Guild Wars 2 General - /gw2/

Where the fuck is the guild wars thread?

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Dat announcement tho....

I want a fuckin kangaroo


Because watching autism is entertaining?

I'm thinking of ordering a "like new" condition gameboy advance. I completely skipped the advance, sticking with my gameboy color as a kid.

Where can I buy games for it?

If Rom hacks count, I'd say Mario Adventure. Nah, a roguelike of some sort. One of the angbands or adom.

Completely missed Season 3 of the story. Video caught up on most parts I guess. Worth buying it or just skip entirely and move onto the expansion?

>SH4 was the last great SH game
Let's not get too crazy here. It was the last good one.

Daily reminder: Entertain God and your ass will follow.

Yeah, must be thinking of 3, thanks

>GOTY Edition
>comes with DLC not released the year it was released

DoN BTFO again

>weak attempt at troll

Seriously tho, I thought nips were traditional and that was a good thing but at this point I am wondering whether its actually tradition and not just inability to adjust to new things.

What a hack.

>wanting (((buhmper))) in anything
Oy veyy!

I'm waiting for someone to beat wotw level 1

He probably wants to do something like you say, I'd do the same If I pretended to be a retard who made unfunny jokes.

Okeanos when

I've always played without the code. In fact, I think that's why people say it's hard. They use the code, and then they can't play for shit without it because they never had to develop skills

It's good for emulating Neo Geo CD I'll give you that.

Mednefen or beetle PSX hardware in retroarch. Also check if you have more emulation questions.

hey cutie would you like to see my balls?

Guys, focus. There's a blowjob on the line here.

what do i use eithne to put on the board? Also this dwarf deck is crazy good wow

Wow, faggot speedrunner and praises Working Designs trash. 100% cancer

Loved it. Left me with a mixed bag of feels : sadness, hope, crushing despair, etc.


Man. It kinda weirds me out when people talk about the sexual things theyd do with someone they apparently like.

I find the more in love I fall with someone the harder it is for me to view them sexually.

>hit level 20
>grind PoTD till 60
>hit 60
>Grind pvp till 70
you dont need to do the main story for theses, you need to do main story to unlock some dungeons and shit like that though.


They are part dragon.

You're preaching to the choir buddy, SH4 is one of the worst games I've ever played.

Did Uzume enjoy your nepping though?


it's hard to run a mom n pop anything let alone a game store where amazon and digital will undercut you every time.

my joker x yukari folder is pretty small, show me the goods /pg/

>WINE is a pain in the ass
that's the first time I hear that

For Zero maybe, since that has a Japanese PC release. Ao will need a miracle for something official because of the damn Chineses.

Do graphics really matter for Gameboy?

>that pic
You should work in an orchid. Those cherry picking skills are great.

Really wish this was 18+

>all these damn 5 slot special fusions
I just want to 100% my compendium and not lose my high level demons/resummon them with lots of macca
Should I just do a third run and see if I can fuse them there then

An interesting result is that Koishi had more 1st votes than Marisa.

Nice thread opie

Anyone know how to get Isles of Terra to play the correct sounds with the MT-32 emulator?

the group stages are STILL 4 days long when doing it this way. showing 1 game at a time would stretch this shit out to 2 weeks at the least

Am I the only one who thinks Ghost Babel is the better than the MSX/NES entries?

it's literally going to have no effect.

which one tho? he had so many great clutches

t. shill


Way of the Samurai

Hes a robot he can modify his cock attachment to be a big as he want it too.

smoke weed

Can I see some New 2DS XL?

Tiptup and pissy have the same stats. They're identical, not 1 and 2.

Eventually, even the weakest card that you cherish the most, it will eventually be a card that you and only YOU know how works, and what are the best options for it.

what movie is this?

Anyway i just lost a few hours, gg.

what the fuck is this newfag underage bait, Atari and og NES brought the first rise of household consoles.

>Thick thighs, slim body, huge tits

Nah we aren't gay. We just had nothing to do but study and play shitty PC games and PS2 games, so we'd see who could take on bigger armies alone on full damage and shit.

Sorry, underpowered pc

> It emulated MvC gameplay perfectly
Ant that's one of the problems. The game is just a copy. Even the characters attacks are just copied from games like Darkstalkers.
West can't into fighting or beat em ups.

So I've redownloaded the game after being away for 3 years. It seems I have a bunch of presents including choice of dyes, and I had 5 such characters that are now each 4 years old. Which should I pick? Also, I assume deleting one such character to make room for another would be a bad idea?

what the fuck is that texture

If you already got the one for TWW1 that is

My parents bought me whatever whenever I asked usually, they put it all on their credit cards too, because 90/00s.


Pirate it, play for some time, then IF you think it's worth, you pay


Is there any reason to keep white / green survivors in your inventory or should I just retire them all.

Fat isn't the same as muscle you disgusting twink-sucking lala poof. I bet you don't even lift or own a leather jacket you absolute pussy.

>implying Dragon can do anything unusual on turn 7
Just sharing a secret with you. Sorry dragonbros, my bad again.

Seems to be a joke involving a serious comparison of the flawed texture rendering of both Playstation and N64 contrasted with a tongue-in-cheek depiction of the Saturn rendering quads instead of triangles.

>Squaresoft was on fire since 1995, that's it.

Well FF6 and CT where both pretty big hits too

The first Metal Gear game was tedious garbage. MG2:SS was great though.

at least the sister has the smallest, I can put it on my backlog and play it sometime

RE7 is literally a remake of REmake. The only choice you have is which item to open this door I gotta get first. That like 3 or 4 times in the course of the game.

what's with Spidey's eyes having thick borders around it

its possible, just incredibly rare

becomes less rare with higher ilvl

b-but chapPD will still do more than sadhuPD because only single target matters!


Hes a robot he can modify his cock attachment to be a big as he want it too.

>Added effects are done additivey not multiplicitively

Now please go back to your hole troll

So you just wander until you end up beating the game?



I almost wish that she had just used several of the names interchangeably changing it on a whim.

But I thought Fae works for the sort of fairy-like in-tune with nature theme she had going on.

Partially, user. Magic can only help you, not do your work for you.

Ur shit

Right you cunts.

I haven't played Heart of TI know what you're talking about, the yoshi sounds, I wish I had it. Let me see if I find it real quick.horns. I hear Thieves can use a Staff now. Is it good/fun? I really don't know what I'd play if I did come back for HoT/This.

If you wanna follow the story then playing 2033 is a must. The only real difference is that Last Light adds a stealth mechanic.

>He outright laughed at someone suggesting they put Krystal in the game.


It could work. I'd like to try it if it got made.

They outdamage Jolt and don't have 4 second cast times like Thunder and Aero.

Cool guys. Did you donate or are you a leech?

Post Yumi in a diaper!


Yeah, with Spiderman 2. Kinda my fault I guess. I'm just pissed because I hadn't had a bsod or something similar in over a year till this.