/blaz/ - BlazBlue General

Previous timeloop: Console Lobby password is always vidya
PC Lobby Naming Convention: /Blaz/ (Region) (East/West)

- BBCF 2.0 is now out in arcades, featuring Jubei and a large amount of balance changes. Console release is still due summer 2017, more details in the coming days.
- BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle (feat. P4A, UNIB and RWBY) coming in 2018, no platforms revealed.
- Central Fiction is now available on PS3, PS4 and PC (Steam).
- XBlaze Code Embryo, XBlaze Lost Memories, Calamity Trigger, Continuum Shift Extend, and Chronophantasma Extend are also available on Steam.
- Blazblue Variable Heart, a new manga starring Mai, is currently being published.

- BlazBlue Character Selector
- BBCF Character info
- Match Videos
- Story Stuff
- Other Media (Remix Heart, Variable Heart, Soundtracks, Bururaji, etc)
-Frame data/hitbox viewer
-Spectator's Guide to BlazBlue
-/blaz/ Discord

Other urls found in this thread:


My buddy wants to know when he can play Jubei

Play Weiss

Hory shet

Hydro will never land this in a match

From what I can gather, Jubei isn't a bad character, but he's harder to use than it's really worth.

my buddy won't be happy about this

He's got unblockable setups, IOHs, and the some of the craziest potential mixups. Even at a low level he will be decent.

Watch the tournament footage to see how good low/mid level Jubei can work.

If Tokido was still playing BlazBlue I can see him maining Jubei.

It's been confirmed that Ruby is the only RWBY character appearing on mori's twitter. she fell into Blazblue's world and works with Ragna to find her way home

He would main Jin or Azrael in 2.0 Arakune in 1.0

I look forward to all the new character select art in one unifying style.

What would you change mechanically if a new BlazBlue game were to happen?

Personally, I'd change the Burst command to D + 2 of the attack buttons and make Burst usable with just half the Burst gauge while full Burst gauge allows you to go into Overdrive with the usual A+B+C+D command.


>Ruby is the only RWBY character appearing

Besides Arakune what other characters give that feeling of "holy shit I don't know what I'm supposed to do against this character"

user pls, why would you even believe that for a second? Why would Mori tweet about CTB when CF2 just came out?

>go to Mori's twitter
>nothing about this
If you posted it on /v/ people would believe you though.


I like your picture.
I guess you're right, wait, are you saying people on /v/ are dumber than people here?

How's Kokopuffs looking in 2.0?

>people on /v/ are dumber than people here?

sucker fish

as bad as CF1 Kagura and Noel.


Because I'm just pulling your leg mate.

Reminder to use protection kids!

Play Ruby

Anyone got his Amane Astral?


Who's better? Furries or tranny lovers (Jubei or Maifags)?

Mai is a biological woman.


A school girl uniform over her cape, okay,pervert it's clear you have some sort of cape girl fetish going on.


lobby poll

More info when?

Hi Platinum

Can you move Nirvana while blocking?

Nobody gives a fuck

except our players that do??? what a bizarre thing to shitpost about

Everyone is to shitpost about their favorite low budget MMD

Don't underestimate me.

I don't think it's a great idea to do the poll before we actually know how long away CF2.0 is, since it could very well be over a month

pupwa what do you think of this

>Implying that isn't 10000x easier than (236B(1)>41236C)xN which you can already do in CF

probably dumb to include the third option in there since people still want these, it seems.

i'll have to make a decision on whether to stream or not tonight though.

Depending on what days you do them I can stream if you want to

What Veeky Forums boards do you think the Blazblue cast would go to?

oh? the problem with me streaming FFA is that my jin isn't really good enough for people to wanna watch, so if someone else could cover then that'd be great.


git gud

Where can I find the tournament footage of Jubei?

i'll do that with jubei. no point in labbing a character i don't like at all.


Is literaly perfect

How hard are Kagura's combos compared to the average Blazblue character?

what does she smell like?

i want terumi to shit up /pol/

Azrael=Veeky Forums
Taokaka=Veeky Forums
Hazama=Veeky Forums

Tao would be banned from Veeky Forums

My Mu kind of sucks but I did actually recently decide that I'm going to try and record my matches and then have some people tell me what I did wrong and stuff. Don't know how long I'd be able to play each time but aside from Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, I should be able to at least try.
>connection decides to shit itself the one time I'm not shitposting


How long do we have to wait before we get more news on ctb and get shown some of her gameplay?
While I no nothing about rwby, they have qt designs and I'm curious if they'll look/be fun.

TGS seems the most likely time. Which kind of sucks since it's almost 2 months away still.


you have that full izayoi pic?

don't worry, ruby is gonna be worth the wait

Is there a lobby tonight?

nope, sorry. there'll be one for tomorrow.

sounds good to me. desu any mu is probably more fun to watch than a shitty jin
i'll @ you about it later.

I'm more excited to see her sister.

she has no sister

>who is Yang Xiao Long

>he doesn't get it

No I don't. Did I miss something? Is this some sort of Ragna the WhoEdge joke?

I've never watched or read anything rwby related, but I only support the yuri ships from this series.
All the males look like faggots, so please stop posting them.

I'll help you newfag, Yang is Ruby's half sister therefore in a more literal sense, Ruby has no biological sister

Please go back there, there already enough /u/ crossboarders everywhere else

but your series is only good for it's female characters. I don't want the shitty, generic male designs ruining what little there is to like about them.

actually the post was implying Qrow is Ruby's father, which would mean she's not blood related to Yang at all

Azrael is /lgbt/ too

Plenty of fitter Blaz Characters

They would still be sisters though

Jubei Astral



What a blunder, the coolest part is in the first 2 seconds, then the slowdown with multiple copies of him ready to upper slash.

Would've been better if it had shown the opponent getting cut to hell with his claw marks instead of disappearing and then watching an overlay of said claw marks skewer the air.

I also want to rape (Rachel)

When he does the astral on terumi or susanoo it shows his ghost form


>Those damages
Jubei seems shit.

Oh shit.

This slut is so boring that even Celica is almost hotter than her.

He has some guessies though and he can move fasties

is there anything the entirety of /blaz/ can agree with?

Post characters you ABSOLUTELY don't want to get in BBX.


Litchi is shit


Jube is the cutest.

Naoto is best boy and Makoto is best girl.

This Smash meme isn't funny.

Pupwa disagrees

Rachel is pretty much certainly going to get in, and Platinum is very likely