Heroes of the Storm General - /hotsg/

The ol' Frosty Keychain Edition

What's new?

>Call of Kel'thuzad Event
>Join the Scourge in undying servitude with a new hero, new skins, and a bone-chilling challenge
>September 5th - 25th.

>Kel'thuzad; The Lich Lord of The Plaguelands, Commander of The Dread Necropolis, Master of the Cold Dark, Founder of the Cult of The Damned, Former Member of the Council of Six, Creator of the Abominations, Betrayer of Humanity, Summoner of Archimonde, Archlich of Naxxramas, Majordomo to The Lich King, and Hearthstone enthusiast announced!

>For New Players
>Welcome to Heroes of the Storm
>Heroes of the Storm 2.0
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>Tier lists are effective guidance tools, but should never be blindly followed

>Current Weekly Sale
>Current Weekly Brawl
>Current Patch Notes

>Where can I find fellow players to group up with and discuss the game?
"/join Veeky Forums" in game chat

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first for li li

Yes, and he's getting quite a lot of changes.

Dignitas are choking, seems that losing on Sky Temple has throwned them offbalance. Wouden't be surprised if there is currently some infighting going on.

5 cute facts about Abathur:
- He's a slug!
- He's not useless!
- I love him!!!
- Abathur!!!!!!!!

hey look it's a circa 2015 /v/edditor posting /v/eddit garbage

That's only 3 facts

Dignitas finally got to the end of their ride. Fucking finally, literally all their titles were won in close matchups and they never dominated.

Auriel - dumb shit bitch, voiced by nigger, refuses to help IMPERIVS
Brightwing - pretty nice helpful animal
Cassia - literally SJW
Chromie - cute but actually a dragon so disgusting
D.Va - gook bitch SJW superhero gamer girl fantasy
Jaina - piece of shit super traitor bitch, helps kill her own father, ignores Scourge in Stratholme, fucks with dragons
Johanna - extremely disgusting woman trying to be a man, SJW hairstyle
Kerrigan - piece of shit super traitor bitch who thinks her revenge should matter
Li Li - nice girl I would drink her tea and say thanks li li
Li-Ming - fucking disgusting gook shit bitch thinks too highly of herself + mega slut
Lt. Morales - nice woman I guess but seems like she is overweight on her portrait, should take care of her health
Lunara - disgusting shit bitch degenerate supertrash also thinks she is the best, cause she is the literal who daughter of Cenarius
Lucio - gay nigger tranny DJ
Nova - super disgusting race mixing piece of shit, all she does is fart and get fucked
Sgt. Hammer - same as Lt. Morales
Sonya - would suck her cock
Sylvanas - the worst bitch ever disgusting pile of shit thinks her unlife should matter
Tracer - most subhuman char ever, lesbian pile of shit, disgusting body, haircut and personality
Tyrande - down's syndrome piece of shit, 10k+ yrs old but is super fucking dumb bimbo, nigger accent
Valeera - super shit slut fucked by orcs, disgusting personality
Valla - ok I guess but shit voice, should talk less this fucking bitch
Zagara - nice pleasant mother but really disgusting alien freak
Zarya - same as Johanna

>it's a abathur doesn't bodysoak episode

Well yes that's usually what happens with a rework.

fuck dignitas

Femablo is the BEST
Tyrael and Garrosh are the second BEST

>its a guy bitches you arent body soaking deep in lane vs valeera dehaka and falstad episode

Keep posting it

Last year European championship when they were still with Alex.

Both team looks like shit, especially on tomb of the spider queen.

I'd have loved to see a valeera or zeratul. It would have worked so well but I guess no one on ducks is confident with those two.

Are you the ponyfucker lebbit guy? If yes you should seek help.

>in proplay ever

Bronze as fuck

Dig has a meta comp and ducks is hoping to ride the Bursting Light prenerfs with Lunara

Brightwing fucks up Rehgar and Tracer

>playing ducks cant poly and chain cc
>dignitas have just stun him forever with uther, johana and kael
0 value in both teams

I thought Nazeebo would be popular again now that they fixed his stack glitch, tomb is one of his best maps. How naive of me.



Take a look at the faces of lich from WC3 and from HotS.
WC3 = conveys feelings of impending doom, represents the cold embrace of death that awaits all. an elegant wielder of unholy magic with grand apathy to all living things
HotS = thick skull of an orc with down's syndrome with FIERY eyes and mammoth tusks, cannot be treated seriously, total joke. CAT MEMES XDDD

Generic skillshot that deals aoe damage at the location of target hit
Generic aoe dmg with some root
Le epic funny gimmick chain spell xD

Trait - THE QUEST ! Use your Le epic funny gimmick chain spell x times to gain ability power & reduced cooldowns

Precision strike, but harder to land xD!
Pyroblast but roots enemies !

>phylactery mechanic
get 10 regen globes and click for istant res xD

A meta comp won't always work on a PVE heavy map like tomb. Tracer is shit at solo lane and fighting the big spiders

kael, johana, uther picked holy fire and reghar have enough wave clear to cover tracer

Valeera saw a bit of it early on she fell off cause greymane was generally just better in most situations. However this specific one valeera/zeratul would be better.

The unfortunate thing about ducks is they are just picking top tier characters, they aren't picking counters really. They just hope to play better rather than play smarter.
I love nazeebo and he is great as a pub stomper but in comp play he suffers having no utility and no escape.
It's why would I play him when chromie has better burst and kael thas has CC.

If they made ravenous hydra as good as it use to be he'd likely be picked up again, but that'd be the only way to bring him back to proplay but then he'd pub stomp extremely hard so they won't allow that.



Blizzard really fucked up with Garrosh's representation in Heroes of the Storm. His abilities and role do not fit his character fantasy in any way. His kit should have been for another character.

Yes, he is fun to play. But he should have been a bruiser, like Artanis, but with burst and less focus on defense and with an ability to force 1v1.

>what Blizzard devs did
Hey guys we plan to release Garrosh somewhere in summer 2017
Fast forward summer 2017
Alright guys just attach some existing kit to Garrosh and release him. And dont forget to make a legendary skin + bike with a bunch of tints

his kit seems pretty fun actually
but i agree that his model is way too much "giant goofy colorful robe" and not enough "spooky undead"

I was going to get Prime Evil Diablo but I got Mecha Tassadar instead

I swear to god blizzard has some of the biggest autists this world has seen in their fanbase.

Do you need help?

Good choice. Archangel diablo is much better than Prime anyway.

that new brawl is very fun

cutting edge leak:
the next hero after kelthuzad will be a cute girl (male)

It's meta for the map you mongoloid


Perhaps it is time for me to admit that. I don't know how the meta works, I mean I once saw a pro game where one team went Illidan and Greymane for their damage and the other team still had to pick a support and tank, now you think that in a moment like that you would pick Lili or Johanna to blind the shit out of Greymane and Illidan.

But they diden't go Lili or Johanna, probobly because they aren't the meta. So no I don't know how the meta works

I wish /hotsg/ was more like /lolg/

I'm not into meta but they have a shitload of wave clear to have a shitty wave clear hero with pvp potential.

more alive? yeah me too

filled with erp, avatar fags, and aussies? No thank you

Once again ducks grab the boss in front of the idiots.

I have that one but don't really care for it. None of the other leggos i don't have don't really interest me anyway.

>Your team has Greymane and Lunara as source of energy
>Goes with Wrath of Heaven
But why, do these people really have no idea what they're doing?

Blinds arent reliable CC. Thats why Li Li never gets picked. Also, the real threat from Illidan and Greymane isn't their AA, it's their ults.

Ducks just threw the game though
Like I said they are just picking tier 1 characters and hoping they can play them well without having much practice with the character or builds.
They probably are just copy pasting a build posted online.

>silver preaching about people playing in HGC

Please go be part of twitch chat, you'll fit in.

But seeing how AA is their main source of damage blind will make it hard for them to deal damage.

Pros don't play the same game as us

They have pocket strats and pick random shit and their odds of winning doesn't change.

You would think that, but when they have Lunara you don't need AA to get energy you just need to hit a vine, cocktail, or a blossom which isn't hard.

>Implying that Wrath would have helped more then Will.

You say that but the build that Duck was using was clearly an AA build.

Are you retarded?

Lunara is Unfair advantage/Blossom burst build and Greymane is full cocktail

Splintered Spear at level 7 with Star Wood Spear at level 16, both talents that empowers your AA. They picked Spell shield at level 13

Remember to Thank your Healers

Brightwing is ugly

>Wait until someone's health is almost zero
>Heal them
>They thank you for the clutch heals
Works every time

Oh so you're the son of a bitch who caused me to die so many times the other day?

Have you ever played Lunara before?

Yes I have

Is hots good because it's the only team at blizzard that aren't shit?

Thanks Uther

How long have you been playing and whats your winrate?

Who do I buy?

>not having already Valeera
>not having already Lunara
>not having already VGenji
>not having already Guldan
>not having already Chromie
>not having already Li-Ming
>not having already Johanna
>not having already Nova
>not having already Tychus
>not having already Zul'jin
Buy Malthael

>>not having already Valeera
>>not having already Lunara
>>not having already VGenji
>>not having already Guldan
>>not having already Chromie
>>not having already Li-Ming
>>not having already Johanna
>>not having already Nova
>>not having already Tychus
>>not having already Zul'jin
f2p m80, I only buy heroes when I can with gold.
>Buy Malthael


>not having cho gall
>anno domini 2017

Get Genji

>owning heroes
don't tell me you guys are cucks too
how embarrassing, literally nothing to do in the game anymore at that point

I've really been neglecting the support role, Jesus.

Stukov, Malthael, Auriel, Johanna, and Auriel are strong or decent. So are Genji and Li-Ming but those are cancer and should never be played by anybody ever.

My personal favorite is Malthael so I would recommend him.

Who is this Gladman fellow and why in the hell would you waste so much money on this game? Shit, if I had Bill Gates money I would never throw 1% of money he did on this game.


Where the FUCK is Tirion!?

Where the fuck is (That guy who got Frozen during the LK fight and did nothing until the end and died right at the beginning of Legion)!?

Blue team only had to pick Maltheal or Tychus to rape red team hard.

>lag force
>spacestation gaming


Low Tier team vs low tier team, but it's been more fun to watch this one game then all the others combined.

if tychus is close enough to actually do damage he's close enough to get garrosh'd

That is why you have a tank, to protect your soft assassains.

good thing garrosh's q is a straight-line skillshot that stops at the first target it hits so he cant use it if there's a tank in the way

You misspeled Tildon. He's getting announced next month

Has the date for call of kelthuzad event been released? I imagine within the next 2-3 weeks at most right?

>wanting a marauder reskin
>not the cool as fuck sc1 firebat
id even take the remastered version.

SC2 is better
Then pick Maltheal

PTR next week, release the week after. You know, like all the past releases for a while now.

I'd prefer him in a hellbat.

They need to either remove cocoon or lobotomize allies who refuse to help break you out.

chicken malf skin idea . if u have skill to draw it then do it & show it to me

maybe chicken/rooster head instead of malf head, obv chicken wings

healing ult makes clucking sounds
silence ult makes loud rooster noise like really violent cockadoodledoo

custom flying animation for skin Z

Ive never even looked at the ptr even though I have played since beta

OP has date of event

I remember there was a time when Probius was considered OP/picked almost every match. Is he still good? Also is he difficult to play?

>Is he still good?
Yes but easy to play against and draft against
>Also is he difficult to play?
Kind of

im also retarded apparently

>The ol' Frosty Keychain Edition
This joke was not lost on me, OP

Who's the most fun support, /hotsg/?


Who's the least fun?





>1 person for Li Li on least

Why would you color her tears white instead of face/fur color to go along with how tears are actually translucent