/egg/ - Engineering Games General - Formerly /svgg/

Mummified Edition
Previous jej: The thread is dedicated to all games about building machines and systems out of blocks, in space or otherwise. Also, all these games are ded. Only ded games may join, otherwise they must have their own thread.
Whether or not a game belongs in /egg/ is a case by case matter, however games that would belong in /svgg/, space voxel games general, are automatically considered /egg/

WebM for physicians:

List of currently known and vaguely not as dead /egg/ games (this list is not fully inclusive and if you think a game might belong here, feel free to ask):
>Chode - Children of Ded Earf
>Empyrion - Galactic Survival
>From the Depths
>Garry's Mod
>Homebrew - Vehicle Sandbox
>Intersteller Rift
>KOHCTPYKTOP: Engineer of the People
>Robot Arena 2
>Scrap Mechanic
>Space Engineers

Games that are definitely not /egg/:
>The general that quite literally cannot be named. The Mexican scam artist one. With the shitposters. Fuck off.

Information about these games, such as where to get them if they're not on steam, trailers, /egg/ conquered/hosted servers, and other shit can be found in this pad:

OP pad for future /ded/s

Other urls found in this thread:



I'm having a hell of a time trying to figure out how that goes back together

>racan in cuckout
>guy with same boosters as me, whos car is obviously a few hundred kilos heavier than me, is able to consistently stay ahead of me the entire time
>I catch up to him and he just takes off fast as fuck again

I dont get it.

How strong was your Eurobeat compared to his?

What wheels and engine you and he had?
Maybe his boosters were non tradable.

tho i never knew ye, i miss thee /svgg/


or he was lying

Do people do this shit intentionally to drive prices down, or are they just fucking stupid?

Like I see lots of things for sale in this game where people just dump 20-40 of something at a price creating a blockage, and because people want to sell right away of course they are going to put their shit up cheaper than the big block of 20+ things that will take forever to sell.

If /egg/ really wanted we could take total control of the market, driving the price of specific items up or down.

>are they just fucking stupid?
could it be anything else
I mean even on the actual stock market this is the case, here you're dealing with children
jewing them is easy as hell

Good night /egg/
Don't fucking die on me again

Fucking kill yourself circlejerker


>posting the shopped version

You're a big gun

needs more gun



Reminder: we have a modded factorio server up

put these in your %appdata% mods folder: drive.google.com/file/d/0B3UFI5LlfqUxUHE5M3dFRGFTTXc/view

one was missing and one seemed broken, so also get these two individuals and add/replace them to the same folder:

Bring Freedom to the Ayy.

Reminder that Garry's mod is salvation

nuke ayys
post webm
godspeed eggman






is that not how youre supposed to sell stuff?..
i only have 20 sell slots and i need the shit gone

>Even when he finally becomes the little girl, user still has nobody else to fuck him
>At least, no-one ELSE's body

This looks like some twisted person has hooked together 2 different models of android upper and lower body; just to wake it up and watch its confused and entirely futile and pointless attempts at assembly. No way does that shit go together.

Actually I think the android/cyborg is having a 'first-time PC builder' moment, just staring at the lower half like
>Aw fuck, I put too many organs in the bottom half
>And the intestine's already facing the wrong way
>I knew I should have put my head on last so I could see what I was doing

>turn it the right way around and make sure the digestive tube isn't wrapped around anything
>connect the spine to the groove in the torso section
>connect all the little cables wherever, they probably don't even matter
>hook the muscles to their attachment points
>tuck the little spine protector flap inside the hips
>wrap and seal the skin cover
>realize you will never be a robot
>realize you will die of old age

is this /egg/ enough pic ?

is this /egg/ enough pic ?

How many cannon shell hits does it take?

Add pic related to that list

Explain yourself, the game, everything.

You basically use machines to build shit, the game isnt released yet but it's ded

Gmod is the most egg game ever made

>You basically use machines to build shit,
explain better
>the game isnt released yet
as in early access that hasn't hit full release like most /egg/s or completely shut off no one besides testers
>it's ded
at least there's that

Watch some gameplay, the game is in early access but it looks fun

Doesn't belong on /egg/ then

>Watch some gameplay,
That's not how it works you little shit
You make your case and you defend your ground

My bet is that he's a shill shilling his shit game

I'm not shilling anything, just saw the game on steam and thought it's an /egg/ type of game

How much do you get paid?
And can i join? I need some cash, job market here is a fuck and a half.
C'mon, help a brotha out

I'm not a shill

Please man. I'm jobless and depressed, even if it is something like 1 cent/100 posts at least i'll be happier since i can at least think "i'm doing something useful".

so an NDA then?
send us a contact mail to the company, you can type it backwards if that's under non-disclose too

why is there no
in OP?
for fuck's sake, just add /hsg/ back in, mods will understand as long as there is only 1 in there


Lookright can take screenshots now,

I'm going to promote to admin since i'm never on it.

Oh man, I remember when KEEEEEN were offering shit to shill for the Miner Wars beta. I could share the email for you. Maybe they will still honour the agreement!
Just imagine... a free copy of Miner Wars for you to keep!

I could do it if they promise they would never send me one

This is what happens when we use the OP pad instead of just copying the previous OP and remembering to edit the right bits ourselves.
I should know, I saw the link in there when I did that for the previous OP.

Is there a game like fortresscraft which has art directors capable of sight?
Basically, factorio is my spreadsheet game these days, and I'd like to play something in 3d that has the same focus on automation. FC is great in theory, but it feels like watching a minecraft twitch stream with a bullshit neon colour palette.

Shill, shill and shill some more to your heart's content!
The guy named at the bottom is now clanging up a different company and no longer in the games industry.

>dat Tarbo

>point systems
>other corporate bullshit
maybe it's good that he's no longer in vidya

Whoever's paying this guy, I could shill your game better than he's doing. Not just name drop it once and call it a day, but actually talk about the gameplay and show some pictures.
Mail me at [email protected]

Aesthetic ship user, come back to us!

Ok i looked at the game.
You can't build your vehicles, you can only use various IRL vehicles to alter a game world.
You can build houses and dig ditches but other than that you don't have an objective at all.

Also, i kinda want a anime mecha /egg/ game that allows the player to, if built properly, say "fuck it" to all forms of common sense.
Yes, i just rewatched the whole Giga Drill Breaker scene, why do you ask?

>Also, i kinda want a anime mecha /egg/ game that allows the player to, if built properly, say "fuck it" to all forms of common sense.


Not autistic enough in the correct part of the spectrum

>come home
>14h old ded
>26 posters (including samefags)
>page 10

Such is life with CLANG

Sperger update brings us the much requested chink translation, along with changes in the spawn timer of the skin crates (now 10-45 minutes between drops).
I don't think there's any news about why we don't get more than 3 skins, but I haven't checked if it changed.

Are you having trouble running trains during a coal shortage?
Would replacing all of your locomotives cost too much?
Have tons of spare hydroelectric capacity?
Worry no more!

Is that what I think it is?

what the fuck did they just stick an electric heater in the firebox?

I wonder how it feels to fuck that (mild warm not full on heat).
Can't say that coiled metal isn't alluring.


Half house, half bunker. Your only hope when the horizon starts tilting.

yup, that's it



>TOW price climbing up

>Steel Cavalry Crates going down

we need this shit in fugtorio


why noone made a game based on SE yet
they even offer it on their site

>go to wiki
>look at tren designations
>2-10-10-10-10-10-2? the fuck is this bullsh...

Too much work and having stuff more complex than "oh, planes are fixed points in space 100% of the time" scares away the normies and 10y/o kids

>Under the Whyte notation for the classification of steam locomotives, a 2-10-10-10-10-10-2 has two leading wheels, five sets of ten driving wheels, and two trailing wheels.
That's one big tren

>tfw you could build shit in orbit of a planed, and nobody would ever find it because your shits orbiting around the planet while the planet orbits the sun and its all constantly moving

but we have orbiter
checkmate normies

>tfw MP would be impossible because everything would be constantly desyncing and you would keep dying by being in 200 meters of a "station"

I seriously doubt they'd control orbits in that manner. They'd essentially only load other orbiting objects when you come close to them, and in that instance the object you're standing on would be 'not moving at all' whereas the object you're observing would be moving at whatever differing velocity.
If you were oribting around a planet the only thing that would change is the planet textures.

It's all reference frames.

why not just handle it with static space and fool player with it? coordinates will move no doubt but it would be just fluff text, real stuff inside serbian will just seamlessly pop static grids under player's nose(and collapse behind him) and determine how many grids in what direction he needs to cross if he wants to arrive and (((match speeds))) with destination's grid

>Spike-1 prices stable


It's a house built on sloped ground, so what?

or they could do fugtorio/starcraft trick and make the game deterministic, to the point of placing-bits-in-memory-deterministic so desync can never occur
or spengo-solution: slide physicians untill they are no longer desy... CLANGCLANGCLANGCLANGCLANGCLANG

fug, dats big, and we only have 4 science types so far.

ded egg

rezipped the mods pack,

If this doesn't work, then drive is filtering files or something.


>orbits were reported as a bug
>they were removed
Its like they seriously select the most retarded people as playtesters.

>implying they have playtesters at all
You give them too much credit

Sony provided, same way they managed the marketing, and all the shills we had to endure, aka: sonygro fanboys.

Seems like I'm not getting any more crates in spengos.
Another great update from Keen software house!

Watch the logs, i think they changed the spawn rate.


We done it. We got the robutts. Through pasta strands thick and thin, we did it.

Gentlemen, how do we fix Droneout?