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Is this a dip?

lmfao... what happened?!?!?!?

whale shitting on the plebs?

>mfw I tried to warn everyone
and they just call you a shill

hahahahaha they denied the ETF!!!!



ETF is no go!

What am I looking at?

history being made


buy the dip or stay poor

Its already going back up

Buy ETHEREUM bitcucks

oh dont worry, im sure its going to go down and stay down. just like the last 5 times.

wait a sec...

dead cat bounce

only people who had coins on exchanges sold, there's still a lot more people that need to sell

>dead cat bounce

Could be true,if thats the case im going all in on the big dipper

like what kind of cuck would buy bitcoin ETF instead of buying actual bitcoins ?

someone that has money but isnt very tech savvy. duh? you might as well be asking "who would still have cable tv?" while simultaneously understanding that tons of people still have it. dumb people exist, senpai

The same bluepilled bitslaves that buy Bitcoin and all of its offshoot penny stock altcoins.

Bitcoin = wall st. capitulation and death throws of anguish

fallen angles never learn

i imagine the point is to put your 401k and ira into bitcoin which would otherwise be impossible.


You think people are going to sell when they see the price is going back up?


yup, whales will sell as soon as they can transfer their coins, because they can see the way this is going, and then panic sellers will follow

I seek an answer to my question.

Someone said something about going with 50-100% leverage on Poloniex. Is this possible? I only see a max of 2%

Ethereum raised from 0.014 right away to 0.0175

Would that 14% gain had yielded me 140% gains?

so u can eventually have options on them


bitcoin has no value. eth is the future.

>they can see the way this is going

Back up?


nothing is going up or down. it stopped falling and is completely sideways, but it's not going up.



the real dip hasn't been here yet

Are you sure? When do you think will the real dip come? And how deep will it go down?

Bitcoin has very little real value, and it certainly isn't worth its current price. The dip will be huge.


They're obviously transferring it to exchanges to sell off for $200 each!!!


...and when?

>Bitcoin has very little real value
Define 'real value'?

> A stock that doesn't pay dividends and serves no purpose has value because it's a proper thing!!!!

>bitcoin has very little value
Except the features that make it better than gold in almost every way.

>it certainly isn't worth its current price
People said this when bitcoin was 10 cents.

The truth is that the user base keeps growing, and simple supply/demand dictates that the price must rise accordingly.

can someone eli5 for someone who has no idea what's going on

bitcoin is shit

ETH is taking its place

So it's like those pyramid scams?
Also, what do you do with all this money?...
Are you guys farming the same as the chinese?

hurr durr durr
bitcoin doesnt do nothin lol durr


The Winklevoss brothers applied for an ETF for Bitcoin to the SEC. An ETF would open a new channel for large amounts of "white collar investment" monies to enter Bitcoin and would likely cause a large price increase. The decision for approval was highly anticipated and today the SEC announced they would not approve the ETF. Therefore Bitcoin is taking a dump and a few exchanges have gone offline in the mix of it due to overload.

SEC fucking roasted bitcoin too.

>SEC: Bitcoin must be traded on regulated markets to be traded on regulated markets.

LOOOOOOOL buttcoiners eternally BTFO

This thread is also at /pol/, they said there's 2 more ETFs to be approved or something around those terms.
I want people to explain this business, I could use the money to buy guns/gold.

>"Global web of unregulated bucket-shop exchanges"

That is on an official govt document. Based Trump just sending the DOGS after delusional buttcoiners. I dare you guys to find a buyer for your dying fad.

short term bitcoin was expected to take a hit, but i think this is actually great. an etf would mean big money could short the shit out of bitcoin with ease. same shit would happen with future contracts as it happens with metals. greatly suppressed price artificially inflated supply.

>mfw there are retards who thought governments would actually adopt their decentralized e-currency when the whole point of a currency for a government is to be able to control it centrally how it pleases

Buttcoin is shit and you're shit for getting duped into a speculative meme you stupid retarded monkey.

>Define 'real value'?
the cost of electricity and mining hardware to mine it is a good indicator.
bitcoin for a long time held the electric costs it required to be mined with gpus.
asics kicked that game in the ass bad and chinks stealing power to mine it did in the other nail.

>dying fad

You'll be dying of regret when it hits $1 mil per coin. It's not too late to buy and go to the moon.

I'm not aware of any other ETF's. If you want to get into the business of crypto-currencies then I would suggest you do a fair share of research on blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies in general so that you understand the technology and ideas that are being bought and sold. Invest your money in something you believe, and as a last piece of advise:
Holders outperform Traders on average.

Much obliged for the tip.
Also, people making fun of you guys are probably trying to buy more, since they are talking on some alternative media that the value will increase alongside with silver.

>they said there's 2 more ETFs to be approved or something around those terms.

Can we please stop this meme? Even if they existed, it wouldn't matter. See and

told you so

But the whole point is not being regulated and follow basic economic guidelines that a market will sort itself out without the government meddling in the matter.
All I'm reading by all your texts is:
>Let's regulate that and tax the shit out of it

You should've zoomed in more so the dip appears even bigger XDD

Well be that as it may for bitcoin. By the SEC opinion this simply means that regulated financial players like ETFs cannot legally invest in Bitcoin. Nothing more and nothing less. There is no inherent value judgement of this being good or bad in the long run. But it'll delay BTC's moon mission, because an ETF would have been a vehicle for easy mass adoption and would have brought a massive capital influx into the crypto economy.