/hg/ - Halo General

343 Industries Edition

Welcome to Halo General. Here we discuss the Halo games, expanded universe, and fan projects. Discussion of general Xbox developments, news, and games is also allowed unless stated otherwise.

>SPV3 is now publicly available for free download on PC
- the entire Halo CE campaign re-imagined with new areas, enemies, and features
- Downloading is free and only requires a working version of Halo Custom Edition

>Latest Halo Community Update

>Important Halo Links and Notes

>Spartan Company:
halowaypoint.com/en-us/spartan-companies/halo general

>Xbox One clips and screenshots

>>>Halo News

Other urls found in this thread:

xboxdvr.com/gamer/Unknown Kai/video/35965863

I haven't taken the time to update the visual bracket yet but I didn't want to keep you guys waiting any longer. The next map vote is now out and will remain open for 24 - 48 hours. Get your votes in at the link below.


Posting best girl in celebration for thread #343.

>343 industries edition

>343 Industries Edition

>Best Girl
Yeah, no.
True waifu comin' through!

>tfw no r34 of both of them with the savior of Halo

Why not both?

>343 industries edition


are... are those........

Yes user, say it with me: H



Reminder to post your GT, armor, visor, and colors if you want to be in /hg/'s 「MAD」


I like how Red is the MC. A good choice.

You just know

Run, Red, Run!

Do we have to repost?

Do i need to post it again even if i already did in the last thread?

No need to repost. I'm saving them all in a doc.

You should have one of the newer anons that he runs by be crouched in sniping position and firing a shot or two. Just a suggestion. Do what you want. It looks good.

your map isnt coming up on file search



Put this somewhere in the video. If you're adding memes and shit like that.

i don't have a dino in halo 5. will i still be included without one?

Dog is best leader!

I was actually planning on changing my helmet back to scout but after seeing how it looks from the side in this webm it actually looks pretty neat with the flames... plus I wouldn't want to stall production.
The project looks great by the way.

I think scout looks better with the rest of your armor, but that's just me.

Get online and play Halo with us

I don't get internet hooked up until Thursday. But the good news is I will have a new mic so you can hear the beautiful sound of my voice crystal clear like never before.

God damn this book is amazing

posted it on /v/ but gained no traction

Good art?

Nobody's even playing halo

Amazing art. Most of it is artwork I've never seen before.

Not him but yeah, even for book stuff. Must-own piece imo.

I'd get on if Red got on

Inventec P47 is expected to be available this Q4. This pc has no price tag on it.


Didn't Red say he was going to be gone for the next few weeks because moving to New York?

I mean, it's not hard to rerecord if needed. It would only be an issue if I'd already done multiple shots of you, which I haven't yet. So, lemme know if you want your armor changed before I do.



"Estados Unidos"

I suppose he means Extended Universe, as in the lore outside of the Halo games.

Still pretty bullshit to argue that Chief was the last spartan ever. even the first ever halo book Fall of Reach clearly outlined that he wasn't

Only way I can agree with them, is if the other Spartans were in the games with Chief and constantly shifted focus away from him.

That's awful nice of you user but you shouldn't let my absence stop you from plating with /hg/

I'm in New York now. I just don't have internet set up yet. This Thursday is the earliest I can make it on.

What would the practical purpose of such a machine be?

I gotta agree. The least Bungie could do in CE was include Linda in Pillar of Autumn level cryo chamber.

I could swear they put another pod in a different room, or maybe it was CEA?

Well Combat Evolved Anniversary did that. You never got to actually see her, but if you went into the 2nd cryo bay on the monitor you could see Linda's name and vitals. though that was still 343i

I can't remember if this one is worse than the corresponding warzone varient or better

It's pretty much just a section of the same map and with different time of day.

You are currently browsing /hg/ thread #343.
The featured map is "Summit"
I fixed the OP to be more appropriate.

>Previous 50 threads
#342 - Superintendent #341 - YapYap the Destroyer #340 - Flash Flood #339 - Halo needs another anime desu #338 - SPV3 #337 - Compromise
#336 - And now it begins
#335 - Action Figures
#334 - Veto
#333 - Updated Pastebin
#332 - The Big Chill
#331 pt. 2 - Press F for Serina
#331 pt. 1 - Serina
#330 - Operation Spearbreaker
#329 - The Longest Night
#328 - Final Four
#327 - Summer Celebration
#326 - And it was all going so well
#325 - Summer Content
#324 - Inane Arguments
#323 - Jesus falls for the third time
#322 - Fucking WHY?
#321 - Technical Difficulties
#320 - Awakening the Nightmare
#319 - Post Tournament Vacation
#318 - Icons of War
#317 - At least do it right
#316 - We are still here
#315 - Never Give Up
#314 - Final
#313 - Xbox One X
#312 - E3 2017
#311 - Imagine Being Chief in this Scene
#310 - SGT Johnson
#309 - 16-Bit
#308 - 8-Bit
#307 - Banished
#306 - Post GT
#305 - Halo Triple
#304 - Colony
#303 - Custom Warzone
#302 - Customized Gamerpics
#301 - Easter
#300 - Breakthrough
#299 - ITT We Discuss Halo
#298 - Scorpio Specs
#297 - /hg/tage
#296 - Main Menu
#295 - Hunter Leader Inbound
#294 - All Systems Critical

For even older /hg/ threads, check the archive here:

>tfw we have arrived

who here trying to /survive/ until 117 rescue people on reach?

Not the "thread OP" but you know what I mean.

Let me know if there's anything wrong I took a few
xboxdvr.com/gamer/Unknown Kai/video/35965863

WTF???!!! Fucking deja vu

Decide whether you want the helmet changed. Also, it'd be nice if you let me know your colors and visor because I am a retard and didn't save the config I used the first time around.

>worst Warzone map
>best Warzone Assault map
How did they manage this?

Thanks. I'll review the clip when I'm on my laptop and let you know if there are any issues. Judging by the thumbnail though, I doubt there will be.

what went wrong

>deletes post
>makes the filename wrong

Maybe if defense couldn't spam hogs to stop the capture.

Terminal Guy Here

So I think I fucked up some scaling and such. So my god hope youre ready for some terminal CANCER. But dont worry. I am not giving up.

stfu faggot

Oh wow, you're right.
Well here have the original with the correct file name.

Don't forget to apply, guys.
I'm sure at least one of us has the skill set and character they're looking for.

I doubt it very much

Nobody here is anywhere near qualified to work in the industry. Nobody here has a high knowlege in programming, coding, art design, or advanced mathematical theory. The most someone here could say is "other people can do that stuff, I just want to say what happens!"

I could maybe do one of the listed openings but that's all.

I went to community college for photography.

I'd make a killer staff booklet

>no bonnie's seat cushion position
I'll pass.

What's xbox general for?



Where are the open positions listed?


Well this is new. I thought grunts became carriers.

Some do. It depends on what the flood need more of at a given time. If the local infestation determines there are enough combats available, grunts will be turned into carriers, otherwise they will become their own type of less effective combat form.
Keep in mind that other combat forms too damaged to continue fighting can also be repurposed into carriers.

>practical purpose
hosting small business websites, heavy duty rendering for film, physics simulation in computational fluid dynamics/finite element analysis software, prime factor decomposition, quantum monte carlo, bitcoin mining, playing crysis, etc.

actually its main design intent was to put robust computing power for advanced machine learning applications into an affordable package

Bungie when making CE wanted to make flood scary but can't due to time limitation with Microsoft contract unlike Halo 2 most regretted game created by Bungie .

>tfw no ringworld video game

>tfw no Sgt. Johnson single player game

Anyone want to play Reach for some invasion, invasion slayer, or big team?

give gold

post gt



>no gt

I thought the flood were plenty scary in CE but I appreciate the attention to detail being put into wars 2

2/? for Reach


3 in Reach

1 in ur mom


I fucking love the Chief

Only if you start doing cheevos again

I will also join for cheevos. I've only got 2 left. The shitty skullhunter one, and the "win a match of breakpoint" one.