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True Love Edition

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>Harbinger League
>ES and Life manifesto
>3.0: the Fall of Oriath
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Kitava sucks.

>templar still says death to sin
ahh yes amazing quality control

>Entire act 10 overtuned
>some parts of act 6-9 undertuned

Expansion took away all the good waifus and gave us none in return.

This is your new popular PoE streamer
Say something nice about him

xth for hardcore is pointless unless you're competing and want those free ladder ranks

Have totems ever been bad

has evasion ever been good

nth for rip greust


*clears throat*


*spit in the distance*

hashtag needs to recuse himself as master of the /poeg/ guild for being a literal shitb*rd

he defiled my pure Helena
I took great pleasure in murdering him

>pick scorching ray
>suddenly killed shaper while in lioneye's watch
wtf i like scorching ray now

I had to sleep, but here

This is what I'm working with at level 76
Heading for the bloodless cluster down at bottom, then finishing the heart of flame node at top, then grabbing jewel sockets I guess

Newb here. I just entered act 10 with 3000 life and I'm feeling the burn. I've traded to get +life on most gear pieces and max my elemental resists but shit still hurts.

>the playable characters will never be this smooth and detailed

Wantee: That rad looking Martyr Staff user from earlier today with that Hiero Ascendacy and Totems+Flame Surge for not posting his PoB/Skill tree.

Is the ascent a difficulty spike? I walked in there after no deaths so far and then two separate uniques gibbed me pretty fast.

act 10 is overtuned as fuck right now. i have 5k health, ~11% hp/s and MoM and i can almost not tank white packs...

Feels Bad Man

... what? it's an intermediary area between acts, how could that be a difficulty spike?

A story of serendipity and great risk

Well I've been getting by with 6% base life leech plus Blood Rage and Warlord's Mark

he just did you mong

Just get some leech, and I feel like MoM's draining all your mana super quickly and you have to gulp hard.

I don't know, some unique Yeti fucked my shit up. Maybe just because I lost str from a jewel and can't crutch on decoy totem now.

>Come back to game after update
>I dunno what I want to make, guess ill just level with split arrow
>end up just playing generic archer yet again

I need something to level with besides split arrow

Split arrow is even better now though cause you get fucking pierce on the twilight strand

Literally after I posted from phone while can't seeing shit

Thanks m8, appreciated.

what's wrong with that?

Is it possible to make a viable build with Dancing Dervish?

evasion was good when you could take the dodge node without block penalty. then again that's not pure evasion

Are there any recommended builds for Frost Blades inquisitor? Looks pretty fun.

>i get a bigger damage increase from +12% increased lightning damage than from lvling my storm burst

What's the fastest build? Former Vaal Sparker here

Literally used goods

>can't greentext properly
lurk more, newfriend

What should he say instead? "Death to Purity"? "Malachai was right"?

Zerker leech and the regen keeps me alive, but they shouldn't chunk me for more than my dark pact as white mobs when A9 mobs hit like tissues...
That's a strange damage spike.

Dual wield or sword and shield for Frostblade Raider

What level am I supposed to be able to beat that Innocence boss in Act 5?

I failed miserably at level 46 but the Chamber of Innocence is the only place I have to grind and I don't think I'll be able to get past 50

Cloaked in Savagery for dark pact y/n?


Wew the difficulty spiked in Chapter 5. Thinking I might need for than
1.2k HP
600 ES
44% Fire Resist
59% Cold Resist
75% Lightning Resist
11% Chaos Resist
Even with MOM I am getting rekt by everything
That beam from Innocence killed me before I even had a chance to get behind cover

Around level 43-45. Character level by itself doesn't mean much though. If you have wasted 10 passives so far, you're level 46 with the actual power of someone level 36.

>he doesn't have 1.5k life, 1.5k mana with MoM arctic armor and capped resists lol

How the damage coming along though since you skilled almost no fire damage nodes? I can't see if the items are planne or your current equip, but there are certain unique which same pretty lategame. Think this build will work even without them? Especially Eye of Innocence.

General clearing is probably like every totem build except Flame Surge at high hp/bosses?

you're not supposed to stand in the beam

I have a question

Does this skill mean that Dexterity will now basically provide Armour instead of Evasion (because Evasion rating is converted to Armour)

Or does it mean that Dexterity will not provide either?

No shit but by the time I could break LoS with it I was already dead unless I was literally right next to the construct

Cap your fire resistance. At 44% fire res, you're taking 56/25 = 124% more fire damage than someone at 75% fire res. Innocence is purely fire damage iirc.

face it, the new content is just simply overtuned

Dexterity will provide neither.

Right click's sheet DPS rises to ~14K in combat, without totem

why do all the bonus spell damage gems have downsides?

It literally says dexterity will no longer provide any evasion bonus, what's there to be confused about? It'll still provide accuracy but that's it. IR is when you have a lot of flat evasion on your gear, you also gain like 3 evasion per character level.

Little rot tooth
Fire kitsune

You are Dream Tender
You stay with Yeena and make lots of sweet love, yes?

Of course it wouldn't provide Evasion anymore if the Evasion is being converted to armor

>the playable characters didn't get a single voiced line across six new acts

Is Divine Vessel one time use only?

How do I sustain Dark Pact? It works great against white/blue enemies, but anything higher than that and my health goes to 0 in like 5 seconds

i have 4k health, cloaked in savagery, and not sure how much DPS because the tooltip is wrong

It needs to be harder since you no longer have the -60 all res merciless penalty until mapping. And it's not overtuned, players are just not used to building defensively, because they never needed to until late cruel.

What HP and dps is enough to do uber lab as melee? not "melee"

can't find the act 8 boss fight music track anywhere :c

so beyond the new acts, what else have they added? Seems like everyone is saying the new skills are shit. What am I supposed to play if I was burnt out last league and have tried the following builds: EQ, BF, BV, BF, FB totems/self cast, incinerate eb/mom, blight.. I mean is there anything new to try that's actually good?

lol......... no

Am I expected to at least die a handful of times as a new player? Every time I die I feel really bad because there's a hardcore mode that feels like it's supposed to be the "real" option but I don't think I'd get anywhere doing that.

some of the new boss fights are pretty tough

Hardcores its own thing for experienced players

this game is reasonably challenging, youll die sometimes as a new player

>Am I expected to at least die a handful of times as a new player?
Yeah, especially in 3.0. It gets better after the 3rd or 30th character though

PoB Pastebin of everything the character has right now. Will change the weapon to a Doon or Divinarius whenever they're cheaper and i actually have money.
pastebin dot com slash MeS80q3J
Entire planned tree (only to lv 80) poeurl.com/bqbe

who crit dark pact

They finally did it

Theres so many skills I can no longer play the game due to being unable to pick

Blood magic/mortal conviction yes?

is there a country that has autumn weather the whole year?

yeah. dont play that shit as a league starter, though

As in temperature or the look of the leaves as they end their life cycle?

whats the most brain dead/easy shit I can build/gear in this game?

I used to play a long time ago and I just want to tank a break from everything im playing

What went wrong?

The temperature I guess, I just want to skip winter... I love autumn and spring, summer is whatever.

No the closest you can get is something like mild summer and winter, so everything blends together.

Anything between the subtropics and the arctic and antarctic circles should suffice. This means, Canada, North USA, North of Europe, South of Argentine/Chile.

Innocence tips? I got half-way through on my first try but I randomly went from full to zero in a second. Is there some insta kill mechanic I'm not familiar with?

Is war bringer really that better than cloaked in savagery? I imagined the 100% leech on savage hit would be quite good for dark pact or something, though a 25% heal bomb is also quite good. You using enduring cry?

pls help

avoid the telegraphed flameblast
avoid the telegraphed bullet hell
avoid the telegraphed beam of death

no insta kill mechanic, no

>MoM has always been my favorite build because it was sort of hipster and not many people did it because ES was just better
>now MoM is the new meta and I start to cringe whenever I think about how I'm playing the exact same thing as everyone else
ungh fuck

whatever at least i'm playing hierophant and NOBODY does that

I have NO fucking idea what happened to Silk, or Nessa. Did they die? Nessa gets gobbled up, and I didn't see her leave after Brine King dies, but everybody acts like she's still out there. Silk was on the wall, and I didn't see what happened to him during the boss fight

I'm actually going to ditch eye of innocence, with totems and golems doing my igniting I get no use out of it. Also going to ditch mokou's once I don't need it for resists for similar reasons. I think just all rares except martyr will probably do the trick, maybe fire doryani's belt at some point
Damage is quite good. I was using sunder for aoe but it was extremely slow, switching to triple warchief totems made it much safer and quicker clearing. There actually is 145% total damage from tree, which I don't think is too bad, all my damage is area and ele so both those kinds of nodes scale it all. The hiero's +% damage per kill helps with clearing a lot too.
Bosses I've fought so far are pretty quick, Immolate Flame Surge makes short work of them, and VLS with immolate speeds it up a bit more. I was planning on using VMS but that didn't do much for me

Stay the fuck away. Run away from stuff on the floor. Hide behind disabled statues when he does the ball lightning shit. Same for the beam attack if you can. Get max fire and lightning resist, too.

What did you do?

Silk went to Arakaali with the intention of """""marriage""""". When spiders have sex, the female usually eats the male during or after. So, at around 50%, she consummates their marriage by eating him alive. After the fight you can find his head and spinal cord in the middle of the room. Yummy.

>Silk was on the wall, and I didn't see what happened to him during the boss fight
He gets eaten up during the fight, you probably missed it if you were busy running away for your life

>try to complete the vaal bosses challenge
>one of the bosses is in a side area of a5 that no longer exists due to world events
sasuga GGG

You probably want something like vancouver. Extremely mild winters etc etc.

6k hp
30k dps

should be enough

1 year and 2 months, nice

>NOBODY does that
>2 hieros in the top 20 right now

bad goyim