Tree of Savior General - /tosg/

Tree of Tiddies and ded game

Previous >Latest big update (bosses, summons, DPK gone, TBL closed and fishing system)

>Upcoming changes
New Adventure Journal:
New Card Effects:

>Info and details about re-balance

>HG 315 Purple Weapons X Practonium Purple Weapons

>Latest Patch Notes

>Current events
and ingame 'News' button

>Can I play the game now?
International version available on Steam RIGHT NOW. The Korean and Japanese servers are non-steam (Nexon)

TOS Info:
This includes more detailed information, as well as tools, resources, patch notes and official links

>Addon Manager (includes jTOS and iTOS addons)

>Database, skill planner and other stuff

>Extra Stat Points (embed)

>Hunting Grounds locations and gear spreadsheet (all in RNG cubes now)

- iTOS: Klaipeda (NA) Fedimian(EU) Silute(SA) Telsiai(SEA)

>/tosg/ Guilds info:
There is no /tosg/ guild in Varena, if you want one, either wait for someone to make one or roll a Templar.
If Guild is recruiting, please post in the thread.

Futureproof (ApplyAFineHorse3)
cute (Merigolds and Majiene)

Kotatsu (Colyo)

Comfy (neshoi)

CoffeeHouse (Capyba)

Lewd (Nanaumi)

Other urls found in this thread:

xth for THICC loadingscreens

>that arm
I'd still dick her tho, but please dont make this win

How many Battle Bracelets have you farmed today?
I dropped more than this one today

Without a background it's honestly a pretty bad loading screen, especially compared to one that's already officially in

how about you delet this right now

Battle Bracelets are pretty easy to farm now. Even without Kabbalist like that, bots gave up on Tenet and there's no chance of them nor afkers stealing DPK either.

Without Kabba2 you kil very few galoks per hour
You can't farm them effectly without using a character slot for an OracleKabba2

>there's no chance of them nor afkers stealing DPK either
Yeah but there's a chance they drop it naturally, what the fuck are you saying?

0 Battle Bracelets in Klaipeda market, I just need one so I can sell a fully made sissel for profit.

Exactly what I wrote? Your efforts on getting a BB are no longer susceptible to being fucked by bots/afkers/random questers, so it's easier for you personally to get one if you're trying to farm for it. You'll get slower kills with competition but you can't go a thousand kills and one of the many others getting the drop every time instead.

Yeah, missread that.
Thought you implied bots left because they removed dpk.

Where i can find cute boys in swimsuit here?


why do you have to be so disgusting? i just ate

Wugushi exists. Gas Dragoons.

Wugushit doesn't have nice tiddies though

nice try, but a few days of people using a exploit, to take dozens of classes and unlock unavailable classe in icbt2, does not really count as "exist"

ok, i'm in mood to play some tos again. what class for an archer should I choose if warrior is going to be a fencer?

dragoon and wugushi

Wugushi is for cute, Dragoon is for being a massive dickslut.

>anime tiddies
>Where X(boys)?
>Wgushi shitposting
>Dragoon shitposting with another weeb game image reposted 12354677547 times already
Not check

Ok, now this is a true /tosg/ thread

phew, thanks bro

Make something AOE since Fencer's lacking in that regard.

In record time, too.

None of the Archer classes have decent AoE though. I swear to god if someone brings up Sapper like its literal 1 skill doesn't have a 40 second cooldown I'm going to post a billion Wugushi posts.

Sapper3Falcon3 does amazing AoE

Wugushi actually has the best AoE in the game, especially when paired with a Plague Doctor's Pandemic (when they finally fix it to spread Wugong Gu and Needle Blow). It's also on a much shorter cooldown and is boosted by Linker's poison attribute!! It scales much better with Blessing because of the high hit count and is way more cute.

And it does a quarter of Broom Trap damage
And it doesn't work Falcon3

>Broom Trap
A single Wugushi poison does more damage than Broom Trap, and we have 3 of them. Throw Gu Pot alone does twice the damage of Broom Trap. As soon as the Pandemic not spreading Wugushi poison bug is fixed Wugushi will be top ET DPS. I hope you're prepared for Falconer to get gutted and become worthless, just like Chrono nerfs are coming soon.

Linker is dead, wugu get no bonuses from it, because jp breaks instantly.

Yeah, but they're going to fix the bug where Wugushi poisons aren't applied to each linked target. I don't know when they accidentally broke that, but they'll fix it soon.

Wugu user stop being this desperate

They "fixed" it it spread only if linker use hagmans knot


No no! That's the bug! They just have to fix that!

bombs and traps>insect poisions

>just like Chrono nerfs are coming soon.

You would think that and it would logically make sense but then in ktos Pass receieved a 30% increase in aoe so keep dreaming user maybe one day your build wouldn't be shit.

I bet you thought you were clever, as if I didn't have a character that would INSTANTLY shit on your post. Sorry, kid, looks like you lost this time.


not yet, still missing a certain groups cringy lyrics edit

lmao dude, broom trap deals over 20 hits, powered by lethargy, expand and freeze status plus over 90% crit chance

>20 hits
Woah, so less than a single poison? But also with double the cooldown?? Amazing!!

>The pieces are tradable exclusively through the Market (they can't be traded 1:1 nor moved to your Team Storage).
I swear to fuck if people try to gouge the hell out of them.

Also, normal patch notes for anyone curious.

500 attribute points as a possible reward is pretty cool I guess.

>new event
Oh baby

Laima has nice tiddies.

Shit event, not worth logging on for.

""""""""""""""patch notes""""""""""""""""""

let's talk about the future
which cards should we use for physical dps class in the near future? I want to get rid of my 8x moles (Actually, I'll just give the other moles for my alts)

3x moles
3x pain barrier card?
3x nuaele? (mdef is nice)
3x +10 str card or maybe ellaganos?

what a sad excuse of a patch

Did you even read the patch notes? Tell me there's a future when we get shit like this.

Card, Saalus changes and 2h mace are comming in 3 months

Adventure journal in 2 weeks r-right?

>3 months
>for another literal nothing patch
a-alive g-g-game...

I don't care, I want to get used to the 3x mole setting already and maybe reset my stats build (we got that stat reset potion) considering the +dex or +str cards. suddenly, I even want to try a heavy on concentrate dex build for my sword 3. gung ho+str will take a severe nerf while concentratre's def piercing bonus (that is also boosted by monstrance to very high values) is looking more interesting, if your character has atk speed affected skills, and high multi-hit count, of course.

I'm going to comm with my with 2hand mace in your month

Is it out in korea? then 3 months
If not, 6
Rank 9 at best is 9 months away

30 STR/DEX isn't going to change anything at all. Neither will any of those other bonuses. You're retarded for taking this game so seriously.

>no pvp

From the genius behind ragnarok online


leave Kim alone, he's trying his best

It will, user. Not because of the 30 str/dex, but because of the glass mole nerf from +80% to +30%. It's a huge difference. And well, I'm not taking the game so seriously, lol. We have a reset, changes will eventually come and since I don't take this game seriously, I'm not buying Mr Kim's reset pack when the card changes arrive

>No no! That's the bug! They just have to fix that!
That's not a bug, that's how every single target skills works with

Then why did it work before? Checkmate, atheist.

Because it was a bug.

Before it was bug of jp, it even shared bleeding of ff, without using hagmans knot.



>drawing the most useless goddess
i want to kill jurate

are we finally on the way to turn into /terag/
I hope we get some angry kid to completely ruin this gen like /gw2g/

Wow you play a lot of MMOs, you must have no life. What happened in those generals?

So many kuso fanarts for this event... .... ...

Wow, it's honestly fucking nothing.

I would ruin this general, but we have a futureproof no-life mod/janny fiending this fucking general of all places and constantly overwatching this general 24/7

Yeah, I noticed that too. I've been warned/banned more on this general than on other fucking boards, even when I'm literally talking about the game.

No need to bully!

Well they've got 70 submits, of course most of them would be shit, but there's at least 10 good ones.

Whatever, IMC's going to pick the worst ones anyway.

3x moles/chapp/prison cutter/velnia monkey
3x gray golem/denoptic/nuaele/zaura (300 flat could be better than 30% if you have less than 1,5k def)
3x netherbovine (for swords), ellag (for QS3, SR3, rogue hakkas, etc.), pyroego (for magic dps), linkroller (for chaplains, sorc/necros and thaumas), blut (support sage and any other build that doesn't benefit too much from mentioned cards)
3x marnox (for sword3), gazing golem (for everyone else)

There are other nice purple cards too. Lepus would be good for QS3 or SR3, Yekub would be good for SR3 and chaplains (+300 holy in each dmg line), Rajapearl and Biteregina for synergy with Prison Cutter and Velnia Monkey. Molich if you want some crazy block rate. Dulla seems to be pretty good too.

>joined 3 previous loading screen contest
>average art
>always get beaten by shitty ones especially the ones that are active in the forums
>ok ill try one last time
>i thought the deadline was tomorrow
>ok maybe thats the sign i should stop joining these rng and popularity contests

What's the best monster cards to slot if you're a chronoslut?

You don't need cards. Just put 10 dullahans if you really want.

Just keep your slot open for dicks
You dont need cards

>bots in cafrisun

Until the new card system: any mix between dulla/blut/molich

When the new card system arrives:
Red: doesn't matter
Blues: 3x Nuaele
Green: 3x Blut
Purple: 3x Dulla/Molich

I'm always surprised be the stupidity of Chronosluts. How can someone be so stupid they don't even know what stats benefit their class? I mean, I know Chrono requires 0 investment and just requires people to press 1 button, but come on.

no bully chrono

Fuck off you literal cockslurping dumb bitch. If the game wasn't dead due to content drought, it sure as fuck would be dead because the most baby mode retard class is also the most powerful class in the game and requires literally 0 gear, silver, or time investment.

>someone mad he doesn't have a personal chrono cumdump

Remember its not an art contest but a popularity facebook normie who has more friends contest.

>not ONE wiki on the internet that contains lists of basic things such as abrasives, in a logical and coherent order. Most wikis are half finished at best

>games like grim dawn which are played mostly offline have more comprehensive and in-depth wikis than tree of savior, full of theorycrafting and specific information

how sadder can this game get

>dumb whore thinks she's special
It's literally the most played class in the game you stupid cunt. I'm fucking mad because a single class invalidates literally every other class in the game. Why would I even bother gearing and playing something when I could just make a Chrono and AFK dungeons pretending I'm helping up to 330, and have a free pass into EVERY FUCKING ENDGAME CONTENT THAT HAS EVER BEEN AVAILABLE.

>just play what's fun! xd
FUCK OFF. Even if I did somehow have fun doing ET for the 20,000th time getting a piece of gear that barely better than my fucking HG gear, I'd be better off doing it on a Chrono than literally ANYTHING else because of how low the investment cost is.

Sorry but she's not just a whore but she's of public use, enjoy your STD's cuckboy.

>needing wiki when the game's database is available


how much of a sadder lazy fuck can you get, fat piece of shit

How many shrimp do you buy per session /tosg/?

>dead game defense force

I'd fill the wiki myself, though maybe once I play this game more when they add more content

What her expression is trying to convey?

make a wiki about the lore of tos
anything doesnt matter

So I'm making a cannoneer, and I'm already Archer2Sapper3

I'm thinking of Appraiser but honestly I wouldn't want to go do that quest again, once is enough and I don't have the time to sit all day wait for those retarded flowers. No one is selling the unlock voucher either.

Can anyone recommend me some good alternatives to Appraiser? Is it worth abandoning Blindside and Overestimate?

Go Falconer3, Cannoneer is shit.