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D.va short when?

2nd for Junkrat

Jamison Fawkes! He's the cutest and best and I love him! I'm so happy he and Roadhog got an animation, and I can't wait for the Junkertown map to be released!

Now that the season is coming to a close. I'm gonna one trick Doomfist. Sorry in advanced

I probably won't. I like the character but his playstyle sucks

with the new loot system when do I start getting dupes
Is it just going to start giving me quad gold loot soon, thats about all thats left besides seasonal stuff for me

>Tfw no Hunkrat bf
It's not fair!


>no tits

Those fat fuckers would be so huge they'de need a ass the size of the moon to counter balance them

It's okay, user! I think it's enough that he's in Overwatch, because that means everyone gets to enjoy him!

so will new D.Va be op? or will she fall from grace like a mail-order bride that forgot her make-up kit?


What other's VA's aside from Mcree have their own villain song?

Mei is fat! FAT!

I want to hug WM from behind, press my dick on her ass, and call her mommy, to see how she would react.


I LOVE Angela!

Real, devoted, altruistic, elating, and sincere LOVE

>Reinhardt can now knock back enemies a few meters when he has his shield up, no damage, 8-10 sec cooldown
Nobody's ever scared of just walking through your shield to kill you

>missiles deal 144 damage (less with fall off) in under 2 seconds
That's potentially good but it means she'll still need help to kill stationary Ult-ers like McCree and Pharah, that or she'll need to switch off DM/let it run out, to finish them off.

Really want to see what these things actually look like animation wise though.

>tfw u filtered the annoying tripfags

it's your teammate's job to kill whatever retard is trying to walk past your barrier

Wait, scratch that, 4 impact damage means 12 per hit on a stationary target like an ulting Pharah, so 12x18, 216 damage.

That's nice. I like it.

Where's that pic from?

pretty sure that's the fake screenshot with torb

if only

are you perhaps retarded?

>It's not a random family

according to the synth pop person posting this on twitter its just from the nsfw overwatch reddit

Here comes T.Racer~


I want to make love with tracer

Dunno, you tell me. I don't even know why you're calling me retarded to begin with.

>Playing a nice, involved singleplayer game.
>"i could be earning crates right now"
> Go back to 5 hours of overwatch getting angry at shitters and crates full of sprays and icons.

Hog really isn't as bad as people make him out to be. Still a good front liner, still shreds barriers, and in the middle of a team fight will still get picks because people usually shoot at the dude that's cc'd.

>having loads of fun in pubg playing tense, strategic combat
>still need a twitch shooter to satisfy my adhd and this shit is the only option

nerf stink is always an issue when a change like that goes through, whether or not hes good doesnt matter if people dont want to play him anymore
the same thing happened to mccree when fth got rightfully nerfed even though he was still probably a top 3 dps character due to widow getting dumpstered not long after, and they ended up overbuffing the absolute shit out of him as a consequence which is a change still at the root of the perpetual power creep issues the game is suffering from

>power creep
>in ow

lmao what fucking power creep is there when there's no new content you retard? sombra is trash orisa is trash DF is merely half-decent

the strongest dps in the game hasn't been touched by blizzard forever. tracer continues to be the go-to damage dealer and the game is apparently suffering from power creep. do you even know what power creep is?

We got any info on D.Va' notgoingtobebrokenburstdamage missiles?

Also, was it just me or did the Mei short not do anything? I mean sure it was nice, but it could just me missing something.


>tfw you will never be somebody's mommy as Orisa

>Hog isn't as bad as you think
>McCree was top 3 directly after fannerf
Guessing you're a Tracer/Genji main. Stop commenting on changes that affect heroes you have less than 2 hours on in their current form.

>insta locker dps
>3 of them
>none of them are good dps
>getting no kills
every 5th game is like this, then they blame everyone else on loss

Blame tanks. They're the ones who are supposed to give you the space to get kills

There's nowhere to grab her. Not a simple task.

>Firing them doesn't stop you from moving, using other abilities, shooting your gun, etc. They just fire by themselves once you press the button. The only thing that stops them is dying or being stunned.

>ywn be a pair of mei's fluffy slippers

You just want your one-shot back, don't you?

is it time to post our battlestations?

I wonder how THICC Reinhardt's hammer is.

>hanzo one shot
>widow one shot
>doomfist one shot
>d va one shot

Who gives a fuck?

>THIRD YEAR of public play

goddamn it jeff why

I can't imagine this not getting nerfed at some point. Though with Blizzard, I guess anything is possible.

Adapt nigga. I literally said the character does the exact same shit it was designed to before they nerfed him, rightfully so.

Yep, people will now think twice before walking on d.va face. These rockets will do more for d.va survivability than DM.

Correct me if I'm wrong but

Cannon fire/second=6.67*11*2=146.74
Direct missile hits in close range=12*18=216
Boosters=25 instant

Excluding headshots and firing whilst boosting towards the target, total burst damage to the face within 2 seconds=534.48 damage
On a 8 second cooldown
On a 600 hp reworked 'bully' tank

Well so much for removing Dive.

I started getting dupes when I had less than 5% left from my grey/blue collection. Summer games could screw with the drops because I have everything but the game still wants to drop several in a box.

Forgot to add, the drop ratio stays the same, you won't get 4 purple / gold just because you don't have anything else to collect.



Explain whats happening here and how do I exploit it?

Remember kids, hook was too OP, bastion was too OP

Scatter is fine, fist is fine, genji altogether is fine. Addig more OHK abilities is fine.

What video game was Dva even a pro at?



I'm sure they will rework her yet again in a couple of months.

why am I always dying alone on point
half the time its casuse my team wont follow
half the time its cause they all die behind me
Is my positioning better or am I doing something weird|

hunnie pop and clash of clans

Reminder the Blizzcon cinematic will be Tracer and Winston on the moon where Hammond will be introduced.

There is nothing to be upset about, this has always been the state of the game. A constant nerfing and buffing of shit in the most ill-thought out manner.

This game will NEVER be balanced.


>hogshitters being able to adapt

also that one rhythm game the japs play


It's our time, baby.

I want to pet her cute face and stick my dick in her mouth

>just adapt to being the worst dps character in the game

No, I'm just saying stfu about shit you don't know the details of

real shit

He currently isn't designed to do anything. As a Rein and Lucio main I can for one attest that firstly he can't 'shred barriers' and secondly 'can't get priority pick in the middle of a teamfight'
If you play as Rein, you can literally ignore Roadhog on their front line. A Zen is more dangerous to my barrier and if I know Hogs hook is on cooldown, his fire is so pathetic I can bodytank better than him, simply because my armour mitigates half of his already pathetic fire. Hog was once one of Reins softcounters, but now can't do shit. I've even had cases since hook 2.0 went live, where I barriered myself after hook landed and it broke the hook because it favours the hooked. Hog is useless, but to my favour.
I don't want Hog to be reverted otherwise I'd have another nerf on my boy Rein's hands. But asserting Hog can do shit? No dice.

If you were however talking about Mr 'I'm supposed to counter my hard counters' McCree, just stop posting here kid and return to Reddit

Starcraft 2.

That's why she has a Blizzard logo on her mech and why she talks about her APM. And why she fangirls hard for the Starcraft characters in Heroes of the Storm.

nobodys talking about mei

those cannon numbers are extremely unrealistic but it's still retarded

literally who at blizz thought this was the right way to take dva? what the absolute fuck?

So it's a shout-out to Scarlett, the only relevant female starcraft professional?



Why is it 6.67*11*2?

obligatory >female

Hog is good if you can make consistent hooks into your team. The only people crying are the hogshitters who wanted a fat reaper.

2 damage per pellet
11 pellet/shot
400 rpm = 6.6 shots/sec

For those of you calling doom and gloom on those missile stats, keep in mind that they don't specify travel speed of the missiles. They could be slow as fuck, making direct hits near impossible consistently on anything but immediate close range targets or completely stationary ones.

>t. mad scrub that got beaten by a girl in starcraft brood war and starcraft 2

Didn't they even say they didn't want to turn her into an aggressive attacker character? Back when they claimed her role was protecting Junkrat tires? I don't think they know what they want from her anymore.

obligatory kys

6.67 shots per second (400 per minute)
11 pellets per shot
2 dmg per pellet

The spread accuracy is generally mitigated by the aforementioned lack of head shot and shots while boosting.
It's around a lower than mean value of what the DPS would usually be. In GM/eSports, that number will be way higher, to the point that D.Va could be very capable of flex/filling for Tracer's role in a Dive comp as direct burst DPS.
Sure her DM nerf is significant, but the fact it'll still exist in it's current state just on a longer CD will easily be passed off for her new toys.

So you saying that if NoLimitscomp would still be a thing, D.Va would replace at least one Tracer in a 2W2T2L comp?

That's kinda rude user.

This isn't the first time they've changed their opinion of what a character is meant to do and it won't be the last either. They also used to tell people to use positioning and cover to fight Roadhog and avoid his hook, and even made that easier with 2.0, but then they turned him into what we had now. Not to mentioned they made Deathmatch when they used to say they had no intention to.

Part of their design philosophy seems to be that if the community stubbornly wants something despite trying to make their intentions clear, then they'll concede and do that.

The community wouldn't stop whining about DM and plenty of people wanted a bully D.Va, so they killed two birds with one stone and brought back bully D.Va with a nerfed matrix.

I think this kind of design philosophy has its positives but they also need to be very careful with how far they go with it. If they keep doing this every time something becomes the topical "frustrating mechanic", the game will move further and further towards just being a "shooting game" rather than a game about hero abilities and teamwork.

Literally every single big change like this is made due to DPS players not being happy an ability can nullify them (Hook instakilling sub-300 HP targets, Matrix nullifying bullets and ults) and even Deathmatch is made for DPS players to jerk themselves off.

This is a very slippery slope and I hope Blizz doesn't keep going down it.

Sounds like a typical OW experience

>nobody noticed the shitposting OP

Yes. Tracer's current burst in one clip is between 120. Including headshots and her usually reliable accuracy, put that number at about a mean of 15-180 DPS in higher levels of play. Sure, Tracer can do that every second or so, but in a Dive, burst damage takes direct priority over sustain. She would more than likely fill for one of the Tracers in a WTL comp, keeping one Tracer for the ult.

>tl;dr=For a matter of comparison, D.Va will reliably deal upwards of 3X the DPS of a Tracer with her new burst in that state

>For a matter of comparison, D.Va will reliably deal upwards of 3X the DPS of a Tracer with her new burst in that state
Well I for one welcome our new D.Va overlords. I have never criticised our resident tripfags, and hope they are merciful when the Day of Reckoning comes

At least dps mains will have an easier time pressing Q. This is what they wanted right?

>It's big boy bed time, user!~
>Come sleep next to me and I'll stroke your little head as you drift off into wonderland~
>Oh do you want some tendies first? Well we can't have you sleeping on an empty stomach, can we?~

>bastion buff goes through ptr with everybody complaining about it
>the second baby jeff plays against it in his 2k pubs he makes a blogpost that was probably edited to remove his tigole bitties rage
>this is how overwatch is balanced

Can we kidnap icefrog and let him fix this shit ass game?

What summer games skin is a must buy?
Today is the last time I'll be online before the event ends.

American McMeme.

>everyone talking of d.va bullshit rocket damage
>nobody realizes the full damage needs you to direct hit 18 fucking rockets
>if they knockback like pharah/s76 rockets hitting anyone will be a royal pain mainly if they're bunnyhopping

>For a matter of comparison, D.Va will reliably deal upwards of 3X the DPS of a Tracer with her new burst in that state

Sombra Tulum or Zarya Champion (the red one) for the non-shit hair, S76 for the tons of new lines and beer can otherwise