/wfg/ - Warframe General

Post "no edition" edition
Previous >READ the pastebins BEFORE asking questions
GENERAL FAQ: pastebin.com/wyz3Ye1g
Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: pastebin.com/GHStmm22

>How to join Warbros NFA or the Alliance: i.imgur.com/gu5HZxZ.png

>Notable links
/wfg/ Discord: discord.gg/7P8Y63T
Wiki: warframe.wikia.com
Essentials: deathsnacks.com/wf/index.html
Buying and Selling items: warframe.market
Farming Prime parts: war.farm/index.php
Droptables by DE (probably rigged): warframe.com/repos/hnfvc0o3jnfvc873njb03enrf56.html
WF news: semlar.com/
Raid Setups and individual Builds:
Warframe Raid Schoolbus: Hide your power lvl and follow the rules: discord.gg/aUTTyWH
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/tag/0.8.2 (not maintained)
DPS calculator and build planner No.2: warframe-builder.com/ (frames, weapons and companions)
Top guns: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mdgJUyNrsHWRMveKwFrpdMJQWyyEGE4Wpo34e8BzE74/edit#gid=157275360
Frames and Modding: pastebin.com/D8Ckdz0c
Tierqueer Filters: git.io/vMhaS

CURRENT UPDATE: Chains of Harrow (Update 21.3.0)
> forums.warframe.com/topic/826127-chains-of-harrow-update-2130/
> forums.warframe.com/topic/801884-oberon-prime-hotfix-2062/

/wfg/ OP pastebin, if it's not like this one report it and make a proper one: pastebin.com/iAgtMahh

Other urls found in this thread:


First for buddy buddy doors

nobody cares
honestly why did that poster even delete it everybody knows this shit

I want to pet Inaros

imagine being so pissed at your trivial job you genocide all of your immortal employers/creators

I just surprised me that I could. Did not know it was common knowledge.

What the fuck are you on about?

Don't bother posting if you're too dumb to pick up on the conversation user.

I think these Primaries can compete with Lenz and/or perform better with Warframes.
>Zarr: Really Easy Avoidable Self-Damage. Secondary function for CQC
>Mutalist Cernos: Long Lasting Clouds, Silent, High Riven Disposition, Initial Hit damage is nothing to laugh at.
>Dread: Despite Riven nerf, a good roll makes the bow shine. High Slash Damage/Crit. Silent.
>Tonkor: High Damage/Crit MASSIVE Self-Damage, Also fun but Niche Weapon for God-Mode Warframes

>Ogris: Higher Blast Damage with Higher Status Chance, No Crit but Massive AOE w/ Augment
Damage is almost identical to Lenz w/o the nice orange/red crits
>Javlok: High Damage/Crit Massive AOE, Excellent with Riven

Lenz: High Damage, Rainbow Build compatible, Two different types of self-damage. Cold Proc last forever and effects Lenz hold Charge, Full Charge Only, Like the rest of primary weapons, has issues with armor.

I didn't menction the Synoid Simulor because I trashed it but I still see people clearing starchart content with it. Ignis also.

The only logical "nerf" I see happening is when DE releases "Shield-Gating" They might nerf/buff some frames/weapons to balance everything out.


Care to explain how it works? Or is there a rule on /wfg/ about not posting about things like that?
I hope people don't really think anybody from DE is watching.

>I hope people don't really think anybody from DE is watching.
they do, and if this plays out the way it usually does, you just started a shitstorm.

What is shield gating exactly? Is it when you take greater damage than your shields can take they drop to 0 but it doesn't affect your HP until the next hit?
Anyway, I used the Ogris and it can be OP but fuck its AOE, sometimes you get blown because of one enemy getting in front of you somehow, or worse, a teammate

It's more meme than anything else but that doesn't mean there isn't some truth to it; Some of the staff do pop in on occasion if only to amuse themselves with our tin-foil conspiracies about them actively spying on us. If one of those lunch breaks happens to coincide with active and detailed sleek discussion then you can put two and two together. I hope, but I mean this is /wfg/ so maybe you can't do that either

>play for the first time in a couple of years
>missing half my shit
Any particular reason for this?

Your memory is shit

Well even if they do, plebbit has potentially more users willing to share these kind of things. And hell, what can they do? Ban anonymous users? Sometimes I wonder how 4chin can still be popular.

>Ban anonymous users
nah, they just fix the sleek so you can't do it any more.
That was what was hinting at with put two and two together.

>And hell, what can they do
fix the sleek, like they do every time sleek is posted in /wfg/

Purple Text Moderators lurk here.
Can't reveal my sources but if a Chat Moderator figured out an anonymous and reported him/her to DE, DE would ban if they've broken a rule.

Yes but they will fix it anyway, the only thing is if it takes 2 or 3 days. It's not like they will never know about it if it isn't posted here. So basically post it here and let everyone have fun for a while instead of keeping it for muh even more sikrit klub. That's totally what I would do if I had any desire to look out for bugs or way to profit from the system (assuming it's not something dumb like give yourself 10k plat and hope they don't notice).

>like they do every time sleek is posted in /wfg/
I can't tell if this is bait.
The Lenz sleek 2 or so threads ago is proof that you're bullshitting, or just baiting.

Please go back to the forum.

I know, you just asked what was the worst they can do and I answered.

>hurrdurr you want to have fun you're from the forums to tell DE hurr
If you want.

There was never sleek for the Lenz,
that was a bait. Try it yourself
If you're that desperate for "fun" you know you can figure it out by yourself right? No you don't know because you're just another shitty player that needs to be spoon fed. Are you the same fucking idiot that was begging for "sleek" from a photo-shopped picture?

I am sorry Officer but I can assure you Nezha was not here last night nor did he partake in any impromptu magic tricks. You got the wrong info.

I haven't since before the relic system was introduced.
I have a bunch of relics that can drop Ember Prime and stuff like that but Ember Prime is in the vault right and no relic that drops right now can drop Ember Prime?

If so how do I effectively use these relics?

>If you're that desperate for "fun" you know you can figure it out by yourself right?
Yeah right go figure something out when you have no idea at all how it works except it has to do with friendship doors. I have time but not that much to spend entire hours clicking and hoping to open a door. You are so dense it hurts, it's ok you know about it and don't want to share, there are people like you too, it's not a crime. And no, I don't even know what you're talking about, just because I'm asking for something doesn't mean I'm on /wfg/ 24/7.

Open unrelated relics to get void traces, use void traces to refine Ember Prime relics for a better chance at the parts you want

Are these focus abilities really that useless? They look useless to me except for the energy zenurik regen.


naramon's invisibility is also pretty useful if you solo a lot

You either takes your chances solo (not recommended) or you go into the recruiting chat and hope that people are doing a radshare of the relic you want to open.

Cry more faggot

Is the Fragor Prime any good actually? I got this riven and been using the weapon for a few days now getting red crits after just 4 hits but it feels like there is something holding the weapon back, probably the Impact base damage.

As a Galatine prime / memerax user I like the fragor prime but still have some doubts.

Alright, thanks.

>it's a /wfg/ thinks DE is constantly monitoring their shitposts episode

>>>not buying Boltor sets for 50 plat off retards

Is increased projectile flight speed at all a valuable stat for bows and throwing weapons?

Attack speed? I know I had a hard time with that weapon because it feels so slow.

How do you jump in this game

Press left mouse button, unless you have shitty keybinds

How do I find clan to leech their labs?

go in trade chat and say WTB friends

That's why I have primed fury on it but the negative on the riven hurts a bit, good shit is the weapon crits instantly triggering Berserker and then you just spam E like a madman.

1. look where you want to go
2. press ctrl
3. while holding ctrl, tap spacebar
you did a jump

lurk more newfag and you'll see anytime sleek has been posted in the thread, it's been fixed shortly after

>this level of confirmation bias

>Is the Fragor Prime any good actually?
>something holding the weapon back
Probably your build, you should be using 90%

im sure you would need a female grade color chart to just to confirm the colors on items

>They bought AGGP Tennogen items

nova prime coming in thot

>something gets posted on wfg
>it is fixed after
Worse than we did it reddit. Just because it's fixed doesn't mean it has anything to do with you or this thread. I know DE are a bunch of incompetent but you never thought about the hundreds of suckers that would use the website/send PM in-game just to inform their overlords and maybe get some free play (they wish) for being a good goy?

>want to play Chroma but he's ugly as shit
>take a break
>come back
>Chroma now has a deluxe skin
>oh cool, maybe n-IT'S EVEN FUCKING UGLIER

well fuck, ran out of warframe slots

do I sell my base rhino or my base frost?

more like nova primate

Both preferably
but if I had to choose, rhino

Why would I not possess a Braton?


Well, let's just assume you are correct. In that case DE will not fix the following sleek in the next 2 patch cycles. If you are correct, nothing happens, if you are not correct then we know DE lurks and a minor sleek is fixed.

How to complete dual lock, buddy buddy, doors solo.
1 - get to door
2 - switch to operator
3 - press button with operator
4 - switch to frame
5 - press button with frame
6 - walk through open door
7 - be lonely because you have no buddies

And now we wait.

its shit

>it's been proven they do

>How to complete dual lock, buddy buddy, doors solo.
>1 - get to door
>2 - switch to operator
>3 - press button with operator
>4 - switch to frame
>5 - press button with frame
>6 - walk through open door
>7 - be lonely because you have no buddies

Just in case. Since all you reddit faggots are here, make sure you let us know when it's posted there to because that's technically the same shit.

But don't you warp to where your operator is after you exit operator mode?

you do, but you can also move to the other switch in time.

>sleek in game for weeks/months
>not talked about on reddit, not talked about on the forums, seems only we know about it and don't talk about it much, only hinting at what it does and not how to reproduce
>some DE shitter pretends to be a newfag and acts how to do thing
>some retard that knows how to do thing says how to do thing
>next hotfix "we fixed thing hehe xd"

it's happened too many times to be coincidence

>user talks about how megan looks like a bird before prime time went live yesterday
>she starts singing I'm Like a Bird by Nelly Furtado on stream minutes later

>rebecca replied to some user on twitter with his shitposts from the thread when he asked her a question

if you actually don't think they come here then you're fucking naive or actually a DE employee trying to make us think otherwise

megan i love you pls be my wife

thicc bursas

Fuck you faggot, Megan is mine you goy

What the hell did they do to Valk's 4? Why would they do this? It wasn't even that great before, it was just a fun gimmick.

Why settle for roast beast when you can have sweet sweet ham

But dual lock doors don't actually require both panels to be activated if you're the only player in the instance.

people overused it in sorties

Shitters galore.


But it was literately the only thing Valk was good for.

dele this

No, now I want to believe there are people who quit missions whenever they run into a buddy door solo.

I didn't say anything about LOR

Why does orokin derelict still exist?

They should use it for something besides the treasure hunt minigame


mutagen samples


Wheres the original picture you cuck

It's infinitely easier to do invasions



Samples, not Masses.

>Polarize with the wrong type
Fuck everything

mfw still needs 1.9k to reseach the hema

Prepare for memes.

How the fuck am I supposed to solo my way through to Mot?

Especially the Interception Mission?

Years ago when I started playing the game I didn't know that you could click multiple times to change the new polarity so I would forma once to change the polarity then level it to 30 then forma that same slot again to change that polarity to a different type until I got the one I wanted

>Screw it, lets bring an Magnetic weapon to today's Sortie
>Let's go all the way, lets bring Mag too
Well I'll be damned.

What's your favorite gun that isn't a completely braindead pointy shooty tool but actually has some mechanics attached to it, however minor it may be. e.g. Penta, Quanta, Dual Toxocyst, Knell etc

Reminder that MOAs are real

Vaykor Marelok

I don't know what you're talking about

>Ack & Brunt +augment
I'm the tank now motherfucker

be stronk and careful

>entire room in liset just for the fucking cyst