/fhg/ - For Honor General

best granny edition

Previous Thread :>Updated Season 2 Info: Character and Map details
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>New players:
pastebin.com/55KZTiUK (embed)

>Multiple hero video guides


>Character damage values

>Gear modifier values

>Gear appearances

>Friends list sign up Doc:

>For those that have signed up:

>War of Factions:

>PVP Stat Tracker:

>Story mode collectibles:

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post best symbols


post mains


bad, get out

here's the backside


I use the Phoenix for now, I'm really trying to get to rep 26 because I really, really want the goat.

>christcuck can't handle the superior sword&board chad

>assumes it's a vultard
come on now, don't get defensive. just acknowledge that your main is an OP crutch and you can carry on with your day

>KANGZ are the For Honor version of nintoddlers

i don't really main anybody, i just play a character for few reps and then change to another.

i think wahlahd is good because it's easy to ledge bots and his gear looks good.

Nobody likes crybabies user, if you gonna play a shit class then don't get mad about losing. It's known now that this game has Souls tier balancing, the difference is that Souls didn't pretend to be a competitive game

the more i look at this stupid looking shield the more its growing on me also cant wait for that ui update for more glamor shots

>working as intended from devs
Nah he's right about Warlord masterrace. Join us user, and actually Dominate instead of losing

>Past tense
if you gonna talk about anything in past tense then it's For Honor PC. DkS3 has more PC players and I already counted in a realistic amount of uplay people for FH.

>still no antler ornaments for the knights

It would look good on conq

Conqs got one.
So yeah, maybe never sadly

If we had a ranger/hunter type knight (daggers like PK, bow and arrow unblockable after a throw or on downed opponents like cents eagle's talons, and archery feats) then the antlers would be perfect for them.

>fucking nigger just told Ubisoft his idea
Way to take a spot on year 2 user..
And surprise surprise, he's a fucking male only asssassin/heavy hybrid. We more of those now don't we >:(

I was thinking assassin/vanguard hybrid like nobushi, no reflex guard or deflects, and a simple one hit light attack with bleed off a parry.
They could introduce him into the lore when vikings kill his band of "jolly fellows" and he joins the war effort to avenge them, sending word to the other rouges of the forest to rally at blackstone.

>Team only at 600 points, our team already breaking
>2 down in our team
>Take enemy base with my teammate and defend it until the enemy team was breaking too
>All while the dead ones were arguing in chat who is the worse player
We didn't win but it was pretty based

>conq doesnt have a single good looking ornament
they really hate him

Nah season 3 will the comeback arc for every hero
>even Warden i hope ;_;
>fuck Highlander that claymore should have been ours!!!!!!!!!!

I like the bat, it only works with the steel, silver and black materials though.

He has a few okay ones, I like the lion head thing, sun cult and the imp.

Mein mann.
I hope I get some better shoulder pieces soon tho. Assuming he has some.

I have the imp and sun cult, totally agree

why is ubishit clearly biased towards vikings? just curious

samurai have nobushi as their most viable samurai, the rest are okay at best

knights have warden, who's solid mid tier, cent, who's broken as fuck but arguably not op in 1v1, conq who has a safe shield bash that guarantees damage and great turtle potential, LB who doesn't need to parry because m'block shove and cancerkeeper

vikings have broke as fuck warlord that the devs absolutely refuse to balance, berserker who was just recently buffed to kind of silly levels (entire zone hits if one hit connects, top heavy off ANY parry, hyper armor on top heavy for 55 fucking damage, 75 damage punish off of an OOS throw), raider who's now as broken as shug was, even moreso, and has "mindgames" that take no skill to use whatsoever

>inb4 git gud

they aren't biased they are just incompetent as fuck

I need Gladiator's sweaty nips

I hope you mean FemGlad.

I wish I had known that Wardencucks would be so ass blasted by Highlander or I would have taunted them about it and collected the results. I guess everyone was distracted by Gladiator deniers.

no way fag

It's irregular with my normal behavior because it's not me but some random faggot who wants attention.

Would tell you the new mode, but I don't know it. I hate the idea of capture the flag though, just PKs and Shinobi sprinting around. All the joy that is chasing an assassin down in breaking as they try to run down the clock.

I know it's not Free For All mode because "Data" Damien shut that idea down on twitter for all but For Honor 2.

With Dedicated servers they could I guess add more people and do bigger matches, that might be fun if there was a ram to protect like in campaign or something.

Are you the barafag from a few threads ago?

weirdly no, I just always play male characters and had dnd art on hand

>blind justice can now be feinted and combo-ed into shove

Nice, hope the parry changes in S4 don't totally fuck him over.

Only time will tell desu, that being said, his light follow up has stun, and can be used to start the blind justice chain, I think that's viable enough




>conq who has a safe shield bash that guarantees damage
What the fuck are you talking about? They nerfed the ever loving shit out of his shield bash months ago. It's 100% reactable now, and if you dodge it you get a free GB on Conq.
Literally the only thing Conq has going for him is turtling, it's why you almost never see Conqs anymore

To be completely fair the decision to make two gladiators was fucking retarded
>Give Cent gladiator style weapons
>Give him literally movie tier gladiator emotes with ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED and the thumbs down
>Make him fight like a gladiator with lots of physical blows and throws
>His armor sets fucking scream gladiator
>Make a gladiator character anyway
It's like no fucking thought went into this shit at all. How did NO ONE at the development stage think "Wow you know these characters essentially have the same look and background, maybe we should change that"?
I joined knights to play knights, not fucking soldiers from rome. And the shittiest part is that Gladiator is probably another fucking squishie for the knights based on his appearance

>Gladiator is going to have less health than fucking PK

I just wanted another dude with some nice armor or chainmail. I swear to god if he has assassin health I'm fucking done

>tfw so many cool and unique styles from knights all across Europe
>instead they just do centurion over again

time snap fucked the timing up, it can be delayed pretty nicely, and a conq who's turtling and playing 100% is reactive because now they have an unblockable that can vary in timing and be delayed to the end of a dodge and guarantees damage

and if you guess wrong you're eating a side heavy

also, you're wrong. you do NOT get a free GB on conq, and depending on dodge timing, you don't always even get a dashing attack as an assassin on conq's dash > shield bash, it's too fast. the heavy one varies, most of the time they seem to tech it but sometimes it's untechable. I'm p. sure time snap removal completely fucked the timing on conq's shield bash and made it essentially completely safe on a miss, with some exceptions (IE kensei/raider/WL will almost always GB after a SB and get it, whereas someone like warden has no chance)

At least Highlander will have good health (maybe)

source on that? really happy to hear, that I wanted a shinobi for knights

and then year 2 (>assuming) we can get tanky juggernaut cunts :^)

Well they're classing him as an assassin and he wears almost 0 armour, so probably very low health

Except if you just turtle and dodge block every attack you're litterally unkillable as long as you don't spam neutral bashes to much and stay defensive. Good turtle conqs still shit on anyone but the top tier and shugos

alright, good to hear. i hope they keep the "extreme" thing going on for DLC heroes. i enjoy playing glass cannons but it'd be kinda shit if year 2 heroes (who are probably gonna be all vanguards/heavies) weren't tanky motherfuckers that put even shugoki to shame in terms of tankiness

>I swear to god if he has assassin health I'm fucking done

Well, Gladiator is an Assassin so it would be weird if he had a lot of health.

I thought Warlord was the tankiest.

you mean like how it'd be weird for a hybrid Knight in full plate to have the 2nd lowest HP in the game?


I hope hes a vanguard

With feats he is. Wothount feats lawbringer is. They need to het rid of the bonus damage taken for shugo withount armor.

if you include his feats then yes

They already confirmed that Gladiator is an Assassin.

Highlander is a Hybrid, they haven't told us what he's a hybrid of yet.

I would guess hybrid between vanguard and heavy

I'm pretty sure shug is tankier *with his armor up*, but for some stupid fucking reason he takes increased dmg when it's down

but regardless, I had more meant in the sense that he gives 0 fucks if you hit him and has a huge HP pool. I'd love to see a new knight/viking heavy hero that's a tower of metal/muscle and a boatload of HP to go along with absolutely devastating, super slow moves.

so everyone is getting a hybrid and an assasser?

Orochi doesn't have a single good move, they must really hate her

He's a hybrid, and judging from his size I'm guessing it's vanguard/heavy, probably has LB health

>probably has LB health

It's not fair lads

They must or they would have released general tozen's gear.

octopus is one of the best looking ornaments in the game.

>orochi sympathizers
get outta here

when is the next hero leaks???

Thursday of next week is basically the quick rundown. Leaker user said huntress and Ronin are in fucking mocap animations still. Not even finished, like wire character animations even.

Oh please, we just want Orochi to be GOOD, none of us want to just use top lights and zone- that's why I stopped playing orochi, I still hope the the devs rework them into a more fun character to fight and to use.

rework makes sense.
while his toolset is limited he is pretty strong, and infinitely agitating

>no tozen kick opener move

This is what I mean, I'd be happy if top lights were 600 ms and mostly just a parry follow up, while zone stays the same speed, BUT no flicker, and does only 18 damage. Maybe make his side lights 500ms so you can still interrupt but not for 32 damage. If we want the tozen kick I'd propose that be a move that happens automatically on deflect, stamina punishes, and confirms a side heavy.
I'm just coming up with this on the fly though I trust ubisoft could come up with something better (I know).

>defect to tozen kick
>just like his shinobi sensei
I'd pay steel for it

Thank you!

Nah they were further along than that, but movesets weren't finished yet. They weren't wireframe anymore, but could hardly do anything and probably had some clipping issues if I looked close.

Oh ok, at least we know not to ask for customization stuff yet.

why the hell do i get For Honor trading cards at my steam inventory randomly?

>he buys steel

Some people like having nice things

>its another "valk charge literally heatseeks" episode.

but i get them even when i don't buy steel, i usually just play it a bit and then i get a trading card in my inventory.

i like to support my favorite game studio.

Fair enough, you are paying for us to have a better game also!

Ubisoft has selected you, yes YOU, to design the next hero. What do you make.

pirate, cutlass, dirty fighting

Welcome to the world of slow armored attacks. You get used to it if you play Shugoki.

This is why people who think armor on Conqueror's heavies is a good idea are retarded.

I make sure the Ronin is exactly what I want.

Hunter/ranger knight
since that is me
Ornaments would be forest and nature themed, executions would involve a bow and arrow.
Armour would be a tunic with chainmail underneath
A horse riding emote and an emote firing an arrow into the sky.

Fancy rapier wielding duelist that has a cool cloak available in male and female.
Cool tight plate armor optional

fencers are not war-type fighters you gay

>this fucking picture

Lose those God-awful heels and it's perfect

This is exactly what I want, a noble and elegant court fencer with rapier/cup-hilt sword and decorative light armor.

and gladiators are?
and shugs?
and orochis?
and peacekeepers?
the game is style of over realism anyway.

its just a good pic, i agree with that point.

Neither are dual axes wielding dudes, nor sword+dagger wielding chicks, and flail is a meme weapon alltogether. Your point?

A fucking marine with KA-BAR knife trained in 50000 martial arts with the sole purpose of CQC'ing the shit out of everything.

Why does every artist draw a woman and then go "ah shit, I can't resist the urge to add something whorish and impractical"

Van Helsing like hero