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First for inner circlejerk is cancer

second for can't name names

Is that you horsefucker

t. illuminati


and a few more I can't remember

Nessi is hacker

If we're talking about the PS4 crew then I think the PS4 crew is keeping me playing the game more than anything, I'm sure there's an inner circle but that's just friendships formed through years of dealing of Jewstar's bullshit

.t newguy

Post your character and your default walk style and emotion

Tough Guy and smug

cheesing pac standard is RADICAL

2 of those people haven't even been active in party chat or the game for weeks, you don't know anything


And what happens when they patch it big boy?

Just rest it negros, lets talk games
Tough Guy, Observant/Thoughtful (not anglo)

got the wrong post number

>Observant/Thoughtful (not anglo)
I meant the 'set player mood' thing in the interaction menu, next to walk style

Tough Guy and Aiming

Please post some Faggios

I think it's Tough Guy. Definitely smug

It's the bees knees

It's mouth is like a piggy's mouth

Is those special missions you get from CEO/Gunrunning worth doing?

It's called Aufmerksam in german, should be next to the agressive face expression, if you mean that.

Being obeservant of the radar if a Scheisser approaches.

It unlocks the discount prices for the special vehicles so ye

Oh, I htink that might be "aiming" maybe? Or nervous?

>all these Tough Guys
Where my Gangsters at?
Normal expression for minimal fucks given.

Having to reset your character's walk style and mood every time you die is too much work for me to bother with them

You don't have to reset it when you die though?

Gangsters best style

>BasedViva is online
Ayy, what you up to viva?

Finally won my first race with the shit xa-21. It drives well, but sometimes I swear this thing is the slowest piece of shit.

Ohhh, it was Gangster after all

Dabbing action when??

Checking my style shit. Prolly gonna see if I can glitch the duffel bag onto a loadout in a bit

Have you looked at your character's face again after death? Mine gets reset to look like the Normal look regardless of my setting, and I have to set it to another mood then back to the one I was using for it to work again.

Come to think of it I can't remember the last time I died in freeroam

>glitch the duffel bag
Didn't realise taht was still a thing

Because you hide in passive all the time?

Because I don't play in /gtag/ sessions and don't bother anyone, and people almost never bother me.

>tfw no better personalities
>tfw no commander personality that gives you the animation style of the F.I.B agents
>no style to be a loudmouth sassy assassin

why this

Dabbing now

>keep forgetting stuff
I will stop posting now, going to bed

sleep tight porkers

Like this very much.

>dabs while busting your knee

hows the unnofficial online for GTA V shaping up?

>shaping up
It's not, it's terribly unbalanced and at the end of it's life.

Normal and normal

what do you mean?
im talking about the unnofficial 3rd party online, i tried it a few months ago but it was only barebone RP servers back then

Much like the current regular servers, it's pretty much the same thing, and ye very barebone. Haven't checked back in a while since it felt like nothing was really happening with it anymore.

Nail polish for both genders when?

I'll polish your fingers with my ass, faggot

I didn't even think there was nail polish for girls?

Who are the best members in PS4 /gtag/?

Got 'em. I feel kinda bad about having to take 3 tries and fucking over the poor kid who just wanted to do his mission, but I finally got it

Doing it while kicking someone down just isn't the same. I want the double tap to be something like this

captain jaszmine

Ye, such a fucking slut


>pass user

>guy you play with sometimes and spill your autism with turns out to be a youtuber with 2 mil subs and he streams gameplay videos featuring your unique username spewing cringy autismspeak that regularly get tens of thousands of views

Link to the discord server?

>2 million subs
>only 10s of thousands of views

Femme and normal,like a real lady

I bet you're a man

thank god it's "only" that much, but having footage involving a few people doing the second best alternative to laying in bed staring at the ceiling get so much views is pretty eye-opening

Accident dab is best dab

it has gotten me many friend request and private messages so, I'll just stick to it

Wish we had a proper serial killer in this game that hunts down players when they enter the forest or northern beaches.

Please no. That'd be horrifying, and eventually annoying.


Why does her face look photoshopped on?


>Yeah the boys


>Lusting over a tranny
PS4 and PC aren't so different after all

this is a pretty good photo now that i look at the crowd

Normal, normal


Is that PC only?

99% of it is PC, but we've got like 3-4 PS4 players

posh normal

sorry about the shadows

based taste in biker club


the couch out front makes it comfy

Tough guy and normal

My one big complaint with it, I really wish that the door at the top of the stairs worked, leading into the second floor of the clubhouse. Such a missed opportunity.


When they fix the online stock market. :^)

This is the most retarded when that people post

I believe it is feminine.
Picture is old as shit.
Bored when fighting, excited when causing trouble.

if they release that shit and add blackjack, i'd probably cream myself

They can not add gambling because of the fact you can buy GTA's monopoly money with real money

>finally get a good enough PC to run GTA V
>play deathmatch
>invulnerable exploding spics on the enemy team
>all of my fucking weapons are gone, even in freeroam
>this is the only deathmatch happening right now, can't find another
Oh boy my GTA Online PC experience is going swimmingly so far.

>Playing Deathmatch
Well you went wrong there for sure.

Normal and normal

Normal, Aiming

Unless R* skews the odds of winning I could see people buying cards just to gamble monopoly money. Shit, its surprising that they didn't do this with the first update.

INNER CIRCLE EXPOSED! These are the people ruining /gtag/ PS4


Still keeping the halls safe, Fillmore?

>adonis isnt leader anymore
nice to see that ps4 can do some change ups

how to get the girls of gtag to notice me without being a creeper

Sometimes you just wanna shoot dudes in a third person shooter deathmatch arena.
At least my weapons came back when I restarted.
