/fhg/ - For Honor General

free weekend edition

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pastebin.com/wENXbKNh (embed)

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pastebin.com/55KZTiUK (embed)

>Multiple hero video guides


>Character values

>Gear modifier values

>Gear appearances

>Friends list sign up Doc:

>For those that have signed up:

>War of Factions:

>PVP Stat Tracker:

>Story mode collectibles:

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first for Fem Gladiator best girl

Can't wait to see those sandals

Third for Oni!

Is the fanbase starting to come back or is that just wishful thinking?

Can't wait to see her


7th for watch Highlander.

it won't do a full revival like siege but it could get decent amount of players back

Currently really enjoying this "wardens btfo" arc.


my favorite season

where are these highlander leaks?

Lol let's see you and try to stop me when I'm the biggest mofo on this beach and i've got two staaaaaances.

Kniggers are getting thier shit pushed in I love it

These are making my day anons :)

I hope it's not one of those "MC loses to a strong enemy, but then comes back stronger than ever" cliche arcs.


>be smol knight
>going to be bullied
>people going to try and defend you being bullied
>so they can bully you themselves
This totally isnt why I joined knights in the first place

What could they possibly do to redeem warden? He's got no face left to save. Now that Gladbag is confirmed, Warden is the weakest knight.

>Vanilla cuck in the first place to appeal to darksouls fans
>Neutered by nerfs
>PK probably lifts more than he does



>Be Warden
>Get full plate armor season 3
>Abilities and moveset reworked, no longer shoulder bashes but actually halfswords and uses mordhau LIKE A REAL KNIGHT

Screencap this. Highlanders will be FUCKED.


If Wardens weren't such scrawny noobs you'd all have diamond dicks from all this crysturbating.

Who here /Roman/ don't care for kniggers but them having Romans is a plus

Fuck off faggot. You're worse than the Kniggers. You're the footfags, waifufags, and actual fags all bundled up into one group.

>this much hatred for us
>he generalizes
Sorry Knightboi, it's over. Come join the samurai, we've got a better swordsman coming in season 4

Meh, it's cool I guess. I get that romans fit into the knight faction in a geographical sense, being really not far away at all from the rest of the knights who are more than likely italian.

I mean Highlander isn't exactly a Viking but he's still northman-enough to hang.
Shug is waaay too big to be a native jap, and his bio says he's a warrior from a distant land or something like that so he's probably Samoan or some shit.

It's just a little lame that BOTH of knight dlc characters are romans, and the first one they put out was underdeveloped garbage. I hope Gladbag is more fun.

Cent and Warden are just the absolute most boring and underdeveloped characters in this game. Fuck, even Roach has more intricate moves than a Warden.

>I call him a Knigger
>He calls me a Knightboi
LMAO open up your eyes there ching chong chen. I'll be a Viking Chad forever.

wishful thinking

>from the rest of the knights who are more than likely italian.

Conqueror or Conqueress I forget which says "grazie" after being revived. Everyone else just speaks straight (broken) latin though

When Vikings get BTFO this season, we will see who has the last laugh....

It's indeed broken latin/italian. This is wierd though, since none of their equipment looks roman whatsoever. I figured they were just kinda warriors from some extended Holy Roman Empire territory distal to Rome.

Historyfag here, and that makes perfect sense. The Holy Roman Empire was big into holding territories at several arms length, and a lot of the cultures that got to be part of the empire thought roman culture was rad, so anyone that was educated spoke some latin even if it wasn't their mother tongue. I'm sure latin made it into these people's everyday slang too.

pls don't embarrass us by trying to sound edgy and tough, just accept our place at the bottom as toys for vikings samurai and conquerors
it's better that way c:

>Nobushi telling Warden to "not worry" about her friendly relationship with Highlander

So is this game worth $30?

Just try it on the free weekend mang.

Fuck outta my faction smoll boi. You're not welcome, go to the sammy since they're fucking wimps.

shut up you actual faggot

Femconq says "Te Offligam" when doing heavy shield bash sometimes. This translates roughly to "I'll crush you."
It's indeed latin, and for what it's worth the choice of words IMPLIES TRAMPLING MFW

Free-weekend man. Just try it then

>Horseslut PK
>Warden cucks never getting a plume ornament
>muh low tier lawfag shoveshitters
>brain dead Conq
>two roman heroes
>no season wins
>highlander gets TWO STANCES!?!?!
>"it's rigged" defense force

Fucking Kniggers are so BTFO it's hilarious.

God willed this

>no season wins
we won the beta

>there has never been a better time to be a sissy knight and the salt from every other knight just makes it all so much better

>just calling you a faggot

did those cumshots corrode your brain or something user

So how is your skill compared to the opponent's ? Is it K/D or something ?
>boot up duels
>me, 7 prestige total, 1st prestige with the character
>opponent, prestige 49 or something, prestige 7 with the character
>your skills is equal to your opponent

>play the vikings challenge
>ok, I'll try out the Warlord for once, play against some bots just to earn the steel and maybe ledge to make it faster
>tfw when I realized how much super armor he fucking has

>we won the beta

Kek all you want johnsnow, but whenever you wanna play an event you gotta come to OUR HOUSE.

Reminder to knights to always wear our beta emblem background because that's what we are :D

>tfw no egyptian pharoah character who uses a khopesh


How the FUCK did Ubi manage to screw this up? It's not that hard to just give us full plate mail god DAMNIT it's just a recolor

>mfw smalboi warden
>mfw still get the girl
vicucks absolutely BTFO'd
you'd have to be a viking to be dumb enough to think any waifus would go for stinky smelly we wuz vikangz

Reminder beta still had the best season reward, havent seen anyone with the shitty outlines from s1 or 2, and no one wears that terrible ornament

>thought gladiator would have caused the most shit posting
>turns out it was highlander
certainly didn't expect that

Smollbois don't know this, but... if a girl tells you not to worry, it's basically over.

Betas? Yeah I'd say so.

>Warden will never get this

is there a list of all warden gear with pictures
I swear I only get the same 6 all the time and im rep 11
I never seen one like that before

Check the OP user. Has a site for forhonor fashion.

that's season 3 gear also check the op it's got a website with all the gear in game

I just want to get rid of the fucking tapard
or at least give me a fucking cape

Imagine the ornaments.
> They base all of them off the Egyptian pantheon.

They'll re use the assets from Assassins Creed Origins in season 5

Well you're in luck because he's never had a tabard. It's a cape tucked under his belt. Confirmed by Ubi.

How many new players you think are gonna stick around after the free weekend?

2, maybe 3.

>autism squads are just going to 4 man vs all the new dominion players who didn't even play the campaigtorial and drive them all away

>they will then wonder why game is dead.

depends on if the matchmaking works, if it doesn't work then i can't imagine much but if it does work then i imagine that a good number will pick it up

Sure thing smelly vicuck
women are more masculine then them

Maybe 5 if we're lucky. Most likely they'll quit after their 4th disconnect

>playing PvAI with matchmaking off as usual
>get bored and try to get back in to PvP
>join a game in progress, my team losing 30 to 500
>join second game
>in progress again, fucking 15 to 780
>quit instantly
>join another game
>in progress, again, teammates all useless, again, other team has two Cents, a Nobu and a Valk that roll together 100% of the time, can't do anything against their ultimate gank squad when my braindead teammates keep running at them one at a time to their deaths
>Nobu player starts spamming me after the game "were you having a tough time blocking my attacks? tee hee" when he was poking at me from 20 feet away while I was trying to fight off the double Cents, retard continues to message me for the next fucking half hour
>join in progress AGAIN
>actually win this time after putting in my absolute all and being lucky enough to finally have teammates that stick together and just barely pulling through when both teams were breaking
>join another game, in progress as always, two of my team members are bots
>enemy team has a player drop while I'm fighting him, unlocking my guard right as an Orochi top heavies me from behind and executes me, replaces him with another player 20 seconds later, while my two bot teammates remain bots the entire match
>enemy team has an Orochi that somehow always ends up fighting me specifically, parries and dodges everything and counters all my GBs
>lose yet again
>join one last fucking game
>in progress a-fucking-gain
>the Orochi from the last game is back, singles me out again for fuck knows why
>lose to turtles, gankers and fucking idiot teammates once again
>shoot myself
>type shitty blogpost in /fhg/ as an angry poltergeist

Can't I just be allowed to have fun playing games? Why does this same exact shit happen to me with every fucking multiplayer game I play?

I feel you user. Every time I join a dom game in progress I manage to pull the team back from the brink and then get disconnected. I've also only been able to fight pks and warlords in duels for the past 34 matches.

stop solo q'ing and get some friends

just carry lmao
i know your feels

Trying having comebacks each fucking join in P match I get. Then the enemy
>who so happens to be fucking host
Pulls the damn plug every fucking time(on console the host leaving is 89% guaranteed to boot everyone).

>be nice go new player and let him win
>kek gg EZ I just got this game and I'm already on top versus this rep 30 no life

I don't fucking care ill stomp these retards

I really hate you blog faggots since everyone is just a shitter

Dominion has by far the most fucking annoying comeback mechanics in place and faggots still act like every match is a step for them

"Oh, you're sooo funny Warden. I'm so glad we're such good friends

>it's season 3 and they are STILL cucкed out of plate armor

Nigger, there is no come back if your entire team is bots and retards while the enemy team's a fucking premade Cent/Raider/Warlord/Pk Rep60-120+ ganking deathsquad.

so dont bitch about it in a paragraph idiots are just shit I fucking hate Dominions comeback mechanics and wish there were more stomps as it stands if you show a little brain capacity you can atleast put up a fight

>Enemy team breaking relatively early on, safe win
>All 3 (three) of my teammates run into a
catapult trap together because they were so close to one another 3 (THREE) times
You can't even pretend to be this retarded. I wish some people would have to make a license to play online.

>3 days ago

>Shinobi kick can't even mixup anymore
>Last hit of the zone can't be feinted
>Shortest active guard of all assassins
>90 health
Fucking why

>Shugoki lost his only mixup
>Wasn't given anything else to make up for his incredibly weak kit
>Has the effective health of an assassin because he takes more damage than everyone else
>Charge can't even wallsplat

>Parry nerfs in the PT server make it so no one can confirm a guardbreak
>Except centurion
>Who can drain your entire stamina bar, deal 60 damage, and stun you for several seconds from a single guardbreak

I can't even work out half of what you're trying to say when you're typing in broken English like an angry Russian.

Sooo what do you suggest we do? Let them desperately mash buttons in honorable 1v1s trying to hit you while you are yawning, blocking them effortlessly?

How do you cheese the campaign on realistic if you just want to unlock the head ornaments ?

Two feats, healing and unblockable attack lvl2

Did Ayu get sent to Saren Kuraga?

>whining about cent
smells like reddit

Be more patient as Shuggi and use the unlock->lock on->unlock etc. to move away from your opponent quicker. It literally escapes warden bashes and conq bashes as well and leaves you enough time to get a light in before they recover which you couldn't do by just dodging.

despite disconnecting not being a huge thing for me, i think it is probably the thing that makes a lot of people fuck off

Not complaining about cent, but the fact that he's the only one in the PT that can confirm GB on parry and he has the highest confirmed damage on a wallsplat in the game so that seems a little broken when characters like zerker get a single light, no?

Neat, no one plays shug anymore so i've never seen this used

>only one in the PT that can confirm GB on parry
I must have missed something. I thought nobody's gb after parry was gonna be guaranteed anymore? Does cent have a way of doing that that will still work?

He's probably talking about the parry punch, btw warlord gets that too

Yeah I was wrong, is right
Shinobi and shug need buffs badly though

it's easy, you don't need to cheese it but if you're that bad use unblockable and healing