/bdog/ - Black Desert Online General

Kamasaliva when?

>What is BDO?
Black Desert Online is a Korean MMORPG developed by Pearl Abyss. It features non-tab targeted action combat, group pvp, infinite grinding and a pseudo-sandbox experience.

>Latest NA/EU Patch Notes

>Latest KR Patchnotes

>Useful Links, Guides, Guilds & Info

Read the pastebin, Ctrl+F, jfgi before posting.
Many guests passes are available for those that wish to try the game for 7 days.

Previous Thread:

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ERP valk cassardis.imgur.com/
Titty Kuno imgur.com/a/cqiCM
Creepshots imgur.com/a/iY50t
FutaMistress imgur.com/a/2yqvo
Tattoo imgur.com/a/n3eKO
DrowLewds imgur.com/a/9K56C
CutestTamer imgur.com/a/jq06Q
LewdTattooSorc imgur.com/a/7wzsn
Elf#276 imgur.com/a/XkTwf
Horsefucker imgur.com/a/jA4UM
Cyclops imgur.com/a/2zvPG
Milfsorc imgur.com/a/FZmwV
Mayyd imgur.com/a/5W8Qk
Lesbians imgur.com/a/SAByH
Sharky imgur.com/a/Au4nj
Thick imgur.com/a/sti8o
PinkSorc imgur.com/a/ZPPwD
ThickWitch imgur.com/a/MxHKa
BloodElf imgur.com/a/E1JZt

Hello i'm here for the inner cuck ERP test results. Can naki pls give me my grades?

tfw stranded

posting before bump cap

>implying inner cucks and other literal whos don't do just that to ensure trash OPs

guys I posted my nude album CUMpilation again xD pls reply


Reminder the only VG /bdog/ guilds in NA are

ITC and Who

>literally who

All the threads I seen ITC/Who post were at bump limit

Check guild rankings, both above anything in the pastebin. They are just upset atm that they lost previous thread because they got two of their threads deleted.

tbqh I prefer I(T)C and literal Who threads over sadinie trash threads yes

As if that's an indicator of a quality thread. We've literally had gook speak, broken links, and a bunk title to the thread thanks to that whyfu retard and the thread still hit bump limit.

tbqh kys

The thread didn't die once since at least the steam release
Don't try to imply impossible stuff now BDO is popular again for now

Instead of being faggots about it, how about you simply add your guild to the pastebin instead of replacing all guilds with your own.

lmao hippocritical tardinies evaryone

Unsure what you are trying to say, whyfu is obviously from IC a guild that doesn't play the game. Clearly check in game at which guilds actually play the game and which don't

>ITC try to bait their way into relevancy

But it's not a Veeky Forums guild

ITC will always be relevant to laugh at since Vjamal is in their ranks.

Old fag here from YC days, My guild has been dead for 13 months RIP YotsubaCorp But how can you say Sardine and IC are really guilds at all? They haven't actually passed YC and they haven't played in literally forever.

And before you cry that this doesn't prove they aren't real guilds. Guild mission are Combat, Trade, and lifeskilling. So it's literally 98% of what you do in this game (except enchant and few other things.)

So now which are the real guilds and which are the fake dead ones??? I think we all know the answer.

How does durable enhancing affect the old charts floating around?

What did he mean by this?

Forgot image

>So now which are the real guilds and which are the fake dead ones???
This is the kind of shit people from NA are struggling with
Meanwhile in VALOR

The first two are not Veeky Forums guilds.

>somali invader erp rapes white tamers
>valor having any say in /bdog/ guild relevancy

They sure seem to post here a lot and get shitposted by the other two new baby vg guilds a lot. Maybe they just are scared and trying to remove them.

I tried to warn you guys... The more you talk about and reply to Naaki/Whyfu/IC the more likely you are to attract Jamal's guild to start posting

who is jamal?

>Literally who
The banter has been between sardine and inner cucks for going on months now. The only relevancy shined upon these non-Veeky Forums guilds is when that paypiggy vjera gets called out for being a psychopath.

What part of that changes the fact that they aren't Veeky Forums guilds?

Durable enhancing would follow those charts. The other one is new with better rates.

Next you're gonna tell us that Baka is a /bdog/ guild.

They're certainly more of a /bdog/ guild than these literal who's ever were considering baka actually posted OC here and actually recruited here back in the day.

Nah you actually see them on reddit recruiting. While the other two? Not at all. But good try, also jojo is shit. Confirmed for shit taste.
Back when I was in YC it was baka vs YC vs ITC(smug) and sometimes if IC brings 1 or 2 people

It just seems that all these new players don't understand that ITC and Who got tired of ERP and avatar posting so they just left.

Better yet how come Sardine and IC haven't beaten YC it's been 13 months and YC was only alive 2 months.

How can you even call Sardine and IC guilds at this point


>proceeds to reddit space

Baka is a /bdog/ guild- UGHU..!!

I joined Who a few months ago because I saw them post in a thread. Pretty much what I expected from a vg guild that doesn't allow erp/avatar posters.

I knew InbredCucks weren't a real guild.

>playing a cuck class

Sardine and IC getting BTFO by OG vg guild that only played for 2 months

Where my boys in normie guilds at?

Does Valor actually erp? I'd join them if they do.

that's all they do

no, tamers are not for lewd

Aye aye, been in my normie guild since months now comfy and drama-free!

/felmg/ is that way

i will save biggsy from vjamal


Any ballpark figure on the new rates?

I've only the old rates, sorry lad.

But Valor Tamers are very lewd

kinda new here and if this is true how can Inner_circle and Sardine actually be lower then yotsubacorp? The guy said they only played two months. And the other guilds been playing this full time and they are trying to dictate who is and isn't a vg guild? This is pretty sad, I think I'll check out Who and try to join them. Because in the end I don't want to be in literal dead guilds.

no they're not, they're all pure

/bdog/ guilds recruit from Veeky Forums not reddit.

I don't get it.

watch out user, some of us have tried, and they never posted again after

only god can save ITC from the horrors of her grasp

At the off-chance your not some shill-troll, then Who is not a Veeky Forums guild, it's a filthy normie shitter guild

Also, i believe Yotsuba is overall older perhaps? It also entirely depends on whether you node war or not, i believe

>black tamer
>white tamer
>red tamer

every valor tamer ive seen post has been lewd

Can I be a loli in this game?

holy shit

Yeah but the game been out if this post is right 15 months. So one guild can get to 100 points in 2 months and the other takes 15 months and not even get close?? I just talked to a guy in game after I contacted Who and they said Who was YotsubaCorps PvP players who split off because of erpers and avatar posters. So if you combine the score they would be 392.

In the end I don't know what's actually going on but any way you look at it the two guilds inner_circle and Sardine shit posting the other two just looks like they are upset. In the end I just want to play with people who actually play the game.

Not a loli loli but a korean teen idol between 12 and 16 years.

Should I get it for my valk or it is not worth it for this much?

they are being set on the right path, their hearts are pure
>red tamer
isn't in valor though

Get it if you absolutely need it or if it is your last boss item missing. Otherwise, god no.


100k as your last piece to work on or not at all.

>red tamer
>erp'ing with white tamer
>not in valor

Nouver is only bad if you have more than 225AP

>Be EU
>see NA have fun shitposting each other
>wishing I could join
>Finally see someone post guild scores
Wew glad I dodge a bullet there but if I could join NA I wouldn't pick IC or Sardine for sure lol.

how do you know there was erp involved, user?

That's disappointing. I guess I'll go find a different game to consider wasting my life on.

No one does guild quests

Nouver is just bad, or rather not as good as the other offhands.

>implying there wasn't

EU here too. Wish I could join ITC and not Inner_Circle or Sardine!

with some slider skills you can make them look loli enough.

It seems NeoVG shitter guilds are the only ones having a problem in NA.

Looks like they surgically removed the lower part of her face.

Sardine does do guild quests. There was just a bit of a dry spell where they didn't get taken for a while.

to me it just looked like 2 smol tamers having a fun time at the beach, I think you need to get your head out of the gutter

you retards are forgetting the real reason why you should pick a guild

the buffs, and how much you get paid daily

post your guild buffs and what your daily pay is, otherwise we can just assume your guild doesnt play the game

Vangertz or Kutum only.

Sardine can suck my dick. No one does guild quests.

>does do quest
>bit of a dry spell
>losing to a guild that played 2 months
>where you had 15 months to beat them
>J-just a bit of a dry spell
God I feel almost bad for anyone tricked into joining IC/Sardine

>Do quests regularly
>Stop doing them for a few weeks
>Start back up again
>Not a dry spell


For the record YC took in every single person they could at launch and just made them run continuous guild missions so they could be on the first page of guild rankings. There was zero incentive other than pretending it made you a good guild.

who knew a fish would have trouble breathing underwater

Top quality ITC shitposting

I swear Vjera doesn't even try to train her pets probably these days

>forced them to do guild quest everyday
even if this is true
>5 guild missions in a day
>played for 60 days
>300 missions
Now for either of the other two shit vg guilds
>2250 missions
You could have done 1 mission a day and skip 150 days and still be pass them

HOLY SHIT this isn't even funny anymore. I almost feel bad posting this.

>doing guild missions


>not wanting literal free perks for you guild that only takes 30-60mins if you actually play the game.
But once again you should of just said
>playing the game

Because clearly IC and sardine doesn't play this game and for some reason want to control this thread.

this, nobody has replied to my post

Aint nobody got time for that.

>doing guild missions

>guild missions