/fgog/ - Fate/Grand Order General

Previous: >Support Campaign Summer Event Pt 2
From 16 Aug to 31 Aug: 2 apples for first login, then 2 more each day, up to 28 (30 total).

>2017 Summer Event Part 2
New Servants: Raikou [Lancer], Artoria Alter [SSR Rider] and Helena [Archer]

>2017 Summer Event Part 1
Welfare: Ishtar [Rider]
New Servants: Nitocris [Assassin], Nobunaga [Berserker], Fran [Saber] and Nero [SSR Caster]

>2017 Summer Event CM

>English FGO has its own general for now, search /fgoalter/ in the catalog


>Farming Guide


>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

>Friendlist Spreadsheet (last reset: June 29)
Add yourself docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCq3eZgh3zlUtZ3G6Y-zzv1kaXt4GHuWVBRlV__V3Q3rC2Pg/viewform
View list docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA

>Materials, experience and event AP simulators

>NP Comparison

>Alternate Servant/CE DB

Other urls found in this thread:


I will roll for Mama and Alter Rider's last ascension. But also i want to roll funny tits.



you won't get any of them.

>dark nipples
Disgusting shit.

Why did he just give up at the crotch region


Raikou nipples are more disgusting.

His flesh tooth looks creepy as fuck.

You can just reply to this post if your waifu or favorite character has died in all of her/his appearances (games, routes, novels, manga, etc.).


Where's the gag?

What kind of song do you listen while farming /fgog/?

You should be able to solve this

Arijuna was based on Nasu.

In your mouth.

Sex Noises - Your Mom ft. Me

I want to suck out that choco milk

DOes fading away after the battle is over count?

Saido no Doki desu thread

Does he suck dick? Yes?

Typical Emiya poster

Reminder Kiarafags literally CAN'T recover.


Fucking disgusting.

I think so.

No more Liz trash for Halloween

Ou no hanashi wo suru to shiyou

I started playing about 6 months ago.
I need some Liz trash.

What's with Arthurfags trying to steal Merlin? Get your own.

Archer Liz for halloween

Lancer Liz for halloween

Rider Liz for Halloween

It's been too long since we've gotten a Saberface added to the game. I say we get Ruler Artoria for Halloween and Saver Nero Christmas.

Void Liz for halloween

Saver Liz for Halloween

It's not my fault that artists draw them together

King Hassan was based on me.

>Maid Alter
>Not saberface

>Nero caster
>Artoria alter rider
Are you retarded?


how stupid do you have to be to post something like this?

Fuck off kuutenko you utter retard

Would King Hassan approve of ISIS?

could be worse, you could be the gawainfag

>apple shitter calling others retarded
top level kek

This Kuugen is a real faggot

I wonder who could be behind this post

Grand Saber Agravain when?

Who the fuck is Kuutenko?

You post this shit like I ever made any attempt at concealing that I'm one of you shitposters from /fgog/

sup newfag

>quartz account buyer with some retarded gender v neet erotic yuri patreon panhandler
wow who the fuck cares

What if instead of getting an alternate Liz for Halloween this year we get an alternate Carmilla?

P-Please add me!
470,336,730Thank you

Okay anons. I have a very simple question for all of you: who's the real King Arthur? I need to know who my king really is

Carmilla lily ?

I would probably legit piss myself with happiness on the spot

>Waaah why don't you know some literal who twitter seanigger

Fuck off Nguyen

I was thinking Berserker Carmilla.

Nobody wants that old lady. Bring out Elizabeth.

Would a Mongolian Servant have a natural advantage against the Hassans considering how their armies were the ones that destroyed Alamut and the assassins therein?

Where my fellow Carmillibros at?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Who's the best Saberface? How about worst?

We will get a 5* berserker liz.

If you had been here during the first 4 months, you would know about SS-chan

Considering how badly Arthur's story ended, was there any net gain for the British Isles as a whole from his reign?


>tfw have Carmilla
>still need moar homunculus bottles so I can max ascend her then grail her

Best: Nero
Worst: Okita or the meme servants (MHX/Santa etc)

>there are people who would pay to read shit like this

Yes please

What kind of carrot is this?

I guess Vortigern's reign was ended?

>If you were here you'd know about literal who xfag

Nice try newfag

What the fuck am I reading

>shilling your shit

Best: Lily
Worst: MHX


It's the Sakurai voice.

How the fuck did you beat 3 of the challenge quests with that lineup? How many quartz did you burn for revives?

i want to fuck a banana bros

The mamluks did it too. But I don't think.

>being this triggered
Please, post more, free advertisement
That's not me. I wouldn't bother trying to shill on this shithole of all places.

Best: Okita
Worst: Normal Artoria

Stop shilling your shitty fanfiction here

Fuck off we don't take kindly to Sakurafags around here.

>NP4 Ishtar
>only levelled servant is a Herc at 50
What the fug

>Hyper Trans, Hyper Pan
what the fuck is hyper trans
is that some special snowflake oc donut steel gender?

do we have oc genders now

Woah... so this is the fabled russian writing

Summer Fran is the cutest girl in this game.


Poor Melt

Is SS-chan, dare I say, getting BTFO by /fgog?

I can get Hyper Pan but what can Hyper Trans even mean?

I still want her to bear my children.

Best: Okita
Worst: cuck servants like red nero

I hear breeding with autists only results in more autistic children

Can't settle on one gender surgery and keeps changing?

I kinda thought these retards just had a dropdown list of gender shit and they chose the most relevant one, not just make up stupid shit.

fucking hyper trans, seriously. that's like sonic oc that's just sonic but green.

But that's my fetish

>wonder why Guinevere would cheat on someone as excellent as Arthur
>realize that him spending most of his time and life with an inhumanly gorgeous succubus sorceress who has an awesome rack and doesn't age probably wasn't a good look

It's a wonder that none of his knights were trying to bang Proto-Merlin