I want him to be my daddy

I want him to be my daddy.

he'll fuck yer mum

Is that his wife? was he married when he did that? are they acting? so many questions..

It was the 60's who fukn cares

the embodiment

England's entire "elite" from the Rothschilds down is muddied by kikes, the rest of your people are pic related


He's cool and all but like all anglos he has degenerate roman genes in him
>forgetting the (((christians)))
oy vey

where did you get that image from?

somebody post the James X Jeremy pics, I can't find it


I'm not even gay, but this is adorable as fuck.

thanks user

Just a random women who happened to be passing by. He's play raping her.


>It was the 60's
m8 he was born in 1960, that probably is from the 80's

Np man. Not sure why I saved

I would be perfectly ok with being allowed to dip into some of that (((amazon))) cash of his

This makes me feel very conflicted. On one hand, it does look very sweet, but on the other hand, hamsterxmay is the patrician pairing.

Lmao!! The internet is poison KEK!


litty af!!
