing things up
those are always fun, even more when I drop 99 coins all over the bridge to make it shiny
very pretty

How does /bbg/ feel about Ye Olde Huntere Bone? I got fanmail a while back for using it, but that's the first time I've ever seen someone get angry over it. What gives?

its fine in my book, honestly if he cant predict your next dash then hes got no right to be a hunter
I think its fun to use when both parties are using it

It usually makes people dash spam and I've never felt like it changes the fight in any significant way. It's cool, though.

BL4, fist only. No parasite, no guns. Fists.

The fatty that dropped this one nearly got stuck in ceiling again. It was not worth, but I will do it again.

this, but with the brick you can get for your gun arm

I've never seen anyone ever complain about old hoontah's bone, chances are you just ran into a massive shitter who tried to use any excuse to bitch

It looks cool and is intimidating because it triggers Crowsteel PTSD



doki doki, hunter sempai
but honestly I always feel like shit when im forced to hit something that doesn't try to hit me first

Rom wants mercy.

>Doesn't even attack you in her first phase, just summons the spiderlings and keeps backing off

could I get some help with the chalice dungeons? Im on the first boss of cursed and defiled

hi /b/ plz r8 my build

Looks fine to me. You should bring it to the next FC, and anyone who whines is just an autistic faggot.


All attack must only use stake driver R2. No weapon before getting the steak. Torch is allowed.

bbg, im on layer two now


Alternatively bloody crow/10

To anyone looking for cooperative play, be aware there is a person in these threads who likes to join games unannounced. To all hosts, if you summon a character by the name of Segalt (or, if you're displaying online ID, GEN-Galinthias), be aware that it is not the person you communicated with in the thread.

Thanks, and happy hunting!

Anyone farming Amygdala or Rom?

I could use a few Nourishing gems.

anyone still awake? willing to help me grind through some of the final chalices? will boot up and post pass if so, doing dishes+watching cowboy bebop atm

No one gives a shit what you're doing or watching.
Read the thread and see that the blog posts have got to stop.

fuck off, ive been having fun recruiting people here for well over a year. i hope this response annoys you

is there a problem with segalt? ive seen him help numerous people (myself included) with unmatched response time.

what is with you people?

The main issue is that Segalt joints coop games without actually posting in the threads. This means people who have posted for coop get left behind. In part, its an issue of hosts needing to wait and realizing Segalt isn't who they talked to in the thread.

Bbg is retarded as usual. No, bbg is actually a hunters nightmare. All these posters are hunter drunk with shitposts.

Thats a copy pasta shitpost

> the shitposter is having a conversation with itself

>unmatched response time
That's because people in the threads post that they're coming, while Segalt just runs there and starts ringing unannounced.

Are we hitting the death portion of the generals life span? Are we soon gonna disappear in the cosmos?

I've tried this. Don't do this.

yeah i guess that could be annoying, im always grateful to be able to have ANYONE join my game. calling for help is typically futile for me, to the point where i dont want to put a password. but i understand.


hmm, well. anyone, segalt or someone else trying to play? i get so annoyed at these last chalices omg

Whatever it is let me die inside Kos instead facing the reality.

I'll hop on if you're able to give me like five minutes. You can pick whatever pass you'd like and I'll start ringing.

Are you a 12-year-old, or just a Redditor?

Hunter torch. Max Vit.

Not him, but why are you being such a cunt? Dude just wanted coop.

None (stop playing Bloodborne).


Bloodtinge gunslinger hunter. No weapon only guns. Gun weapon probably allowed.

okay sounds good in 5ish min ill start ringing

password : bebop

you think too highly of your internet badass status

Cowboy Bebop sucks.

ur momma

factually innacurate statement.
not even an opinion.
just a blatant lie.
I'm not even a weeb and even I can tell that show is pretty good once you cut out all the fucking transition sequences and stick basically all the episodes together like it's a movie. (seriously is all japanese TV like watching fucking robot chicken?)


Sorry for the wait, just firing up my PS4 now. I'll be ringing within the minute

We are doomed to always repeat the same shitposts, over and over.

>kind of want to play as a stupid-looking animefu
>not bad enough to actually build a character around it
this is the closest ive come to wishing bb had a mid-game reroll function

Sort of reminds me of Sypha if I squint.

its a chick from some vn i guess. i keep seeing a gif of her in /v/

roromiya karuta?

okay im a ringin

Who is this sperm wyrm?

>roromiya karuta?
speak American

this chick

thats her name

Build is your choice but the hunter must never wear pants.

gfd it says the chalice has been deleted from the server

god damnit
srsly fucking shit that wasted materials


im inviting you to a different chalice because fml

Sounds good dawg, I'm just ringing SRRC at the moment.

>i have over 1k screenshots

You are like a little baby. Watch this.

Ah, sorry for blowing up, I'll rering

alright, i feel a little better i guess

>your bb folder is literally for times larger than my hdd

>30 280 Files

Good game, do you want more help?

thank you sir! i very much appreciate it.

I'm trying to make sense of the story here

the old blood of oedon/mergo, from the chalice dungeon, contains vermin parasites, and gives birth to beasts.

the pale blood, of kos and the cosmos, contains the kos parasites, and gives birth to kin.

byrgenwerth discovers old blood within the chalice dungeons

a traitor brings the old blood to cainhurst

laurence takes the old blood to found the healing church in yharnamn

the healing church uses the old blood as a healing tool within the town, which leads to beastly scourge outbreaks. in desperation, laurence and gehrman reach out to the great one's via an umbilical cord gained from a vileblood (maria). moon presence answers, they make an agreement, and it claims gehrman. age of the hunters begins.

byrgenwerth discovers the corpse of kos within a fishing hamlet, claiming her blood and killing the orphan of kos for the umbilical cord. byrgenwerth scholars use kos' blood, use the umbilical cord to create rom. byrgenwerth eventually completely relocates into the dream/nightmare scape, but eventually succumb to madness and blood mutation

the healing church conducts research experiments with the old blood, to line the brain with eyes. they succeed, but it lead only to rotten, evil brains, the greatest of which becomes a legitimate great one within a nightmare.

many people succumb to the wrath of great ones like orphan, most of byrgenwerth and the hunters being sucked into the nightmares

healing church schisms into two groups: choir and mensis

the choir refocuses after discovering ebrietas, researching pale blood and kin, creating the emissaries which call to the heavens. the school of mensis continues with the old blood, obsessing over the nightmare. they forcefully enter into the nightmare so they can study it, including the massive man-made brain found within.

the school of mensis makes audience with infant mergo, which appears to be kidnapped in some capacity. this causes the great distress the game takes place in.

sure im doing the isz chalice now, for no particular reason. ringing with password : bebop



The brain in Mensis was created by the cult of Mensis trying to get in touch with Mergo. Mergo turned them all into that and only Micolash was spared.

Also you're confusing the church with the cult of Mensis. The cult is a subgroup within the church that has been seizing power.

problems? i can quit and enter again?

I've just been ringing at SRRC so yeah, not sure why its taking so much longer.

okay hold up

okay so it says chalice glyph : it8w

ringing with password bebop

isz first layer

Alright dude I'll just make it then and ring in the chalice.

Why is the Chikage so cool?

Is this the dark souls of generals?

Anyone up for some /deadhour/ pvp or coop?

sry i didnt mean to be a hassle

Its no problem, I'm just confused why it isn't working. I guess I'll give it a few more minutes before giving up, sorry for holding you up.

Alright, I'm at the layer 2 lamp ringing now, hopefully it connects us faster.