/fgoalter/ - Fate/Grand Order NA General

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fgosimulator.webcrow.jp/ - Mats, EXP & AP sims for game-planning
- Chaldea Gate: Daily Quests - fate-go.cirnopedia.org/quest_daily_us.php
- Drop rates (click on the NA tab): docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
- Check the schedule and drops before asking in the thread

>[Miscellaneous stuff]
- Emulation got blocked with the most recent update (1.2.0)
- Master Mission - Complete Mission objectives each week to gain Saint Quartz fragments
- Event shops usually stay up for another week after the main show ends. Remember to spend all your Event currency before it closes down
- Rate ups on JP FGO: img.fireden.net/vg/image/1499/27/1499273270406.jpg (embed)
- Friendlist: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M8_ZNP-WinrDQvwckh6Q7DMK5Z8RSx7ZshXTLCaI4zo
- Add yourself to the list: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSctk0n_OdMusCdkzQPQu8AHD-3Drc0kXqHOmKWJDpY-VkHVEg/viewform

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Fluffy Servant



Okita is cute!


best friends

tell me some facts about jeanne alter

Her pits are hairy

Bazdilot should have summoned him as a Rider instead. He'd basically would have had half of King's Order + Godhand + un-nerfed stats and according to Herc himself he would be willing to discard morals for the sake of winning.
Only thing that could be worse if summoned as a Rider is that he might not get the unknown EX NP that he has as an Archer.

She's shit.

Press F to pay respects.

She's inferior to the real deal.

Dont tell the Goldenman that the Redman and the Blueman went to the beach without him.


I've got my fat Caesar to 60. Do I want him or saber lily in saber slot?

He seems like a good support so far. Especially to a kaleidoscope lancelot. I should focus on his 3rd skill, right? How long before it gets a power up?

And are we ever going to get his "real" form as a rider or ruler or somesuch?

Actually why don't they do a whole event out of revisiting Rome to fix that cluster fuck and some of the servants?

>Okita will never give you a daishouri

Why exist?


with line up like this, i can only hope uncle vlad is enough to carry me through 2years of contents, otherwise im fucked
fk out slut

This isn't funny anymore just give me dragon fangs !

You've given them to everyone else but me !!

Caeser is better than Lily.

She will be wife when I roll her someday!

dw game will shutdown shortly after you fail getting tamamo.


What's the best region of Ireland and why is it Connacht?

dumb whale

tfw no berserker pieces but have two berserkers I want to invest into and like 3 others I want to unlock their interludes.

>"~Sword of Promised Victory~"

She isn't even that cute.

Tuberculosis daishouri! YAY!

I'm drowning in pieces and starving for monuments. Why isn't there an in-game store where you can trade up?

That was a pretty good kick considering

>got one dragon fang so far spamming with quartz refreshes
>managed to get multiple golem crystals by now from all the spamming
What the actual fuck is going on?

>tfw 3 berserkers to want to invest in
>need 20 pieces and 40 monuments

>Still no Dragon Fangs

Jesus christ guys.



Why aren't people just doing the fuyuki cave? It's 7 AP with 6 enemies that can drop them. Plus you get to bully Seiba.

>no doujin of shota shirou living with araara arturia, medusa and girlgamesh

What are Saber wars and why should I upgrade Lily for them?
I really like Riyo's Saber, she's always super serious

Irish cheese is the best

How can one man job so hard? King of Zeroes, more like. Though he gets bonus points for having a fuckboi friend and telling a thot to begone.

Because the green daily has better droprates

Does it? I get 1 fang per 70 ap in Thiers

Saber Wars is a point-based event and Lily gives a flat +50% bonus by sheer presence alone.

Can I get the full pic?

dw about saber wars games dead before we even reach it.

I managed like 5 a day in fuyuki before the desire sensor kicked in when I only needed one more.

It's an event. Lily gives you 50% more points, which will help clear shop. She also has +100% attack in the event missions, which means she's actually useful.


What does Nero smell like?

Yeah vlad is pretty good if you invest in him. The content won't catch up to your levels for awhile.


roses and alcohol

epic memes

Red roses and sweat

Charcoal and dead peasants.

Sweat and (my) semen.


Do you think they hired kids to wear the costumes or are the people wearing them just awkwardly hunched over inside the head?

Because the OP !

Which I'm starting to think is outdated

Captcha : "saint hotel"

Is that like a love hotel for me and my waifu martha ?

its in the OP

It's going to be funny when that event sneaks up on us. A lot of people were memeing about feeding her to other servants or burning her for prisms. I'll probably put some work into her after I have Altera at a decent level.

>say fuck it and try Fuyuki cave after you mentioned it again
>get a fang second run
Really boggles my noggin. Guess I'll try this now. If it works out, thanks user! I only need to farm 31 more!


they hired midgets

Here is a cute comic. Tell me your thoughts.


I only need 8 when I did my marathon in there. Good luck, user.

I'm doing Thiers because I still need a few more berserker pieces to get Herc to 60.

How the fuck are people low on pieces?
I can understand monuments, but pieces?

So between Alter Lily with CE and a support Alter Lily with CE, I can grind the fuck outta Christmas, right?

>Gudako fights Saber to a tie

I'm going to cum so hard down Jannu's throat that her breath smells of semen for the rest of the day.

It wouldn't be the first time that /fgog/ bullied us with false information about drop rates. They can't keep getting away with it!

they just started playing this game i guess and haven't tasted the real grind yet

My Mash is the cutest!


I just want Jeanne Alter to love me back.

Zero false flags are ten times worse than Zerofags. Fuck off retards.

Where did that meme come from? I don't remember it from the Fate/Zero discussion threads back in the day.

Good thing I'm an actual Zerofag then

>anything but Leinster
Connacht is irrelevant tier, m8.

"DED GAME XD" meme's aside
>No "thanks for participating in Nero's tournament!" reward or message
>No filler "X amount of facebook/twitter/download celebratory message
>No random gacha bait banner
>No announcement for any future event or anything at all

Is pretty incompetent and weird the US team must not having a dedicated person hired to make sure there's always a message or announcement out to keep people hooked. It must be the 3 translators taking turns managing the twitter and posting an autistic "Use 3 busters for massive damage XD" on twitter.

>retcon Gil as female in FSN
>final battle in fate is Saber and Gil fighting for Shirou's love
>goes full yandere in UBW, deciding to kill Shirou than let any other girl have him. her love for him causes her to hold back and not use Ea
>gets shanked by Sakura in HF for even daring to look at Shirou

Would it have been an improvement?

remember, that this is the community you chose to join

People just imitate redditors whenever something becomes popular or invites newfags to an existing IP on /a/.

>forgetting about the QP rewards and the Start Dash announcement

Whichever one has the cutest girl associated with it.

Why is Gudako such a monster and a bully?

I actually like Iskander, I just think the meme is funny

Does anyone know how to unlock the 2nd part of Altera's Interlude? It says on the wiki that it unlocks immediately after you clear part 1. FUCK

Kildare/Cill Dara.