I have $2000. How do I make $200,000 from that in one year...

I have $2000. How do I make $200,000 from that in one year? I want to stop being a good for nothing NEET and do something useful with my life


I'd be happy to make $200,000 in a year from $2,000,000. It's not possible.

Knee pads and Eth.

If your as retarded as your post, look into blackjack. You might be one of the smart retards.

Invest all of it on Ethereum, thank me later

>go to Vegas
>put on black
>win 7 times in a row

Put all in ethereum take any extra money from your shitty job and also put it in ethereum, in 3years retire

Even if ethereum reached bitcoins market cap it's only like 80 dollars.. do you really want to put your money with gimmicky illegal poker apps..

I dont get it, he will cash out


Sorry but there's very few cryptos which exceed 300k volume.
At most you can even out your cash and start betting in every coin so you can't lose. Oh wait you will lose if there's too many losses and the gains don't outperform the losses.

Should've bought SNAP at IPO price faggot

because 16million vs 90million tokens in the see

Do you have anymore birthday party pics? I need to add some more to my folder.

Check out the cryptocurrency Monero. Most underpriced crypto right now so get some value and make massive % gains

Any return is possible but anything over about ten percent increases risk. And anything that can 10x increase is more likely to lose your money than make anything

This is your answer OP. Buy some suits for job interviews. Entry for real investments starts around 10x that amount

To the moon lads


I don't get it
Why did anyone involved think it was a good idea to take a picture and then post it online?

They're staged and meant to elicit likes and upvotes on social media.

He could make at least 50k within a year.


>not possbile to make 10% returns in a year
Fuck me Veeky Forums really is the worst

>buy one of: MORL, ORC, SLVI, GLDO, etc.
>20%+ dividend
wow that was hard

there are a fuckton of equities, REITs, etc. which pay over a 10% annual dividend