/mbg/ - Mount & Blade General

Berkasovo helmet when edition.

(Looted) thread:



Revealed at Gamescom 2017:

Last blog:

OLDER BANNERLORD INFO/VIDEOS: See Pastebin/the sub-forum

PASTEBIN: pastebin.com/ZesXLTP3

M&B Wiki: mountandblade.wikia.com/wiki/Mount_and_Blade_Wiki

NOOB GUIDE: imgur.com/a/FMAqV

>user's mods and upstab guide:

>/mbg/ Steamgroup

New Modules :
>Modded Hispania 1200
>Custom Troop Trees
>CTT for Dickplomacy+Polygamy Bugfix

1st for sturgians are kievan rus.

Remove conehead.

>Viking shield with boss
>held by straps
wtf is this shit?

Turk magic

every shields in the game are held with straps

>viking shield with boss of this gym
>held by leatherman straps
wtf is this shit?

7th for uniting the empire and conquering the world

With my heavy hunter and my hafted blade I have nothing to fear.

is the empire really gonna be divided into north, west and south? seems a bit silly to me. and for what purpose?

DRUMPFS Calradia

Is there any mods that add dungeons of some sort? I feel like dungeon crawling could be pretty fun if the AI could just handle it.

empire would be too strong otherwise

well it's gonna be stupid if the empire declares war on itself like swadia would attack the rhodoks and it's passed on as "civil war".

is there any mod that let's pretenders fight for the crown on their own or let's new nations be formed?
please don't quote me something like floris, i just want the mechanic into vanilla.


How about Floris?

sorry i am not interested in BIG BLACK SLAVES

I enlisted in the Swadian army in my new playthrough because I wanted to see how much of a difference I could make just as a common soldier but the Swadian AI won't even give me the opportunity to make a difference. I still have been in a siege or a town/castle defense even though it's been more than 200 days in-game, whenever it looks like there's going to be a siege (all lords congregate in front of an enemy castle), they stay there for 30 seconds, then one lord fucks off to god knows where and the rest of them scatters after 1 one minute.
They also don't defend properly, we lost both Dhirim and Uxkhal while there wasn't a single lord stationed there to defend.

I am doomed to wander the earth and feast endlessly.

stopped reading there

Every time I meet a lord on the field the option to battle is called "surrender or die".

They never surrender. They never die.

What do you guys think Harlaus would do if he captured Isolla? I like to think that he would let her go because deep inside he feels guilty for forcing his niece to abdicate.
I also like to think that Isolla herself would spare him when she wins because she can't bear to kill a fellow family member.

>Remove conehead.
Remove your clipping mail first if you want to do that kiddo

I understand nothing that guy said but still he seems like a totally insufferable cunt.

Because it was in turkish or his way of talking turkish ?
I liked when he sang the LotR musical theme

It's a shame that I can't get heraldry to show on the guy in this screen, I'm surprised it's even showing up on the item.

So to summarise the combat mechanics we have stuff from...

>Feinting - CONFIRMED
>Chambering - CONFIRMED
>Couched Lance - CONFIRMED
>Kicking - CONFIRMED
>Charged swings - ???
>Unblockable swings - ???
>Blunt weapon knockdown - ???

DLC + Mods:
>Shield Bash - CONFIRMED
>Crouching - CONFIRMED
>Spear Bracing - ???

New to Bannerlord:
>Multi-hit Swings - CONFIRMED
>Combo swings - CONFIRMED

Anything else we're still waiting for confirmation on?


>I'm salty about the fact that I can't mash out feints with an autoclicker at the speed of light while l spaz around looking at the floor.

I'm happy it's removed actually
All the glitchers will finally have to get good at the game instead of just feinting autismically

I don't play multiplayer but I remember in some tournaments some mods had the other guy fainting over and over again at the speed of light without ever stopping and if you ever dropped your guard for a split second they would let the swing go and hit you.

anyone got the ugly penton pic?


You filthy Rhodok scum, by the year 1300 Swadia is predicted to become a superpower with automated fiefs that will bring feasts straight to your domain. Learn a little respect before talking.

Anyone can explain this to me?
If I switch items for troops in morgh do I need new save to affect it?
Because I change some stuff in dickoplacy and well troops fight with pikes but they should have shields on the back and they do not have also when i talk to them changed armor not show in their equipment even if they wear it in battle
is dicko a mess and a meme?

Its in, its just changed

>its just changed

swacucks BTFO for eternity


In warsword, is there a way to remove the equipment race limitations?

Like, allow a human to wear dwarf or chaos armor.

does the AI ever run out of ammo ?

yes, seen this multiple times in sieges

ya, at the most inconvenient of times

You forgot fighting stances (left foot forward/right foot forward)

Incest would be my guess.
Whenever I ask to join Harlaus' family he says he has other plans for his kids, but he doesn't have any

I think it is much slower now.

So, the attack--->block stop--->next action sequence got slowed down, but you can still block stop the attack?

are there any good quest mods like viking conquest?

the game of thrones mod is based on VCs engine if u mean that

Yeah, that's what I've heard from the forums at least. Also I'm not sure if you can cancel your attack at any moment or only during a certain time frame.

I have to add though that thinking about how the game works currently is pretty pointless. Taleworlds special approach to developing a game could mean that the game is years away from release. Or that it won't release at all, though I don't think this is very likely but you never know.


Are these numbers legit?
sharpshooters & sergeants

yeah, they're real
con you give us a list of your troops too? that castle is a bitch to take

dude just mass huscarls lmao

Let the AI handle that one. It'll be a bloodbath.

(((((rhodock)))))) supremacy strikes again

Yes but those limitations are there because of skeletons, you can wear them but it will look wrong kinda like this

I think they have infinite ammo in sieges if they are on the defending side but I'm not 100% sure. Any other instance, yes, they do run out of ammo.

don't judge, literally only have 54 denars

you can take pretty much any fief in native with that many xbows

I don't give a shit about this commander PvP mode


I'm posting The Humungus, The Lord Humungus, The Warrior of the Wasteland, The Ayatollah of Rock and Rolla in honour of the original Humungus poster until we get a good post-apocalyptic mod.

I never cared a single second about multiplayer in M&B but the playerbase seems to be balanced between people mainly playing it for the SP and folks mostly interested by the MP so they have to talk about it at some point. We got some SP details and videos, let them have theirs.

Maybe someday someone will make a Fallout NW mod that it's a warband-rpg hybrid.

>your troops are angry because they hate to spend the night at sea
you're supposed to be fucking VIKINGS

why does the rightful heir of calradia carry a nordic sword?

They are showing so much gameplay and it pretty much looks finished

They will give us a release date soon right?

no. they are still adding features to the single player :^)

>They are showing so much gameplay and it pretty much looks finished
they haven't showed any of the complex campaign system in over a year, just simple battles
>They will give us a release date soon right?
we aren't getting a release date in 2017 all the video game events are done

any one of those "glitchers" could put your head through your ass without feinting nigga

you don't know what the hell you're on about

>multiplayer mount and blade
Lmao these niggas high who the fuck even plays that

Blizzcon is still happening. Believe it!

even that goddamn Armagan Yavuz says he spends his time playing the game and checking for bugs

nigga, other people from around the world could have helped you with that

he actually has. they are in lady isolla's tummy

Is that Boshin war mod out?

>bringing complete strangers for testing only to say whats wrong with other minute things & he has to fix them; delaying it further

I do think it will be a huge missed opportunity if all splintered Empire factions are identical. Rhodoks when

>I do think it will be a huge missed opportunity if all splintered Empire factions are identical.
they are identical
even in the new MP mode they showed there is only an "Empire" faction, no separate regions

>day 300-600
>undisputed marshal
>faction is rather small but I'm slowly expanding it
>king gets ambitious, probably because I was winning all of our wars
>he declares war on two factions, at the same time, which are both about 4x the size of ours
>all of my castles are eventually taken
>i am captured
>king takes away my marshalship, I have no fiefs, no army and no companions
>makes peace
>he immediately declares war on yet another kingdom 3x the size of ours

Gotta love that king AI. Bannerlord 2 ought to make kings more opportunistic and less fucking retarded.

>Bannerlord 2

what faction

Milano in pastebin modded ad 1257.

He declared war on the HRE and Hungary, who collectively own everything from paris to constantinople.

> Brytenwalda
> Massive battle (thousands vs thousands)
> Am sure will win
> Don't want to autocalc cause I need to use this army to take over their fiefs later, and desu I might actually lose cause, well, autocalc.
> Am 99% sure I'm going to win the campaign as I own most of the map
> Just playing another game as I wait for the battles to resolve and my character picks his nose in a corner of the map
> After I win, will likely conquer some more fiefs, then do the same routine of moving troops to the new borders, giving away the castles, giving away troops to soothe the sore asses of the Lords that didn't get castles, etc etc...

This is kinda miserable desu, but I spent like months playing this campaign.

Is there a difference between the pastebin one and the regular one?

i fucking tells you the difference in the pastebin

As someone from Malta I am eternally butthurt that Malta has been literally excluded from the map, considering its key central location in the Med.

we wouldnt have a separate download in the pastebin if it was the same as regular 1257 would we?

>i fucking tells you

Also I'm not clicking on that shit I'm busy playing the game.


What's honor useful for, is it even useful?

Automatically raises relationships with Honorable and Goodnatured Lords.

That's about it, except in Prophecy of Pendor

And how is that bad? Considering the game is delayed so much, a little more due to proper betatesing wouldn't hurt.

upstab user, why is the items_end entry in your diplomacy submod an iron mace? can i still put items infront of it without disrupting item order?


I bought bannerlord on ps4 for 8 dollars, was it worth it? is this game good?

Is it normal I feel the need to punch the shit out of most of the TW forum users? I've rarely witnessed such self entitlement and circlejerk, especially with the older members. Even the way they write is starting to rattle me, and I don't even interact much with them

PoP Vanskerry Raiders can defend their shins with those tiny shield

Of course, Honorable Lords are also the dumbfucks who refuse to join you even if their King doesn't give them a single village for a decade.

About the only way to recruit those motherfuckers is to destroy their kingdom completely.