League of Legends General - /lolg/

Swimmingly Edition

Previous Thread: >Useful sites:

>Patch 7.16 notes:


Shadow humper

Fun and cute.

Kn1ght Terror
Knight Terr0r

Ahri! I can't wait to buy her a new skin!

Dark shadow
Blackest spectre
From the shadow

xth for Syndra


Do you miss your first time with her?

So I've realized that the simplest way to play AD assassins is to kill the support, slip out, wait 15 seconds, then kill the ADC


Fizz is for Nami to lose his Virginity to

>tfw to poor to buy champs with rp
>impulse bought zed with the ip ive been saving up
>it was a waste and im already bored of him

>doesnt have every champion and enough shards for the next on release

Denier_of_Vision or FromDarkScreenToGrey

Xth for league of legends biggest and bestest bust!

Skarner belongs to the void!

im making accounts RIGHT NOW and any names that get posted are claimed within minutes, tough luck pal


Likely Useless

Damn nigga this man living in 2012 while we're all stuck here in 1984.

> "i am smurf"
> feeds then is useless for the next 30 minutes

>friend complains he always gets shit teams & can't climb out of silver
>spectate a game
>plays the farm game as camille against nasus

>nasus gets 100 stacks at 8 min & 450 at 20

>tilt in promos
>plat last season, silver 2 now
>get everyone ahead as jungler, press objectives, still lose as team won't follow or just farm on their own without wards 30 minutes in

Truly nightmare elo. What the fuck do I play to force myself kicking and screaming back into the shitty heights of plat?

>Playing Urgot
>go 10/1/5 in a 20 minute game
>Demolish top lane and go around taking their buffs and other towers
>Because I roamed so much I wind up with only 113 CS

Why does Riot punish tops being team players instead of sitting in lane the whole game?
Same goes with Yorick. If you roam for kills/assists/objectives instead of just farm the whole game you can't get an S.

>dw im smurf
>shitty win rates
>on a loss streak
>team bunga
>my main is X
how do they do it

Damage and any crowd control effects duration should start at 60% within 150 range, scaling to the full 100% at 80% of a skillshots maximum range

I didnt get my daily mission for the tickets today

wtf riot

90 second timers and the inability to post in multiple threads on the same board at the same time is whats killing Veeky Forums. Shit is beyond stupid.



xth for CLIMBing!
can you feel the SUNSHINE?!

nope, just glaring cowardice

what kind of fucked up random idea is that.

Because roaming around the map usually is less effective than just staying in lane and obliterating anything that tries to stop you. Every time you leave lane creates time for your opponent to free farm and push into your turret so you lose farm. The cost to roaming is huge and you need to make sure you quickly, efficiently, and reliably get something worth that cost.

>new runes are going to let you have a super enhanced version of TLD
>and a baby ez mode version of TLD
>at the same time

look out bois burst is going to be fucking broken in the preseason.

>Doing anything with Yorick besides splitpushing

Vi stands for VVife!



Most of my flex-mates also pick mid-game spiking champs that kinda fall off. I'd like to know how to play around this instead of telling them to change playstyles.

>champion jams themselves into your face
>throws a guaranteed-to-hit "skill"shot
especially true for shit like ahri charm,

its not random

hes a Melee bab whos tired of getting CC locked and is suggesting changes that benefit him

> player a that roamed has less farm than player b that did not
> therefore he was played relatively worse than player b
seems fine

You should've had 113 cs by 12 minutes at most, in a 20 minute games getting 170+ while roaming a shit ton is rather easy, specially if you are stealing jungle.


>blue kayn
by committing suicide for actually playing blue kayn you retarded fuck

Why do people Even bother saying this, yeah u get your role maybe but your team now will feed and not try because they expect to get carried

>melee champ closes the gap against a ranged champ
>instead of now having the upper hand and being rewarded for closing the gap the ranged champ still has the advantage because a point blank skill shot is literally impossible to miss

Colour Blind.
Color Blind.
GreyScreenNoSpace for epic twitch maymay.

> why do people bother with logic
you tell me a way to tell a good and a roaming player apart programming wise.

as an rangedbab, I actually like this.

I fucked up I'm retarded

>get a lee on my team
>see his wr
>it's 100% after 20 games on lee
>comes in to top lane while I'm at base
>wanted to buy some items
>gives fb double buffs to irelia
>goes afk

l o l

>going 10/1/15 as Urgot

Highly unlikely, the dude is garbage

Yes except the entire meme breaks down if you replace the ranged champ with a melee champ.
Instead of being hit by 200 damage from their skillshot you are one hit by their darius combo.
Ranged champs are naturally weaker close up because they are ranged champs

>all the dwarf looking like mother fuckers that hate the world from NA come home
>quality of games seriously drops


>urgot top
>against me
>he goes for an auto
>I just pull his dumb ass because his range is shorter than my pull range
>kill him repeatedly

nice champ, can't even fucking duel.

>having a wife that dresses like that

It's all relative to the performance of others so that's fine desu

>not wanting a wife that dresses like that

What objectives they help get like drags/ other lanes towers/ maybe minor points for stealing enemy buffs

>That increase of detail from lux to janna to now

>ranged champs are naturally weaker close up because they are ranged champs
ranged champs are equally as effective up close or far away, being in close up melee range only makes them "weaker" because it gives the melee champ a chance to retaliate whatsoever". But it's canceled out by the fact that it now makes their skillshots nearly impossible to dodge and going into melee mode actually benefits the ranged champ by making them unable to miss.

Hey, /lolg/. Yours truly here, with some good new, my hand is totally okay now !! How are y'all ? Maybe want to tell me something about your games ??

What even is this game anymore? I can't remember the last time I saw anyone actually having fun. It's like everything has been sucked out all thats left from that little indie game from 2009 is a disgusting husk of its former self. I've caught myself playing this game out of habit and familiarity instead of fun and having a good time.

stay banned.

>Not wanting a cop gf

Yes and melees are stronger when close and weaker when far which makes ranged champions weak in melee ranges

lel i havent played this game in ages but im almost certain that it depends on other people's performance on your champ.

champions like Cho'Gath are super easy to get S on because hardly anyone mains him.
pantheon too. (no idea if they got major buffs in the last two years)

>come back to game after a year of not playing
>get placed in silvier 4
>make it to gold in 200 games, most of which learning new meta shit/feeding
>'aw yeah i'm gold now i can just play flex/normals and have fun'
>get placed silver 4 in flex
>play to have fun and to get some champ mastery higher
>get gold in 80 games

>this is the top 22% of players
literally fucking HOW
i KNOW i'm not good, i'm a fucking gold shitter. but actually HOW are 80% of players stuck in fucking bronze/silver
it's so goddamn easy to leave

thanks for reading my blog, like and subscribe for more

Doesn't Soraka have a pretty big rack? How come she's so flat with this SG skin?

May want to get your eyes checked user. I said 10/1/5.
I was against a braindead shen who kept throwing himself at me and took ignite.

I have yet to face a Darius. Not sure how well it'd go. I've found most melee tops easy to handle with Urgot.
Only things that countered me so far are Cho and Quinn.

The problem is I'm fairly certain they weigh CS higher than any other stat.
Also the bullshit about how supports get to count K+A/D while everyone else, even bulky tops that rely more on others finishing the job only count K/D.

Cho is pretty broken at the moment.

>200 games
dear lord

>implying skill shots do 200 damage

Probably because ur playing on NA and asking urself why ur playing a video games with inbreds and not trying to milk these fucktards of their money

>wanting a wife that dresses like she is shopping for someone else

>melee champ jumps on ranged champ
>hit with hard CC that he can't dodge because he's on top of the ranged champ then explodes in less than 1 second

It only applies to mages, not ADCs though.

yeah im a mega baddie
but still higher ranked than most of /lolg/

>early game has great last hitting, waveclear and harass
>mid game has a huge damage powerspike, can chunk targets with QW and easily 100-0 targets with a full combo
>late game has one of the best aoe cc initiate ults and E gives a squishy enough durability to survive an assassin combo.
explain this champ to me

I feel the same idk why I keep queuing up.

You are overestimating the human race, friend. A LOT of people are bad at vidya.

congrats on becoming a yongster joey

Darius dumpsters Urgot.

Your auto range is nothing. You literally have to hope he fucks up his Pull.

I mean that's' entirely dependent on the skill in question
They do significantly less than the skills of melee ranged champs

>kills him anyways because hes melee and won't die to one skillshot while having significantly better CC spells of his own

You sound pretty insecure Mohammad.

She's showing off what she's got user. If you aren't trusting enough in her to let that be then why would you even be in a relationship with her?

probably because every shitter gets fed occasionally but fails to maintain cs because they're shit and just tunnel vision kills

Legendary Quinn skin please?

>280 games to get from silver to gold

i came from a two year break and got placed in gold 2, took me 30 games after that to get to plat, whats your point?

if its anything like that still, yeah most people suck because they play casually.
plat+ are mainly people who play regularly, so even though ure in the top20% of overall players. of the actual ACTIVE players (who play ranked), you're not even in top50%

>Caring about aa range
Nigga what?
New Urgot literally wants to be on top of you so he can circle and get the shotguns off.
If someone is too strong to approach, he chunks with q a bit then does the same thing cause the shield is so fucking huge.

Darius would get his passive stacks fast though, so yeah, still not sure how it would go with an Urgot that knows what he's doing.

>Orianna being able to do any where from 500-900
>Ahri being able to a sudden burst of mixed damage, most true, any where between 200-700, depending if it hits you on the return
>Fizz, althought not having skillshots other than his R, it is still a death sentence if you're squish or semi-tank.


don't be biased

>finally gets enough tickets to open a mega orb
>gets this gay caterpillar cog'maw skin
Kill me>

Find a flaw

hint: you can't

Fizz is a melee champion who shits on both of those champions if he gets to melee range
Darius does twice that damage while being twice as durable as any of those champions.

My dick isn't currently inside her.

nocturne off you're computer

Breasts too big

isnt 3d

>I don't know how to kite Darius

I worked it out. You just don't like Darius.

Learn to Kite, fuckboi.

Would anyone mind giving me some tips on Kled? I'm having a lot of fun playing him but sometimes feel underwhelming.