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/sthg/ #860 - Bokkun a cute Edition

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Bokkun is really fucking cute.

Why do people draw Knuckles with 2 separate eyes?

His brow reaches the muzzle more often than Sonic's or any other hedgehog

Because he has two separate eyes in every piece of official artwork and his in-game sprites/models.

>Mania out in 7 days

>Cheeto dog's debut in less than 4 days

I thought I'd draw things which weren't 600 x 5000 comics because as shit as they were they were taking me time I didn't have in the day.

Because his brow is so low people assume he has two eyes. I know I thought so as a kid.
Boom Knuckles eyes are seperate too.



Kek, great pic


what the hell is it anyway? A robot or a mutant chao?
If it's called Bokkun, why is his belt buckle a big M?
Why is the Sonic blue?

His brow is just low enough to make it seem like that, but unless he is drawn like that in Sonic X or some official Sonic Team media it's a mystery as to whether he has two eyes or not.

Cobalt Effect from breaking Mach 5

Can someone source me on the claim that Omega is only able to use his laser cannons when Shadow lends him chaos power or is that just silly headcanon?

Robot and it probably stands for Messenger


Cream and Cheese like to watch.

You better have a "WHAT'S GOIN ON? WOAH, WOOOAH" variant of this, maybe with Motobug as old man Jenkins

I'm excited for Sonic Forces
I wanna draw a Mania picture too

I like Shade the Echidna.

Knuckles very clearly has two separate eyes. Not all Sonic characters have the mono eyeball.

He's been drawn with separate eyes in literally every official piece of art, sprite work, and model since his creation. It's safe to say it's not a mystery unless you're retarded.


>"Rrrriiccccooo Sssuaavvee"

Nice! I would like to see a Mania image too. I'm also hyped for Forces

You hate Griffith, right?


I'm just really hyped for sonic this year in general. It's a good time to be a sonic fan.

I know that, but nothing other than western artwork of Knuckles actually shows him to have separate eyes, his brown could just simply be lower than Sonic's. When Blaze is angry her brow doesn't look like Knuckles' does.
Tails has separate eyes, Cream has separate eyes, Blaze even has separate eyes. The only time Knuckles has been clearly shown to have separate eyes is in western media. What you posted does not mean he has separate eyes.


Oh no.

>clearly drawn, sprited and modeled with separate eyes in literally every game, every piece of official art, even every Sonic Channel art
You're retarded.

>nothing other than western artwork of Knuckles actually shows him to have separate eyes
Show me a picture of official art where Knuckles has one eye.

I swear to god, you better make a fancy change to this for the last/release day pic

wonder how much cocaine she can smuggle around in that frock

Indeed, I must thank The Ride and this general to show me a new Wonderland of eroticism.

They join the army?

Sonic's harem, which is the same in this case.

Amy is annoying in X.

Reminder that this happened in the comics.



X!Amy is cute, but it's definitely one of her worst portrayals

Sonic Forces as a title just reminds me of a military unit. I wanted to draw these cute gals in cute outfits.


You did this on purpose!

And water is wet. I like Amy in general but in X she was pretty bratty.

Easy to see why she had a good amount of hate too.

The red in their eyes really makes the picture, looks nice man.

It's been a while.

Sonally quints.

It's a needlerat!

Man, I'm glad that's in the past. Also, why do Sonic & Sally look drunk?

Show me a piece of none western media that he is clearly drawn with two separate eyes, and I don't mean like how his eyes normally look, I mean like pic related, unless you can show me a piece of official Sonic Team made media in which his eyes look anything like that, you cannot for a fact say that his eyes are separate when his brow could just as easily be drawn a lot lower than Sonic's

>Show me a piece of none western media that he is clearly drawn with two separate eyes
Play literally any game.

>"i-it could just be his brow!"

here you go

>I don't have any proof so I'm just gonna ignore what you specifically asked for.
alright then user.

He's got them noodle arms.

The burden of proof is on you.
Any picture I post you're just going to say his brow is really low. If no pictures exist of it higher up like Sonic then your claim is merely conjecture.
quit making dumb shit up

Literally not even like the picture I gave. Ignoring what I asked for in favor of being a smart ass doesn't make you look smart, it only makes you look like an ass.

>Waaah it's not how I like it!

The versions I posted before were shrunk down just a little bit for screencapping purposes, but here's a full res version of the current lineup

If the entirety of the franchise hasn't clued you in to the indisputable fact that Knuckles has separate eyes as a design feature then nothing else will. Seek help for your mental condition.

My point is that you don't know, I never claimed that he for a fact had one eye, your the one claiming he has two eyes, without any actual proof. I cannot prove that which is unknown, but if you can prove that he has two eyes like Boom Knuckles has been shown to have multiple times then you would be right, you cannot so you are not.

If you'd quit being a little bitch that would be great.

These are cute, now that I think about It I'm surprised no one has done something like this for the wisps yet.

Thanks my dude

These are cute af

awesome pics
the 1st, 4th, 5th and 8th are cutest

Well we can post pictures all day of Knuckles with two eyes. You have yet to post a single one supporting your claim.

>Asking for solid proof make you a baby

Excellent work, user.

My claim is that it is not clear, you explain to me how I can prove that and I will. While your at it, how about you prove it by posting something that even remotely looks like the picture I posted.

Sure, alright, you have no proof but alright.

Do Sonic CD enemies fggt.

Why is this even an argument?

I wanna finish Sonic 1 first before I take on any other games. Truth be told CD kinda scares me due to me not being as knowledgeable on them and it being the game I have the least amount of experience with

It's more likely I'll do 2 first


>explain to me how I can prove my point
That's your job to figure out.
It isn't, this nigga just clownin'.

Love these. Now do Sonic 2 and 3 :)

You don't know how to argue. Kindly stop posting.



sonic is kawaii!

Whoa, haven't heard that song in a while.


I like this style a lot.

You can't prove an uncertainty, but you can prove a fact. I'm not the one claiming a fact.

And here we see a model head of a male cyclops, no one know how they got that just one eye but here is what artists think they would look like.

This and the following image would be nice


You made me laugh, thanks user.

This is the follow up


on it my dude


Boom!Amy wears panties now though.

No, I don't.

Thanks user

Ayyyy LMAO nice meme my man, it's so funny how you completely misrepresent my argument with something nowhere near the same. Had me laughin'

Someone should push him off the edge.


How to prove you were always shitposting from the get go

>Implying I would unironically frogpost
It's because I don't take the initial post seriously.

No problem, senpai. Gotchu. ;)

post ONE official picture of Knuckles with the one eye. then we'll talk.

Stop giving him attention.