Senran Kagura General - /skg/ - #1131

Ultra lewd handholding edition
Previous thread 187030180

>PBS releases September 22 for Europe and September 26 for NA
>Honey Parade Games stream 01/08/17
>Bashou added to PBS as a playable character
>SK:Refle is a VN for Switch with revolutionary handholding, thigh slapping, butt rolling gameplay
>Peach Ball, Senran Kagura Pinball game for Switch
>New Link is a new mobage RPG, introduces Fubuki, Gekko, and Senko
>SK Burst Re:newal, Burst Remake for PS4 featuring Yumi
>Senran Kagura 7even announced for autumn 2018 as a new PS4 title
>Anime will receive 2nd season

>Complete Character Listing
>Peach Beach Splash CG Pack!atsXBCSI!BSJF1VKiFIt7ja601CuHH8NX3CP5bItVmUNGSQo0o9Y
>Newest Fanart閃乱カグラ
>Senran Kagura Drawing Thread
>How to Play
>Mobacoin Guide
>Card Release Thread
>Card Archive (Updated 7/14/17)
>Card Wiki

>MarvelousAQL Senran Kagura site
>Creator's Twitter
>Japanese 2ch Thread Futalog�M���J�O

Other urls found in this thread:

Did that user ever scan Kat? I wanna see!

Train harder

I LOVE Kasumi!!! SO much!!! She's the BEST!!!!!


Hey Mirai, I'm ovulating today~

Such a lust for Kasumi.

>No way, fag!

I love Hikage! Every Thread!

Luvin' Hikage!

Train faster

Asuka, wife.

Where are boobs?


Don't discriminate against medium boobs!

I can't wait!

Post your favorite Senran! Tell me why you love her so much?

It'll essentially be starlight stage but not a music game

Mistress is the best! She has lovely hair, gorgeous eyes and voice, a sweet personality and a cute pink bow to wrap it all up! She's perfect!

Is Miyabi the biggest footslut in the Senran Kagura series? She's always showing off her bare feet to everyone!

She's sexy, cute, strong and super smug. Something about making an unthinkable powerful being like her all meek and blushing with my love is incredible. Or maybe I just want her to gently dominate me with that smug grin of hers, I'm not sure


New Wave pride day when?

>booty shorts + stockings


Valkirye Drive is better.

>cuck noises
[x] Pet
There, there...your waifu will never be loyal to you.

He's right tho

Repeating a question:

IS it just me, or are measurements for the girls completely arbitrary? Like, looking at the cards, unless it's a flatty like Mirai or Ryoubi, the games and the cards barely show any difference between those with E-cups and those with I-cups, even though the latter would be nearly twice as big

WTF I love Valkyrie Drive now!?

I love girls with short hair.
I love edgy girls with a soft side.
I love tomboys who get flustered about their femininity.


lol ded series.

I want to dress Asuka up like an emo.

When I first really found out about SK, Yagyuu instantly took my attention. Her appearance, her fighting style, even her personality. She still stands high in my favourites list.


Describe your favorite Senran's personality in 20 or more words.

Would Haruka rather have a cheese, ham and crisp sandwich or a sausage roll with some chicken nuggets for tea?
I'm hungry and I can't decide what I want.

Is that so? That is how it works? Well I don't get it because I don't have any emotions you see!

I want to smell Senran butts!!

I want my senran to sleep with other anons!

Haruka is fat! FAT!

Hi Hanzo!

Raping Murasaki! Every thread!

I want to smell farts from Senran butts!!

Are there any Haruka fart pictures?

Get the cheeseburger and fries.

Cute, shy, strong, passionate about her manga, loves nerdy stuff and she's the softest senran.

There's a few but I don't want to risk posting them here

>got banned for yesterday's post
Remember to get fit or Daidouji will punch you in the dick

Post them

user, did you cum on the magazine before you scanned it or why haven't you reported anything?

If you want something done right...


Why are the Crimsons the only one that get all this fart shit?

I don't know how to feel about this.

Someone should do some social studies why incest, lolis and tentacles are so popular in japan while the west is more furry / fart / fat territory.

They're not, there was that Daidouji pic from a few threads ago.

You should feel bad about it.

From my perspective:
They find it cute.
Same, but also to match smol peepees with smol pussies.
They resemble dicks in their flesh texture and stickiness.
They look cool, maybe some cartoon-induced nostalgia
? ? ?
? ? ?

I think you need to go see a doctor.

gas this thread

fuck off carlos

But that's whats happening!

I think we need to talk about a far more respectable fetish instead of farts for a change.
Your Senran now pilots a giant robot, what is it called, how does she pilot it and what is it's Finishing Move?!

That's not a fetish, you just want /m/ discussion!
I mean that's not a bad thing but call a spade a spade.

>That's not a fetish
Explain to me why giant robots arose me then?

Atleast talk about the actual gas queen.

>what is pre
>what is lady juice

Female family members are often the only ones filthy otaku ever see, and from a certain perspective they're "easier" than regular girls(already well acquainted with each other's flaws and eccentricities, already living together)
A byproduct of the same old law that still censors all genitalia today, in order to draw sex without drawing a penis

What is those are sticky, not a penis

Let's try to fix this thread.
Post cute art of Senrans.


The cutest.



Why would you slap me? I've done nothing wrong.

granny senrans!


It was Sayuri wasn't it?


>mods are finally deleting fartposts
At last
a breath of fresh air

do you feel it?
it's the winds of change

>meanwhile /ps4g/ has a fully visible nipple in the OP

So not content to badpost in /skg/, the badposters want to ruin /ps4g/ by reporting that op?

Truly they are bad. I hope they are permanently removed from the great Veeky Forums


Bullying Daidouji!


Playing with Daidolly?

>reporting rule-breaking content is bad

Why are you making shit up? Why can't it simply be a post that shows that mods on this board just act on a whim?

Eat it, baka.

Why is that little girls blushing?

Right after you eat my nuts

Because user is a piece of shit that refuses to eat her jelly or whatever that is, and that makes her upset and ashamed. She thinks user doesn't want because it tastes bad, despite the fact that she tried so hard to cook it. Not having a piece after all the effort this little girl put on it is really rude, even if she's a maid.

>Maybe when you grow a pair I will eat them!
>But for now those little grapes couldn't satisfy anyone!
>Hai ronnpa!

Yagyuu is enjoying the flavor of her grilled squid.

You know that doing that means death, right?

Y-you're mean!

I'll eat Kafuru's nuts if she doesn't stop being a smug little bitch!