ABS brakes

What's your opinion on ABS brakes?

I just got a new car with them and I got to use the brakes for the first time with the snow and the car would simply not stop. And I mean, I was going around 20km/h, but when I had to suddenly brake, the car just kept sliding. And it was not the snow, it was the brakes, the wheels were not stopped. Had to swirve right into a snow bank to stop it.

Is this shit normal? Just feels like something's skipping (I know it's the calipers going on and off rapidly) when you try to brake hard, and it really feels like shit. You don't feel in control of the car at all.

So, any thoughts on ABS? Am I doing something wrong? You experiences, etc.

abs is a stupid meme

>be driving up a steep tight country lane in autumn britbong last year
>wet leaves and mud everywhere
>v slippery
>modern landrover comes the other way down the hill towards me a bit fast
>he brakes
>i can see the wheels locking and unlocking
>just rolles right up to the side of my shitbox and stops just in time for a split second
>wheels continue locking and unlocking a few times more even though he was stopped
>bumps into my car and keeps going down the hill till hes off the wet leaves

if he didnt have abs he would have locked his wheels and come to a stop or he could have braked gently like you should and come to a nice controlled stop

im pretty young and like computers but i like that shit out of my car, i dont need a calculator to decide how to brake for me

Yeah same. I'm legit rolling with my hand on the handbrake now. At least that does what it's supposed to do, no bullshit.

ABS will stop you as fast as your car can without locking the wheels

Locking the wheels slows you down SLOWER than if your wheels don't lock, thus the laws of physics regarding friction

In your situation you were stopping as fast as your car could, you would NOT have stopped ANY faster if your brakes locked or you didn't have ABS

you guys are fucking idiots, using the hand brake stops you slower

>im pretty young and like computers but i like that shit out of my car, i dont need a calculator to decide how to brake for me
Anecdotes don't count for much. It's like saying seatbelts are shit because you knew a guy who flew out of the windshield and landed safely in a haypile instead of smashing his face into his steering wheel. You're not as in control as you think you are, and you'll more likely get into a braking situation at some point in your life where ABS is the factor between writing off the car or replacing a bumper cover.

you guys are fucking idiots, you brake slower when your wheels lock not faster.

His tires locking wouldn't have stopped him

You can't even steer if your wheels are locked

Holy fuck you have to be American, the hand brake is for parking you absolute fucking moron.
how have you not crashed and died in all these years of slamming your foot on a brake like a gorilla and locking the wheels before you got this car with ABS?

Tfw no ABS '90 cb7 with cooper cs5 ultras
Tfw i still stop faster than retards in crossover who go 20 under the moment the feel the breeeze tickle their asscheeks
Just fucking pulse your brakes your fucking mongs.

Hes fucking retarded and thinks ABS isn't good


I don't use them in sim racing games but why wouldn't you in real life?
Why risk your fucking life and your car just so you can say you don't need them? you fuck up once on a track and you're in the grass prob going 80+.

ON the highway do you really want all those idiots to not have them?

No you don't, ABS will always stop you faster

>stop faster than retards in crossovers
maybe because their cars are heavier and you have better tires or you're lighter or a combination of the 3?

I'm personally very skeptic of ABS; Is there anyway to make it lockup (on th fly)? Like if you stomp the brakes hard enough will it lock up?
Because sometimes I need to lock the wheels up, it's saved me, let me give you an example:

>oversteer mid or late corner
>car is now pointing towards the inside barrier
>going to end up hitting
>lock brakes
>car skids on straight

I saw 1hr compilation of Norschleife crashes the other day and 80% of crashes were like this - car pointing the wrong way coming out of a corner - and I thought to myself: Is it the ABS?
Because all they'd have to do is jump on the brakes and they'd skid straight on.

but seriously how the fuck did he get through life actually thinking locking the wheels stops you faster?
He is probably why the government locks the wheels to determine braking distances... because fuck stains like him will actually lock the wheels....
This guy is either one of the most retarded cunts on Veeky Forums or a brilliant b8 lord.

>but seriously how the fuck did he get through life actually thinking locking the wheels stops you faster?
Someone who didn't understand physics said some nonsense. Him being the idiot he is believes it and regurgitates it again.

This thread is bait and AIDS. Who the fuck doesn’t have ABS and doesn’t know how to use it? It isn’t a fucking cyborg in the car it’s merely a sensor observing speed and a switch. Fucking mongs acting like you just stepped foot in a self driving tesla..

Why not just learn how to control a car instead of panicking, letting off the throttle and hitting the brake?
probably would have got it back around if you just feathered the throttle and kept throwing it.

No, ABS will always stop you faster than locking your wheels

Why would you ever want to lock your wheels?

Locking the brakes means you can't steer. That might be an improvement for YOU, but let's not generalize.

I'm driving on $400 all seasons and have drum brakes in the rear. ABS wont do anything that pulsing your brakes wont. Plus my brake pedal isnt autistically sensitive like most modern cars so i don't hit the skidz by farting in it's direction.

>I have (the worst possible combination of shit) and my anecdote makes me a pro

ABS will keep you at the maximum friction threshold, you pulsing your brakes will never come close.

A car with ABS will always stop faster than an equal car without

>ABS wont do anything that pulsing your brakes wont
No shit. Computers also happen to be better at pulsing the brakes than you are.

like the only place i could ever see ABS being useless is on soft sand, then yeah sure, locking your brakes is going to build a bank of sand up in front of each tyre, still not going to be able to turn though.

I bet your car takes twice as long to come to a stop from 60mph as mine does if i use half of my brakes.

A person still programs the computer. It isnt infallible

oh so the 1/10000000 chance your car's ABS goes out and a light comes on your dash saying it doesn't work. Man maybe I should go get it serviced or something

>ABS will stop you as fast as your car can without locking the wheels

It approaches the ideal braking strength (implying there is such a thing), oversteps that braking strength (by locking up), then backs off to a safe braking strength (needs to be extra safe to get wheels and possibly even your drivetrain rolling again), then starts the process all over again.

A system like this will never provide perfect braking, it's inherently designed to be imperfect - but such a high functioning imperfect as to be better than what most imperfect people can brake.

ABS is great when it isnt used as a crutch to fix a shitty breaking system.

A system like this will ALWAYS stop faster than locking up your wheels

Nothing I said was wrong.

A car with ABS will ALWAYS stop faster than a car that has locked wheels

It pulses and checks that your wheels aren't locked some couple million times a second.

Its far more perfect than you think you are pulsing your foot

Does it really though?


Ff = μN

Where N is the Force in Newtons and u is the coefficient of friction.

There are two kinds of frictions, kinetic and static, static coefficients are always higher than kinetic coefficients. Always. It doesn't make sense that an object sliding requires more force to move than one that isn't moving.

Fucken busriders......

I thought I explained sometimes you can get your car into a position where gripping up is not the best trajectory, go watch Nordschleife compilations - they back off, feather the throttle, grip up and the back end comes around and smashes into the guard rail.

I just gave you an example of a situation in which you may prefer to lock your wheels.

-t. busrider who's never pushed boundaries and gotten into sticky situations (and gotten back out of them again)

where the fuck are you pulling handbrakes from?
i never mentioned the handbrake once

you guys arent reading it right
he was stopped and the abs kept trying to unlock the wheels and making him keep rolling down the hill

abs isnt smart
it might work fine on dry tarmac but it has no idea how to deal with slippery surfaces or hills

this is why ops car wouldn't slow down exactly the same as the landrover cunt

also this
for doing racing shit you definitely want to have control of your brakes manually unless you have some super touchy brakes

i cant be bothered to read the rest of the replys, i dont understand how you guys are getting handbrakes and shit from my comment, and yes im aware locking the wheels stops worse but thats still better than them spinning freely when you dont want them to.

>I just gave you an example of a situation in which you may prefer to lock your wheels.
No you never want to lock your brakes ever

Your situation would not been any better if your wheels locked

Holding the brakes (no pulsing) on the point of traction will stop you as fast as your car can.
Not that it's something anyone is likely to do, particularly for the entire speed gradient.

>he was stopped and the abs kept trying to unlock the wheels and making him keep rolling down the hill
Thats not how it works you dumb faggot.

>for doing racing shit you definitely want to have control of your brakes manually unless you have some super touchy brakes
No you never want that, His situation is fucking retarded and doesn't make any sense and it would never have been better if the wheels locked

You can't turn or change direction if your wheels are locked, it is NEVER beneficial to have them locked.

>it has no idea how to work on slippery surfaces
It maintains your traction, locking your wheels or not having ABS wouldn't magically make it better

Why are you such a room temperature brainlet? Why don't you understand fucking physics?

i drove in the snow this morning too and did not even know my car had ABS until now. I thought the first gen Mazda3 2009 didn't have ABS, i had the GS model too. RIP, i wanted to try and drift/slide in the parking lot too but all I got was understeer going straight.

>Holding the brakes (no pulsing) on the point of traction will stop you as fast as your car can.
congrats thats what ABS does to keep you in control of your car and stop as fast as possible

every nigga whom took physics knows dat equation; it don't prove yo point by it self.

>still better than them spinning freely when you dont want them to.
No they aren't spinning freely, you are fucking retarded. ABS pulling back on your brakes doesn't magically make them "freely spinning", brake pressure is still applied

my 25 year old truck with no ABS stops faster on ice and snow than my friend's 2012 RAV4
fuck off benchracer

again it might work fine on dry tarmac but the computer doesnt undertand what surface you are on

it definitely doesnt help you on slippery hills
the landrover literally couldnt stop because the abs wouldnt let the brakes stay on, im assuming it thought the car was still sliding after it had stopped

ive had incidents locking my wheels up by accident from panic braking but it doesnt take a retard to let off the brakes a little to regain the traction, that works far better than the computers method

god i see now why american tb always uses shitty cgi demonstrations of things so you moruns understand

fuckit maybe im wrong and he was just jabbing at his brakes himself, but i dont see why he would do that so it could only have been the abs doing it

>wow completely different cars
>with completely different wheel bases, tire sizes, tire compounds, tire contact surface area, different brakes, vehicle weights and weight distributions and tire sizes.
>wow another retarded anecdote that proves nothing I said wrong at all in any way.

>again it might work fine on dry tarmac but the computer doesnt undertand what surface you are on
it doesn't need to know. The surface doesn't matter as much as the ability to maintain traction matters.

>it definitely doesn't help you
yes it does, it stops your wheels from locking so you maintain control all the while applying just enough braking force to stop your car as fast as possible

>ABS wouldn't let the brakes stay on
NO, your anecdote is literal fake bullshit, the ABS stopped the car's wheels from locking, locking is the WORST.

>still sliding after it stopped
if its sliding then its not stopped faggot. You can't be moving if you're stopped

>I've had retarded anecdotes
your anecdotes aren't fucking real if they're defying the laws of physics you room temperature IQ idiot.

>god i see now why american tb always uses shitty cgi demonstrations of things so you moruns understand
>fuckit maybe im wrong and he was just jabbing at his brakes himself, but i dont see why he would do that so it could only have been the abs doing it
You're wrong on all accords, none of what you said make sense


That's literally not how it works.

If his forward momentum is to the left, braking with ABS wouldn't magically make him fly straight into the wall.

Yes it is, ABS stops you from locking what don't you fucking understand. Not locking gives you control. There is no instance where you would be able to pump your brakes better than the ABS would and no instance where you would stop faster

its a classic drifting technique
locking up the wheels makes the car slide rather than heading in the direction its pointing

ABS doesn't stop your hand brake from working

Every car has a parking brake of some sort.

Tires tractions is heading towards the wall, if left in traction you will hit the wall, even if you do grip up in time the back end will swing around and hit the wall.

If you haven't seen this scenario you probably haven't watched enough hard driving or done enough yourself.

fuckit i give up you morons win

id have to make a fucking recreation to make you retards understand

go ahead use abs all you want

Git gud u fucking retard

>Tires tractions is heading towards the wall,
But all the velocity and momentum is to the left?
He'd still slide in that direction, only a forward force would push him into the wall.

>you haven't watched enough shit that makes me an expert on this stupid shit happening

t. a bunch of retards defy physics and suggest that retarded public nurburgring drivers would be saved if they didn't have ABS

Here's how to use ABS to stop fast:
>Stomp brake pedal until it starts jumping around and making noise
>Progressively let off and then adjust pressure until there are only occasional jumps, like once per second or less
Congratulations, you are now threshold braking like a pro racing driver by using ABS to tell you exactly where your tires lock up and staying just below that point.

>doesn't understand that wheels can lose traction and still apply force in the direction they are spinning (until you go past 90 degrees)

I learn't this at 10 years old by playing with HotWheels, you're not particularly smart are you?

Brakes with abs or not only stop as good as your tires can grip the road.

>>doesn't understand that wheels can lose traction and still apply force in the direction they are spinning (until you go past 90 degrees)
only if they roll, even then if they're severely angled only a fraction of the traction is even there is even any static force in that vector.

You're fucking retarded if you think your erroneous made up scenario where a car is magically flying parallel to a wall suddenly gains traction via ABS while braking and suddenly slams a wall

>only if they roll
Remind me again what the function of ABS is?

>even then if they're severely angled, only a fraction of the traction is giving any static force in that vector
IE fucking nothing

Without ABS your brakes lock. When this happens you lose all control of the car. You skid and can't steer. If you were turning when this happened you would skid off the road.
With ABS you stop as fast as physically possible without losing control of the vehicle.

There...mystery solved. Plus anyone who has ever suddenly locked up brakes for an emergency stop will choose ABS brakes if they have a choice.

Check the angle of the front wheels, I included it in the illustration for a reason.

Every winter there's a dagumi troll who can stop while maintaining control by somehow exerting psychic powers over the brakes individually.

>Without ABS your brakes lock

This is what idiots actually believe......

No your illustration is fucking trash. First his momentum is all PARALLEL to the fucking wall, no amount of slight traction from the front wheels is going to fling that car into the wall if the wheels roll. This is why your entire premise is fucking retarded

>when this happens
which is never, this would never happen in any way or practical or real sense

You made up some fictitious scenario where this retarded thing happens and a car is flying at who knows how fucking fast parallel to a wall and will suddenly slam into the wall if his wheels roll for a second

If you take two of the same car and try and stop them from 60mph as fast as possible, one has ABS the other doesn't, the car with ABS will stop faster.

prove me wrong

Why don't you leave this discussion for the grown ups who have actually driven a car. You obviously haven't a clue.

In fact if you give these vectors some numbers, I could calculate and tell you how much force those tires are pushing the car towards the wall and then tell you how much momentum it adopts while doing so.

But you won't and can't because you made up some stupid shit and insisted that it be treated with all respects and affirmations of a real life scenario.

>First his momentum is all PARALLEL to the fucking wall
Every meter those angled tyres are scrubbing off more and more speed, the momentum grows weaker and their traction stronger, grip up is imminent.

>You made up some fictitious scenario
I've lived it and I've seen countless crashes on the Norsdschleife that could have been avoided deploying the same technique as myself.

provide some numbers, and not some fucking retarded exacerbated numbers that wouldn't make sense because you're really good at that.

you're retarded, this has never happened. You can't cite a single source where the practical application would have existed

>no proof

>provide some static numbers in an ever varying situation with a multitude of factors involved

I'm not sure you're smart enough for this discussion yet ironically you think you are too smart.

-t. Busriders

There exists scenarios in which your momentum is carrying you in a safe direction yet your tires grip is not, if you're too inexperienced to have ever witnessed or lived these scenarios that's on you.

Learn how to drive you stupid faggot and then maybe you dont have to change your line mid turn

>ur not smart enough
oh but you're smart enough to invent some stupid shit, claim its real, then use an anecdote and "MUH EYES" and expect to be taken seriously.

>tires grip
the coefficient of friction is not a vector you retard.

>makes claim
>I'm too good for that, I have these amazing ANECDOTES
>its real because I said so I'm an expert, my ANECDOTES make me experienced
k lmao

You sacrifice some stopping disntance for control.

now as far as snow, get winter tires. I drove the same vehicle with abs and without on the same tires in the snow, and trust me, you want abs.

You are right, but I think whoever thinks otherwise should actually get in some vehicles and see for themselves. Lots of guys with no experience talking out of their asses here.

-t. never pushed a car hard

Sometimes you get your car into positions you'd never expect, ask any race car driver, but how you get out of those situations is key - which is why I question ABS.

If you're too inexperienced to recognise the scenario I'm talking about and stupid to extrapolate it - that's on you champ.

Thanks for proving to everyone that you have no proof of your made up scenario, that you have no evidence for, that you can't even provide anything but "I have anecdotes"

congrats, throw it on your resume, you're a hero

>see illustration

Give it a go.

>see ridiculous illustration
>extrapolate that a specific thing is gonna happen
>point out the ridiculousness of the scenario and demand examples and proof
>get nothing but shitposting "its real because I'm experienced" nonsense

>live scenario
>explain it in drawing
>user is too stupid to understand
>claims said scenario is fictitious

Believe what you want, I really don't care, cya mate.

Not him (or OP) but is there anything wrong with using the handbrake if you want to lock the wheels on a surface with bad grip to slide the car around?

I'm not much of an Veeky Forums regular and only started driving manual ('06 Impreza, the boring non-turbo type) a year or so ago, but I've fucked around in parking lots in the snow and generally used the handbrake to initiate a slide. It's all been low-speed, but is there something wrong with using the handbrake in a car with ABS when you do want to lock the rear wheels?

In fact, any solid explanation of the mechanics at play here would be welcome.

this is retarded. I have been in this exact situation without abs. As soon as i let off the brakes and the tires gained traction, the car turned away from the wall (side walk in my case). LOCKING THE BRAKES IS BAD IN ALL SCENARIOS.

Moronic. You are just so stupid.

Abs will always stop faster than a full skid, and not everyone, most people, arent as autistic as you in your ford taurus interceptor without abs and dont know shit about driving, cars, physics, to be as big of a reee autist pro as you to have such awesome technique.

Are you this stupid? Dont you realize car safyy equipment is made for lowest common denominator?

>live scenario
where? You posted nothing, you just keep shitposting about your anecdotes.
>explain it
you explained a ridiculous scenario where a fucking car going maybe a hundred miles an hour or more parallel to a wall with a distance between them of some unknown is somehow SLAMMED into the wall by a minor induction of traction of a minor static cling on the tires.

When in reality he forgets that his rear tires are under complete kinetic coefficient, this means they have and are under (assuming 50/50 WD) less forces than the front tires that have slightly more static and less kinetic than the rears

this means the rears (if the fronts have traction) will slow down less quickly than the fronts which means the rear of the car will rotate the car clockwise all the while not even touching the wall

No, there isn't anything wrong with using the parking brake to lock the wheels if you are dicking around. Your ABS system works by pulsating the brake fluid. Your parking brake is attached to your rear brakes with a cable. So they are completely independent.

So you are arguing abs sucks because it wouldnbe better without on a racetrack.... fuck you are dumb.

Automobiles are mass produced for normies. You think its a mystery why ABs and other features are standard?

The way you are describing his wheels unlocking when there is enouh grip to be fully stopped is nonsensical. Land rover makes some shitty unreliable pieces of shit but i really doubt the ABS was malfuctioning like that. You need to stop beig so stupid. Its far more likely you arent describing what actually happened in reality.

If you are speaking of an emergency braking situation to avoid an accident, then yes. If you are fucking around, you can, but the repair bill is yours if it screws the abs

Reading your posts is frustrating because of how it is obvious you dont understand what you witnessed yet you keep trying to explain it like you know what you are talking about.

Except with ABS you would still retain enough traction to continue turning. You dont seem to realize you are arguing for one specific situation where ABS may not be ideal, even though you are wrong, when in every other situation it is beneficial

Dont bother trying to explain. The retardation in here is ethereal.

Please stop. There is never a time where locking your rear wheels is beneficial to avoiding an accident. How will locking the rear wheels using your parking brake effect the abs unit??