How much money do you need to get a fucking gf?

How much money do you need to get a fucking gf?

I thought 6 figures was enough but I'm still a fucking 25 yo khv REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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>tfw no money and living with parents and I've fucked over 20 girls and now have a long term qt gf that I love

if you really wanted a girl you could go buy one for a day

what you're really saying is no matter how much money you make your dick will retract into itself at the sight of a woman because you're a coward

You're just a fucking sheep who never leaves your comfort zone. Congrats on dancing for your parents like a good puppet for 20 years and landing that job but you still aren't shit in the real world kid

Enough money for a plastic surgery

Women fuck men who can't even get full time at McDonalds, dude. They fuck men who beat them. They fuck men who are ugly. They fuck men who are 'nice when you get to know them' but are assholes to just about everyone.

You don't need money to get women to fuck you, but it's proof you're one fucked up motherfucker if you can't get a woman.

>tfw when i was 18 i was LITERALLY living on the street and still had a girlfriend

You must be one ugly motherfucker, OP

Dear OP: I am a qt girl and will sleep with you for money. I'll even pretend to be your gf and let you cuddle with me. Unfortunately I'm not even kidding, I'm mega-poorfag. [email protected]

Tfw when I have btc and eth but no gf and khv 20 yo desu.

This is because I lack undereye support and I have a negative orbital vector. I should buy orbital recompression and orbital implants to ascend desu.

kek when will ocular orbitalets learn

> tfw when uglycel

He probably doesn't want an """escort""" but a girl who he actually loves.

Where do you live?


From an older guy that used to do okay with the bimbos let me say that the money/security thing doesn't really start to register with women till they hit late twenties-early thirties.
By then they're getting sick of the beaters and cheaters and start thinking babies and a stable home life.
Twentysomethings are looking for a good time, the guy who's the life of the party, the biggest mouth and biggest ego.
There are few sweet innocent types left at your age because they've been taken by someone who appreciates them or soured by douchbags.
At your age there's always the slightly younger girls (not teens or anything pervy)
Most important have fun, don't act so fucking serious. Get out of your comfort zone to meet new people and be positive.
People are attracted to the person having the most fun, they naturally want to be part of it. And I don't mean act like an obnoxious ball sack.

>How much money do you need to get a fucking gf?


Money can buy you sex, but it can't buy you love.

You need exposure (aka meeting single women) and to not be a creeper (aka confidence and at least rudimentary conversational skills - both skills that need to be trained and honed). Then it's only a numbers game. If 1 in 20 women interests you, it's bound to be at least the same ratio from the other side. So expect to ask 20+ women out before you find one who's into you.

Btw, is for life and relationship advice, is for shitposting and foreveralone blogging. Just mentioning "money" in your post does not make the topic fit on Veeky Forums.

>mfw I permanently injured myself and am now permanently miserable

Haha... 23 kissless virgin and I'm going to be one my entire life because I'm actually fucking injured and need surgery before I can feel normal again.

Any user here also wants to be millionaire before losing virginity?

> $1,400 in savings, poor parents
>gas attendant
>11/hr $250/week
>college student
>start dating an 8/10 with low self esteem
>mfw shes submissive as fuck, loves my confidence
>mfw amazing cook, perfect housewife
>mfw her father is a senior nuclear operator making 300k a year
>mfw she wants my babies

You must stink or be boring af

Wow, you actually have an excuse to be a virgin forever.

Since biz is r9k today, what do you guys think would be better:

Marrying a lower middle class girl who will probably treat you right, more traditional etc.


Richer girl from richer family. Anything that comes with being entitled count negatively. The good side is obviously more assets for the family and a more educated background.

Consider atractiveness and sex drive equal (since they don't correlate with wealth)

>finding a woman that doesnt have a blown out fuck hole that dozens of men have nutted in

thats what is bothering me the most.

I could easily get a gf; I just want a pure one.

>inb4 we all have our past user XDDDD

don't try to normiesplain me. Every man inherently wants a pure woman that has been untouched.

>Every man inherently wants a pure woman that has been untouched.
Sure, but most understand that is just not possible. Either you have to marry into extremely religious backround or die alone and a virgin.

I found one untouched, she fits the first description.
