Why is Norse Paganism the go to version of paganism for neo-pagans?

Why is Norse Paganism the go to version of paganism for neo-pagans?

Roman paganism's records are more complete

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Because we wuz vikings and sheit

Because Viking Warriors >>>>> Shitty Romans who relied on barbarian i.e. norse tiribes anyway.

Most of neo pagans seem to be Nordicists.

Because paganism is an american thing, and most of the americans are of germanic origin

here have a (you)

Because Protestantism tried to completely eradicate any forms of not just paganism, but aesthetics in general, whereas a good portion of Roman paganism was absorbed by the Catholic Church


Because burning down churches and wearing corpse paint is more fun.

Roman paginism>Celtic Paganism=Steppe paganism>Norse paganism

Isn't that just because many prominent neoPagans live in Germanic countries and since paganism is often a way to find your roots it's just natural for them to return to the Germanic kind? Which often means Norse as we happened to have a few Scholars showing quite some interest in it.
For Mediterranean and Slavic people, I suppose we either don't know as much about them because of language barrier or that they already got their own form of Paganism.

Because we know more about norse paganism than we do about celtic or slavic paganism.

Althought it is true that we know a lot about roman/hellenic paganism, it's considered and accepted worldwide that norse paganism is essentially more "european" since it's been influenced a lot less by middle eastern cultures than roman/hellenic paganism.

Because the Roman gods were palette-swapped Greek gods, and Greek gods were dicks.

Baltic paganism rules

How so?

Catholicism = 80% paganism + 20% judaism

Protestantism stripped away the pagan stuff

we need to strip aaway the Jewish stuff

>Roman paganism's records are more complete

Because of that, not in spite of it. Less complete records mean you can substitute whatever you want in the blanks. Well documented pagan religions before can be more easily ridiculed.

That's not totally true,the roman gods already existed but were latter assimilated to the greek god , taking there legend but were still different, the biggest example is Mars, he was assimilated with Ares but Mars was the protector of the soldiers and one of the most respected god of the roman pantheon, while Ares was mostly hated by the greek because he represented the worst aspect of war. And you have roman god that don't have greek equivalent like Janus.

If that's what catholicism is what do you call syncretic forms that mix with amerindian religion? 90% pagan?

>tfw when my family used to participate in animal sacrifices inside the church before the bishop found out got mad and stopped it.

We still do pilgrimages to sacred sites though every year around December.

the point was, all the exoteric and even much of the spiritual content of catholic faith is pagan
literally every festival and symbol is European in origin
it's just the small part that is Jewish

Probably because it's mostly prominent in the western Germanic Anglosphere and Nordic countries. Other places have other forms of paganism, you just don't hear about them much because they largely don't speak English.

Roman imperial polytheism was also later more strongly influenced by Socratic/Platonic ideas of divinity, and were more abstract/less dickish than Greek deities.

people hate Nordic culture
EVERY single anti-Nordic thread on Veeky Forums is either by a paid shill, or dumbasses doing it like the sheep they are (trend hoppers)

you can hate us all you want
the weak will hate the strong when they are the majority

this, but I don't know why you would ridicule Greek or Roman pagans. They were objectively bampf.

because Odin is a cuckold, so the cucks worship their similar

American detected

>small part

You mean the part about worshipping a jew son of the jewish god as our savior?

Catholics are not pagans.

I think I should trust an actual Pagan on what that's Paganism or not.

Virtuous citizen-soldier
Pathetic fucker beaten even for humans with no godly ancestry and only a little help of Athena (Based Diomedes in the Illiad, Chant V)

"norse paganism" is a meme; most blot heads do not read the sagas or try to live like a viking.

If you're strong why do you allow the weak to become the majority? That makes no sense, the implication that you couldn't have stopped them makes them stronger.

>blot head
You're sure of that?

Why should they try to live like a viking? Most of the Norse were just farmers, like in every other society.

Also demanding that they all read the sagas would be expecting Christians to read Hagiographies to be true Christians.

>Why is Norse Paganism the go to version of paganism for neo-pagans?

I'd say Norse paganism has the strongest revivalist movement. Most regard the Greco-Roman religion as thoroughly dead.

Norse mythology also has a populist appeal the campfire fests and legends seem more accessible to more people. Where as fancy statues and fancy architecture seem inaccessible to the majority of people. They just cant relate to it, unless youre Itailan but then the Roman Catholic Church fills that void of heritage and prestige of culture.

>literally every festival and symbol is European in origin
this 19th century meme is getting old

>believing Protestant memes

This a hundred times.

People larping about "might makes right" while whining about getting genocided is hilarious.

In truth these people aren't "rebels", they're cattle in the slaughterhouse mooing slightly more than the rest but still following the comfy path to cooperation with death.
The whole idea of "neopagan" revivalism is an offspring of leftism anyway, as is "volkism". It's also why Nazism sucked.

Daily reminder that ALL is on the Wicca tier of faggotry.

This. Catholicism in itself is almost based safe for that 20%.

it is a coincidence that you celebrate Jesus' birth on the Yule/Saturnalia?
it is a coincidence that you celebrate Jesus' resurrection on Easter?
it is a coincidence that you celebrate John the Baptist on the midsummer eve?

Don't think I really can agree on that. Everyone wants might makes right when they are strong, those faggots are just honest about it when they are weak.


It's absolutely beyond me that black metal scene actually developed and existed the way it did.
It's one of the purest forms of autism

This shit gotta be contagious somehow because i don't fucking get how it spread.

because 1/8 German Americans think it's their heritage