Reminder to put something reflective on your dog when you walk it in the dark

Reminder to put something reflective on your dog when you walk it in the dark.

Also, anyone ever hit an animal? Did it do any damage?
There are some suicidal seagulls in my area and I'm wondering if I can just run them over.

I once hit something quite small, like a small dog or a cat when exiting a tight corner at night on an unlit road. It probably ran off in shock as I didnt find anything on the road. I hit it at like 20 mph but it fucked up my bumper real good. Had to get it welded and painted.
That was on a car without front low mounted foglights. I cant say how many times now they helped me spot a deer or a fox about to run in front of me, thus helping me avoid impact.

What the fuck is it with people and their dogs? They're like retarded children that run around and shit in public and somehow they're socially acceptable.

I've run over a turtle before, it spit out the back and flew a good 50 feet. I don't know if it lived or not though.

Ran over a rabbit before at night, didn't see it until I was too close to do anything


I hit my neighbors dog 4 years ago. Didn't see him until it was too late, An no I wasn't speeding. He was black and running around without supervision at 3am.

Felt like absolute shit, But at the same time I didn't want my house firebombed by my neighbors at the time so I just shoveled him into my trashcan in the dark and poured water on the blood and tire marks.
RIP little buddy

I was driving home from work at the speed limit when a dog ran out from a hidden driveway and into the side of my car. He hit behind the rear tire and got clipped by the bumper, I saw him spin in my mirror after he hit, luckily it was an instant kill.

I went down the driveway that i thought he ran from. There were no cars parked, front door was wide open. From the front doorstep I could see light leaking from a pretty obvious grow-op.

I checked with a few neighbors to see if they knew the dog or the owners but didn't get much help. Ended up leaving the dog in a trash bag with a note and never heard about it again

Then a little girl found the family dog all chopped up

Have hit 2 peasants in 2 different incidents, bent an aftermarket grille on my miata and may have been the cause of broken plastic stuff in front. A deer ran into the side of my car, needed a new door and front fender

Never hit an animal but there used to be this dog that would sleep in the middle of a blind three way intersection and charge at cars he hated. Nobody asked any questions when he stopped appearing one day.

Hit an Owl last year, fucker flew right into my headlight. I've also hit a skunk, raccoon, turkey and 3 deer.

Hit a roo on my step-dad's Rangey once years ago. There is nothing quite as terrifying as hitting something bigger than a person, and this cunt bashed in one of the headlights and bent the bonet in, and that was with a big fuck off bull bar protecting the car from the majority of the damage. I'll tell ya, kangaroos are absolutely terrifying to hit. Bigger than peoplease and built like a huge sack full of bricks.

Also another time driving home from lunch at my dad's house I saw a big group of roos by the road that were all looking at me and jumping about as they do, so I slowed right down to ease past one. Suddenly, one of the fucks jumps in front of my already stopped car, sits and turns his head to look at me, the jumps into the front fender of my car. Smashed in my fender and fucking broke his arm on it too, the just hopped off into a field like a fucking retard.

In short, fuck kangaroos.

I ran over a bird once. It was flying really low across the street, chasing another bird, and I somehow hit it.

last week I hit a wild boar at about 50 kph.
destroyed the bumper, foglights and the passenger door but apparently the bastard survived

anything smaller than cat can be run over without much issue. bigger animals i try to avoid

I hit a turkey while smoking a joint out in the country
>going 45mph around a gradual bend, dense foliage on either side
>turkey runs from inside the turn from the woods right in front of me
>happened in slow motion, no chance to avoid
>I think it could have made it across but it decided to stop directly in front of me with it's head fully extended upwards, probably spooked by me
>driving a 96 Buick skylark, the only thing I see is it's head and neck as we collide
>comically smacks my hood and leaves a small turkey head sized dent about 18'' up my hood
>old farmer that saw the whole thing comes by after I stopped and takes the turkey

>same car, few years later
>driving down 2 lane highway with buddy
>quite hilly, as in there are hills 1/4 mi to 1/2mi apart for at least 20 miles
>surprise there are 3 deer in the road
>they were about halfway up the other side of a hill I was cresting,
>all in the right lane, two are just laying down chillin and another is standing directly behind them
>as I get into the left lane, they're spooked by me creating the hill and try to flee
>the one on the far right got away, the one laying on the left literally stood up into the right front fender of my car and went flying
>The one standing tried to run across the left lane, ended up hitting only it's head with my windshield, twisted it's neck around
>spidered my windsheild, there is a very definable deer skull impact
>select front fender is smashed in
>all in all not bad for what happened
>buddy in passenger seat justbsays "sweet" once we come to a stop

Hopefully I never hit an animal, but I've heard of people who ran into hogs.
Those things are like running into a concrete block, it'll fuck up your car very badly.

Also not an hit, but
>going down the road
>is night but there're street lamps illuminating
>see kitten in the middle of the road
>cannot break
>quickly steer into the middle of the road
>pass over the kitty
>look on the rear mirror
>see the kitty going away from the street

Ran over a freshly hit deer carcus once. My civic’s underside was McFucked
>several broken retaining clips
>bent exhaust shield
>deer guts everywhere
>portion of the guts cooked into the exhaust and I could smell it for several weeks

Two peasants? Or pheasants?

I ran over a mouse or similar small rodent. It was 1am on an otherwise empty road, with a deep ditch on each side. It decided to make a run across the street exactly as I was passing by, heard the wheels crunch him. Didn't stop, figured it was fate.
Also had two near misses, both on a country road bordering some fields. First a cat and then a hare, which startled me because I didn't know how big they got

Birds mostly, had to buy new grills as one broke the plastic slats.

I hit a pigeon once, was quite a lot louder than I thought it'd be. Pretty sure it was ill or dazed by another car because it made no attempt to fly away. I kinda feel guilty but they aren't an endangered species so no big deal really.

No, but I've befriended this really nice Australian shepherd with blue eyes from down the street, always so happy to see me desu.

I have popped more cane toads with my tires than the Nazis cooked Jews in their ovens

Hit a wombat at 100km in a little old Corolla, those sturdy little cunts do a lot of damage.