/wotg/ - World of Tanks General

Mommy Edition

>Where do I look up tanks?
>How do I find people to platoon with?
Ask in the Veeky Forums channel

>Want to do clan stuff?
EU: NOPAN - eu.wargaming.net/clans/wot/500136066/ (apply through the website and write something nice)

NA: AWOO - na.wargaming.net/clans/wot/1000043295/


>Archived threads

Other urls found in this thread:



You forgot to include the Blitz clan in the OP, [BENIS]


At what point does a tank stop being "historical" because it all seems like the same shit to me.

Chinese tanks where we're not supposed to trust WG on it, we're supposed to trust the Chinese that says the tanks were totally real.
German tanks based on vague proposals, no blueprints or any specifications.
Japanese heavy tanks that are all supposedly proposed variants of the O-I.
Tanks from a video game about a fictional alternate world war 2 powered by magic.

All the same shit, they don't exist.

Magic fantasy tanks and tanks that never existed ruined this game.

Also going off rails and end up with way more modern ones, beyond the WWII "era".

When they modify a tanks historical armor values to be unhistorical (ex: Maus, E-100, IS-4, M46 and M48 patton, and a bunch more)

If a tanks armor value IRL is known, they should not change it. Even if its just a blueprint tank

been playing wows for a while, been thinking about joining wot

what's a role in wot that's important but people rarely play it?


caernarvon buff
conqueror buff

tiger 2 buff where are you?

>100 mb update
>premium chinese TDs on tech tree

>buffing nazi fascists

no ))))

>2 games out of 16 as top tier both of them fucking blowouts

>Maybe i should had clarify that when i say autoaim
As someone who has used both the aiming with the mouse dealing with a millisecond of delay, the FPV is objectively superior on console. It's far easier to lead shots and there's no advantage from having your cursor on a target when your turret still has to catch up/

Does the console has the "server crosshair" option?
all ive seen so far is that ONI chan doing bulls eye without any correction, just aim to see the enemy silhouette and bam, hes ded.

No it doesn't but that doesn't mean anything to what's already been stated. Even with the server reticle the crosshair isn't easy to use.

>all I have seen
What? Cherry-picked examples when players have high ping?

>Cherry-picked examples when players have high ping?
Not lagshots and ghost shells, i mean those ONI webm's doing snapshots on the move even better than a full snapshot crew KV2 with equipment and doing manual corrections in FPV, wich i find rare, but yet again, i didn't even watched much of the console version, i should watch some matches of it.

You Blitzers will get Warhammer tanks

It will come the day the tiger 2 stops being a german tank

Will this mean PC and Console eventually getting the tanks too?
I mean, it happened with Valkyria Chronicles.

Mommy Edition
Aww yeah.

>gook cartoon as thread pic
I want weebs to die

the hell are you on about ?
>inb4 test server receiving tanks to test


What tanks you want?
Leman Russes? Preds? Baneblade?

Leman Russ will probably the only one PC will get if(and that's a big if) it ever comes down to that.

thats not very nice.

Coming up next: Wu-Tang clan tanks, eta 2018

Rape bongs



>reddit space
those are your containment boards

anime was a mistake


Thx for the (You)s m8.


Soon WH40K will be the mistake.

>World of Tanks Micropatch
>Patch notes:
>Fixed some technical issues.

"""""""""""technical issues"""""""""" yeah right, it's nothing but swedish cuckmobile and special garage WGs birthday


hidden, wg test account only I guess

a mistake

>clockety clocks
so yeah, NA test server

Just wait for the "historical" players whine about WH40k not belonging in WoT.

>VC tanks
>"no we won't on EU, it ruins the immersion"


Now we just need Lidl and Aldi tanks and I can off myself peacefully

I just realized
>Foch 155 DPM: 2.3k
>Foch B DPM: 3.1k
>Foch 155 reload: ~50s
>Foch B Reload:~36s


>another SU 122-144

Need some baneblades

>40k tanks
Leman Russ as tier 6, LR Vanquisher as tier 8,

>Gucci Mane trap house tanks

>three 6 mafia tanks

>50 Cent tanks
Crew is almost impossible to knock out.


9/10 post

gtfo Invader of the Motherland

>DMX tank
>it's like Rudy but whole crew is dogs


play WT
War thunder>>>>>>>shit=wot

>Xzhibit tanks
>they have TVs in completely unnecessary places

>play a dead game with worse grind and economy than wot
+15 GE

WoT is a dead game

>posted during my 5 minute queue time in WT

WT at least has potential unlike 8 years old WoT

>WT has potential
Your Golden Eagles are in the mail.

>fires smaller caliber shell
>that has less penetration
>and deals less damage
>but costs twice as much
sneaky cuckholding is sneaky

>copy/pasting WoT content for last year

>WoTshitters are forced to play with bots
>meanwhile it takes 20 seconds for WT player in queue to get in full Battle Rating 1.0 battle
btfo potato

WoT EU server right now: 39k players
WT EU+NA+RU right now: 31k players split between planes and tanks and realistic and >arcade

The Primo Victoria is still much better than the regular Centurion.

+5 GE Toвapищ

It has the same frontal turret armor as the buffed Centurion I so I'll wait till 9.20 drops to see if it's really better.

Asia player here, does Nameless and Edelweiss show up in NA/EU in-game comparison list?


is this actually just a reskinned centurion or is it better stats wise

it's not in the files on EU client

Can you play a replay from Asia server that has those tanks in it?
Like this one:

>patch hits NA
>won't update
Good job

yo, what the fuck man.


you're free now

look at its turret armor, it BTFOs centurion

Regular Centurion will have the same turret in 9.20

nah, crashes on loading screen

Ok then, thank you.
Although I wonder why it isn't in the game files, it can't be a licensing issue, tanks from TV or movies like Fury and Rudy is on every server.

don't exist in our client

that's because they sold these everywhere. though I guess you could make the replays work if you add the VC tanks from the asia client to the mod folder on EU/NA client

>if you add the VC tanks from the asia client to the mod folder on EU/NA client
you can't just "add" tanks via mods, you'd have to put them in ingame files but then launcher would redownload the package

Did the T-34/85 have the idiot gun, or was it only the T-43?

100mm one ? yes but that was like 5 or more years ago

Why didn't they sell VC tanks everywhere though.

faggots ruining everything

Get in here niggers

It couldn't have been because of the player reactions, the fact that it's not in the other servers game files shows that WG wasn't going to sell it anywhere else in the first place.

they added the sabaton cent only just a few days before it's going for sale so who knows

>metalshit strv
This game really is dying
So glad my prem time runs out soon, I can finally uninstall

careful there, metalniggers are more autistic than weebs when it comes to defending their """""""hobby"""""""""

Which one's Chiraq ?

you have to select it ingame, about 45 mins ago there was around 2k