/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

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early faggot

>Steel tome
I have no idea when I will stop laughing at this.

Damn I dont care if it is early thats a 10/10 OP pic

How could you guys forget Robin's signature weapon?


>only 20 orbs
>gambling impulses appearing
I'm a weak man

You're the worst type of poster.


>we don't have enough units from the series to be used as bonus.
>Black Knight

Regardless, I think it will be either a new focus, or even more likely the CYL units will be the bonuses.

Ride the bike!

>If Camilla wins, /feg/ will subjected to non-stop mommy posting
Pls no

Where's my Hone Lucinas, IS?


Post them /feg/!

Leave /feg/ to me.

Kill yourself virgin neckbeard.

>only 20 orbs
>I cant remember the last time I was above 13
Consistently getting only 0-1 color orb that matches the character I am sniping for has made me lose all restraint

>CYL units with TT buffs
could you imagine?

People are swayed by their desires, however, they can also overcome them!

She's losing right now though. I'll continue to fight the good fight.

I call her wheelchair lucina

I have a -ATK Sheep. Which Healer deserves Wrathful staff if I don't have Elise?

>Consistently getting only 0-1 color orb that matches the character I am sniping for has made me lose all restraint
i know that feel but then when i go for sub 20 pulls i get exactly one more orb for the colour i'm sniping than i have orbs for


>Sanaki tapmoans

That guy was right, Sanaki is sexy.


With Roy as my Boy I can not lose!

>Ike is the worst CYL unit
hahahahahHHHAHAHHAHAH never fails to make me laugh (lol.

Again, Sanaki in Heroes is her FE10 incarnation. All the others are their FE9 incarnations.

That should be Camilla instead of Gaius

Who else /neverever/ here

Do I just give her her base kit + a positioning skill? I might give her a brave bow in the future but don't have the feathers now

>my neutral Roy with LaD3
>cav buffs
>TT buffs

Another day in voting gauntlet.


I can hope.

Thanks Roy

I don't want to lose hope.

Roy is strong and cute! Strong and cute!!!

I have a boy named Roy. Do YOU have any boys?

Um, bros wtf?

>tfw no laguz yet
>tfw no lion king
>tfw no Dheginsea
>tfw no RD Ike yet

I have a desire to pinch Roy's cheeks!

>fics where Chrom cheats on Sumia with Frobin
Any examples?

>prefer FE9 Lucia's outfit
>prefer FE10 Lucia's short hair

TT was +4 to stats, wasn't it?

I have all the Lucinas without ever rolling for any of them

>Get regular Lucina while rolling for Ryoma in Hero Fest 1
>Get Bunny Lucina when trying for Camilla and no greens in session
>Get Brave Lucina while trying for Ike and no greens in session
>Masked Marth was the only one that was not an accident I guess since he was a prize unit

Thankfully none of the are -atk or -spd so I may actually try running this meme.

Ah I see I am among a man of refined taste.

do u like ATK

delete this friend

Time to post Severa! Evey pic of hers is cute!

>tfw Celica compendium art is shit
Now I want to kill someone.

You're right now that I think about it, Clive got to be insane for 2 weeks at least.

+4 stats, +10 HP

Stop collecting little boys Reinhardt.

>Posting the edited version

I like Hana


Why is chrom so high?

Alternatively the entire cast of Jugdral

>tfw shit artists are picked to do a character first
>good artists who are late are declined
Stop going to the compendium.

babby's first lord

Another one cursed with speed bane

We haven't had a dedicated Radiant Dawn banner yet. I would expect Micaiah and Sothe to be on it, but the other two or four are hard to say. A Tellius GHB is likely to follow that banner, and Dheginsea would make a good one.

Drop your weapon.

I feel your pain, though mine at least has a +ATK IV. I was actually thinking of doing the same as you and give her Darting Blow/Moonbow for memes, but even then I lack BSkill fodder to complete her since I don't think Vantage will fit her.

So is this the true power of lyn or is there more that I can do to make her better? Don't get me wrong I love how she performs, but, is this it?

Muscle shota!

Jugdral never ever.

Felicia is cuter!

Chilling out with severa!

Just watch, they'll give us goddamn Jarod or something


The recoil would kill a heron.

Lastpostanon got the last post two threads ago. Good on him

>those perfect thighs
I can't fucking control myself


+Atk can try to run Brave Bow on Cavalry teams to act as physical Reinhardt, while +Spd can consider Firesweep+Cancel Affinity shenanigans to make for an annoying uncounterable menace. Neither option is superior to her basic kit, but having all 3 available and different people running various ones will keep everyone on their toes.

That's Lyn tho.

Don't respond to this pathetic idiot.

*3dsbabby's first lord

his is +RES too...

This picture never fails to get me ROCK FUCKING HARD.

H-H-H-Hector's actually turned things around against Ike?! And Lyn's beating Camilla?! Hold me, bros, I thought this would be impossible.

FE7 remake WHEN.

Our sweet slightly concerned prince shall never join my Cav team, such a shame

>finishing up arena quest for the gauntlet flags by spamming intermediate arena
>get matched vs a team that had takumi, azura and 2 other units on the map with the 2 breakable wall strips and the defense tiles
>bait and kill the 2 other units
>takumi just keeps running around breaking walls and azura just dances him

So this is the power of Horsety


Just let it go man

I want to put him on a team with Olwen and Reinhardt but it will never happen.

>2nd time the on time thread got deleted
jesus fuck /feg/ why are you such fucking spastic retards

I like this build. Maybe I'll slap on Darting blow along side fury.


There's something wrong with my Ike...


I'll wait for Sigrun as long as I need to. Even if she's flying Clive I'll find a way to make use of her.

> +def/-spd Brave Ike
> with Bonfire

This guy is a fucking monster. He counters every close-range attack with a 42 defense bonfire, and takes negligible damage from everything that's not a red or green mage.

>standard gauntlet match
>my green, a Reinhardt, and Lloyd
>this one-rounds both of them with help from Azura

Snacki's scary.

>FE7 remake WHEN.
It's going to be an FE7+FE6 remake with Mark as a fully customizeable and usable MU that can support and marry everyone. When it reaches the FE6 half of the game, the new main character is Mark's child until a surprise third portion of the game featuring Al begins.

yeah he's a wus