Guild Wars 2 General - /gw2g/

Best Girl *cough* Zoija *cough* Edition.

>What is Guild Wars 2?
Guild Wars 2 is an active free-to-play MMORPG from ArenaNet, the sequel to Guild Wars 1, with events taking place 250 years after its timeline.
> intro video

This thread has botspam, he copies image files and names, identify yourself by using charr in your name and reply directly to the OP. Discord still recommended!

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>lol my reddit tier meme is so funnnny
yes, kys

What is going on with the shadow next to the cockpit?

It already exists.

im too shy sorry

>in that order.
Tama is that high up? holy shit. Shocked Japs have such good taste, she(female) is the best monster

and yet, no blacks. hmmmm...

osamu sato is a typical artist. he doesnt know how to optimize his 3d models for gameplay. LSD is already a low poly game and it runs at a shit framerate.

all I do is rise from the dead, I'm tired of being jebus. . .


Did you get a glowstick?


>ethiopia winning

Oh, I'm sorry, only two of the three titles you initially mentioned run at a locked 60fps. Guess my point is only two-thirds as valid now, huh, dingus?

>showing the face

That's a funny way of spelling Runescape 3.

2019 my friend, 2019.

Daily reminder that Jugg is a sad virgin who faps to virtual animals.


Fuck off.


Well it is affiliated with you so that's why

This, nothing wrong with punko pops, they won't prevent you from getting laid unlike animushit

>insert dick in pussy
>thrust forward and back
>thrust more

Why do people like sex again?

Many retro consoles, particularly before 5th gen, are simple systems. The programmer's manual for a system like NES is not terribly long. It's nothing like coding assembly for an x86 system.

why does she wear the mask?

>bought a perfectly rolled one for 280c before Mathil made it meta

Someone tell me what's the whole point of mirage? Everything about it is outclassed by core mesmer and chononancer skills. Mirror mechanic is useless, doesnt even last long. Seems like a slap in the face.

I'm not a footfag, BUT footwear like this gets me going

You know if someone put that on their aircraft these days that crap newspaper would get triggered

that was literally release rengar
concept 2 was old rengar from the looks of it, but he didn't have camo on ult

Engineer makes kids that can shoot guns, mesmer makes kids that attack you like monkeys, we need both at this dinner table.

Suck my dick

If Elysium for example made a server specifically for the Chinese, the population would drop by more than 50%.

Stealing this one

Why the website doesn't show the team I voted for?

Is this happened to anyone else too?

are you in nullsec?

>I have a Galaxy S8+
consider N64 emulation.

Sounds good to me. Heard it had some cool stuff with story mode, but I was pretty put off by the frame rate.

stupid shit where you have to equip the potion/herb/tonic first in order to use it

I do the same, but it's for lack of space. Also I usually just use a hacked Wii despite having all the consoles I'm emulating in the closet.

This doesn't support Falcom, but it's a physical copy.
5%, XSeed aren't going to suddenly pay for the voices now, much as I'd like them to.

I may be (am) pretty dumb, I had no idea I could enable vsync with AMD catalyst, thanks for enlightening me

>Sekka with expectations of a tsukkomi from Itsuki
Oh boy, looks like this is going to be a thing from now on.


No cabs because my place is pretty small but I have a few PCBs, fun hobby if you're patient.

A great 7/10 game + it has that charm. When people say that RE0 train part is short, I rec them this game.

page 10!

Which version do you have? I remember that happening all the time a few years ago, but right now it doesn't fuck the water for me.



it was in my country

Game works fine on Huawei Honor 7 and 5X

You can still make and play levels. Unless you're a well known person or make a Panga style level, you'd be lucky to have fifty people play your level.

Excellen Browning and Lamia Loveless.
You're welcome

Why do people own these?

Not everyone is as autistic as you.

Which genres of game are superior on the Saturn that would make it preferable over a PSX?
You cannot suggest arcade ports because those are better played on MAME.

Good games only. I don't care if 99% if the library is shit, if it has 10 must-play games, it's at least a decent console.

In that regard, basically no console is a complete dud. It's a happier way to look at the world desu.




Please explain how a game from 1986 ripped off a game from 1987?
A Link To The Past is just a more refined version of The Legend Of Zelda.

>giving stealth (you)'s
commonwealth could easily destroy BoS and institute with their tech so kniggers and synthfuckers have to rely on mercenaries and fucking muties to do the job.

I was going to do the HDMI mod, but for a couple extra bucks, I ordered a RetroUSB AVS instead.

More like a demake am I right.

Get flight stick, honestly. You can play this with a 360 or xboxone controller relatively well. No joy2key necessary.

I use a logitech 3d pro. it's $40 american but is a good balance between cheap and effectiveness/utility.

A friend was playing around with RPG Maker for the PS1.

Brave Soul.

Liar Jeannie.

Why does it need to be a mouse button?