DOTA 2 GENERAL - /d2g/

Sending the trash home edition.




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Nth for pugna

okay, odpixel stream is unironically great

didn't watch TI did EG win 1st place

>tfw 2k mmr
>tfw at least 6k mmr mechanical skill
>only thing holding me back is the current patch
am i the only one?

I just suddenly realized recently that Dota 2's shop is fucking awful. Rework when?

>OD making fun of RTZ and PPD instead of sucking their little dicks like grant
>NAdotard gets mad

>How many times are you gonna miss?

>RNG in a 25 million dollar tournament

OD actually likes RTZ a lot but he is alpha enough to have fun unlike gr*nt

Have you not become suspicious of the pattern yet? Valve controls the RNG and uses it to decide the winners of TI. They might even use it to determine who wins in normal games. If you have lots of good boy points, pick RNG heroes and try your luck.

>TI8 won't be cast singing with a piano in the background


The only way techies can be accepted into an icefraud governed DOTA is if they are balanced in future patches into a broodmother alternative
pick a lane and force everyone away from it as you slowly take towers with red mines. The reasons you would want to pick techies instead of broodmother in this instance is if you want to play a slightly more supportive role in the later game instead of carry, not to mention your ability to utilise early game tilt. Although techies can't afford to spend $$$ on wards, given the importance of aghs and force/euls, they can abuse mine vision and allow for an extremely greedy lineup through prolonged hg defence. Techies' blue mines are an amazing AOE root, which attributes to them being more supportive than carryive in the mid-late game, and their other spells emphasising AOE makes for great synergy with AOE cc heroes; such as void, or magnus
The lack of visible queues in comparison to broods web make techies that much more unpredictable in all stages of the game, along with forcing the enemy to waste resources and purchase sentries instead of simple dusts, which aren't as effective on techies as they are on broodmother, given mines' innate disposability.
play more techies you poyo-punks

>high damage
>aoe stun
>gets either be a greedy support or the chadest mid if you feel skilled enough
why isnt he played more, the micro isnt even hard

>Valve controls the RNG and uses it to decide the winners of TI.
cannot disprove outright
> If you have lots of good boy points, pick RNG heroes and try your luck.
that can literally be tested, so it's most likely retarded

He is played a lot though.

not below ~5k

bow down to your overlords

who gives a shit about chinks lmao
get out of here



Artour shouldve gotten a rapier

artours a fuccboi who plays pussy, he would never go rapier

>Freedom.Jubei: Ban White people
What a fucking cuck faggot

Is skill measured by who gets last hits or is this something only noobs believe?

>got API key
>still fucking lose

TI8 is a Chinese TI

Reminder that DP is the best waifu ever!
Literally satisfies every fetish!

why do pros not have animated portraits on?

Tfw my friends dont allow me to play tide position 5 even though my stats are decent
>pic related

can u give brief guide on how to play post5 tide?

With Reso I think OG is actually unstoppable even if it is a cn TI

None because that hero is a trash can

>13k net worth TB almost kills a 30k net worth AM

>Purely physical damage carry almost kills a purely anti-magical carry

Well basically you level gush and anchor smash early on and take kraken shell later. As far as items go I usually build like this: magic stick>arcane boots>blink dagger>mekanism usually the game is over at this point but if its not i try to get items like refresher or blade mail. And i buy most of the utility items of course. I get a lot of shit for playing like this but it seems to work for me


Reminder our girl is streaming.

looks like a man

TB with Metamorphosis up and 2 illusions has an inflated net worth equal to two Demon Edges and a Manta Active.

TB is one of the hardest carries because of this. Also what said. TB has a hard carry bonus value of about 10k while AM has a hard carry bonus value of about 4k and a utility value of 6k. (blink, pipe magic resist)

Exactly why she's our girl.


Ourest girl

This music OD is playing is absolutely fucking cancer and I hope that someone responsible for this travesty fucking dies

hope you guys are watching /ourliteralguy/ OD stream

responsible for OD or the music?

Fuck off Owen. Posting occasionally on d2g doesn't make you our guy. The jew comes here too.

TB himself actually didn't do anything
AM almost killed himself

The music is just cancer, but it really fires my SYNAPSES about what kind of faggot OD must be

What music is he playing?

It's more like noise designed to be loud and annoying, it was fucked up orchestral drums, rap music, YMCA, and Thomas the Tank engine

>Dotabuff says aghs isn't even in Viper's top 10 purchased items anymore

Man, I get that it's not the best, and I get that when I play pub Viper as a position 3 it's different to typical position 1/2 itemisation, but I see so much value in that aghs.

Halves the mana cost. Nearly doubles cast range. Lets it have a 50% uptime if applying to the same target. Incredible attack/move slow.

The only real downside I see in it is its shameful damage, but as a position 3 I think it creates one of the best "fuck off" abilities in the game during a fight. If it doesn't force/bait BKBs or linkens or glimmer capes, they're stuck taking a good 5 second break, only to be pelted with it again in another 5 seconds.

Is there just some seriously un-worth value I'm not seeing here, or am I totally justified in admiring the item as a position 3 viper pubstomp setup?

Seriously Viper aghs absolutely fucks with heroes like Wraith King, Storm, Monkey King, Juggernaut, etc. because most don't know if they should be committing to it or waiting it out in the middle of a teamfight.

I'm a shitter and hate that there's no simple function to let his summons move at the same movespeed as him..

Nice reddit spacing.

>being noided

I don't need my text feeling claustrophobic

ever heard of paragraphs you dumb nigger?

I mean when you're replying in a 200 x 200 box it looks like a paragraph until you post it, cry more about reddit insurgents tho

>not resizing the box

>team behind for stupid reasons
>everyone screeches at each other for 25 mins
>match is turned around
>push and end for win
>no one says anything

is this what having a family is like

I know exactly what you mean

why does bulldog wear a hat indoors

>paragraphs defined by addressing single points/ideas
>overall theme is about Viper aghanims
>first paragraph is about the value of the item as position 3 Viper
>second paragraph is what the aghs does
>third paragraph is the downside and how the benefits outweigh it
>fourth paragraph is posing a question for discussion
>fifth paragraph is reiterating its value
>making me sperg out just to point out how dumb you look
>actually making your reply box fullscreen to accommodate some autist who lives in the gulag

Just like Dota 2 there are no winners here

He's balding. Like Loda

Where the fuck is sylar reeeeeeeeeeee

woah OD has 6k viewers what the fuck

>>paragraphs defined by addressing single points/ideas
Nigga your a retard. A few sentences, about an idea. Usually some these are a few sentences long, then you end it off by starting on a new line, or by pressing Enter once. That's a paragraph
When your text runs on for multiple paragraphs, so much that seeing whats going on is hard and people keep losing track. That's when you use 2 enters, or a line break.



Use line breaks at the end

Of every sentence of paragraph

I still don't get why it'd have so much success, in the grand scheme of things a position 5 Tidehunter should be gimping the team because you're not providing what a normal support would, like hard lockdown or buffs.

I can sort of see it working if you're against dual offlane or a hard solo offlaner, but what picks would you ideally want from your position 3/4 to complement it?


>off key big blue
>Shitty John Williams derivative orchestral
Why does Vidya generally have to have such shitty fucking music, especially now?

>wake up
>no friends :'(



are you me

I'd rather be a line breaking shitter than end up like

Well i usually pick it when we have either a dual offlane or jungler. If i play tide usually our 3/4 is a big teamfighter that can combo with ravage. Also its easy to get kills for your carry with gush because of the slow and armor reduction. I am 3k so i'm not sure if this works in higher mmr

Who's watching FPL?

not me i'm grinding that mmr

Why is every game in FPL a stomp? Not a single game has been close.
Aren't these all pro players?

End up like shit copypasta?
Sure whatever helps you sleep at night, but until you stop being a retard who can't type
like its a free candy butt
on we are going to keep calling you a retard

there was 70-80 minute game with mason on safe bh vs meepo rtz

tbqhwyf I'm going to change the way I post to match theirs just to fuck with you

Hope that's okay


TI8 is the EE redemption arc

EE is actually the antagonist.

why is EE so ugly?

i hope that he fails to qualify for it

Man, if the TI8 script is EE vs Arteezy, I don't even care which one of them redeems themselves.

>I don't want the most entertaining pro player to qualify

I did want the most entertaining pro player to qualify. But iceiceice didn't make it.

I hope none of the pros qualify

>Man, if the TI8 script is EE vs Arteezy
will they fight for the last place or what

they fight for whoever qualifies for the only NA spot

holy shit this user is reddit incarnate

nigga, don't be racist

dumb nigger redditspacing poster

fy joined LGD
agressif joined FTD

Would LFY have won TI with Maybe as the mid player?

well, considering that super is the biggest liability on LFY, maybe?



>cr1t 8-3, ranked 9th

>cr1t 2-10, ranked 56th (last)

Why is NAdota so shit that even a tier3 player like cr1t can dominate?