/owg/ Overwatch General

Dead General Edition
World cup

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[YouTube] Developer Update | Introducing Doomfist | Overwatch (embed)

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My love for Tracer will never die.

What was the point of waiting until the 27th to release Fisto?

Hanzo is made for dickings

post ending in 8 picks who I buy a gold gun for and decide to solo use this entire season

no snipers


Once again: if you suck, don't make OPs! It's as simple as that!

Don't mind me, just worst map coming throug


>mei with black hair


I require Amélie


What the fuck do I need to do to carry a team

I can not believe I'm arguing with someone right now over the fact Sym shouldn't be buffed.
I've mained her since closed beta and I still don't think she should be buffed, that's how fucking fucked this community is, the fact a main has to be like " uhh that's a bit much"

>Play drunk
>do several times better than sober


go back to S2 and main Reaper/Roadhog and beg your healer to be Ana


I saw a masters rank dedicated Bastion main today while in QP

torbjorn 8


clever man.






>Mercy mains defending themselves in the youtube comment section

is there anything more pathetic?



There is literally no difference between a Silver and Masters Mercy player. Maybe there are differences at the GM level, but I doubt it.


>don't keep up steady healing
>person dies in two seconds before you can swap back effectively

She's a dedicated healstick, if her target is in the line of fire and ulting (pharah, soldier) it's better to overheal than risk them dying while damage boosting

>Grandmaster mercy here

Probably boosted. Everyone knows overhealing is useless unless you know for sure there is going to be an ult thrown your way.

>no summer event leaks
Shit. SHIT!


Confirming their relationship would be great PR. It would give the game more visibility and bring in new players.

Post your best Widowmaker pics!

>healslut won


What is the saltiest rank and why is it platinum?

The 'romance' is gonna be Reaper having a crush on Ana, and not wanting to kill Jack because she cares for him and that would permanently sour her view on him

cap this I will be right

Did you see the backlash from the Tracer thing? A single female homo is nothing compared to what two "suddenly gay lol" male characters, it would absolutely sink the game

OW is in no position to be making waves, tons of pros and average players alike are dropping the game. Tumblr shit maybe temporarily boost player base for a bit, but it won't do anything for the pro scene and will end up turning more people off than not.

Seriously, I'm actual gay myself, but enough is enough

People think they're better than Gold.
(They're not.)


Not good enough to be diamond, but good enough to see why everyone is shit

>Did you see the backlash from the Tracer thing?

to be fair the 'outrage' lasted like a week and has no actual impact on people leaving the game compared to dive

It's the official elo hell rank. The game places too many people there, with varying skill levels, making it an incredible slog to get past.

One of the things I despise the most about this fucking game is the fandom. God fucking dammit the fandom is cancer. Its literally Tumblrinas and muh diversity bait. One of my pals thats Gold IN PS4 aka a shitter got into one of these Cuckbook groups. Blackwatch they call it, cringe as fuck. Full to the brimm with fucking furries and faggots. Jesus tapdancing christ they once said that Mercy requires skill lmao. That page is a literal mounstrosity and if you ever come across it dont touch it. The fat cunts that run the page are disgusting hypocrites and furries that ship PharMercy for some god forsaken reason. Dont touch this "Blackwatch" facebook shit, you´ll just wish for the sweet release of death

>Go on any given booru
>Check character tag for a female
>1000+ Pieces of good lewd art
>Sub 500
I will forever be mad

Times a week by a 100, easily.
Gay females are much, much, much accepted than gay dudes, and now you wanna introduce two gay dudes on top of the gay chick?

You're a fucking idiot if you don't think that won't negatively impact the game, regardless if you want it or not, you need the critical thinking skills to at least see that.

I can't read this my eyes are literally crossing

>The 'romance' is gonna be Reaper having a crush on Ana

lol, how?

It would not effect the pro scene. It will decline because of content regardless. Jeff is killing it through his need of bottle necking updates. What will kill the game is if the main player base loses interest. Believe it or not, it's the people who are invested in the lore. A majority of the new content that's requested is lore based. Uprising was, and still is, the most successful event. It peaked numbers and increased revenue.

Not just Chu confirmed there are going to be more gay heroes. The stories just need to be told.

>OW is in no position to be making waves
Actually, this is the perfect time. The game is going to stagnate now that Doomfist is here. The slope where interest declines is hitting us now. We're right at the start of it.

Also I think it's utterly insane that you think the sexual orientation of the characters in the game is somehow going to ruin esports. What the hell is going on in your head m8?

>You're a fucking idiot if you don't think that won't negatively impact the game

calm the fuck down literal faggot I'm not R76 fag. the same people who bitched and whined about diversity ended up back in the game anyway, and Le Pro Ebinsports doesn't care enough to drop a game because one's gay

I agree with you that they are not going to make R76 canon, I presume it will be Hanzo because his VA is actually gay which makes it harder for gamer boys to cry 'BASELESS DIVERSITY PANDERING' and his VA doesn't go to cons so no harassment

There was bitching about Tracer being lesbian, there was bitching about Genji and Mercy being hinted an item.

You should get that checked out my dude

I'm allergic to edgy buzzword fountains

> Le Pro Ebinsports doesn't care enough to drop a game because one's gay

Yes I literally said in my it won't do anything for the pro scene.

>. the same people who bitched and whined about diversity ended up back in the game anyway

Considering how downhill the playerbase is going, I don't know why you're so confident in that assumption.

We make up like 3% of the entire fucking planet, it would absolutely be seen as pointless pandering to have two out of your like 20 characters be gay.

One made news
one didnt

how to get better as Bastion?

I could see gay Hanzo for sure. In fact, I'm pretty sure he's the only character I've seen who never gets shipped with women.

doomfist and summer games tomorrow right?


>thinks gays are 3%

oh I see you're a self-hating gay

>Considering how downhill the playerbase is going

it's not because tracer's gay, it's because the game isn't fucking fun right now and releases content updates at a ludicrously slow pace, we've established this and bitched about it threads far more than tracerfag bitching, and Veeky Forums is fag hate central

>who never gets shipped with women
Shipping doesn't matter. Not in the least bit. Several ships have been killed already and Tracer being gay was decided on the moment Metzen helped develop the character. He pushed for the game to be progressive right out of the starting gate in fact.

>self hating gay

I am absolutely not in the slightest bit, and I'm not sure why my citing the 3% thing makes you think that?
Are small populations lesser people to you? So you're projecting that on to me?

>it's not because tracer's gay,

I never said that.
Basically I was saying you have no evidence to support the idea the people who bitched about it ended up coming back.

I know, I'm just saying that it'd probably work out. Might go a lot smoother than Tracer did at any rate.

No matter who the next gay is, it won't be smooth. In fact, the more PR it generates the better.

What's the longest you play overwatch in a session? For some reason I can't stomach more than one hour right now.

> the more PR it generates the better.

Unfortunately, Jeff, not in this situation.
Please take some business classes before parroting meme quotes.

They both made news. One was just using tumblr as a source.

>It would not effect the pro scene. It will decline because of content regardless. Jeff is killing it through his need of bottle necking updates.

Why does Jeff want updates to be so slow? His bullshit about giving players time to digest new content is false. No one wants time to digest content.

Dropped it. Come to this threads to see losers arguing over which fictional character needs to fuck another fictional character over the internet

Being homosexual is fairly common in the animal kingdom, and we're not immune to that. Being gay is illegal, hated and/or punishable by death in tons of countries, so it's ludicrous to claim any sort of hard statistic on it because people blatantly lie to protect themselves. The fact that it's slowly becoming less hated and allowed (Germany, Madagascar) and the fact more and more people are openly identifying as being bi/gay isn't a coincidence

literally moot, just saying that 'only 3%' is a very low and improbable statistic if only looking at homosexuality rates in other animals that show homosexuality at all

>you have no evidence to support the idea the people who bitched about it ended up coming back.

someone on imgur took that GAYS RUINED CHRISTMAS youtube video and went back to the forums and found new posts by a lot of the name-n-shamed people in the video indicating they had not lived up to their promise of quitting 5ever

I had a really good day today. Someone complimented me and thanked me. It put me in a good mood for the rest of the evening.

How was your day user? Did you have some good games? Were your team mates nice?

I think there's a pretty significant difference between "X is gay" and "REEEEEEEE X IS GAY I'M UNSUBSCRIBING" in terms of PR, though.

Animal homosexuality =! human homosexuality

Nice try though.

It's pretty easy if you don't have an 800ms reaction time. You can also damage boost projectiles right before they land and keep it on healing the rest of the time, but that's way too demanding for the average gm mercy main.
There is. The mercy mains in diamond and below are mind blowingly bad. Like the absolute worst players in any game I've ever seen. They literally just stand still out in the open and hold m1 on full hp tanks the entire game, that's how bad you have to be to play mercy and not be GM.

... because you say so?

Aight, self-hate away faggot

"Homosexual animals" are incredibly different than a homosexual human.
Animals that fuck the same gender usually do it as a form of domination to assert themselves or because there just aren't females around.

There was a story back about some gay lions and the research had to come out multiple times and remind people that the moment a female came around the lions instantly lost interest in one another despite the fact they were fucking that day.

Fags need to kill themselves desu

I fucking suck at OW, should I play pick only DPS in comp and basically lose all my games and drop rank until I git gud enough to climb back or try to get better in some other game mode? I'm tired of losing as a support main because I can't rely on others in my team and am at a season low because of it.

>Unfortunately, Jeff, not in this situation.
There is no "bad" LGBT fueled PR

If you actually believe there is you're the one that needs to look at the business aspect of it. The only way you could do it wrong is make it too transparent. You want people to notice. It's a cycle. Negative reaction always feeds the positive, more vocal reaction to this kind of content. The PR you want that celebrates your decision.

Likewise, you seem to only look at certain forums for opinions. Not the broader picture of news outlets that will always report positively to these types of developments. It sells itself.

Though you do also have animals like swans that display homosexuality, mate for life and drive off any other contenders, opposite gender or otherwise

I really doubt they will make two of the most visible characters, who are both posterboys for the game, gay. They will keep teasing R76 for the fujobucks but confirmation is unlikely.

I think the leading candidates were Hanzo and Rein, with Roadhog as a dark horse.

Because I'm not an ignorant twat.
>although homosexual behavior is very common in the animal world, it seems to be very uncommon that individual animals have a long-lasting predisposition to engage in such behavior to the exclusion of heterosexual activities. Thus, a homosexual orientation, if one can speak of such thing in animals, seems to be a rarity.

-Queer Science: The Use and Abuse of Research into Homosexuality. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press. p. 207.

>Aight, self-hate away faggot
Literally not a fucking argument, Jesus. Stop projecting onto me. I have no doubt openly sucked more cocks in public than you'll ever see in your life, not even fucking joke.


No matter who you make gay this will happen regardless. There is no winning if you want to somehow "tone" that reaction down. There is no way to judge it other than forum posts. And when people are angry they are loud and angry. You have to look at the actual figures.

>Not Lucio

Also they will not make the junkers their first (probably only) blizzard gay males, too much bad PR with them being criminals, insane, and murderers

Symmetra is bae

This one's my favorite.

I'm not saying animals can't be gay, but to say "homosexual animals are common" is just misleading because it's two very different things for us and them.




Tracer being gay spawned massive, positive PR for Blizzard though, because hating gays is out in journalism and had people piling on 'da haterz' to show their support

honestly if you're willing to ragequit because a fictional character is gay you were probably a toxic thrower anyway, comp will improve, only good will come of it

Diamond is worse
Literally dps mains everywhere who think theyre hot shit and can pubstomp QP shitters by themselves but spill spaghetti in ranked

Not him, but I'd discount Lucio only because if anything he seems like the most likely trans character if they have one.

>Also they will not make the junkers their first (probably only) blizzard gay males, too much bad PR with them being criminals, insane, and murderers
Agreed. Roadhog I could see because at least his backstory is kind of sympathetic, but not Junkrat, and definitely not both of them. Honestly even Roadhog is kind of doubtful since Blizzard's apparently going full le wacky comic relief duo with them.

My point being that Overwatch is going to need a PR boost in the coming months now that Doomfist is done. Doomfist was the click bait grab that, honestly, Blizzard could have kept dangling on a fishing line for a few more months. People were eating that shit up.

Now that he's here, we're going to hit a lull. There is no more grab.

Most embarassing community of any game.

Roadhog being gay would humanize him, like maybe he lost his gay lover in the explosion. It wouldn't make the Junkers gay either, just him. Roadhog would never have to bring it up. It's a safe option. The gay character is going to be a less liked character, to minimize the fallout.

I don't know that I'd call Roadhog safe compared to Hanzo, or even Reaper or 76, but I get what you mean.

Undertale? Pokemon? Kingdom Hearts?

Too transparent. It would be a complete waste from a business perspective. You also run the risk of generating bad PR by slapping that label on a character who is described literally as a mass murderer on his bio.

Still thinking Hanzo would be the safest because of his VA's sexuality and lack of attendance/online presence. Roadhog already has liking cute things and stealing plushies to humanize him, plus his VA attends cons and is part of the 'gaming' community.

I also want it to be Hanzo so little kids will go EW GAY and stop picking him