
>Reach out
>Best practice
>Industry leader
What other Veeky Forums lingo words piss you the fuck off?

Pic related

Other urls found in this thread:

>company culture

Smoke test
Ping me
What's on your plate
I have bandwidth
Really positive conversation
Consumer of x

Moving forward
Touch base
In due course

>personal brand

'The Cyber' - anyone over 50 trying to discuss IT security.
I know it's all but accepted by most but boy oh boy does it still violently trigger me internally sitting in on meetings where the old fucks say it.

>Hey Boss Bossington, look at all your pathetic wagecucks complain about the jobs
>"haha what a bunch of fucking losers" "YOURE FIRED"

Those aren't "Veeky Forums lingo" you moron, do you just hate the english dictionary?

>Lean six sigma

big data
"hacked via DDoS attack"
"strongly hashed using md5"

Link related:

>Getting triggered to words
When will nu-males finally kill themselves?


used to work for the federal govt and this one was a huge buzzword. literally anything my boss didnt like was considered insubordination

"robust" and "best practice" are good ones

disrupt x market



>Let's take this chat offline
especially spoken during a meeting

Top tech talent

Didn't realize how much of a shitword it is until recently. Anyone who says this has no fucking clue about what they're talking about.

ITT: triggered autists


tfw too autistic to have a solid corporate "Personal Brand"

>Ping me


>Ping me
>Touch base
>THE ...

Just ask me if I'm busy cunt



