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New meta edition

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old thread (Cross-thread)

OK somebody PLEASE explain this bullshit to me


Well, here is the control meta you wanted. How are you enjoying it?


You had years to make a new thread.

Actual old

>Queue on ladder with Cheat Druid
>Five token Shamans in a row
>Crush every single one of them

Free stars? Don't mind if I do!

Priest are hack and unfun to play against; nothing new.

I just beat the world's worst jade druid player, this nigger shuffled like 5 times instead of putting preasure with huge jades

Now THIS is value!

None of these Draconid Ops were from my deck.
And at least 8 were played that game from me alone.

I think you used the wrong pic OP

Machine-gunning vs Nozdormu is funniest thing ever.

I'm having a blast. It's especially fun queuing into the occasional Pirate Warrior or token deck and whomping them mercilessly.

I don't get it?

I will enjoy it once Druid gets nerfed.

Fuck, I wish we could trade. Just unpacked DK Jaina and I know some anons here love Jaina, but she's my least favorite after Thrall.

Just look at this STORY you're telling your friends! Aren't you having fun??

It's a Battlecry. It does something when you play it from your hand. It says it right there, what else is there left to explain?

So is Edgeduin a ghost in that art?

He unpacked TWO Elises from two un'goro packs ingame. Is this just a normal thing that happens all the time?

Honestly I just play to scratch the card game itch. I barely do more than quests and open packs/buy adventures with the gold whenever they come out.

people are still playing meme decks so it's fun, but once people realise druid beats everything it's gonna get old real fast.

Elize --> Un'Goro Pack --> Elise -- Un'Goro Pack --> Elizse


I'd trade all 4 Legendarys that I currently have for DK Jaina if I could. These 3 plus a Rotface that I opened later.

mother fucker got 2 elises from his ungoro packs

standard priest gameplay, luck is part of being a priest player

I'd rather fuck Anduin, thanks.

I just got turn 6 lethaled by a warrior who played Animated Armour into Beserker into that Valkyr card that summons ghouls then ravaging ghoul'd and hit me for 24 damage from his beserker alone

What a crazy fucking deck

voss is so hit or miss. Really tempted to just remove her for a card that isn't dead 90% of the game

oh wait, I can and I probably will

>One of my first KFT legendaries was a golden Voss

Scrapped that bitch and made Malfurion. Best decision so far.

I like it, I just want druid to be gone. Why is there ALWAYS a cancerous as hell deck that is played like 10xwhat everything else is.

Did you not remove anything in the meantime?

is edgy anduin meta? the fuck senpais

>expansion about DKs.
>no card for the OJ DK.
Muh lore.

>not bowing down to your queen

Look at her feet, user. Are you gay?

anduin and malfurion are the only playable DKs

i had absolute shit draws, turn 1 nothing, turn 2 wild growth, then nothing till turn 6 where i put out a 6HP taunt that the two ghouls killed.

I'm not even mad it was fucking cool

Not much. The games take far too long, with noone being in the lead until some big ass fucking swing happens that either makes you feel miserable because you feel like you didn't deserve to win or to lose either way.

I think if it wasn't for Jade Druid, I would probably enjoy it more. That's the only deck I can absolutely not have fun playing against because every game is the same.

this card is so horribly vague. What does it mean by give its abilities to your hero? If I kill doomsayer with this card is my hero power just "destroy the board"

I wish I had Voss since I have dk valera and sherazim, I want all the memes but I can't justify 1600 dust on her.

Her feet is what made me gay

>finally up against a jade druid
>"sweet, just gotta draw my geist and gg"
>geist was one of my last 6 cards
>along with two acolyte of pains, my only card draw

>implying paladin is not playable

I'm a big footfag but those are disgusting.

does it say "hero power" anywhere?
text on the card becomes text on your hero.

Is sunkeeper tarim good for control?

That cardtext is fucking stupid. Aufus should just give you a random dk hero though

Her feet is what gave me my necrophilia fetish



Thighs > Feet

Don't let your memes be dreams.

sunkeeper tarim is good in literally every deck

yeah the situation I just mentioned is exactly why that card can't get made. 3 card combo completely locks your opp from killing you without charge, spells or deathrattles

See you got a story to tell us user haha :)
Jade druid is so fucking broken they printed a card targeting it specifically like nothing ever target anything else before and it still did nothing.

Tarim is good period.

Her thighs are 10/10 but my frozen queen will always be #1

Every Paladin deck will play Tarim until he rotates out.

How do I stop being Warrior? I switched to Priest but the armor keeps coming to me.

How do people accumulate so much dust and gold. Like even if I save like 9k gold for the next expansion I'm gonna have 0 dust from crafting decks from this one

Don't forget to put Geist in your deck

Being a fucking lucky hack who don't deserve to play is part of being a Priest.

Don't test me child I'll fucking do it

How tragic.

>Vagueness is not allowed in Hearthstone.

*Ben Brode laughing in the distance*

The commenters on this tourney thing are literally saying you need to be mature to play videogames.

Were any of them in his hand? Seeing their hands shrink is fucking amazing

should jade druid play jade idol on jade 1 or shuffle it or mulligan it?

i know hurr jade druid but i'm really fucking bad at this game and trying to get better. i generally keep my ramp cards in opening hand but not innervates and then stuff like jade spirit or wrath

yeah one in the hand

Who did it better?

that's worth two in the bush

>Blood queen
For fuck sake did i just pull out another 400 dust?

>you must be over 25 to play this game

You either pay up or you play for a very long time.

>Silences can now target heroes.

Problem solved.

depends on the matchup, generally you want to muligan for ramp but in the mirror the person that can just curve on jades auto wins

How would /hsg/ finish/improve this deck?
26/30 cards

hard mode: don't switch class/game

She could have looked sooo much better tho.

That depends on your answer to this question: are you Kibler?

If yes, no. If no, yes.

Anyone got a decent blackguard pally list? I can't make one that's not super janky for the life of me


she's fucking sexy no matter what

Get fucked jade shitter mulligan away, you don't shuffle your first idol when you get it

Lotus Agents, Thalnos, and something memey like Xaril


>Doomsayer + Innervate + Teron Gorefiend
>All minions die at the start of your turn, for the rest of the game
They didn't let the Yogg'Saron version that just recast all your spells through partly due to Vanish

When is Hunter finally getting this card so that the class is viable again?

2x coin 2x auctioneer
remove 2x huckster
add thalnos and shurazin

My free DK was rogue. Should I be happy?

You'd need card cost reduction or innervate to copy doomsayer though.

What are the actual odds of this happening?

If you like memes and don't care about winrate, yes.

I'm sure it'll be more viable once the meta settles down.

Fuck that pic caught me off guard

Just wish she got a tit upgrade like Jaina.

user, I..

>lotus agent
why would you add this

I'm generally not a fan of auctioneer, but that seems like a good way to add that package

How long until it's safe to craft anything

>Three card 12 mana combo that doesn't win you the game.


Miracoli roguearoli is fun

I want to play pally but I'd need to craft Tarim, Tirion, Wickerflame, Rag (and maybe Lich King) for that.
I'm fine with Tirion and Tarim, but both Wickerflame and Rag will be rotating out on next time, so it's pretty hard to justify spending 3600 dust on them.
What should I do?

i like my dead cold waifu's new tit job