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Back to zero orbs again
Still no sheep
And not
A single


explain his boots.
what is that fluffy white thing. socks?

Ride the bike!

Post your heroes.

>have 79 orbs
>roll for sheep
>one gray, virion
>get 4 grey orbs
>feel the sheep, palpate it
>open them all
>gayus, lissa, Klein!!
>last one it's Maria
>have like 57 left
>lets roll one more
>It's Sheep
I'd be sad about the -atk, but healers want all their defensive IVs intact, plus the +Res makes her massive 37.

I love how this girl is touching herself, as if she's eager for what I have in store for her.

>Still no Micaiah in heroes

Fuck you Ignorant Systems

friendly reminder


It looks like wool under the armor. It doesn't make a lot of sense but Mae has it on her boots as well

>roll for Mae yet again even though I know it's a bad idea


its wool

all the rigelians have wool on their armor; its cold up there.

20k feathers what to do

Promote Odin for blarblade+ on my +Atk olwen
Promote +Spd -Def jeorge
Promote best friend although I have like 10 blues

Kept my account for Rebecca but she's -atk. At least gacha has been very generous with me after that

post pictures of Bercute


Promote odin.

promote Berkut

Promote olwen

Sorry,I was too excited.

Berkut's art is beautiful.

I have a question guys, I didn't start my Tempest Trial run yet, is the new seal good or nah ?

I think it's only activated when using windsweep or watersweep. Don't see any other skill that checks speed. So amazing with those skills absolutely worthless otherwise.

It's a meme for units units with water/windsweep. If you have any you might as well get it, this tempest is really easy so you should have plenty of time.

>fernand's honey
what did he mean by this

Is Donnel on tomorrows free rotation? Cause he's pretty much my only hope of beating Infernal

Subaki with DC and Vantage, Yamada Kotaro is a fucking madman

>relying on Mkv. to beat the infernal maps

he likes his honey

I see, I should take it just in case. I did 120,000~ last time, it shouldn't take too much time. Thanks !

How decent can a +speed -res Jeorge be? I'v e got one and not much idea what I should do with him.
I don't have any bow users set up currently but if +speed Jeorge can be good I will set him up the bomb.


Help /feg/, what do I do?
use 5* +HP -SPD Klien
promote a 4* -ATK +DEF Klien
Is Klien even a good archer?

what's the tempest benchmark for today?

+spd Jeorge has 35 spd at base. That is a good starting point, as it is the same as Bridelia. You can give him L&D 3, Brave Bow+, and Desperation. Basically the same build as Bridelia. Only he will have less attack compared to Bridelia.

Not pictured: celica then tobin then fae.
And no, not a whale, just playing from launch.

>Phantom Spd 1
>All Rewards

Use the -Spd
Give death blow to someone
Never consider using a -Atk fighter

>german fell for the expand meme

still the same.
saving for next new units banner/CYL.

i've been playing since launch and have less than half that many

Nice I've already blown al 12 Orbs from the new maps and sstill no Faye, I bet I will get some shit like 5* Jakob now that my pity rate is at 4%.

i always take ages until i finally decide who to send home and who to merge and stuff and just wanted to play ;_;

(not an excuse

Been playing since launch too and I have at least 10 less than you.
What you are is a luckshitter, my German friend.

Firesweep Bow able to be used on a glass cannon LnD unit, or nah?

Yes. Also use poison strike+savage blow for maximum tickling

i have it on my bridelia with lnd 2. she's absolutely amazing. she, reinhardt and a dancer clear tempest without losing a single hp most of the time.

no denying i got really lucky but i also roll 20 orbs at once most of the time so that may play a part?

Hey man I've tried around a dozen different strategies and I can't do it

Kriemhield will have Distant Def and you should prepare a Hector for him. But his Res will be shit though and a better inheritor of Distant Counter would be Titania because of her colour, weapon, and stat spread.

Red= Pais orbs (Hero Fest)
Blue= Free orbs/free characters
Green= Upgrade

I mean Berkut's Kriemhield.

Post you reaction when Berkut is better than Camus in every way and you wasted 20K feathers on him.

>haven't promoted a single one of the GHBs yet except to get them to 4*
Not like I have a hoard of feathers though

>double bridge map is back

still better than every other GHB unit. served me well during his arena seasons. my only non-Reinhardt source of Goad Cavalry and noone says you only ever need one blue lance cav with DC.

You can tell when I've made a bad financial decision

And his stat spread and colour will go against it as well. Red Mages are no where near as threatening as Green and blue ones and his Res is canonically low, or at least it will definitely not reach the 27+ territory.

>Has to inherit DC to take advantage of his weapon but also belonging to the worst colour to use that skill

user, pls.

>only GHB unit I upgraded to 5* was Clarisse

Oh yeah Tobin and Lucina Alter not pictured.

has everything about him been datamined already?

>finally finished the Phantom Seal

Is it worth taking all the orbs?

How does this set look? I lack like 99% the skills to make it and it's probably the same shit most people using this titty monster runs but whatever

Funny enough, red mages always push my shit in because I run a melee blue.


There's no update to datamine.

But what if I like Camus more?

How's +atk-hp adult Tiki?

It started to click for me once I started baiting them through the left instead of the right. I blame that lance cav. But I also used Nino and a dancer, so your mileage may vary.

>already gave someone a (You) because Azura's AI decided to sperg out and act completely differently than it usually does

I fucking hate Azura and anybody who puts that fucking slut on their Defense team

More importantly what will the GHB banner be?

No but Berkut is shaping up to be a Blue Xander if SoV is anything to go by. High HP and Def, decent/high Atk, and mediocre/low Spd and Res.

>Gets a free DC Blue unit
>Decides to use a regular melee Blue anyways

user, pls.

If you don't have olwen she's the best replacement. Personally dislike moobow on such skillset.

Not bad but even if she's slow as fuck you probably want +Spd for whenever Hone Dragons is released, unless you're talking about her summer version in which case you still want +Spd, but then again +Atk is still better than some stupid shit like +Res

Azura teams are the worst for some reason, I almost never lose to a Ninian or Olivia team, but Azura ruins me on the regular.

I'm not particularly attached to Catria but I can't give up that 41 speed. Almost all of my other units have average speed or just get deleted in an instant.

>Bing translation is clearer than Google translation


I did have Olwen but she was -Atk so I fed her to Cecilia to make this, I'm also going for Moonbow just because of the Blade tome's +1 cooldown

I splurged hard during Hero Fest. But 4 of these are promoted.

>Using Catria
I-I guess I can forgive you. The patrician taste is DC!Gwendolyn though.

>AI decided to sperg out and act completely differently than it usually does
sometimes they're really weird. once on the last tempest map one enemy was in attack range of my unit and at the same time blocking the attack of another unit on it. instead of running in and suiciding it decided to move a space away buff the unit who wasn't able to attack previously and who now killed my guy. i hope this makes sense.

Just pulled a +Spd -Def Nino, planning to merge my +Atk -Res Nino into her.

Fury, LaD, Deathblow or Darting Blow for the +Spd woman? Can she live against Optimal Rein without Fury?

I still can't understand shit, the hell does the "skills immediately" part mean?

I'll never ever roll Hector in a billion years. It's also nice to have a flier. This is my normal team but I always have to give up Celica in arena which is a pain in the ass.

>dropping +Atk for +Spd
(lol this idiot

Why. Eliwood is common af and even -atk olwen is worth keeping. You can always +1 another olwen.
holy shit captcha is finally not cancer

>Alm's banner
>20 orbs

probably some shit like "who will have the skills to beat it" or "show your skills" or something along the lines. and "i will immediately try and look if the map has been leaked to"?

Mae is behind that blue orb.


I've had that happen too. Apparently, enemy AI is clever when it comes to assist skills.

>park Hector in Azura's attack range
>she decides to dance Celica instead, who proceeds to obliterate him

I have a neutral catria apparently. My very first but I had her for months. Never found her that useful though.

A non -HP or -Res bane Nino needs Fury 3 + HP +3 Sacred Seal to survive an optimal Reinhardt with Quickened Pulse, if I recall correctly.
Fury 3 allows versatility in letting your Nino tank once and ORKO on Enemy Phase and put her into Desperation 3 range, on top of just ORKOing things in Player Phase.

>-spd, +HP
So much for that Brave Axe build, but at least I finally got her, she's the one I wanted from the start alongside Robin, and now I got them both alongside Frederick.
I feel like I'm better off waiting for an IV reroll kit than blowing my orbs again, gotta save up for Halloween and Christmas after all. This banner's been nothing but bad IVs for me though, even on the off-banner 5*s and 4*s I want to use. All the ones I don't want like Cherche and Nino probably have perfect IVs with my bad luck.

Heroes made me hate Azura and now I want her to burn in Hecktor.

I haven't played Echoes, but he looks fuckable so I'm digging it.


Do you guys think Ninian gave Eliwood lap dances to get him extra horny before sex?

Do you think Eliwood installed a stripper pole to his chambers?

Always Fury. Most people go with desperation for B skill, but G tome breaker is good too.

They just keep healing eachother.
