/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General

Keep the progress going

> Play Demo Day 15

> Play Monster Jam

> Helpful links
Website: tools.aggydaggy.com
AGDG Steam Games: homph.com/steam
New Threads: Archive: boards.fireden.net/vg/search/subject/agdg
AGDG Logo: pastebin.com/iafqz627

Previous Thread: Previous Demo Days: pastebin.com/JqsQerui
Previous Jams: pastebin.com/jAByvH3V

> Engines
GameMaker: yoyogames.com/gamemaker
Godot: godotengine.org
UE4: unrealengine.com
Unity: unity3d.com

> Models/art/textures/sprites

> Free audio

> How to Webm

Other urls found in this thread:


Chickens OUT


The fuck is this stupid chicken meme?

moshi moshi?


Implementing phone calls, made the sounds with my mouth and heavily distorted them with audacity, I think the result is quite alright.

>made the sounds with my mouth
Post the raw sound.

Being here for so long is depressing now, all those projects that used to inspire me are making me feel down because they just stopped existing, it's always the same, somebody makes a game with potential, the dev gets busy/has problems, few progress posts later then total silence, don't start something you will never finish, don't just waste your time for few (you)s and moments of glory only to let us down later, FINISH YOUR GAME!

I save over the original sounds so I don't have them anymore, they were extremely embarrassing to post anyways.

I thought it was funny for a bit, but then they started trying to make it into a 'muh AGDG culture meme' sorta thing and I don't appreciate it anymore. Forcing things ruins the fun.

Some dumb forced meme as usual. Repeat something enough and people will remember you even if you've got no game. That's the mentality, I believe.

That sounds good. Can you tell me how you did it? I'm super garbage with sound editing.


For the hangup sound:
-make a beboop sound with your mouth and record it.
-effects -> noise reduction
-effects -> change speed
-effects -> change pitch (take it a couple of tones higher)
-trim the edges by selecting them and pressing the delete key on your keyboard

For the phone ringing it's almost the same thing, the sound I made was kind of trtrtrtr, changed the pitch, copied a segment over a couple of times, and that's it.

I don't know much about editing either, I just mess around with the things until I get something passable. Tried to make music over the weekend and it went terribly.

When you said you made the sounds with your mouth I honestly kept waiting for the player to pick up and then there would be some heavy breathing or something

Could have just used a square wave signal and whatever free synth you have and done that in half as much time.

It only took me a couple of minutes and the result is passable so it's not a waste of time, but thanks for the tip, I'll apply it for the rest of the sounds I need to make.

is possible to have the same ads solution in every unity platform?

Thanks man, i appreciate it.
For me I wasn't as interested in knowing how to recreate the beeps as I was in making a natural sound with your mouth into a more digital sound.


Reminder that if you are feeling down, at least you're not the main dev from Elysian Shadows who drank, shot and snorted all of his $190000 Kickstarter budget away.

Here's a simple example for a phone ring I just did.
The most important part is the LFO with the square wave, which is what makes the pitch go up and down. You could write that in MIDI if you want an exact interval (fiddling with %age is tricky).

The advantage over recording sounds is that it's way more modular and easier to tweak.
For some more complex sounds like explosions or gunshots I wouldn't use synths though, I'm not even sure it's possible to replicate it.

what the hell this shit doesn't even look good

>producing this crap after 730 days of """work""""

Oh and he's best friends with Zoƫ Quinn, go figure.

Why does the videogame industry attract the most filthiest human beings?

I wish I had a 200k budget to make a game with

To be fair sounds like he at least had some fun. I envy him for that.

Level geometry and decoration stuff.

Finished the interior cave, mostly. Added some physics-based seaweed-dangly things (I'm not entirely sure what sort of plant they're supposed to be).

Also rocks throughout the level; some small nonphysical ones as decoration, some big physical ones to help make flat surfaces more interesting and blend certain landscape elements together (especially the big ground-poundable rocks)

And you can see here the start of the updated water system, which uses depth-fading to add "murkiness" so that the water can be a purer blue from a distance. Yes, I am aware fully that water is not actually blue, but I'm not implementing skybox reflections.

how am i supposed to feel better knowing that fucktards get hundreds of thousands of dollars handed to them and all i get is autism bux

I used to post progress here but I wasn't getting anything out of it, this made it easier to stop which made it easier to start a different game, one which I will never post in agdg.

Consider that there are others like me.

People like this are the reason honest, innovative indie devs aren't getting funded anymore.

People like this would be hanged 100 years ago for fraud.

Thanks! Pretty useful info.


How the fuck did this shit get 180k

>nodev faggot spams the gamedev thread with kickstarter drama again

i'm sure you're mad about getting scammed but why do you have to cry about it here? this is the gamedev thread.

>Why does the videogame industry attract the most filthiest human beings?
Because they think being an artist is an excuse to dismiss cultural norms, and because digital media means you are never face to face with people, which allows you to act like a cunt for biological reasons.


fucking cancer, crossy road is massively popular in the first place, good luck emulating that level of success, and from the player's point of view having to watch a full video to earn an item is fucking awful

Man this game looks fun, just keep at it.

We can only find solace in the fact that we stopped gogem before he could outgrow agdg.


>watching a video to earn some cosmetic items is awfull
>is wrong to make money when the use doesn't have to pay

I've been trying to use get_overlapping_bodies() but I think it has the same kink

To be fair Crossy Roads use of ads isn't that bad. Crossy Road's ads are completely optional, and just gives you extra coins to unlock completely cosmetic skins.

gogem was actually going to kickstart something later this year and was using the patreon to test the waters
thank fuck it's at $0

what the point of staying here when you'll never post progress? this what killed agdg

what's the point of posting progress when it will get two replies while the fag posting about some kickstarter guy he hates will get twenty? agdg killed itself.

>what the point of staying here when you'll never post progress?
Unfortunately I don't feel guilty because I posted a lot of progress and then came to learn that there are dozens of anons here who have never made a game or even started making one who are here shitposting every day.

I don't feel guilty for keeping my game to myself. Literally the effort to post a screencap or make a webm is not worth it. Banter and shitposting is worth keystrokes and reading though, and sometimes we discuss actual gamedev.

You still kinda have to do something appealing to someone to gather a following before you can turn into a complete asshole. Googs just started as an asshole.

>kickstarting some shit
thank god for 0$ patreon

See If you're just a coder with no art you're not going to get any replies from this general.
I've been here for 2 years and all of my posts got absolutely ignored while a dino girl just sitting and waving her hand gets 14 replies.



games are a visual medium
no visuals no game
unless you are going to make a sound game for blind people and if so thats actually pretty cool good luck user im rooting for you

Maybe your post aren't that interesting or have a need for engaging. Most new or good looking things still get major feedback in my experience.

Post your progress (code or a cool feature from a project you are working on) and I will give you a (You) user.

>wow, virgins reply waifubait
>what a shock

>virgin bait
Nobody is a virgin here.


What the fuck do you have against cute dino girls?

I want.

>Having to rewrite enemy movement code from scratch because you're a fuckwit

I know where I went wrong and how to fix it but I had to lay down for a while.

>wow, males get interested in waifubait more than seeing code
>what a shock
>blame nature

btw googem is a virgin.

Your attitude is a big reason why I don't post progress anymore, "programmers" like you are so bitter and often become shitposters who target devs. Dino girl had actual gameplay in the works but the dev couldn't think of ideas beyond just cooking so noce they made that mechanic they got cold feet.

They did program something though, it wasn't just le furry memes you just have sand in your vagina. Anons getting sandy vaginas over games here is the biggest reason not to share your game with them. What's the point? Your game is better received every else on the net not because of hugbox but because people outside of agdg aren't bitter mental failures when it comes to gamedev.

>Added some physics-based seaweed-dangly things (I'm not entirely sure what sort of plant they're supposed to be).
It kinda reminds me of fucus algae. Although they're supposed to have dichotomic ramifications.
What's your take on AI and dodging by the way ? It seems a little too random judging from the webm.

Also you should add some particle effects (although I'm sure you will) when swimming on the top of the water, otherwise it looks weird.

You're welcome. It's not a particularly hard trick but you have to know some synth stuff to figure it out.
LFOs and simple waveforms are basically how most old videogame sounds were made anyway.


why dont you share with the discord then, I see code there all the time and people actually reply and help. agdg is for webm and shitposting

>it got more attention than me
Rotate tier

>Waah I get no replies

How about making an interesting game?

Are you actually posting webms of your game or what? Cool looking games with programmer art get replies all the time. If your stuff is ignored then it's just bad, art or no art.

>implying he's not on the discord

I'm sure he is, he seems to want to much attention for muh code

Gunna try moeshit and furshit art styles. Guess I'll put it on tumblr and see what sticks. I just don't want to make another shooter that goes on the bland generic shitpile.

I think a big problem is just age and maturity. Some "devs" (wannabe devs) here are too immature to understand simple concepts like not getting jealous and vindictive about other people.

Then again if you look at gogem he has literally shit bagged and attacked many devs here for not giving him a free ride in some way or circlejerking with him and he's 30.


That's pretty decent pixel art i want to see more.

t. aviary attorney dev
t. molerat

>shitposters who target devs
Why would you stop posting because of that? I love when someone gets worked up over my progress, worth a hundred of (you)s.


No no you're right, gogem is 30s but like you said, age and MATURITY, which he has none

imageboards were a mistake, going back to forums where people actually post progress instead of crying because they didn't get enough (you)s, fuck all of (you)

Go to the japanese overlords.

Vendettas here seem to be less than they were in years past.
Boku has taken a lot of shit though.

All the shit Bokudev got was deserved.

I dont know why people shit so much on boku. I mean, he did make game and it has some ok gameplay so whats the problem?

>things every shitposter with an agenda says

Going to a place where you actually have identity and replies mean more to people. sure that'll be better.

>make a huge change to my code without testing it
>fear there'll be a shitload of bugs
>build project
>it works perfectly with no errors

Tell us why some one man dev need to be bullied anonymously on Veeky Forums

He literally made a 5k kickstarter to get free money and run away from the project.

Hes fucking doing some other survival game now instead while changing his fucking name to make money with a new account.

I honestly think boku samefags and shits on himself for attention.
googum and rotate do the exact same thing.
Nobody honestly gives much of a fuck about others in agdg, they inflate their image by doing this and it kind of works, I mean, we are discussing it now.

>just jelly and immature
Correction I just pointed a fact.

The antdev, the java managementdev, the procedural spacedev, all of them had very solid progress and gameplay.
You all didn't bother to reply once to them and they eventually just left. This is what I'm talking about here.

So I find it very hilarious when you then make posts about why we have no progress in the general. You don't want progress, you just want anime walking webms and drama.

samefagging isn't really a thing, sourcepham

Anons who don't make games and aren't mature enough to handle complex emotions like guilt and anxiety or jealousy feel the need to lash out. They are apt at finding things to blame this behavior on
>he triggered me with colors
>he didn't implement the suggestion I gave him
>he got TOO MUCH attention for something I DON'T LIKE

When the real issue is

You need to shill the fuck down, that kickstarter was like a week or two ago, do you expect someone to work 24h/24, 7 days a week on his project? Also, he's still showing updates just not here

>He literally made a 5k kickstarter to get free money and run away from the project.
Oh boy here we go. He's going to make this game happen and now you get to say he ACKTYUALLY RAN AWAY BECUZ HIRED CODERS

I don't like devs who don't code their own games either but I don't let my salt brain short circuit like some of you.

>you just want anime walking webms
Well shit, you saw through me.

Fuck people who make kickstarters and run away with the money.

>get free money
9/10 bait but I feel like you're being serious which is just sad.

Fucking communists all need to be removed from Veeky Forums. You literally can't handle success or even the smell of it.

>Someone in here as some success
no one in their right mind would come back here after doing something.

Doesnt he work on like 5 different games with lots of progress? Does he have time to samefag all day?

Can all of you please stop with all the drama and whining and start posting your progress again?

I have a family to feed here, you egoistic fucks.

>she isn't really convinced she can do a living with digital art
please NO

"do a living" with arts is the worst fuckign idea ever. Go to uni and learn some real shit that is applicable and doesn't leave you starved for contracts. Like seriously, keep art as a hobby

>He fell for the "hard work" over talent meme

>I honestly think boku samefags and shits on himself for attention.
That's mental, friend.
>googum and rotate
One is a tired topic and going nowhere as a dev, the other is fucking irrelevant ancient history who never made anything playable.
What do they have to do with boku? Boku has destroyed both of them as far as progress posting and general gamedev behavior here. He doesn't need to fabricate attention but maybe you want to believe he is doing that. Ask yourself why?

A reminder that googem literally can't physically take people being more successful than him.

Does telling a guy making the game I don't like how I don't like it counts as bullying?
The dislike is not even unanimous, I'm sure not every defense force poster is boku himself and some of you are pleb enough to like his game.