League of Legends General - /lolg/

Storytime edition!


Other urls found in this thread:

tr.op.gg/summoner/userName=Vozmi moe teplo

a-any drawfags willing to draw Vlad birthday p-pics for m-money?



my debit card is blocked but I have moni in my paypal

I have a story for you
do you want to hear it?

k imma do a mediocre mspaint, gibe 100 bux

wait a minute u tryna scam me

who ready for skt getting btfo

xth for Syndra

>Reading last thread
>People pretending AD midlaners stomp AP midlaners

Ya'll fucking weird.

>seekers is ridiculous effective
>the inherent advantage of being ranged over a melee
>AD Assassins only seen primarily when Lethality is good due to Fizz,Ahri,Ekko and Leblanc still doing the job but actually having half decent wave clear

its baffling really

Lulu is the cutest! THE CUTEST!

Someone want to fast climb with me onr TR?
tr.op.gg/summoner/userName=Vozmi moe teplo

NUrgot is FUN
His ult is SCARY

>There are people in this thread who don't want to cum inside Dark Lux

Hows the new Urgot lads? Any good? Can someone link the stats?

>Be middlelaner
>always get top

literally 2 posts above you, you dumb tomatoposter


New Urgot is shit lmao that old urgot played was right

Dumb question, is urgot worth a ban in ranked now or no?

>Both old Sejuani and Urgot used to be hypercarries
>Now they are just glorified meatwalls

yea cause its day 1
hes worth a ban for at LEAST a week just so shitters cant play him in ranked

Cmon lad, I dont want to see no cherrycoated post game screens. Is he good or not?


Nigga what?

>there are people in this thread that find monogamy strange

New champions should always be banned, even if they're underpowered. Especially if they're underpowered.

No one knows how to play him or against him so ye , he isn't that strong top lane anyway so you figure it out

he's FUN
pretty good in the right hands/if you're not retarded but i've only played mirror matches
post more brat
yuruyuri will never gets4

You just need Manamune, Warmog's and Black Cleaver to kill everything.

What do poros produce that needs to be farmed?


Why did Riot make Sona so big?

>Definition of a Win Lane Lost Game champion

I love Jhin!

I also love strong champions.

Wool that can be used to knit comfy oversized sweaters of course!


What the fu...

Alright, listen. Urgot was not a hypercarry. The games that you built warmogs 3rd item are probably the games that you
were massively ahead because your enemy was retarded.

Warmogs isnt a bad item, but those 3 items couldnt put him in hypercarry mode.
i should know, ive tried it


>No Lulu's abusive family members champion
>a bullying tsundere sister who hates Lulu but is secretly jealous
>no creepy uncle who molested her
>no creepy dad who molested her
>no dumb mom who ignored her pleads for help

>there are humans alive today who think monogamy is normal
Shugi shugi shugi

Sona is bigger than MF!

Seriously kill yourself. I choose Lulu to get AWAY from thinking about my stupid family. Lulu is purity, cuteness, healing for the soul!

>ziggs gets a new skin and a buff

Urgot seems fun, gotta try it.

>be me, gp adc
>struggle in lane
>end up 15/3 and 2-shot people late
>yar-har and parley jokes, laughing with friends too hard
>enemy wanted to report draven

>there are humans alive today who haven't found someone they want to devote themselves to completely
shiggy diggy doo wop

surely they werent as bad as Lulu's

You can't choose your family but at least your old enough to not have to deal with them if you dont want to buddy

Would Sonafags still love Sona if she was swole?

>Dragon Trainer Tristana comes out, legendary skin, cute as fuck, lots of people would buy it
>Tristana was garbage tier ADC for an entire year, sub 50% winrate for basically all of season 6 outside of the one patch where Rageblade was broken

If I would need to choose somebody and needed to be a League champ I'd choose Rek'Sai

>SKT will go 4-0 this week because ROX and EEW are fucking garbage
>haha told you guys they would bounce back, SKT 4th worlds championship incoming :)

Someone explain to me what a vanguard is so I can see on a scale of 1-10 how bad i'm gonna hate the new one.

You have a mental illness.

I'm so very glad you possess an internal value system which enables you to survive despite your condition and maybe even thrive, emotionally, at least. That's great. I think it's just awesome. But at the end of the day you're still a schizoid freak fantasizing about a big breasted mute.

read as "initiator"

i still have legal battles to win bro

new urgot sucks, SUCKS

Got me

>people still pretend that renecton is balanced

Ok nigga, goddamn. Take your (You) and go play Xerath, since you clearly only
liked Urgot for his range.

he's gone
my son

I wanna CUDDLE and PROTECT Lulu!


how'd i do boys

>reverse trinity is a new build

is nurgot OP or did I just get my ass kicked

>build for teamfight
>don't teamfight

You probably tried to engage on him when you didnt need to. What were you playing?

he's a shittier darius

eh my mid and bot were stomping, i was just testing stuff that might work better vs an armor-rushing Yorick
in my experiences regular build into Yorick just loses because its Yorick, thought i'd spice it up a bit.
it was successful for the most part, except due to my lack of MR he just sat there and I'd be dying to his ult while Yorick himself was dying to me

Best girl.
Best swimmer.
Best wife.

>Teleports behind you

Nothin' personal my dude

>best swimmer
>has to use a floatie

>best swimmer
>0 (ZERO!) olympic medal wins
>wear tubes to not drown

Uhhhhmmm guess again sweetie?

>ask for top lane
>dont get it

gee boss, i wonder why

It's not a teleport it's a short range blink.

what if
excecuting someone with urgot's ult healed him for the amount of hp they had left


And she's all MINE!

can i be yours too?

>battle boss brand litearlly looks like a megaman boss
>no fucking chroma for other robot masters
I just want gutsman brand riot
>no secret boss urgot skin


I want to impregnate her while she's floating

Psh, you don't need that loser babes, he plays fucking LULU

Come over here

oh boo fucking hoo, a champ with a recent skin within 3 fucking years didn't get a chroma skin :(((((((

but i love kevin..
oh wow

this is the best couple

Don't worry user, I'm doing quite well.

Haven't followed E-sports in a while

Can SKT still make worlds?

Why the F*CK do people go Stormraider's on Kayle who has a slow and a fast in her kit already?



Why no one wants to play with me :(

so she can walk up and past them to make absolutely certain they dont get away

No one here actually plays the game, but I might play with you depending on your server and rank.


Daily reminder that if you're in queue and you get a dodge, immediatly un-queue- and wait a then re-queue, have fun on never getting autofilled

so the optimal set up for urgod must be ad runes, thunderlord and then build black cleaver bruiser style?
i tried maxing w for dmg and shield, but i dont know if maxing q is better


>not fervor

Never fucking post this image again