Voting Gauntlet score tracker
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Voting Gauntlet score tracker
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
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>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
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What is the dark souls of fire emblem?
Notice me, /feg/-senpai. Signed, Cloud.
Am I less important to you than your crossdressing fetish?
Not with cute feets like that you are
Say something nice to your bride to calm her nerves.
She's shit and I want to kill her.
>playing Sacred Stones for the first time
>remember how bad was support grinding in FE6/7
Should I just ignore it?
5* Effie with brave lance or 4* Effie with brave lance+?
Mae's on the top of the thread!
Excellent taste.
>tiny kys under game
Why do people still use 4 stars in arena?
I want to give Kana a piggy back ride desu.
>Sonya top
>Robin without res
>Echoes needs character
>Kill Peri
Don't you fucking dare
End yourself
This picture always makes me think of one particular Asuka fanart. THAT one.
>t. Tharjacuck
That's mean, poor tharja.
What do you mean, please explain?
If you are talking about playing female charcters, its just much more comfortable. I can hardly immerse in game unless playing female characters, it feels much better.
No I dont have gender identify issues, thank you.
Kill yourself faggot
Kill yourself Shitverafag
>cut off toes
Should I put TA of atk+3 on FeRobin?
TA would make difficult to her to attack low res red cavs like Xander and doesn't seems worth it.
This is a half-princess of Nohr and half-princess of Ylisse. Say something nice!
Its a little faster in SS, just try to focus on the main couples you want and don't bother doing secondaries or people you don't care for
Although late, if any fellow Corrinfags want a +spd/-hp Kagero on their team with deathblow and Vantage, I'm here to help.
>that shitty old fan translation
Why are you torturing yourself like this?
>2nd gens in Fates
The baby microwave dimensions might be the absolute stupidest thing I've seen in any work of fiction in quite a while.
How the fuck did IS fuck up Fates so hard? The premise wasn't original for the series but it at least had potential.
>julia blue
>gauntlet gaius
>kill peri
>need banner unit leo
>not even fully SI'd
Are this Robin niggers doing nothing on purpose so they can get a losing bouns?
They are very slow gaining points now.
>please waifu catria
I'll pass
I couldn't bring myself to play a female in fates because apparently I have a fragile masculinity and couldn't bring myself to blow on my husband's face.
Plus when I first had girl Kanna I loved her too much.
>Aran got to fuck this
>tfw Restoration Queen patch
That's Mae's game!
She's on top of it!
Mae's at the top of her game!
>Need banner unit
>Roll orbs win fight
I want to take full advantage of Kana, sexually.
any1 got all the other versions?
(lol Kana was a mistake, along with all Fates 2nd gens
Requesting half-hearted Mamma Mila! vocaroo
for a science project, you'll be compensated
Why do dragon loli's get boosted BST?
>Tfw no Hector, Ryouma or Takumi
M-maybe they'll do both Hero Fest banners at the same time...
Awww yea man
I have absolutely no clue what you're talking about, I just know it's not this Asuka
flat is justice
>reason seems dead
Yeah, /feg/ was always like that
>a hector died for this
>curiously omitted Azura
Luckshitter pls go. I want Hector too, user, but it ain't happening. Should've spent money when you had the chance.
Post tempest teams. You do have a bonus unit right?
The cunny is strong.
Feetfags are on the scummy bottom tier of fetishists in /feg/
As are disgusting daughter fuckers, which there are way too god damn many of.
>finally got a defense
What are the bonus units going to be this time?
hope I roll a 40% otherwise it is torture
Where did mommy get the milk from?
kill yourself please!
Ninian's probably better than Azura though.
Fuck you
The same reason villagers do, so they can have an excuse to make more awkward stat spreads for them to work with.
Though more realistically it's because all of those tend to have either absurd growth rates(dragon kids), or tons of levels to gain extra stats in(trainees and villagers).
I like Hana
Still need to finish Linde, Maria, Tiki and Sheena
And then I'll probably build Catria or Gordin
Or Michalis or Camus i don't know yet
Depends on the constantly shifting meta.
How big the difference between characters need to be so they get the losing multiplier?
Robin is almos 1,000,000,000 behind Corrin already.
From here
Kana just has that come hither look.
Lingerie Asuka for Heroes when?
>not a single cock counter
Surprised you even got one
My guess is 1,000,000,000 but I've been wondering the same thing
>Full foot is there but toes are covered by a sheet
(lol. Get fucked, footfags
what motivates you to bother reading /feg/
Why so upset? Just let mommy hug you and make it all good.
>people thought corrin would lose
That's my wife.
>In humans, induced lactation and relactation have been observed frequently in some cultures, and demonstrated with varying success in adoptive mothers (...) Lactation can be induced in humans by a combination of physical and psychological stimulation, by drugs, or by a combination of those methods.
Fae is strong!
Strong enough to beat Reinhardt! Strong enough to be great dragon! Gao!
She can lose if Robin get another multiplier
>Couldn't even give Kana the bath towel in the English version
Fucking lmao, stinky girl
Pretty sure it's supposed to be 10%.
Robin fags need to fall back and let Corrin lead harder
She is going to lose
>want to build a Chrom family team
>Have Laslow, Chrom, and Olivia
>Only Lucina I have is masked Marth
Wow, this is probably the first time I'm saying this but I hope my next red is a Lucina.
We can't be friends, user. I'm sorry.
Because I would rather find out about FE things here that reading those gamming """journalism""" sites.
Only the C-skill. She's an effective work in progress. Guess I could give her threaten defense or some shit
Huh, I actually really like Tethys's character
Never did her supports before now
Which looks like what is about to happen. FUCKING STOP ATTACKING YOU ACTIVE Veeky Forums MOBILE SLAVES
Pictures, posting wife, asking questions.
I just ignore all the other shitposters. I'd include the trips in this but sometimes the normal anons are worse then them by a long shot.
I think I will live.
people never stop playing
>Needing a crutch to win arena
Might as well use a dancer
>Corrin cucks getting cocky
Typical of furfags