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Lothric is CUTE

Lothric a cute


Has anything really topped Blighttown in terms of being the worst area?

black gulch

Which of the Crown DLC's is yer favourite lads?

I gotta give it to the Old Iron King. Iron Passage might be a total mess but the rest of it is solid as fuck.

Yeah, the entirety of DaS3.

Blighttown isn't even the worst area in DS1.

Lost Izalith is much worse.



None of them came even close
Lacks the shitty filter,Camera stuck in walls,bad framerates,unhittable dogs and unavoidable poison

I'm a sucker for tower levels and I never understood what people liked about ice levels, so Brume Tower was top notch for me.
Shulva's alright but I fucking hate mazes and fhzeifezh poison again fuck you
bosses are all great tho

That gay area with all the faggot reindeer.

I quite liked Blighttown tbqh. For what it was it was pretty cool.

It's sad but I'll probably never play DS3 then. I can't get far into a video game unless it hooks me completely. The Souls series never had any trouble with that before now. Maybe I just burned myself out though.

Sir Lance Alot reposting so anyone interested doesn't miss how the battle agaisnt Fume Knight went.
Here: Also,

ivory king because i love snow levels

Iron King was easily the best one
The boss fights were fun and amazing , the trip through the tower itself felt great,the new items it introduced were also great and the Iron Passage wasn't nearly as bad as people make it out to be(Just roll by everything lol)
NG+ version of Iron Passage is a shit tho

What build/weapon are you trying to use? If you're doing a caster 3 can be the worst to start with as it relies heavily on knowing where specific spell tomes and drops are as well as finding the damage rings as soon as possible.

Blighttown toxin snipers are the fucking worst. Once you know where they are it's not that bad.

Iron passage is pretty cancerous as well but much, much shorter.

>Ivory King
>I'm wearing white armor so I can barely see myself in the snow
>Aava is white as fuck so I can barely see her in the snow
>All her melee attacks look like the beggining of a walking animation so I get hit a lot
>Finally beating her just means you gotta backtrack through the entire DLC
I fucking love snow levels too but what the fuck

Blighttown is actually a good area. Lost Izalith and Demon Ruins, both DS1 and DS3 versions and Smouldering Lake are bad. Frigid Outskirts was also hell.

>the one with the faggot reindeer
Dear lord no, those ponies fucked me harder than marcus did his sister's cunny.

Mate when I first picked up Dark Souls 2 I put it back down for about 8 months.
My favourite souls game name. Leave it and come back to it and you might change your mind one day.

If you rolled around in the snow your armour turned white anyways cause it gets covered in snow.

It looks aesthetic as fuck. Really fucking nice.

You think there's no skill in managing your stamina when using a shield? Or that there's no recovery time after attacking that doesn't let you exposed?
Same with making a decent build, although many people just copy other's builds.
By forcing only one viable approach, you're greatly putting a limit to different builds, therefore, limiting roleplaying.
At that point it would be closer t


Did you saved him? /dsg/

Honestly his lines are probably the main reason Dark Souls 1 is so widely beloved over it's brothers.
I just can't say jolly cooperation without smiling.

I missed out on most of your adventure because my classes started.
Love the 'Stache.

Always. Chaos servant in every run, I can't just not join it.


Bed of chaos fight arena.

I did of course.

>TFW began a game from the begining because i failed to save his smile

Disliking Blighttown is a meme unless you have only played it on consoles.

Is that on PC too or just PS4?


I'm on PS4. I assume it's across all platforms but who knows.

>An area designed specifically to utterly shit on the player in every possible way
>It even shits on the game as it cant even run properly in blighttown
>People still make videos saying its brilliant level design
Imagine being this cucked

Yeah, I vaguely knew before starting DaS1 that he could be saved.

I probably would've done it anyway without spoilers, I found banking my spare humanity at the fair lady convenient as I was bad at the game and didn't want to risk losing it. Felt bad for her too.

I never summoned Solaire because I thought if he died in my world he'd die for real. ;_;

i like blighttown but if you're referring to that Writing on Games guy then yeah he fucking sucks

does anyone on ds3 pc want to do some co-op? i'm bored as shit. i can put my sign anywhere

It's supposed to represent how the character feels that's why it has sub 10 fps on ps3

Are those five an actual casual filters for their respective games or am i just making things up?
>Tower knight
>Super londo bros
>Abyss Watchers
>Lady Maria


>Tower knight
Not a chance, I found this guy extremely easy and Demons was my first game. Flamelurker goes here no question.
The rest are on point.

Pursuer doesn't really feel like a casual filter to me. A boss lots of shitters tend to struggle with is the Ruin Sentinels imo. Pursuer's not that hard, but some of his attacks are a lot easier to dodge than others, making him a little rng dependent, and if you went in blind and didn't start leveling ADP early, dodging him is really difficult.
But I'd say the true shitter filter isn't a boss, but a level : No Man's Wharf.

Boyfriends are dead and banned!

>casual filter
use balista casul
in sotfs they even made him worse since he pops out of nowhere like 5 times in lost bastile , few times in drangleic castle and iron keep and nowhere else.

The true casual filter.

>Tower Knight
Try Flamelurker.

>Super Londo bros
A bit too lategame to be a casual filter. I think that Quelaag is a better one.

>Lady Maria
Again, pretty late game.
I think the biggest casual filter is Gascoigne. Most of the Bloodborne bosses are easier than he is and he teaches new players on how Bloodborne works but if people don't learn they will just get killed over and over. Another casual filter would be Ludwig and he stands as the price of admission into the DLC.

Post YFW you skipped most of blightown by entering it from valley of drakes

>>Super londo bros

Entering through the valley of the drakes doesnt really matter since you still enter the most annoying part

What do you guys think the parry dagger should be like?

I wouldn't mind if it had stupidly long active parry frames (after the usual startup), making it easy to parry with but also easily punishable.

Alternatively super short frames but slightly earlier than anything else.

L1 doing something special would be neat too. A unique left-handed riposte or something.

Capra is overstimated. just use shield.

Capra is literally a coin toss
Did you somehow dodge the dogs at the start?Congratulations,climb the stairs,kill the dogs,and just play normally ,you already beat the boss

Dark souls 3 scrub here. Does spear and halberd really have long range? From what I experienced, I don't really feel much difference between a straight sword and a spear on the early stages.

Depends on the specific spear and halberd, a lot of early spears like the basic spear and partizan don't have as much range over straight swords if any but there are definitely longer ones as you go through the game. The main benefits of spears is being pure thrust damage which benefits from counters and Leo Ring more when you get that and halberds tend to have higher AR and hyperarmor on 2HR1s and R2s.

The regular "spear" is really short, some of the other ones are way longer.

Lothric Spear is the best spear.

I've never actually saved Solaire in a single playthrourgh

always seemed like too much work

Someone posted this a bit ago. Don't hate me.

>RPG yes, but it's still built around a skill reliant combat system focusing on punishing overextension.

Not exactly, it's just that most people don't really build their character to be that way. I've used a medium shield for the entirety of DaS3 and I felt that it trivialized some fights that most people have difficulty with when they roll (Friede, Pontiff, Midir, Dancer, Lorian, Oceiros, the giant crabs, the corvian knights, the pus of man, the harald knights (though rolling was already effective on them), some of the annoying fastasfuck enemies like the dagger hollows, thralls, ghrus, pontiff knights, etc.)

Wrong quotation.

>Shit I've played 4 of the cunts and I'm not sure if I've ever equipped a shield. I just don't see why anyone would do that.

>Wolnir summons his skeleton gank squad three times in one fight, and his sword as well

He's actually quite a good boss if you don't kill him in under 30 seconds. I have no idea why they implemented the bracelet gimmick.


Trying to keep Cuculus alive for ODK on an SL35 invader character is a fucking nightmare

How's the enemy variety in Dark Souls 3? Better or worse than Bloodborne?

What's your build? If you can use it I recommend using the Greatsword of Judgment or Onyx Blade since magic and dark wreck ODK.

It's just a generic quality. I'm using a +1 BKS but I still just don't do enough damage to kill it before she dies, because she eats every single aoe attack, which is basically all ODK does in his second phase.

If you want I can try and help you kill him if you're on PC to take the aggro of Cuculus more.

Ludwig is the casual filter of TOH, DSP quit BB because of him and Maria is too easy to bully

Can someone help me kill this weeaboo wet dream bitch Friede in the freezing-ass fucking world? She's pissing me off greatly and my weapon's reach doesn't help much.

Password is dsg

Turning on my Gamecub

Should I summon Gael?

Getting my vibrator lubed.

What platform dipshit

Hooking up my Atari as we speak


Oh shit, forgot to mention it's PC


Goddamn this made me kek

>No bloodpools in DS3

I can come now, I'll place my sign by the bonfire, pass dsg. Don't bother summoning Gael.

I don't see your sign user

I'm glad they're changing Pestilent Mercury's description so that 'mercury' is now 'dense mist' I was really getting confused before now.

wait for me! im on my way too

nvm summoning

Yeah keep trying, this connection seems a little funky.

If I was on PC I'd just CE to get the set, my man, but I appreciate the thought.

I'm just going to go get a BKGA and see if that works better.

Any ideas as to why the summons aren't working anons?

Try and close your game and restart it, this happens sometimes. I'm trying that now too.

I have no idea. I tried turning on cross-region matchmaking but i dunno if it helped

ill restart as well

I'll restart my router, hold on a moment anons

>Dragon School spooks.
That can't be real.

That was part of the original text. Literally the only line that is being changed is mercury to 'dense mist'

Iron passage was beautifully designed as a co-op but so frustrating solo that everyone gave up on it and hated it

We couldn't walk into the boss room

We couldn't go through the fog door. Bravo Miyazaki.



Summon us again, if it happens you or us can black crystal us out and retry until it works.

im still down to help tho mate. want to try again?