/rlg/ - Roguelike General

>What to Play
>Individual Game Pastas

Angband 4.1.0 has been released:
New 4.1.0 Oook.cz comp which no one from here will play:
URR (non-)update:

>/rlg/'s shared DCSS online account
User: rlgrobin
Password: ownfault (or "robin" on Xtahua)

>in case /dcssg/ ever wants to play games other than crawl online
roguenex.us/ (CDDA)
angband.live/ (Angband and variants, including PCB)

Previous Thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


>we splatted again

Silence in Demon is pretty good.

Pretty slow evening, huh?

>rlg in charge of playing roguelikes

>Playing a genre based around who can get to the lowest floor (by virtue of rng) and has no real ending

But it's fun.

why would you even have 0 armor skill

even if you're the DEFEist DEFE in existence you can still wear some leather and train it to 5 or something for probably 10% of the cost of another level of conj

Will my spellforged servitor attempt to kill me if I memorize irradiate? Does the servitor cast spells if you are in the blast radius?

It would be fun so you have to assume they do

What are you all playing tonight? I've been playing Demon, albeit now I'm just reading comics.

>caustic shrikes
3 of them took me from full to negatives in like 2 turns
Why do they exist?



Buying CDDA beginner tips, looking to get back into it after being destroyed by a zombie horde and failing to find anything of use.


The alternative is a bigger form of ogre/troll/centaur.

dcss, just like for the last two years

Okay, I'll play DCSS instead!

same to be desu

>want to develop a roguelike
>open world sandbox is too much of a hassle programming-wise
>linear dungeon crawl has been done so many times I don't see any point
Is this why the genre's dead?

It's dead because only Jews and Japs can make good roguelikes.

That and there's barely any audience

I can't beat roguelikes so I'm playing Demon Souls to preserve my self worth. I just got to the maneatersdealing with the shitty framerate and fucked up audio is harder than actually fighting them

>Japs can make good roguelikes

Japs have only made one notable roguelike.

I was only spewing back things I've heard from /rlg/, and Elona is a fine game. That and I unironically liked the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series. That was my entry into this genre, and it's only gone downhill from there.

omega labyrinth

also hengband



Roguelikes can't be notable anyway so that's fine.

the only good roguelike is barony you should kys if you disagree

Never heard of it.

actually, the only good roguelike is katawa shoujo

please stop dying thanks

I really wonder what's up with these drops in activity.

Roguelikes are hard.

Perhaps, but this thread is one of the least active /rlg/ threads I have ever seen.

when will the pcb autists return

where are the current cdda autists

>a shitposter comes into view

I dreamed everyone was posting ponies and the thread was so fast I couldn't keep track of it.

Sounds like a nightmare.

>Kevin's wife is a smug cunt

>when will the pcb autists return

Speaking of which, did the latest PCB update seriously kill everyone's interest in the game?

How fortunate.

Save us Duvessa!

Splatting my level 50 Psion to Ares because of a fatfinger killed my interest in the game.

Why can I shoot 10 independent shots per aut in doomrl but still be forced to take a full aut when I use the wait action?

Because actions which take less than one turn are bad game design.

Ru is love

Elona is quite a league of its own that it might as well be another game genre

died today lads
thoughts on this?

keep trying

With all the issues that have been caused by Kevin being a dummy, can we expect a CDDA fork soon?

We can only hope.

Seriously, ru is fucking based god, so much fun and so fucking good

Cool Days Ahead SOON

thanks for that one bud

Made it out with the squad

Yeah, well balanced with the Drain drawback.

>Crazy Yiuf says, "You came back for me."

Despite Ru making me loveless, Yiuf found a place in his heart for me.

>Made it out with the squad
more like "squid" haha

Just dropped $20 on this to support the dev after pirating. Triggered much?

(also check out my murderbot)

Yeah I'm triggered by that fucking font.

>Triggered much?
It's your money, you can waste it however you want.
You could waste it in some better, more good-roguelike-related way, though. For example, by buying dragon dildoes, female lingerie, vegan food or alphabet magnets for refrigerator.

Cogmind is good though. If you think it costs too much just pirate like you would with any other game, don't act like the game is bad.

>Cogmind is good though.
It isn't.
It tries very hard to stop the player from having any amount of fun, as fun is haram.

I like reading bullshit on the Veeky Forums as much as the next guy but you take to a whole new level.

It's difficult, weird and counterintuitive, and it likes taking away your nice things. But that just makes it all the more satisfying when you end up with a powerful build regardless. I promise you I had lots of fun annihilating enemies with piles of neutron cannons after losing most of my previous build in the proximity caves.


Did you make this?


you don't know?
should I repeat the question?

Who are you again?

I'm not the boss of you now.
I'm not the boss of you now.
I'm not the boss of you now.

I don't know you.

You're a not so big guy


An irrelevant observation. As expected.

why is playing a centaur so fucking boring

Was going Sif Muna for a chance at Staute/Dragon form a bad idea?
I plan to switch to Jyiva if i survive that long, an Octopode has little to lose in terms of body slots and much to gain from benemuts.

Welp, nevermind, i'll just spend the rest of the game regretting my betrayal.

>why is the OP kiting race boring
Because it's OP and kiting is boring

What is Kevin doing

Would anyone familiar with the Shiren/Mystery Dungeon series be willing to compare Shiren 5 to the rest of the series?

I work double shifts these days and barely have the strength to change clothes and shower before passing out. At least today I only work evenings. Hopefully I get only evenings for the rest of the month and next month tbdesu

He majorly fucked up ranged accuracy and now is defending a badly done requirement for painkillers when installing bionics as "working as intended".
Now that someone offered to fix the shitty painkiller requirement by adding a mod that disables it, he went all github.com/CleverRaven/Cataclysm-DDA/pull/21430#issuecomment-315647357

Basically fucking up the game with terrible changes and doing it over and over despite all the github regulars standing as one in support of anyone who opposes his bullshit.

Somehow he manages not to notice that almost everyone dislikes the changes he likes and likes the changes he dislikes.
Or he notices it but decides that NO GODS, NO KINGS, ONLY ME

to be fair he didn't close the issue

so still better than Lennart

Huh. Where did Elf go?
What easy race should I pick for my wizard now?

>to be fair he didn't close the issue
Oh I forgot the part where he closed a PR that was supposed to fix mending body parts not getting broken anew when a mosquito hits them.

What even is the rationale for requiring pain killers? Are they going to require painkillers to cauterize a wound as well?

Are there any roguelikes that you can mod alot?

It went like this:
>installing bionics should take time because it's surgery
>let's also have it cause pain because it's surgery and have that pain affect the roll
>nah, it's enough that you just require painkillers
>the last suggestion gets implemented
So from a realistic idea that would fix morale stacked mass installs, it turned into "lol you can't do it if you don't do drugs first", because doing the good parts would take some work.
So in the name of realism, you need to be on opiates to perform surgery, but the surgery doesn't actually cause any pain.

Brogue as usual.

>tfw I fault and my +8 Staff of Conjuration burns up
First time something like this happened to me. I'm not even mad. I'm proud of the shenanigans I pulled in this run.
But my odds to get past D26 were nonexistent from the start and that's what I really care about after ascending a bunch of times.


Looks tremendously unpolished but maybe fun.

It's full of fantastic ideas and theory. It's also incredibly boring in practice. Kyzrati needs to focus less on delicate systems with slightly different options, and more on making everything unique, because right now it's all very samey and lame.

>randart gold dragon scales on D7
>they're useless because octopode

Page Ten, here I come!!

>bunch of sci-fi shit about robots and technology
Not medieval fantasy, therefore not roguelike and not appropriate for this thread.

I just finished my legit run ( I savescummed on characters I was afraid to lose ) MiBe
Didn't really use any god abilities except on Zot 5 the biggest benefit trog was dropping a bunch of executioners axes. I also had several scrolls of branding so I could rebrand them into something good ( was looking for Vampiric and freezing, only got freezing )
A luck mutation resistance mutation made orbs of fire much less of a threat.

I want to start a caster run but I don't know how to deal with ranged attackers. Do all spellcasters NEED repel missiles to even hope to survive? Even as a beefy melee with tons of HP rock throwers and yaktaur squads still chunk my HP. How to survive as squishy spellcaster?
