/khg/ - Kingdom Hearts General

Boy and His Puppet Edition

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Every single Kingdom Hearts game, besides the phone game, is now available on PS4! Catching up has never been this easy.
KINGDOM HEARTS I.5+II.5 ReMIX -- Released March 28, 2017
KINDGOM HEARTS II.8 Final Chapter Prologue -- Released January 12, 2017
KH 1.5 and KH 2.5 also available separately on PS3

Coming 2018
D23 2017 Toy Story Trailer: youtu.be/E4y7UK4nqnQ
Excerpt—Hercules Trailer: youtu.be/GNebfmXqHQ4
Less Disney worlds: gematsu.com/2017/07/kingdom-hearts-iii-less-disney-worlds-kingdom-hearts-ii-final-fantasy-vii-remake-along-areas July 18, 2017
Kingdom Hearts is canon to Toy Story: siliconera.com/2017/07/18/kingdom-hearts-iiis-toy-story-world-takes-place-events-toy-story-2/ July 18, 2017
IGN asking Nomura fan questions: ign.com/articles/2017/07/18/8-cool-things-we-learned-about-kingdom-hearts-3-at-d23-expo July 18, 2017
Famitsu Weekly Translation: khinsider.com/news/Famitsu-interviews-Nomura-on-KINGDOM-HEARTS-3-Toy-Story-battle-system-more-9760 July 19, 2017
Dengeki Interview: khinsider.com/news/Dengeki-Interview-with-Nomura-on-KINGDOM-HEARTS-3-and-Union-Cross-9827 July 21, 2017

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Previous Thread:

The hot new poll for /khg/

What game is worse to plat? BBS because of having to do EVERYTHING three times or CoM because of Riku grinding and card collection?

BBS by far.

For now? CoM. I've mentioned that I need 60+ levels with Riku and ~20 with Sora, but I can't imagine BBS being worse and grind than what I'm going through already.

Let's talk about Vanitas!

Reminder to always have crazy stick their dick in you!

>Getting trophies
Man, I'm trying to squeeze BbS to its max because it's my only KH game (the only one out of two in the PSP) but it's literally retarded to do this in the game that gives you several of the games at once

>but it's literally retarded to do this in the game that gives you several of the games at once
Why would that affect whether or not you'd get trophies for it?
Anyway if I'm playing a game I'm platting it. Hell I'm mostly fine with grind, I spent 6 hours going down a 10-second hallway and then saving/loading for my first plat, it's just that I'm mildly annoyed at BBS because you have to 100% the game and then do it 2 more times.


t. Plats on both PS3 and PS4

Stacked difficulties made Re:CoM totally bearable.
The tedium of doing the same thing multiple times vastly outweighs the tedium of doing one thing for a little while.

My Plat for Re:CoM only took me 58 hours, as well.
My BbS Plat was like 70 (though I let the clock run to 80 for the time trophy in Trinity Reports)

HJO's voicework for him is a treat

>My BbS Plat was like 70 (though I let the clock run to 80 for the time trophy in Trinity Reports)
How's that counted, anyway? It's not total playtime, because I had like 30 hours, and then with so far 15 hours on the 100% terra run it only shows like 40

so when did axel's thing of "got it memorized" start, because they just treat it like it's an Established Thing in KH2
were the other org members in com? I thought it was just the ones who die

It is total playtime, but I believe it's only updated when you clear the game.

Axel was in CoM

As i was saying in the last thread

>only 84% in the jiminy journal
>ONLY 21% on the gummi routes

Git better user, go the full 100%

user was peer pressured into ending Xemnas.

Is there any way to dodge the Roulette of Death when fighting Xemnas in KH1 or do you have to play it? I swear I've seen him try and fail to use it against me, but it comes out to fast for me to learn when to dodge it.

What about a sort-of Machete order for KH?

>KH2 (Roxas intro)
>KH2 (rest of the game)
>Back Cover


Wasn't X a prequel/origin story?

χ is the earliest point in the timeline and is alluded to in the Coded movie.

Why would you do this

>Machete order

who do you think pressured him?

>Back cover
>Days up until Roxas coma
>Rest of Days
>(pause after final boss is defeated) Coded
>2 ending
>BBS blank points
>0.2 ending cutscene

All that was before I remembered to beat Xemnas. Plus I want to have some stuff of KH2 to go back to when I go for Plat.

>sort-of Machete order

Anyway, the timeline is:

>Back Cover
>A good amount of 0.2
>Finish 0.2
>First 7 Days
>Rest of Days
>Mickey's letter in KH2
>Blank Points
>Mickey/Riku/Kairi scene in 0.2

Think about it: if you don't play CoM before KH2, you know everything that Roxas knows when he has amnesia and you learn everything you need to know through him. Then CoM serves as a flashback, filling in holes you wouldn't understand if you played the rest of KH2.

The rest is basically just release order aside from χ, which is better before DDD since it and 0.2 lead directly into KH3, and it's pretty awkward if you stop in the middle to learn about the Keyblade War.

fukkin whimp

Reminder: picking the sword is canon.

delete this

Makes since Sora is stupid at the beginning. But I am guessing he picked Sword and Wand given that it's canon that Sora can only defend himself with magic when not having the Keyblade

He's never used a shield

Excuse me?

That's a trick that just now he learned

Yeah that'll be the first time

adult sora when so he can use that voice more often? even goku grew up

don't they still have the same 80 year old woman voicing goku in japan

sora's jap voice actor is a boy so they can't pull that crap. admittedly sora's never gonna be as edgy as vanitas, so even if he ended up in his twenties before the series died it wouldn't be the same voice

i haven't played ddd, does he go back to normal at the end or is he still a kid

well, an even younger kid
even though he's supposed to be 14 in 1, which doesn't make any sense

yeah, last cutscene he's back to kh2

Is this the worst case example in all Kingdom Hearts of a threatening looking attack/ability that does actually nothing

So that's what that does.
I was always too spooked to let it happen.

sora's shoes confirmed for quality traction surpassing the gravitational pull of a black hole

>Pulls you into a black hole verse
>Does (something) with the cards
>Makes a giant rose petal bomb
>Does fuck all damage
Even if that's on beginner that's stil some weak shit

The point of the attack is to black out your cards

Don't they show up right after the attack though?

CoM was weird like that. Big powerful looking attacks did bugger all while them hitting you with 2-3 normal attacks had your car alarm going off.

>Big powerful looking attacks did bugger all while them hitting you with 2-3 normal attacks had your car alarm going off.
>Giant attacks in BBS are worthless (outside of mega flare for farming)
>Small shit like thunder surge is the most powerful shit in the game
i want the nips to end this meme

Chaos Blade (multi-hit) is useless now? Faith (attack+healing) is useless now?

Wasn't chaos blade useless against bosses, or am I thinking of one of the other similarly named attacks.
I don't think I've ever used faith.

How come you die if you fail this? Like what happens to Sora?

he hates the music so much he kills himself

I thought you didn't die if you lost to the DANCE WATER DANCE part

>I thought you didn't die if you lost to the DANCE WATER DANCE part
what would be the point of it then? a 30 second break in the fight?

There's this tag on the back of Roxas' jacket
Does anyone have any idea what it means?

Is Coded worth playing?

isn't it the same brand the characters in The Bouncer wear, to match up with the rest of his twilight town friends

>Tetsuya Nomura

Sora learns first hand what it's like to be Swiper.

>Handled all bosses Demyx -> Genie Jafar pretty well
Who's the next roadblock?


genie jafar is piss easy
less of a joke than in 1 but still really easy

next roadblock is probably just roxas

I just heard Demyx is where KH2 starts to get serious and put Genie Jafar as reference to where I am.
Demyx and Xaldin took 3 tries each and the other bosses only took 1.
Though I won't be able to say I got good until I beat Data Org + Terra I feel like I'm doing alright so far.

Yeah, it's fun

"ya" can mean "shop" as a suffix

Terra's just flashy and annoying, (like all superbosses it seems)

terra's in-game face model is really bad, he looks like benedict cumberbatch


Best trio.


>Sora, don't ever change.
>Surely we remember as children the way our hearts made everything seem so shiny, and perfect. Sora has a heart like that—uncorrupted

d e e p e s t
l o r e ?

BBS because at least CoM is easy grinding; BBS i find myself referring to an internet guide for melding and having to hop from world to world for minigames and shit, times 3

>BBS i find myself referring to an internet guide for melding and having to hop from world to world for minigames and shit
do you not just do this for most 100%s?

CoM requires much less guidework to plat compared to BBS

I suppose, but amount of guidework is the least of my concerns in terms of platting something.

Reminder that because of Xion, Namine is not part of the Nobody trio


Namine was never considered to be apart of that trio regardless. She's always supposed to be alone.

To me it boils down to the amount of thinking i have to put into the task; when it comes to mega flare grinding as Sora i don't consider it as tiresome as BBS

but that has mega flare grinding too!

anyway bbs wouldn't be bad even with the do it thrice thing if you didn't have to do ALL of the monopoly boards again and ALL of the arena shit again.

Wasn't arena a multiplayer thing originally? I would have rank for that would have been "game-wide" instead of character specific.

How is she supposed to be alone?

That's basically apart of her core character, being alone.

Why did Axel have those green things on his face?

So what? Xion's is to be forgotten


>So what? Xion's is to be forgotten
Forgotten. But not lost.

I like the do or die feeling I get from Anti-Form.

SP Gauge 1 skill medal when?

uhh its has been here a long time?
The current board has ab3m+sp1

I need it for HPO medal. AB3Max would be wasted on it.

>i'm the biggest nobody of them all
>isn't a nobody at all

well we will no longer get normal sp1 medals.
Did you put sp1 on sebastian? You could transfer the skill to hpo.


What if all this extra crap that keeps getting shoved in Sora's heart is just pushing all the darkness out to make room

Would explain how someone so strong only turns into a mere Shadow.



Did Ansem delete Sora's memory of his mom just so his cyber-self can live in there

its the indivisible girl cosplaying as Sora