League of Legends General - /lolg/

nerfed edition

Other urls found in this thread:

lolking.net/summoner/euw/21949350/Girl Gamer Amy#/matches
euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=girl gamer amy

xth for breast metal waifu

this is a mod approved thread tm

you guys need to calm down

i will not be baited

Stay positive! :)

Let's get this one out of the way so we can recommence with the festivities.

I just got demoted and need to let off some steam. Convince me not to spam top Rengar and abuse his passive.

Hey, how would Corki top be?

I want to pump this WARM and FERTILE Ionian full of cum.

who are good furry champions to play in each lane

I'll calm the fuck down when I stop being so goddamn stupid you autistic mongoloid

xth for MORDE IS NUMERO Best husbando

Anyone wanna duo ranked on NA right now? Silver 3 IGN: olol

this is a mod approved post tm

I know I've only played him 5 times but I feel I should have unlocked this by now

Am I getting ddosed? League of Legends.

be the change you want to see my man
i believe in you
you should believe in yourself

Kill yourself

>we will never get a Sonya equivalent since illaoi fufills the "big girl" slot

funny enough in the Au Sol Lore
the last body Pantheon had before being Atreon was a red-headed female

If you are jungle go
Warrior>BC>GA>MAW>Lord Dominiks with defensive boots of choice

with this build you will make bruisers cry


No need to be like that.


battle against stain tomorrow will be sick

I've been playing a lot of camile, if not that then Illaoi.
I always start shield into him, but why tabi? isnt that better for auto based champs?

On a side not, Is it comonplace for top lane to just be completely ignored?
>play camile, think its against yas top
>turns out its cass top
>get my shit pushed in, cant farm, ocasionnaly get some poke and farm in if she misses the poison
>beg for a gank since shes all the way at my tower
>dont get shit, but her Jungler tries to towerdive me twice

I'm in love with Ms. Buvelle.

She's a world renowned musician who's lore will hopefully be updated soon!

Are you in love with someone user? Tel me about them! Why do you love them?

Fuck you, I'm about to unleash the hype on the top lane.

"normal game"

Is he your favorite jungle monster?

no england is my city.

I like blue buff.

i only play norms

my point still stands

Why doesn't Rengar get nice skins?

how they're awful

Is there a room and password?

>Why doesn't Rengar get nice skins?
becasue hes not an increadible popular cham that would sell skins

Can I ask you guys a very important question

>putting a thing into the game that might make somebody want to play Knifecat


Do your worst.

This is the Baroness of Ionia, say something new about her

why no DD? its 30% bleed + the healing in addition to rhaast passive is pretty nuts

>Trundle get murked by Xin Zhao repeatedly
>"Man I gotta tank up"
>builds Thornmail
>then rushes Botrk

But if I killed this idiot, somehow I'd be the bad guy.

She has qt friends.

She's not dark enough.

>learn wall trick with e on Camille
>still can't beat morde in lane

should i stop trying to beat this guy, i never win

>scofa will never do more league smut

Fuck my shit up into pieces, this is my last resort

Don't be calling corpses cute, that's just gross

>Not wanting a lich gf

Hey Morello didn't know you posted here too.

if you are Kayn top you can substitute Warrior for a DD (although you should still rush BC first)

the dream build on Kayn is DD,MAW,BC,LORD DOM, GA

>Had a theory a while ago on matchmaking
>Hypothesized that if someone dodged, the game would try to find you another queue ASAP and would be more likely to put you as your secondary role
>From that point on whenever someone dodges I cancel the queue then requeue
>Been getting my lane nine times out of ten

Anyone else do this? Or am I just imagining things?

>dont get free promo wins in plat

Who is the meanest and oldest bitch and why is it YoMamma

i want to cum on twtich


guys help

lolking.net/summoner/euw/21949350/Girl Gamer Amy#/matches

liss looks like shaco there, while the other two are relatively pretty

but Camille is pretty

how do i know if i can kill someone

your first problem is that you use lolking

Malzahar x Rek'Sai should be canon.

how many loads do you think Irelia could extract from you before you have nothing left?

euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=girl gamer amy
is this better for you sir?

>adc intents xayah
>hey this might be a go
>top instalocks azir into yorick
God fucking damn it.


Depends on champion, matchups, items, levels, current health, numbers advantage/disadvantage.
Just outplay them bro

I average 3-4 a day, but I could probably get a couple more than that if I put my mind to it.

comfy bfs~

muh dick

Why is this chest so big?!

I'm pretty sure having a ridiculously hot and tight Ionian wrapped around you will entice a few more loads out than you'd get on your own

Genetics, nothing more

>Try out this Chogath jungle shit that niggas keep telling em so much about
>Mfw i have 4000 health at level 12 building only Cinder hulk + Warmog rush
>I can either go Stone born to heal my team for a gorillion health or Grasp to deal a gorillion damage

Needless to say his ganks are dog shit / mediroce at best but holy shit mang, Cinder Hulk scales so nice with Chogath it is not even funny.

It is fucking hilarious popping a ten gorillion Solari shield for your whole team


SO, when will they give Soraka the newest Pentakill skin?

Naturally. I wouldn't stop till consciousness left me.

Soraka already has an edgy skin. My guess is that the new Pentakill member, if they add one, will be Sion.

Then were is Sonas mom and why is she famous for having a megachest?

haven't played this in a while. What's this news about runes going away?

what if she keeps going after you pass out

Sona has a dark and mysterious past. She was an orphan left at birth, and Riot will never say why because their lore team is absolute garbage thanks to their policy of switching in new people constantly for the sake of "keeping things fresh xd"

Xth for Akali.

I'd die a happy man.



nah, she wouldn't let you die, otherwise she can't start again when you wake up

Then how are they going to explain the female singer? Sona grows a voice?

Plus Tear of a Goddess kinda fits into Soraka, being out she was a goddess of sorts too

I love Lissandra!
Um user, you are forgetting she's a zombie right. You can't impregnate her
sure add me

Coolest guy!
I'm really bored again!!

I like a challenge.

>Irelia rose at the brink of death
Sounds like she almost died but is still alive and well.

For those of you unaware, Draven's old passive was a bleed effect that applied whenever he landed a spinning axe on a target or a critical strike. The passive dealt 30 + (4 x level) over for 4 seconds.

Now, this doesn't seem like a lot, and it really isn't. The problem was that unlike literally every other DoT in the game, it didn't exactly refresh.

Let's say level 1, does 34 damage, 8.5 damage per second. If you are hitting the enemy with Spinning axes, you start the bleed and it ticks one for 8.5 damage, then hit them again, that 25.5 damage you had for the first bleed gets added, so your passive now deals 59.5 damage over the duration. You let that tick once for ~15 damage, before applying another spinning Axe. You know have 78 damage over four seconds. At level 1.

Three spinning Axes, 135% of your AD + 300% for the three autos, + 102 damage from the bleed.

Can you guys please Write me some gurosmut? I'll gift as usual

Crack ships, you love to hate them but you can't live without them

Which one do you love and why?

Ok Tyler1, go back to your hehe xd streams

Is it worth it to roll a fresh account? Does your MMR get fucked up that badly?

kled btfo

>play top
>camile, jayce, renecton
>its lucky that fiora is gone
>you either play some tanks or will got bullied or outscaled


With who?

This is a thing, Good girl and Bad Girl is a real thing.

>you either play some tanks or will got bullied or outscaled
You're the reason top lane isn't fun

It's easy to fix your MMR even if it's fucked. Just take a break from league, study streamers that main the role you do, and try to learn what to do better in league. You'll start to win more games once you improve yourself.

If it's a fresh account, your skill will still transfer and maybe you'll go up a few divisions, but you will still hit the same skill ceiling.