Daily reminder that it was a muslim warrior that taught Euroshits the meaning of chivalry

>Daily reminder that it was a muslim warrior that taught Euroshits the meaning of chivalry

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>hurr durr I just watched the full cut of 'Kingdom of Heaven'
>what a gr8 film
>what an accurate depiction of the crusades
>islam is just misunderstood

And yet somehow mudslimes became irrelevant for a millennium shortly after

Shit happens but it won't be for long

shut up cuck, know your place.

Yes, that's why it's known by its arabic name, "chivalry".

The people who skin women and children alive are "chivalrous".

>muh muslim heritage, literally conquered all of europe, stupid euroshit
>proceeds to get blown the fuck out so hard that islamic states became irrelevant and cucked for the next thousand years

Are you referring to flaying?

>Niggas be like "muslims can't fight"

All you muslims have to do is push euros hard enough, then they will snap and resort back to the old ways when they had enough of the little retarded kid in the corner, and push islamic shit back into the ME

>the old ways

Of being our slaves pheraps?

By the way, i'm not muslim.
I'm spanish but we aren't european anyways. We are afro-asiatic and there's nothing european about us so i identify myself and my culture with the east and north africa

nah, eurocucks are too addicted to the Big Muslim Cock now


Wow that sure is an impressive map

Why is British Guyana purple? It's clearly not in Europe

It's still owned by the French though. Same reason the Falkland Islands are listed as Europe.

He looks kind of retarded in this pic desu,

Look at the eyes.

Why is Liberia never colonized? It was founded by the US.

It's French Guyana.

And it's purple because it's literally a part of France, and thus the EU too.

>know your place.
I'm pretty sure I know my place, which is about three feet in front of my television as I watch the live feed of Hellfire missiles, one after the other, smashing and shattering any future Islam ever had.


hahahaha can't fire missiles into the UK you cuck

Reminder he was Kurdish.

Europe isn't going to do anything to Muslims. You're all too scared of Russia to even care about the Muslims outside of tabloids and propaganda.

>Map of where white people shot at people who didn't have guns.

The second everyone started getting guns your empires collapsed, and were some of the shortest lived of the "big" empires out there.

The only Empire that actually had to fight for it's superiority was Germany, and French, British and Russians couldn't stop hating and tried to jump Germany and it ruined all of them.

More importantly we bought it from the French colonial empire.

So what is it exactly? Are Muslims being driven to degeneracy by Western indoctrination, or are Muslims infiltrating and subduing the West? You can't have it both ways.


>>a muslim warrior that taught Euroshits the meaning of chivalry

If chivalry is what muslims consider stoning women to death, happily raping pre-teens, and beheading those who raise a finger against you, then it seems that the Western definition of chivalry is quite different from the muslim.

>b-but europeans beheaded and stoned people t-too
No westerner is calling those people chivalrous

Dude, fuck, Cavalry was already the deciding military factor in many battles three hundred years before Islam came to be. The Huns, Steppe Nomads, hell, the Byzantines had Horse Archers before Islam existed.

BAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA. I didn't know chivalry was fucking pre teens and goats m8

>No westerner is calling those people chivalrous

I would like you to meet "le dio vault" /pol/fags and the mass of YouTube comments with the Templar knight pic

Chivalry was a meme anyway. Of course you had to be respectful to a noblewoman or her father would have you executed.

Peasant women, especially from a rival state, were free game.

>reading youtube comments
>replying to autism on youtube

Learn geography

if geography is the factor here even turkey is european you cockgobbling brainlet cunt.

Sure, Constantinople is european :^)

You mean a Russian taught Euroshits the meaning of chivalry


it is european according to what you said

jesus fucking christ what a retarded faggot like omfg

The only part of turkey which is european is Constantinople, everything else is asian

Reminder that Saladin was a Kurd and Arabs are the most useless tribal fucktards in the world.

>The only part of turkey which is european is Constantinople, everything else is asian

factually wrong you halfwitted ignorant slav. thracian part of turkey is more than byzantium.

I thought chivalry started in ancient Persia as far as we can tell

Reminder that all the based muslims are non arabs
your pic related, he was a kurd


He was Russian


No. Taking a human being's skin off and then impaling them on a stake to die.

That's your Assyrians for you. That's your ISIS.

no body said that take your head out of your ass you dumbfuck untermensch

>turkshit damage control

I'm not even slavshit kek

i'm not a filthy turk you flaming faggot stop whining like a little bitch and accept you are dead fucking wrong

and why should it matter?
Muslims are not showing chivalry now, so why the fuck should be treat the Muslim faggots of today as though they are that chivalric Muslim?

If that is what you are implying, that we should treat Muslims like they invented chivalry, then kindly fuck off and go back to circle-jerking on tumblr you faggot.

>Muslims are not showing chivalry now,
False, visit any muslim family and you'll see that this is wrong

chivalry is dead

feminism killed it

Chivalry was long dead before feminism even created.

Are you talking about the gentleman's code, or the code of chivalry?

The gentlemans code is about how to treat women with respect and dignity. for example: treat a lady like fine china, do not attack a woman physically unless she is hysterical and restraint is required, but do not unduly harm her.

The code of chivalry is how to fight with honour. For example: confront your enemy head-first and do not strike a blow from behind, or you are a disgrace.

"the more you know"

I guess in this context its the code of chivalry
I read on cracked.com that muslims fed their enemies armies on the battlefield, how true is that

>getting this mad about your turk-stained blood


>being this retarded

you have serious issues

>abhorrent loser of an arguement he lost
>y-your r-retarded

He was genetically an Arab

>Saladin's family originated from the Rawadid tribe
>According to Minorsky and Bosworth, the Rawadids were originally from Arabic ancestry, and arrived in the region in the mid eighth century,[6] but they had become Kurdicized by the early 10th century and began to use Kurdish forms like Mamlan for Muhammad and Ahmadil for Ahmad as their names[7][8] The Rawandid tribe moved into Kurdistan in the mid eighth century, and it was known as a Kurdish tribe by the tenth century

Remember that time when Saladin said that defeated Libyan soldiers were allowed to leave unmolested but then Saladin had his brother butcher them?
He was such a good guy wasn't he?

>Move to a region
>Race mix with the locals
>You're still genetically arab even after generations of a tribe of 100~ probably less, mixing with the locals who outnumbered you 100 to 1
This is worse that modern "Turks" claiming to be Turkic


you are the one who lost you delusional mong

The eternal Arab it's going at it again...

I admit I lost
I also happen to be of the sexual orientation that prefers to orally stimulate male genitalia and digest the resulting substance

wtf i didn't see that coming

You know what I didn't see cumming? you.
Lets fix that.

I'd never turn down a bj, not gonna lie

Well I've got some news for you
You've been rused
I was only pretending to be gay
fuck off you fucking faggot, get your sister to suck your dick if you're that desperate smdh

>i was merely pretending

come on now, you know you want it

Nah, I can honestly say I'm 100% there's zero chance this mouth would go anywhere near any genitalia that isn't a puss

I think Western indoctrination is finally driving them over the deep point, and I find it fucking hilarious. It'll only be a matter of time before World War 3 starts, so let the little shit think he's better then anybody else, because the UK is going to get hit with a nuclear weapon and dragged into a war it can't win. He'll be dead by 2020.

so you're into roleplaying, I like that

I'm not that much of a rape-guy though I can play along

OwO what's this?

>i-it only counts when I say it

muslims, everyone.

"Boys are for fun, women are for children."

>t. Every muslim country ever.


Lets at least make WWIII stylish, no?
What I mean is:
>have all white religious solders dress in modern knights Templar armor (bulletproofed) and have them fuck up Iraq for the holy war.
>the muslims will be too distracted by killing off the Templars to notice the invasion of American foot-soldiers.
>WWIII resolved

you are welcome

I miss the turkposter.

>Learn geography
>"Russia is Europe"

>Guns weren't common weapons all across asia in the 19th century

Fuck, even native Americans got their hands on guns pretty quickly after contact with europeans.

Idk if you guys realize this, but we're still kicking the shit out of you on a daily basis. Two million dead Iraqis prove that.

It's also pretty fucking stupid to think you're going to permanently stay here. Nationalists governments are coming to power soon and then you get to go home.

We still kill millions of you and you tote about a few acts of terrorism as the end of the west.

In case you haven't realized this, Islamic civilization is in ruins. It's going to get a lot more ruined in a few years. I'd start licking boot if you don't want to tossed into the Mediterranean and told to swim home.

Mehmed II was the best leader Ottomans ever had, if he lived longer, he would finish his Italy Campaign with success and Italy would be the Core of the Empire

Basically this

Not him but you are really pathetic my man

>not european because of ethnic decent

To be European is to be raised within a certain cultural framework. That of Spain is wholly so, and has SHIT ALL to do north/east fucking Africa. Fucking white self-shaming is getting pathetic as fuck.

no shit

Do you mean hospitality?

>Muslims teaching anyone anything


Huh just can't accept the truth.

>forgetting that middle easterners marry their cousins

Saladin was probably fully Arab

You should be glad Islam tried to wipe out paganism in the region.

We all have our bad days

>what a gr8 film
It was good though


>anything more than an inconvenience to europe after the (FAILED) siege of Vienna
>not the retarded kid in the corner in the room of global power and politics

Saladin was a Kurd and therefore an aryan.

Irananians and Berbers are ok in my book, since they have old civilizations and they don't chimp out.

Arabs on the other hand are an all around genetic abomination due thousand of years of inbreeding, that has rendered them retarded and stupid. Arabs in all of hsitory have produced nothing in philosophy or science, but only endless analyses of the same shit tier book called the Quran, written by a delusional bloodthirsty Arab warlord. That is the extent of their culture.

T*rks are a bastard race of mongolics, arabs, greeks and circassians. They only produced an empire, not because of Islam or their war prowess (hardly significant after the Seljuks lost their nomadic life style) but only because of the dynastic breeding with european, greek, slavic and circassian women, produced a clever leadership, far cleverer than the average peasant turk. Also it was Greeks and Jews that handled the Ottoman economy, never T*rks

pic related is what should happen to Arabs, it would be a mercy killing anyway.

Hispanic culture is Indo-European
