/albg/ - dead game general


What is Albion Online?
From their website: "Albion Online is a sandbox Massively Multiplayer Online Game set in an open medieval fantasy world. It has a fully player-driven economy; all equipment items are player-crafted. You can freely combine armor pieces and weapons in our unique classless system – you are what you wear. Explore the world and tackle challenging PvE content. Engage other adventurers in small- or large-scale PvP, and conquer territories. Gather. Craft. Trade. Conquer. Leave your mark in the world."

>Is it F2P
Albion uses a Buy2Play model with an optional subscription.

>When can I play?
Right Now

>What do i do?
Gather stone.



Pls respond

>no link to old thread

inb4 people don't post in the thread because they don't get to advertise in the OP

The last one ded at 22 posts

Pretty sure this is the fastest I've ever seen a mmo die

>Potato salad selling for 2.5k in sterling

NIce tip guy from last thread

Where's link to that one ?

Didn't bother literally was as dead as this one

Can still join AHx. PM Theris, Wayout, or Erika in game

>want to join AHx
>don't want to disappoint dad


Dad will be proud of you for making your own decisions in life. Plus he can join the alliance.

Baka has 194 players but can't keep a thread alive. Hmmmmmmmm seems like they aren't really a vg guild.

>can't make enough money to take city plots
>don't have dedicated fighters to take territory

normie guilds are suffering, how are we supposed to catch up to the big bois

You don't

>people thought this sorry excuse for an EVE clone would survive without bring anything interesting other than being a pseudo sandbox

bump before i go eat

ded game

Still laughing at baka wiping their guild then pulling 60+people in to wipe 15 people in a meme streamer guild after being beat 15v30


Seriously though how do you guys think the population will fare? I want to buy it but im scared of ded game after a month

Population is fine. All the cities are overpopulated, and will continue to be that way until the devs do something to allow for more people in each city. Just because the thread is dead doesn't mean there isn't a thriving in game population.

page 10 save rave

don't die on me

fuck u [OOPS]

quality salt-fueled oc

Game is still crowded as fuck. Maybe people are too busy playing to post.


>vg guild
its not. most of them are not even browsing Veeky Forums from what i hear they talk on discord.

>when you dc right before the end of the expedition

>when baka stops posting to flex on /albg/

>when the thread is dead and every post belongs to (you)

did people really quit because of the new patch?

I wouldn't be surprised, this is my first mmo in awhile so I'm content to keep grinding

last bump from me

where's the cat?


Considering quitting, solo pvp was the only thing i enjoyed and now that I have a 1/100 chance of killing someone solo the game isnt very fun and im bored

give me your silver and gold if you really want to do it

Nah i need to hold onto my gold incase i ever want to play again

I try to look for people inside of bz dungeons.
Tbh I'd love it if this game had no mounts at all.

Pretty sure people are busy playing instead of browsing an anime forum. That's what I was doing. This game is extremely addictive, I've been fucking around in the game sleeping for 3 hours since I've got the game, and didn't post much here.

give your silver then, i need capital to start trading

Ganker / victim relationship used to be balanced back before gallop was a thing, ever since gallop was introduced shit has been retarded

People used to gank and roam while dismounted and it worked, who would have thunk it. I used to gank by lurking in bushes next to high traffic areas while dismounted like a true highwayman and didnt have to try and catch lightspeed meme horses

So who else is excited for some paizuri action?

post more akko

What gear do I need before I join the X groups boys?

Sell your gold then.
"B-b-but... golds going to go up! I can't sell it now!"
Well that's your lose for being a baby, gotta drop coin to make coin.

You just need an able body and a will to thrive, my boy. see

>buy gold at 190 thinking it was lowest
>gold drop to 170
i'm just bad at it.


so the rise and drop of gold (last time) is because of the shoplot auction right? When is the next auction?

Remember this rule for the forseeable future: it will EVENTUALLY go up a whole lot. Everyone had bought some when it was 210 and above 190, but guess what, it's back at 190. Just ride out the Drops, hoarding as much gold as you can. But if you say you're just not good at it, then remember this rule for now: convert all of your silver into gold, before you log off each day. This will protect you for the most part, and you don't have to worry about the rest.

Hows dads guild going?

>make a sandbox game
>"solo pvp was never really intended in the first place"
Why do developers keep sticking their fingers into things they don't belong? Yet another example of just why these kinds of games are ruined not by their concept but by those who update and manage them.

We're pretty comfy. Not really seeing it go places though.

All the newbies that I recruited have either stopped playing, are underage, or don't contribute to the guild.
My dad just got the guild island buildings to T4.

I enjoy running the guild, keeps me interested in the game and gives more stuff to do.

Ah and I might join AHx once I get more members, I just want to leave my dad with a reason to keep playing the game after I'm in another guild.

>EVE clone

Looks like Diablo to me.

Extremely interested if it's a combination of EVE and Diablo.

I would say its a stupidly simplified version of a combination of EVE and Diablo.

most of its concepts are from EVE

Albion is so bad its making me wanna go back to EVE

>leaving his father for a turk streamer

So what is the consensus on PvP viable melee weapons?

Spears are by far the best, right?

this game have no content at all.

how can i join baka guild?

So what I'm hearing is that there's no point to get into this game? Or is it just that these threads suck and the game is okay

thread is ded because discord

Okay but what about the game

Can i join? Playing solo is so fucking sad

games fine so far

>67 posts

im pretty sure there is a successive bump limit

>see everyone complaining non stop
>mfw having a blast getting in huge fights over castles n shit every day and stomping inferiors with my giant 3000 character blackzone alliance

What is your excuse for not playing the game the way it was meant to be enjoyed and joining an autism zerg?

I joined a Veeky Forums guild

>join expedition
>healer using 1h holy
>wipe five times

1h holy is very good at healing single targets. If the dps focus fire properly and let the tank agro everything its perfectly fine.

> If the dps focus fire properly and let the tank agro everything
>implying this ever happens

Post Mains.

>join expedition
>tank is trying to level his t3 fire staff
I have no words.

>blame the healer for not being suboptimal to account for shitty dps

for (you)

>mfw people actually still play this

Will ask tonight famalam