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2nd for can't decide on a main after 80 hours of gameplay

So are we just gonna keep removing stuff from the OP or what

Shit, sorry. Was having issues with the captcha. Fucking computer kept getting frozen on it, so I had to make it from my phone.

I'm a fucking retard and made it in a hurry.


Is learning ram even worth the effort

It's a sign that you truly love your waifu

What's something nice to practice as Ky?

VT loops



I love ram but I gave up yesterday.

Every time I get my opponent to be in a corner my hands become spaghetti and I just fuck up everything.

Aa confirms, vt loops, ciel loops, vt loop setups, ciel loop setups.

Venom don't you have a shop to tend to?

I'd like something more subtle, I already get the gist of the loops

Hard to say, it was a pretty gradual process with bursts of tryhard training mode when I felt frustrated at still not having them down. It just sorta got easier and easier over time, GG is my first serious fighting game and I'd say I had over 350 hours in the game before I started getting the actually difficult ones in training mode.
As for when to break, the answer is: almost always, HFBing your normals will make them better on block (at best +2) and will allow you to keep the pressure on your opponent by staying close. HFB your pokes, HFB to get closer during pressure, HFB to close the distance after a knockdown, HFB to create combos and so on. As for when you need raw 6K loops, generally after a blocked burst in the corner or a very high wallsplat hit (6P CH into 6K on light characters).

All you had to do was copy and paste the OP...

Left was better.

GS to jump installed c.S, 2H, VT, RRC, j.D canceled airdash into IK.

Your best bet is dash vt confirms, they give you both kd and damage off anything like 2h aa or a stray gs.

You good on tick throws?

Do you have any tips for HFB then? I think that seems like the hardest part of Pot to me, as a learner

Also if you aren't any good at 6H microdash pressure that's pretty important to learn.

>All you had to do was copy and paste the OP
Computer would not load the captcha, tried like 7 times. So I panicked and did it with my phone, which wouldn't copy and paste it right

why do you guys not think she's worth learning? I was considering trying her but I often see the sentiment that she isn't worth the trouble

I'll just main Ky and fap to her galleries in sadpanda.

She is just a rei 2.0.

Very difficult with a pretty poor neutral game. She has a very high learning curve esp if you're new so it will take a long time to improve. If you are willing to work for it and like stupid juggles into absurd corner mixups then yeah, but don't say I didn't warn ya.

Cool, are there videos/webms on these? I still haven't found that much IK combo's outside of a generic dust in the wall. I'd prefer ones that only cost the mandatory 50% meter.

Yeah I think so, I try to OS my grabs with S.

By the way, what's the science behind a Split Ciel -> Microdash -> Charged Stun Edge. Looking at better players it seems that it's something I should be doing but I can't replicate it well myself. Is it even a thing?

The amount of effort needed to play her at a decent level is pretty high. Raven essentially does what she does, but without as much effort or higher risks.

Not many if any IK setups for 50 meter other than 5D6 gold IK I think. About everything else requires 100 meter. All you have to do is jump install the c.S then airdash after RRC'ing the VT into j.D sorta quickly. He also can do gold IK after any grounded SC RRC. Or SC RRC into 5D6, gold IK.

I love trainingboaring character-specific corner dust combos.


So if Ram is not worth learning then you shouldn't even think about playing Baiken

Also after grounded SC you microdash into 2D>special. If you want to know when you can dash hold up after SC. Once you get the timing down it's pretty easy.

Both are gutted characters with mediocre tools for waifufags

why do people bother with Pot then? He's arguably worse, with a worse neutral game, and has a ton of bad matchups

Charge it at all times possible, you can keep the charge during blockstrings that switch between standing and crouching moves by keeping the stick on the left side of the gate (or dpad), for example to do 2K c.S f.S 2D you go 1K 4S 4S 1D.
You can also start charging the other way when expecting or inducing a sideswitch, for example when doing a crossup attack starting from the left side you can already start holding 3/6/9 to have a charge ready by the time you land, you don't lose it like in SF games.
You can start the charge after a forward motion before your move even comes out because of the 3f input buffer.
Finally, hitstop and blockstop (the frames during which the game pauses when an attack lands to help players confirm what is happening) also count towards charge. The latter is what makes combos that at first seem impossible a reality (that and FAB's unwavering dedication).

How do I get over my intense fear of Potemkin and Axl?

Play Potemkin or Axl. Now you only need to fear one or the other.

h-hey guys can I get out of training mode now?

He's a bad character, but he's not as hard to learn and play at a lower level. Ram requires a huge amount of effort to be played effectively at all levels of play.

You never leave training mode. Not even after you've won Evo.

You don't. Or try to dig into matchup.

forgot to post this image

Why do people say ram has shitty neutral? Her sword normals are amazing

Because to get the most use out of them means setting them up. I don't believe I've ever seen a Ram that primarily kept the swords on her

Axl, pls go and stay go

Muscle cuirass

Could a player keep one and set the other?

Question, is GG best played on stick? I've been playing on pad for a while, specifically the Hori Fight commander, and as I practice more and more, I feel like I would do alot better using a stick.

Is this the next character that's going to be added

Why can't arcsys just give us crossplay between pc and ps4?

Sony are the Jews of Asia

There is crossplay in sf5

It's not Sony's fault. It's more like Arcsys doesn't give a rats ass about gaijin. They once published Arcana Heart 3 the recent and they region locked the online screwing over all gaijin that imported.

Wether or not it makes a difference is really just up to the player and what they find more comfortable/enjoyable.
With the exception of Zato-1, he's easier to use on stick. He's not impossible to play on pad, but significantly harder due to negative edge moves.

Who do you play


Haven't played a GG before Rev. Is there a character arc behind the design change? I wouldn't even think she's the same character. Left looks like a punk while her new design makes her out to be classy.

i know, i was playing some sets with someone from /fgg/ and just thought of positng it here
i'll do it winner stays on next time

you poor thing
pot isn't that hard but axl you just gotta dodge that shit hard

She also had a slightly different design in GG1. As for the new outfit looking classier, she spent the last 7 years between GGX2 and GG2 living as a civilian for the first time in her life, considering she was on the run from literally any government organization for being an assassin and the assassins guild itself trying to kill her for treason (but mostly Zato's personal grudge, followed by Venom's envy personal grudge).

I actually like the new outfit better, but prefer the old blue and white color scheme.

Can I get some tips on microdashing? I can sometimes, rarely, get it to come out the first time and go into the second PK, but I can't do it after that. Generally the dash either doesn't come out at all, or it does come out, and the opponent recovers before I can hit

I play Pot and Axl and eat Jack-Os for breakfast, he is right to be afraid.

use pad.

Buffer the dash and make it short.

Color 11 is her old palette. It's similar except for her hat and black tight.

Yep. It looks pretty good with the new outfit too.

The stupid hat can go though. Yeah, we get it, she's Russian, it's not a reason to give her a silly hat.

>character fights with her hair
>wears a hat

I still like nu-millia

>characters fights with her hat
>wears hair
I-No is a dumb slut.

The silly hat looks good IMO. On a side note, ever see her prototype design? If you thought Sol liked belts then wait until you see pic related.

May with a hatchet was also an odd choice that didn't make it past the GG1 prototype.

What is she hiding under the hat?

I-no is pure and deserves to be saved from the darkness she's become

Her black dildo modeled after all the niggers she fucks.

yeah i'm doing a short dash, just slapping the stick over twice, should I be doing the first hit of the dash while the K is hitting, or do I have to do it while she's in recovery?

Even more hair. Her hair is ridiculously long, so I guess she wears a big hat not to draw attention to it.

Fucking coalburners

Is Pot really that tough for Jack-O? I would have figured between minions, aegis to protect against flicking, and her 6H, she wouldn't struggle too much against him.

Millia can also change her hair's length to be shorter and longer at will. Really it seems like a power every woman would want, All she had to do to get it was be forced to sacrifice her ability to bear children against her will.

he can flicks servant and hammerfall>yrc>buster is too strong
its generally a skill matchup that favors pot

So she can't be impregnated if you rape her?

Not only that, 5H and 2H hit multiple times, nulling the armor from HF.

Directional input buffer is 10 frames, I assume you want to input it in that window before the move ends (regardless of what stage it is in) to get the fastest micro dash.

It's probably not that bad, I'm just good at flicking minions and projectiles and there aren't any good Jack-O players in EU (that I get to play with at least).

>She is just a rei
I'm so tired of fucking brainlets labeling everything they see.

reminder that Millia Is for black dicks only.

>he can flicks servant

she's more autistic than rei

There was an entire drama CD that served as the story behind the Assassins Guild's founding and Slayer's backstory, as well more details between Millia and Zato. The Assassins Guild was pretty fucked up.

The entire story can be summed up as "Slayer attempts to understand morality. He fails spectacularly."

She is Russian. The moment you put it in your condom will melt and your dick will start rotting from a billion STDs.

so doing the flick while K is still in the motion then?

Better make the most of those precious seconds, they are your last.

Elaborate please, especially on early Slayer.

I wonder if she already got an ace of spades tattoo

The same secret Double D hides under his hat.

why can't she just create more daggers with her hair instead of making me pick up the piece of shit

I assume you meant dash instead of flick, yeah I think so. That's how you generally do micros dashes though it would be nice if someone that actually plays a character with micro dashes in their combos would give some feedback.

I've fucked russians, and I can tell you that while the condom melting part is true, your dick doesn't start rotting until two weeks after.

>can be creampie'd without the risk of having a kid.

I don't see the downside

Does Veeky Forums assign underaged /pol/tards to post in every general?