League of legends general /lolg/

Best waifu!
Don't forget that Lissandra is literally perfect! She never needed a Rework or a VU unlike the other 3 whores


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1st for Yordlefags should be publicly executed



xth for Syndra

Really now

>Crusader Kings and other Stellaris titles
ok i lost it at that one

why do I get these chucklefucks WHY

Why does nobody play Morde.
Are the people that play them too busy fucking their sisters?

Best guy!
I should have used my tickets on the event icon...

xth for untilting Crown by giving him the blowjob of his life!

What will Perxie look like? Will it be cute? Will you take it on Star Guardian Lux so she actually has a pet?

Urf is infinitely superior to ARURF because you get to choose to play broken shit instead of playing a useless piece of shit while everyone else plays broken shit or playing broken shit while everyone else plays useless shit. The fun is more consistent when everyone is broke and you can develop secret OP strategies and main your favorite champ for the mode..

Why do so many people play bot games? I understand doing it for a quick win of the day, but it's always under 15 seconds to find a game, no matter what time i search for one.

>tfw i would forget lissandra even exists if not for lissfag

Just got my first honorcapsule
>3 keyfragments
>grey warwick skin
mfw forced to unlock a champion I wasn't planning on buying maybe ever.. gg thanks uncle rito.

Bot games don't have to have matchmaking, no need to match MMR.

>pairing lux with a piltie
>not with a noxian or zaunite
Lux/Darius is the best

Learning the game, trying stupid shit, trying a new champion, free first win, and other things I can't think of right now. There's players from level 1 to 30 in there.
Low chance of getting flammed, unless you ks constantly, too.

no matchmaking for one
people doing the missions for two

>Do kind of shit with him
>Win and and more damage on both teams
>Do amazing
>"lol afk feeder yasuo and a 0/7 jinx that cannot group and only farms xd"
It´s hard being a morde that relies on his team to do shit

wtf; i've gotten key fragments only

medieval twitch is my holy grail, i've wanted it forever

Who are the 3 whores?

Darius cucks and fucks.
If he fucks lux he cucks ezreal AND garen.
Maybe someday he'll get a pentacuck

>Steals your boyfriend

Anivia Ashe Sejuani

but the 90s are over and no one is attracted to troll dolls?

Just a reminder that I'm engaged to Poppy! I hope I win this next ranked game!

Sona is the BIGGEST, BUSTIEST and BESTEST waifu in all of the league of legends!

whoops forgot image

>steals your soul

>*cucks your mobility creep*

>Go to do the "Get x amount of assist"
>Entire team is either very nice, also trying to get it, or new to the game
>Half the time the entire team is circling a half dead ryze seeing who'll kill him so everyone else can get assist
Shit's almost as bad as "Kill X amount of minions". I'm thinking of just playing Singed during a bot game and running around their base killing all the minions.

But that's wrong.

Have you ever built trinity?
That with lindens and ignite or exhaust feels so good.
I love it how he just points with his hand without saying anything when you cast spells.
Since he's huge it makes him look really funny when he does that without saying anything.
Maybe I'm just a Morde autist.

Darius deserves a girl. New cutie Noxian girl attracted to him when?

Although I bet they'll make Swain gay for him.

>Kills your whole team in 5 auto attacks


Read my super autistic and awful Janna rework I made in response to an equally autistic guy last thread defending how brain-dead simple Janna is.


>All these triggered femanons
Face it cucks, if you can't satisfy your man he'll find someone else who will.

nigger did you even read what I wrote

Please don't call me autistic.

My go to morde build is as follows:
Gunblade, Rylai, liandrys, void staff, and defensive item if needed, pen shoes if they're really stacking mr

I'm telling ya man give Luden trinity a try with ignite or exhaust top. It's really good

>spend all tickets on good orbs hoping to get a hextech annie shard
>just get duplicate champ shards
>only get one bonus drop
>it was another good orb with a champ shard for a champ I already owned

>big ground targeted AoEs
>you can push around the AoE with the wind slowly

Is kewl

Ahri! I like her very much!

Will do my man

>Steals your heart

All Sona is stealing is my cum.

*steals your kill*

The ult is a really cool idea. The Q is wierd, I'm not sure I get it.

Riot is never going to have that Slipstream ability in the form you showed it though, the idea of placing an area that makes allies slower if they don't walk the right direction is something rito will never do.

I want to sit on Crown's lap and annoy him while he is tryharding in soloq to practice!

what happens when you have kled ult and this slipstream at the same time


>Get my first honor capsule
>3 key fragments
>It's a Kayle champion shard

>That's literally it and nothing else
>I already own Kayle

>he never played old ww
look at this lamewad

>Urgot throws out chains
>Starts to pull them in
>Kill him and save the person being ground up

I feel like no one could come back from being sawed up even for a few moments but VIDYA GAEMS!

Are disgusting.

The Q is Janna's current Q, only there's a lock out before you can recast it so you can't double tap for instant tornados. But you can put a second tornado down before the lock out ends and you can recast the ability, which would work like Lulu Q/Zed Q with shadows up.

Slipstream could just give allies the movement boost and not the slow for running in the opposite direction and no push. The movement over time could be used for Janna's abilities only.

I just really like the idea of placing big areas of wind on the map, and then her other skills are weather patterns and the wind blows them around from one place to the other.

I didn't specify but I was debating giving the ult a global range

Are furrfags

>Urgot throws out chains
>Starts to pull you in
>Blitzcrank pulls Urgot
Also I never realized but the way the neck is drawn as just black it looks like he has a huge grin.

Why is this allowed

the same reason this is allowed

Because Riot loves mixing things up from time to time.




Nope back to the trash pile
No one wants to see that useless shit played

>cancer ass thread
that's it boys, cya all around i'm dippin


>Eye of The Storm is LITERALLY an Eye of a Storm, and the storm itself damages enemies
Already better

Yes she is user. Yes she is.


Like i want to see your normals games

Get back to your home

>LP shown on top
Maybe a pair of glasses would help you out user

I play him sometimes for fun and I really don't get what I'm supposed to be doing in fights. Like when should I shuffle in and when should I just sit back and poke

>implying i read it

Lmao back to the can with you

Hey /lolg/ is ryze still an AP hyper carry such as cassio after his rework and nerfs?

You have to do a lot of PvE before teamfights chunking people to 40% of their HP with your Luden's
Once a teamfight happens you sit back a max range and DPS the nearest targets with your soldiers, if you have a clear opening on their backline and have flash and/or defensive summoners shuffle their backline and throw them to the wolves.
nice leddit spacing

Best botlane.

>tfw don't want to play against Pantheon top any more
>ban him instead of Janna
>Enemy team picks Janna
>all fun is sucked out of the game
two bans per player when

Arurf is only fun if you get a brainless waveclear champ like Malz, Victor or Rumble.

No, he sucks.

>Your team isn't banning janna
Are they bronze?

I loved this pasta.

Well, Janna is significantly more popular.

Morgana is pretty hilarious.

>Mu reddit card

Lmao how sad you really are

Back you go

Gold V, unfortunately

Even at 6 items?

Why are the old Star Guardians not getting a border? I find this bizarre, since yasuo got one for his project skin.

Which, in hindsight, is essentially the same as Bronze. Coming from someone who climbed from bronze 4.

>Play some Blind Pick to relax
>vs Teemo top 3 games in a row

Just shows that all skin lines are not created equal in Riots eyes.


Playing as Rumble is so much fun in AURF though. I feel like an adrenaline ridden 14 year old playing MW2 again

I just went and checked out of curiosity. Imagine.

There are more people who'll pick/ban Janna, so you could always just wait for teammates to lock theirs in. Or be that guy and ask if anybody would like a "suggestion" and recommend Janna.

Sona will carry

Can someone explain to me the whole DZK and Taliyah again? I keep seeing it brought up and I was around LoL until recently.

>Ban Janna from Gold 5 as support
>climb in less than a week to Gold 1 and now in promos stomping heal-sluts

>Meta where tanks are literally unstoppable machines who can sit in 5 people and not die
>Neither team picks one
What the fuck?