"Man must have an unquenchable thirst for self improvement, always looking for more, reading, playing instruments...

>"Man must have an unquenchable thirst for self improvement, always looking for more, reading, playing instruments, practicing sports, looking for new boundaries, only to break through them, with nothing but the sheer willpower of the soul, overcoming any challenges or barriers imposed by nature with nothing but determination."
>"Those who do not take discipline, self control, self improvement, authority, respect to culture and tradition, willpower, duty and courage as absolute, core values are nothing but parasites to this planet."
>"The ultimate source of the violence, hatred, lack of love and harmony, ultimately derives from the spread of the ideals of the French Revolutionaires: little brats who were such tremendous pussies that they decided to ovrerthrow a centuries old monarchy because their parents made them go to the church on fucking sundays."
Holy shit.
Was this the absolute madman?

Other urls found in this thread:


Somehow I don't think that last quote was his.

Evola was a hack.


The first two I can get behind, although it can feel a little exhausting sometimes. Then I cozy up in my warm bed and sleep, knowing that my relaxation is an extension of the sheer willpower of the soul.

Sounds legit as fuck.

"Feels > Reals"

T. Evola

Source OP

>I am a weakling, therefore I argue that my personal desire not to be a pussy is what everyone wants

Is there a single modern philosopher who set forth a philosophy that wasn't for everyone?

Jesus and Muhamed never claimed that their views were universal, only for those who had ears to hear, while The Greek philosophers claimed it to be a truth only for themselves, and not for the world at large.

Wasn't he wheelchair bound because he liked going on walks during bomb raids because it made him feel alive and then one time he got hit by debris.

Evola is just Heidegger for edgy contrarians.

Also the ideals of the French revolution have resulted in societies that allow us unrivaled capabilities to pursue self-improvement.

Evola is garbage.

>Is there a single modern philosopher who set forth a philosophy that wasn't for everyone?

I don't know if he's modern, but Nietzsche.

But Evola literally says he's only writing his book for those who can appreciate it.

>Veeky Forums thread about Evola
>expecting anything but strawmen

>"Man must have an unquenchable thirst for self improvement, always looking for more, reading, playing instruments, practicing sports, looking for new boundaries, only to break through them, with nothing but the sheer willpower of the soul, overcoming any challenges or barriers imposed by nature with nothing but determination."

I can get behind this.

>"Those who do not take discipline, self control, self improvement, authority, respect to culture and tradition, willpower, duty and courage as absolute, core values are nothing but parasites to this planet."

Can't deny that it would be a better world if everybody believed in that.

>"The ultimate source of the violence, hatred, lack of love and harmony, ultimately derives from the spread of the ideals of the French Revolutionaires: little brats who were such tremendous pussies that they decided to ovrerthrow a centuries old monarchy because their parents made them go to the church on fucking sundays."


Have you seen what people in the western world are like ? We have the material opportunities but socially we have wrecked ourselves to the point were we are stuck in extreme mediocrity due to the idealization of the lowest common denominator inherent to democracy.

Yeah OP you may want to check that last quote out a little more thoroughly.


Evola is the new Zhukov?

>fags and no ball homos are the ruin of modern man

>t. Evola

Most people are banal, uninteresting, and mediocre, this is true even under feudalism. Some are exceptional. Your sense of anomie and dissatisfaction (or for that matter, Evola's) doesn't mean that we'd be better of with some useless fat fuck in charge who got there by being shat out of the right vagina.

Wow, what did he mean by this???

See OP that's what he said.


>lol fags right guide?

What would Evola's favorite anime be?


He would write and direct one about Siddhartha or some shit.

...but he wouldn't watch them.

I thought Land said Evola was shit

Lucky Star

K-On. I can easily see him as a Miofag.

He is more of a visual novels person.


Didn't it ultimately demonstrate traditionalism to be foolish?

more like animals doing what they're programmed to

It's almost like Evola's entire point was that man should transcend above his base animal desires.


I don't know about anime, but his favorite manga would certainly be Kokou no Hito.

Evola's favorite doujin would be Danke Dankei Revolution.

Cesaria >>> Julius

The difference is that a larger section of the minority had opportunities for self actualization through those feudal relations, were we have "balanced" things out so that instead of 10% being able to do so, 1% are able to do so, where the majority can have a bit of excess material comforts.

On top of that you are ignoring the value of not having democratic and egalitarian idealism infecting your culture and political methodology.

Agrarian feudal-republicanism would probably work out about as well for most day to day activities and state level organization ( remember Evola does'nt care about particular political forms as much as he does that certain principles are being expressed) - but having a monarch who can be immutable center of the system, who is not there to make false promises and pander to the tyrannical instincts of the masses, who can regulate all the parts against external threats and curtail certain excesses of the parts when needed, allows for the optimal form of "mixed government" in which the state can keep afloat without becoming too bogged down in bureaucracy and democratic totalitarianism.

>The difference is that a larger section of the minority had opportunities for self actualization through those feudal relations

[citation needed]

>On top of that you are ignoring the value of not having democratic and egalitarian idealism infecting your culture and political methodology.

There is no value to not having the ideals of the French revolution be omnipresent. It's resulted in the safest, most peaceful, most prosperous societies to yet exist with more opportunities for self-improvement and actualization than have ever existed prior, by virtue of the fact far few people are forced to endure their entire existence as shitfarmers.

>the rest of the post is bog-standard reactionary rhetoric

Fuck off, you're up there with commies for people that history has done nothing but proven wrong. Your entire ideology is found in and driven by your sense of dissatisfaction and anomie, but being unable to make it in a liberal republic doesn't mean liberal republics are bad or that we should all have to become shitfarmers for some useless piece of shit.

I honestly hate people like you more than I hate Marxist-Leninists, because at least they're fucking honest about their brutality.

>far few people are forced to endure their entire existence as shitfarmers

technological advancement is due credit for this, not the ideals of the French revolution.

Not all feudal type structures are necessarily agrarian you know. Besides, there's nothing wrong with farming. It is honorable and vitally important work.

>technological advancement is due credit for this, not the ideals of the French revolution.

The fact that people would be bound by birth to specific classes would mean they'd be inhibited form pursuing actualization. Under this current system, exceptional individuals from any walk of life have the power to pursue actualization, how many geniuses have we lost due to the bullshit that worthless, inhuman cretins like Evola propose? Too God-damned many I'd bet (though even one, is too God-damned many).

>Besides, there's nothing wrong with farming. It is honorable and vitally important work.

Don't twist my words, you barbarous piece of shit. Farming is indeed honorable work, but being forced into agrarian drudgery is not.

>there's nothing wrong with farming. It is honorable and vitally important work.

>says the guy who has probably not farmed a day in his life.

There is a reason we've automated the shit out of farming, as it frees people to do more valuable and interesting work.

Every monk, artisan, and aristocrat had those opportunities. These days the only people who have that level of freedom are also chained to their incessant monetary activity, as it defines their life. Shifting our class structure from being based on blood and spirituality to being based solely on mercantile activity meant that the only people with the means for self actualization have it blocked off due to their lifestyle.

>It's resulted in the safest, most peaceful, most prosperous societies to yet exist with more opportunities for self-improvement and actualization than have ever existed prior..

Not at all, Europe is collapsing because egalitarian idealism has taught them that due to the natural equality of all humans, and the ultimate subjectivism that results from that, calling out invading rapist hordes for their behavior is "Islamophobic" and unallowed. How the hell was the Rotherdam rape gangs the expression of a safe and peaceful society ?

Our societies are the most anomic, neurotic, desperate and meaningless yet, and this is coming from someone who has been blessed enough that my main concern is only the totalitarian impulses that arises from the masses when they are forced into such a system. Material prosperity is meaningless if peoples lives are destroyed. Poor peasants who work 200 days a year, have tight knit communities, purpose, and a strong faith to get them by are much better off than overworked depressed "individuals" with broken families and no connection to the transcendent what so ever.

>Your entire ideology is found in and driven by your sense of dissatisfaction and anomie

No. It is only because I am free of the resentiment and anomie that comes from being embedded in egalitarian idealism that I can love my countrymen and want to see their lives bettered by abandoning this system.

You need to broaden your understanding of political systems.Your caricature of feudal-monarchist systems simply does'nt correspond to reality.

>Every monk, artisan, and aristocrat had those opportunities.

You mean an absolutely tiny portion of the society? Yeah, I'll sure take that over anybody being able to pursue education in our society. Fuck you, you God-damned filth.

>Not at all, Europe is collapsing because egalitarian idealism has taught them that due to the natural equality of all humans, and the ultimate subjectivism that results from that, calling out invading rapist hordes for their behavior is "Islamophobic" and unallowed. How the hell was the Rotherdam rape gangs the expression of a safe and peaceful society ?

Fear-mongering bullshit. Every metric of prosperity and safety has been improving in the first world; hell, due to global economic interdependency, it even improves in the developing world. But you're an Evolaist, so feels > reals to you. Fuck you, you God-damned filth.

>reactionary blather

Substantiate some of it and I'll give a shit.

>No. It is only because I am free of the resentiment and anomie that comes from being embedded in egalitarian idealism that I can love my countrymen and want to see their lives bettered by abandoning this system.

Bull-fucking-shit. You're a socially awkward nobody who has gotten nowhere in society, and so feels there's something fundamentally wrong that can only be fixed by instituting a system that better suits your feels. You love your countrymen just enough to turn them into slaves for some obese, inbred piece of shit in a fruity coat. Fuck you, you God-damned filth.

My criticism of Evola is the sense of "Self improvement" that he talks about. I think it's that very self improvement, the idea that we're not perfect, is what plagues modern society. No animal needs to be improved on, because there's no such thing as improvement in the natural world, only survival. I don't talk about how a cow's natural defense skills are lacking, because the cows defense isn't lacking; if there's a predator, then the cow is meant to be preyed upon, thus the cow needs no improvement. We live and we die needing no improvement. If science could extend our lives, it would be just an extension; nothing gained, nothing lost, in terms of what that life meant. Everyone feels that they aren't ready to die, regardless of how old they are, thus prolonged life serves no better purpose. Self improvement serves no moral purpose.

One of the reasons why feudal societies lived for centuries, was because they were content with their lives. I believe Evola is a byproduct of the capitalist mindset which seeks perpetual improvement and perfection .

>Agrarian feudal-republicanism

How exactly are you going to go turn back the clock to allow for that to be society's natural state without doing some hair-brained rural-fetishism a'la Pol Pot? With industrialized farming, genetic engineering and 20th and 21st century agricultural revolutions there's no possibility for the classic ideal of the by-the-boot-straps agrarian-gentleman aristocrat. He won't get fuck all for his produce when the enterprising burgher next store can run a faster and larger agricultural business, let alone the fact that this system doesn't exist in a vacuum and foreign agrarian corporations will be able to run circles around the retard trying to live like a medieval feudal lord. Both that burgher capitalist and/or foreign industry can out-produce the agrarian feudal lord and flood the market with cheaper and more numerous products.

Are you going to close the borders, deny trade? Okay, how are you going to pay the guys entrusted with shutting down non feudal aristocratic farms and forbidding foreign trade of foodstuffs? Oh, you're not going to grow food you'll grow cash crops? Okay, why do you think your agrarian feudal republican aristocrat will be able to out-perform capitalist plantation development elsewhere in the world where the people aren't reactionary buffoons? Maybe you can dress it up with some quality organicness (not that in your reactionary feudal agrarian society you'll have the hipster scene where organic all natural is vogue), but that's not going to get you anything near enough money.

In order to have an agrarian feudal republic you would have to paradoxically degenerate the vast improvements in agriculture to bring us back to a subsistence level economy purely to pursue delusional notions of how society was right and perfect and a golden age at this year.

hey man im not him and im on your side but cool down a bit your arguments are just turning into insults that won't get you far

Agreed. There's no putting the genie back in the bottle.

And that last bit is why you feudalist pro absolute monarchy buffoons ("Dark Enlightenment", you edgy faggots were a real fucking laugh when you were around before evolving into the alt-right. At least the Alt-right is Fascist - even fascism...fuck, even communism has a better track record for success in the modern world than Feudalism) are Salafists in a Christian wrap. You too romanticize and idealize an idyllic age which never existed but in your dreams and have no understanding of the history of the era you lionize. You just ideas-guy philosophize about the system of feudalism with no attention paid to the reality of feudalism. No better than the "communism works in theory' sorts - except at least you can run a modern successful state on Communism for at least a few years or decades.

I'm with that other user. I'd sooner tolerate a communist, a fascist, a retarded anarchist, a Christian theocratic proponent, an Islamist than I would a feudal absolute monarchist. You types are the most cringing perverse idiots imaginable. You're basically the other side of the coin to an anarchist-primitivist luddite who would return mankind to pre-industrial conditions in order to pursue a fairytale bubble of your ideas-guy theories.

But rejoice everyone, we can take solace in the fact that short of an apocalypse that shoves mankind back centuries in development you will never ever have any measure of success and you will always be laughed at and held in contempt by the rest of the world. Countries the world over could welcome a fascist, communist or religious autocrat, they could welcome a dictator, but they will never welcome an absolute monarch whose pedigree is nothing more than blood.

I've already explained why the material prosperity spread to the masses has the counter effect of ensuring that almost no one does anything worthwhile with it due to our culture, hence negating that material opportunity. The majority still toil away unfulfilled, only now they lose all those things that would have been a given in the feudal society that I pointed out in my post.

Only the very rich are able to escape democratic mass culture and its negative effects, but because of the mercantilist activity
that defines everyone who is at the top in our society, they don't actually have any means to utilize that opportunity, making it nearly void for them.

So before you had that minority at the top who all were pretty much able to self actualize because they weren't bound to mercantilist economic activity nor toiling in labor. Now we have an even tinier minority who, with the rare exception, can't even self actualize with their freedom and material prosperity. The masses are still not doing anything of that sort, but now they have lost all the past benefits afforded to them. It is lose lose for everyone save an extreme minority who can maintain internal detachment from the culture around them while utilizing its material benefits.

I can give you that our society is safer than Afghanistan's, but the ideology that has brought us there collapses on itself. It is now beginning to put Europeans into a far more vulnerable position than ever before, where they are so spiritually destitute that they can't even be virile enough to stand up against barbarians raping their daughters. Too much artificial safety has lead us to an extreme vulnerability that is now beginning to ruin us.

On the rest of what you said: You have no way of telling who I am or what my experience in life in. Your projections and insults towards me are meaningless and add on nothing to this discussion, dunk your head in some cool water and stick to actually making coherent points.

My claim was that

>Agrarian feudal-republicanism would probably work out about as well for most day to day activities and state level organization

The point was that Evola does not demand any particular kind of political system( that was one example other than the traditional european feudal-monarchism). You don't need to advocate for returning to the Holy Roman Empire or the Indian caste system in order to adhere to what Evola was advocating. There are many alternatives. What matters is that we curtail the excesses of egalitarianism, democracy, materialism, and totalitarianism that has arisen and poisoned our people, not that we try to return to any particular contingent political or socio-economic form that we can find from the past.

Evola's point was NEVER that we should try to turn back the clock.All the historical examples are there for the sake of abstracting out certain principles and tendencies from those societies and applying them in a way that is possible given our current socio-economic contingencies.

> than I would a feudal absolute monarchist.

Evola's views are not absolute monarchism in the least. Hell absolute monarchy is an early modern invention. Traditionalists reject that period and usually go for the middle ages as a good instantiation of principles to model our views off of. The monarchies at that point weren't at all absolute, they were more so federalist systems with fixed centers, where there were many different sources of intermediary power and legitimacy ( guilds, religious authorities, independent nobles, other potential kings, local customs, etc) that made the monarchs anything but absolute.

I recommend you all read de Maistre, Donoso Cortes, Schmitt's works from the 20s, and "Liberty or Equality: The Challenge of Our Times" by Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn. And pick up some of Evola's actual works instead of just assuming you know things about his views from detached out of context quotes posted on Veeky Forums.


>Every metric of prosperity and safety has been improving in the first world

Setting aside that depression rates have been going up like crazy, "metrics of prosperity" are defined by materialist and liberals ideas so who gives a fuck.

Also, you're pretty mad.

Would he be a Griffithfag or not? Griffith wanted to transcend, however he is destroying the monarchical structure of the world and is a pleb who lost control of himself for power, while Guts is a stoic warrior who faces the degenerate world face to face.

"Integers > Reals"
T. Me


Why are people attracted to this meme philosopher who belongs on the shelf next to health crystals and incense

Ur a fuhdorah sophist u know?

>the ideals of the French revolution have resulted in societies that allow us unrivaled capabilities to pursue self-improvement.

This so fucking much. Evola and his followers idealize feudal societies and the Indian caste system, however, 99% of people in such societies were unable to "self improve" as they were illiterate, had zero education on all the shit traditionalists like (mysticism, edgy esoteric faiths and such) and were too busy trying to not starve to death to "play instruments and practice sports". Hard labor which you have to do to stay alive anyway and will cause you to develop chronic back problems at age 40 is not self-improvement.

He managed to become a fedora in time when fedora was popular choice of attire.

Thanks m'user but I think there are better conservative philosophers out there.

But compared to the 99% of serfs you had the 1% of nobility who were looked up to and were universally considered better people.

And thanks to the piramidal intelectual intelligence that every true Iranian traditionalist such as J. Evola posseses he would surely be the 1%, the Man everyone looks up to and everyone takes seriously just because he was predetermined to be so.

"The weak should fear the strong"

>however, 99% of people in such societies were unable to "self improve" as they were illiterate, had zero education on all the shit traditionalists like (mysticism, edgy esoteric faiths and such) and were too busy trying to not starve to death to "play instruments and practice sports".
[citation needed]

I've already explained why the material prosperity spread to the masses has the counter effect of ensuring that almost no one does anything worthwhile with it due to our culture, hence negating that material opportunity.

>You didn't explain shit, you human garbage.
The majority still toil away unfulfilled, only now they lose all those things that would have been a given in the feudal society that I pointed out in my post.

A bunch of ephemeral garbage. In exchange they gain safety, longer lives, and access to education that they'd have never had.

>Only the very rich are able to escape democratic mass culture and its negative effects, but because of the mercantilist activity

OH NOES! Everyone has to work for a living. Say it isn't fucking so. Working to ease income inequality through the mechanisms of social democracy can bring the rest of them in line too.

>that defines everyone who is at the top in our society, they don't actually have any means to utilize that opportunity, making it nearly void for them.

Everyone can pursue education in our society. Hence why we live in a society where people can complain about degrees becoming worthless.

>Now we have an even tinier minority who, with the rare exception, can't even self actualize with their freedom and material prosperity.

ANYONE CAN PURSUE EDUCATION IN OUR SOCIETY, YOU LYING PIECE OF SHIT. I fucking self-educate in my own time; something I couldn't do in your feudal nightmare.

>The masses

DON'T. FUCKING. EXIST. Some individuals pursue actualization, some don't. Everyone now has unparalleled capability to do so.

>lost all the past benefits afford to them.

Your romanticization of feudal life is not a benefit. FUCK YOU.

>egalitarianism, democracy, materialism

Every last one of these things has been a verifiable good for society. The only way you can think otherwise is to refuse to look at reality. OH WAIT, YOU'RE AN EVOLAIST, THAT'S A PRE-REQUISITE, HAHAHA.

>It is now beginning to put Europeans into a far more vulnerable position than ever before, where they are so spiritually destitute that they can't even be virile enough to stand up against barbarians raping their daughters.

Rapists still go to jail moron. What you're not allowed to do is say that brown people are all out raping women, because we're a society of individualists, cunt.

>On the rest of what you said: You have no way of telling who I am or what my experience in life in.

That bet is still open and I stand by it. I hate you. Cold, honest, hatred.


You find similar statistics in every such society. Treating human beings like property tends to result in a lack of consideration for their welfare. Shocking.

Literally TTGL

> Evola and his followers idealize feudal societies and the Indian caste system
>99% of people in such societies were unable to "self improve"
That's what I disagree with Evola about. Morality took precedence in the absence of law. The feudal era, for the most part, was stagnant in terms of "improvement"; there was nothing that need to be improved except the sustainability of the people, in which case starvation led to agricultural incentives and better technology. The natural law is that improvement need only happen in the presence of anxiety. If you keep a people anxious, they will always live in the despair of being imperfect.

While I agree that the French revolution resulted in societies that allowed for better self improvement, I also would like to say that maybe self-improvement isn't a good thing. As I said to the other user, self-improvement is really just the idea that we are broken and need to be "fixed". Economy is the biggest contributor to the self-improvement mindset, and it has largely been the basis for liberal progressivism.

"complex> reals"
T. Everyone else

Berserk is the De Maistre anime and I am not even kidding. The themes are all there.

True. And Moldbug never mentions Evola once in the 50,000 typed pages worth of blog posts on Unqualified Reservations

While we're on the topic, Shiki is the Carl Schmitt anime.

>As I said to the other user, self-improvement is really just the idea that we are broken and need to be "fixed".

I would say that the pursuit of unattainable ideal can be healthy. Nobody is perfect, and we should be striving to be perfect.

it's a nice way to cover your ass
>if people don't like my material, then it means it's working!

That's Nietzsche's favorite anime tho

You're radically overrating the value of university degrees. I was'nt talking about the ability to get a mass produced university degree that has been watered down for the lowest common denominator. I was talking about transcendence and spiritual fulfillment, not the facade of discursive knowledge ( which has radically decreased in quality with the changes that mass education has caused over the last 100 years) that we have right now.

>Rapists still go to jail moron. What you're not allowed to do is say that brown people are all out raping women, because we're a society of individualists, cunt.

Look up Rotherdam, for years Pakistani rape gangs were untouched because police were too afraid to be called racist to properly deal with it and take the reports of it seriously. How about the Cologne mass sexual assaults? where because it was Muslim men the authorities claimed that the women may have been "too friendly", where feminists indoctrination tells european men that any sexual misunderstanding entails that they are a sexual predator. How about this case ?


This is starting to become the norm in Europe. No one is saying that all the brown people are out raping, only that brown/muslim rapists are being excused because of multiculturalist egalitarian ideals.

>That bet is still open and I stand by it. I hate you. Cold, honest, hatred.

You should try to cool off your emotions so you can look at these issues more rationally. When people have to resort to insults, typing in all caps, and swearing at the person they are debating, it suggests that they lack solid arguments for their beliefs. You should focus more on making your points and less on the emotive expressions, it would help others take you more seriously.

>transcendence and spiritual fulfillment

Oh, shit that doesn't exist. Yeah, fuck off.

>Look up Rotherdam, for years Pakistani rape gangs were untouched because police were too afraid to be called racist to properly deal with it and take the reports of it seriously. How about the Cologne mass sexual assaults? where because it was Muslim men the authorities claimed that the women may have been "too friendly", where feminists indoctrination tells european men that any sexual misunderstanding entails that they are a sexual predator. How about this case ?

Find me something that isn't from a fucking tabloid or right-wing fear rag.

>You should try to cool off your emotions so you can look at these issues more rationally.

There's nothing rational about what you propose. What you propose is monstrous and rooted entirely in you being a piece of shit.

>When people have to resort to insults, typing in all caps, and swearing at the person they are debating, it suggests that they lack solid arguments for their beliefs. You should focus more on making your points and less on the emotive expressions, it would help others take you more seriously.

You should try actually possessing an ounce of passion in you for once, you might start to care about your fellow man enough to not want them to become slaves because you can't get a girl to touch your peepee.

Every one of my posts has included arguments, so the only people who would think that I lacked arguments are idiots looking to discredit me on the basis of their poor wounded feefees.

>respect to culture and tradition

Dropped. Fucking spooks.

> comfy extremism

You being too much a pleb to get spirituality does'nt make it not correspond to existing things.



These incidents are factual, they are not from tabloids.

>Every one of my posts has included arguments

Hardly, it was almost exclusively you positing random assumptions without any sort of justification,you swearing at me, and telling me you hate me.

>You should try actually possessing an ounce of passion in you for once, you might start to care about your fellow man enough to not want them to become slaves because you can't get a girl to touch your peepee.

Such a great argument. Bravo. Because that is exactly what I said. Nevermind how I explained that traditionalists are not trying to send us back to feudalism. Never mind that the kind of monarchies we are idealize had high amounts of freedom. Never mind that the point is that the trade we made from moving from those societies to our current ones were ultimately a negative thing, and that we should use those societies as a means to help improve our current one, while not trying to turn back the clock. Le'ts not actually respond to what our opponent is saying, instead we should just throw tantrums about shit we have no clue about, it really demonstrates the benefits of the "self actualization" afforded to people in a democratic society after all.


>so the only people who would think that I lacked arguments are idiots looking to discredit me on the basis of their poor wounded feefees.

I'm not the one who has to add on


to every third sentence. It's pretty obvious who the one with the hurt feelings are here.

Seriously look at this post.

Here you simply dismiss the positive points for the feudal system that I made by calling them "ephemeral garbage" with no justification. The rest of you argument could be summed up in saying that:

>Working only 200 days a year, having tight knit communities, purpose, and a strong faith is worth loosing. Immense anomie, neuroticism, bowing down to barbarian rapist hordes, being overworked, depressed, coming from a totally broken family and having no access to the transcendent, is all worth it as people have access to university degrees that I've admitted are often useless, aren't used to experiencing violence, and can fester in their poor condition for longer.

Just about everything else is posturing, temper tantrums, and you expressing hate for me. You are covering up your lack of a good point with all that emotional fluff.


Are you really claiming that rates of sexual assault/rape would be lower under feudalism? You have some serious rose-tinted glasses of history.

All right, you're right. I've lost my shit way too much and gotten sidetracked in some childish shit. I admit error. I'll mellow out now.

>You being too much a pleb to get spirituality does'nt make it not correspond to existing things.

Alright, the ball can start in your court: prove these things exist.

>These incidents are factual, they are not from tabloids.

That's unfortunate, and needs to be fixed. But I'm sure injustices would still occur under feudalism.

>Hardly, it was almost exclusively you positing random assumptions without any sort of justification,you swearing at me, and telling me you hate me.

An exaggeration, I'd say about 2/3s. A lot of it was repeating the same basic argument because you've never actually addressed it.

>Nevermind how I explained that traditionalists are not trying to send us back to feudalism.

You're trying to send us back to some extremely top-down overly hierarchical system in which the country is the property of a king and the citizens his subjects (effectively his property as well). The differences are nil beyond that.

>Never mind that the kind of monarchies we are idealize had high amounts of freedom.

Only in so far as the monarchs of the time didn't have the means to effectively enforce their will the way a centralized information based totalitarianism could.

>Never mind that the point is that the trade we made from moving from those societies to our current ones were ultimately a negative thing, and that we should use those societies as a means to help improve our current one, while not trying to turn back the clock

Moving to our societies was a means to help improve on what was our then current one, and any return to the methods or ideals of those societies would be turning back the clock.

>Le'ts not actually respond to what our opponent is saying, instead we should just throw tantrums about shit we have no clue about, it really demonstrates the benefits of the "self actualization" afforded to people in a democratic society after all.

The real demonstration of the merit of democratic socities in self-actualization is that you're free to hold an ideal that's fundamentally counter to it without being subject to government reprisal, and more free to pursue your brand of spiritualism under it than you would be under a feudal society, which didn't typically guarantee freedom of religion.

>Seriously look at this post.

I said fuck you once and called you a lying piece of shit... for acting like a lying piece of shit. What do you want there? Further I pointed out that masses you so deride are not actually a mass, they're individuals. Which just kind of underscores your callous disregard for human welfare.

>Here you simply dismiss the positive points for the feudal system that I made by calling them "ephemeral garbage" with no justification. The rest of you argument could be summed up in saying that:

Because pretty much all of it is entirely ephemeral and subjective. You're demanding that we upend our society to build one that values everything you value, rather than just continuing to exist in a society where you can value what you value and I can value what I value.

>Just about everything else is posturing, temper tantrums, and you expressing hate for me.

I think I only said I hate you once, and a few instances of calling you an asshole is hardly even one tantrum.

>You are covering up your lack of a good point with all that emotional fluff.

You never actually addressed my point in a conclusive fashion. You made some wild, unsubstantiated assertions at it, but never addressed it.

>as it frees people to do more valuable and interesting work.
Are you not aware that this applies to only a small part of society. Repetitive industrial work isn't that interesting and I have doubts about the value of it as well, especially if you consider farming not that valuable.

New-Age Nietzsche

>muh Ebola

You do realize that all this is some irrelevant talk that needs to get with the times, it's old and doesn't reflect the reality we are in now.

Here's "the new" and it will happen it's inevitable - we are close to engineering humans, that will be smarter, we are close to such improvement Evola couldn't have imagined, just a few pieces missing and we're there.

It's a shame we won't be there when the Replacement happens, i doubt it will happen within our lifetime.

Why is real relevant philosophy that deals with the current reality and with the future never get talked about on this shitty board or any board for that matter?

Pic related is a blue rose created by messing with a couple of genes.

That's how things start, little by little, simple traits to begin with.

This is literally the rebirth.

forgot rose lel

That's not really blue though and it looks a bit sickly