How did the nations of the Congress of Vienna react to the election and accession of Napoleon III to the Imperial throne of France? I can't imagine they were too happy about the nephew of the contemporary Hitler being in power.
How did the nations of the Congress of Vienna react to the election and accession of Napoleon III to the Imperial...
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Why doesn't nephew of Hitler ruling Germany now?
Not too good and not too bad I wouldguess.
>contemporary hitler
lmao wut
Napoleon wasn't really the "contemporary Hitler", that is a meme.
They really didn't mind. Palmerston, the British Foreign Secretary, actually congratulated him on his coup, but had to resign because this was a violation of diplomatic protocols. Mostly the other European powers were sort of happy, because him assuming full power averted a potential socialist takeover, which was far more frightening. Napoleon III tried to calm them too by saying things like "the Empire means peace"
His moral wickedness led to the deaths of millions, Hitler is a fitting title
oh so just like
>genghis khan
>alexandre the great
>countless american presidents
how many hitlers have there been in history exactly?
It wasn't really prudent to fuck with other states at that point. The revolutions of 1848 (Springtime of Nations) were in full swing so most states had to worry about themselves rather than intervene. Plus his rhetoric was rather non-threatening to most states, e.g. the balance of power was to be upheld by his creation of a unified Italy and outside of this he sought empire abroad rather than fucking around on the continent like his uncle.
History is littered with wretches who seek to dominate through violence, so your post is invalid
Does your Mommy know you're on the internet?
Don't you have school tomorrow?
>him assuming full power averted a potential socialist takeover
Better royal than red is what they felt.
Napoleon hurt the brits feelings so now anglos want everyone else to hate l'empereur.
>Anti-Napoleonic historiography hurts Veeky Forums's feels so now frankwanks want everyone else to love l'empereur because he's a frog
Anti-Napoleonic history is pretty damn Anglo-centric and biased though. Veeky Forums seemingly have a general boner for French history has nothing to do with it.
>is pretty damn Anglo-centric
and Russo-centric and Austro-centric and Germano-centric
>have a general boner for French history has nothing to do with it
I have literally watched Veeky Forums argue that the Second French Intervention in Mexico was a good idea. That's the level of Frankwank this board has. You can fuck off too.
Essentially any pro-Monarchy superpower at the time. Enemies of progress.
>he fell for the "History is the march of progress" meme
>Austro-centric and Germano-centric
Modern German historians like him.
>he thinks it was possible to stop this progress after the French Revolution and Napoleon
Sup Metternich.
Not much, Derrida. Sup with you, fampai?
so explain how napoleon resembles hitler any more than the cited examples
>Last minute attempts at negotiation by Talleyrand failed, and Whitworth left France on 13 May. Britain declared war on France on 18 May, thus starting the Napoleonic Wars that would rage in Europe for the following 12 years