/aog/: Attorney Online General

Jump up, jump up and get down edition

/aog/ is a place to primarily discuss Attorney Online but also Ace Attorney in general.
Whether you want to talk about your favorite cases or characters it's all welcome here.

>What is Attorney Online?

In short: It's multiplayer Ace Attorney.
AO is a virtual chatroom/courtroom mix which we use to perform improvised AA-like trials, Civil Cases, Class Trials, Jury Cases, Investigations and more! Choose from a wide selection of AA characters (and guest characters), pick a position (Defence, Prosecution, Judge, Witness, etc.) and dive into a whirlwind of logic, banter, theories and memes.

Come join us on our server:
Attorney Online Vidya (Dedicated)

>The Main Reference Doc (contains AO downloads, rules, FAQs, polls and more):
Be sure to check there for the Quickstart Guide!

>Gameplay footage?
You can find a list of streamers and recorders for a general time frame here:

Alternatively, you can look through our Case Archive to find completed documents and recordings of individual cases cases:

>How to create black footage for the 3DS games

DGS2 trailer youtube.com/watch?v=U6oclCrPyNo
DGS1 translated playthrough is back on youtube youtube.com/watch?v=0m-AdWHDEAA&list=PL1vvPkGTr_iR67W3Cpmw5APvfCoQYmVoX

>area 2 is still building

Is it the same case from last night that said they have been there for up to 16 hours in build?


A WHOLE FUCKING DAY! And it's not even his case!

Dead General and Dead Game.

Naw, the game's still alive. You're right about the general though.

Ghost Trick Format When?

Go make it

You could probably do an AAI about it

Remember: if a doc has a different color or is not a variant of "murderweaponfingerprince", it is bad and shouldn't be case


For those wondering, the JoJo Part 4 AAI is now on Saturday at 6:00PM. Hope to see you there!

I knew this would happen and I'm still mad

Is that EST, user? I want in on that.

waitafuckingminute is this a new lewd

>Finally start Bladerunner case after over 24 hours of building
>Defense tries to pull case-changing contra in det testimony
>A whole argument about robot feelings
>Finally get to witness 1
>They start to testify
>It's a Divination Seance
>The witness reveals all androids have a power up form
>The provided image is Goku from DBZ
>It's DBZ case now bois

Pic related

The sound-meme packed char.ini is the worst part
I waited 24 hours to play and now I almost want to ditch


>witness completely disregards the established theme to push their shitty anime gimmick
I know your pain far too well



dude, that honestly sucks. I feel bad for you guys.

>mfw finished 1st investigation of Case 5 of SoJ today
Things didn't go as expected

>Defense finds a contradiction
>There's a back and forth between benches about its meaning
>Defense can't give it meaning
>"Prosecution! ... You have a second witness, don't you?"
>They literally are banking on the fact there's a second witness and ignoring the fact they left the previous testimony fully intact

Fucking kill me now

is this the bladerunner-turned-anime case or another one?

You're right.

>Defense failed to contradict previous witness, which had decisive testimony that the victim was stabbed by the defendant
>Defense bench banks entirely on "Prosecutor you have a second witness"
>Prosecution allows it to let the case continue because memes
>Defense bench circlejerks about how good they are for making it this far

Name a single Ace Attorney character who has suffered more than Apollo.
Go on, I'm waiting.

Dick Gumshoe.

Barok van Zieks

fucking RIP


oh my... that sucks ass

This (pic related) is what happened to us

If you are happy with this outcome you are probably the dudebro or the green

Summer is almost over

You're over a year late with the us-and-them whining, user. You should've hopped on the purity bandwagon back when we were forced out of /v/

The lack of rules, the shilling shit and discord all happened one after another

It's true that some people settled in really well, but a lot of people play purely for their own amusement.

The casebuilding contest has now entered the voting stage. Be sure to vote for your favorite case
tiny dot cc slash Case-Building-Event

To be fair, the defense was really new. Maybe the community wouldn't be so shit if you didn't bully everyone out of it.

Name a newfag that has "settled in well".

That's a bit of a trick question, isn't it? The ones that have settled in well wouldn't give almost no examples because settling into the community would mean they don't stand out against it in a notable way. It would be like finding a particular piece of hay in a hay stack

Any newfag that's settled in well is a regular.


>Tfw founder and still enjoying myself

Is the defense mad enough to point out a contradiction in the confession?

>yfw the defense finds a contradiction in the confession and uses it to indict someone else

what case was this from again?

are ya winning?

If their names aren't Paradoxium and Darkuz they're alright.
Except for the ones who literally put their namedrop as their callword. I regret telling people about callwords.



Turnabout Hobo Killer. Hobo feen and Alita witnesses, Sasha judge, Geiru and Feen def, Manfred pro.

>nitekrew in full effect
>doc full of dropped people
>decide to start "DC of __ to ____" meme
>roll to crash the case
>judge, in OOC, responds with "Your die roll has been recognized"
>more dice rolls
>spiral into confusion and lunacy
>confession contra
>judge asspull
>not guilty

I should've gone to bed. Being a peanut for this case near-killed me.

Ibuki here. The only thing I regret is bringing up the idea of a confession contra in the thread before doing it ingame. I fucking loved it.
Surprised to hear that Adachi was actually having trouble.

Nice one, fag

I made this a few days ago if anyone cares

Miles a gud boi

Go to bed Paradox.

How can he be a good boy if he went after someone who did nothing wrong?

Miles is a gud *autistic boi

Why are the Edgeworths so autistic?

>Area 4 has a parkouring Valang


>Defense managed to asspull that they were at the scene instead of the victim

Oh enlighten me, user, how is Paradox good in any way?

How do you be a good name?

>Except for the ones who literally put their namedrop as their callword.
I'm not creative, I'm sorry

Case and don't be an autistic piece of shit.

Redpill me on Paradox. What has he done that's so bad?

don't be a bad name

Cab from area 4 here. My power keeps shitting itself so I'm going to be gone for a little bit

He poisoned our water supply, burned our crops, and delivered a plague unto our houses

Honestly I dunno he's a bit naive it seems. He'll get upset about something stupid in a case, act smug to any feedback he gets as if he's right even if he's dead wrong, and then go into the mod discord asking to be a mod afterwards.

Imo he just needs to figure out for himself how things are.

Regularly signs up as steno and then leaves within the first hour of play.

Bitches about walling and smugs about how you can't wall him as a DA.

Literally dropped a case as steno and then went to try and apply to be a mod.


Does he leave because he has to or because he wants to?

He says that he "needs" to leave, but will often show up on discord or something 20 minutes later and talk for a few hours. When people call him out on it, he'll say something akin to "I had to leave" and become evasive when people tell him to get back to the case.

It happens pretty near every case he stenos, too.

From what I've seen because he wants to, for one reason or another.

>getting called out by the admin

He has left stenoing to join another case in the past, and then got mad when other people called him out on it.

Some people deserve to be bullied

Yes, Mia and Apollo players.

Kill all Ryu posters.


Mia players deserve hugs, not bully.

What did they meme by this


Reminder that namedropping is against the rules.


So in the next AA installment, will we have Gaspen? Winston? Or someone else?

we need ALL of them

rule34 Anal Apollo Justice Trucy Wright yazboi


I want to see the Payne Train make an actual appearance as an end-game prosecutor


Whatever it is, I'm down

Should people who crash a case while drunk be punished?

Casing under influence shouldn't be punishable as ideas fabricated under said influence may be enjoyable by the players as a whole
Crashing a case, however, should be unallowed and punished as usual, drunk or not

But what about the distinction between trying to crash a case versus a case crashing because you're just shit?

Crashing a case because you're a horrible witness shouldn't be punishable because then you're just banning someone for being bad at the game. People should have the chance to learn and grow, and let's be frank, there's not many other places to do so on AO. The explicit, deliberate intention of crashing a case (i.e. any testimony featuring "his head was fuck up" AFTER the aforementioned meme's creation), regardless of it's drunk or not, should be punished.

But how does being drunk change what those things mean? Does the fact that you're purposely debilitating yourself in a case mean that any crashes caused by it are intentional?