/tesg/ ~ The Elder Scrolls General

>Is Skyrim Special Edition worth it?
No. SKSE and ENB will likely never be updated to work with it.

>Should I play Skyrim Special Edition or Legendary Edition?
Legendary Edition for the above reasons. Please do not ask again in the thread.

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Ignore and report; Wait for a correct thread to be made.

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first for longhorn please come back

So. Who made this thread?

>cute swimsuit


Woah so this is the power of skyrim modding

6th for intelligent nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor



Can someone PLEASE, unironically, explain to me what's wrong with Requiem?

I see a lot of people shitting on it here and I'm trying to understand where you're all coming from. I've been using it for a few years now, and no other single mod I've found overhauls loot, realism, enemy scaling, combat, RPG mechanics, and more in one single fell swoop. Please convince me why it's shit and what alternatives I should use.

>Can someone PLEASE, unironically, explain to me what's wrong with Requiem?


its not good

What mod is that?

>Its incompatible with everything else
>The patches for it are all outdated

That's about it. If you want Requiem and just Requiem then go for it, but if you install it then that's all you'll be able to install.

Seems like (trying not hard enough) out of 10.

I thought we may have died for realsies. I'm glad we didn't.

Try again when your cycle can represent this bus.

Are there any skins that suit the creation of older, grizzled Nord males?

There's a few on the op.

Shit balance, shit gameplay, shit design philosophy, shit compatibility, shit following (don't like it? git gud hurr durr!)

Only good thing about it is the immersion tweaks but since that part's not modular it's worth fuckall.

>I want the actual tamed succubus tame.

Why are muscles so good?

Follow up question: Is Skyrim Redone any better?

That is so borrowing and done.

not a fan of the arms and veins but thats ass is on point

>not an orc

Is the Ventra follower and Ellerete on the site? I can't find them



Are there any pure and unmolested waifus left?


Who and how would you corrupt them?

Fucking impossible to get these sex mods working

Is there a version of the NLA .esp for darker nights? I wanna use it with TKRE, but nights are too bright, and adjusting every weather preset individually is a huge pain.

Just don't bother with NLA when you use TKRE.

No. There's some neat concepts but it is incompatible with everything else. When it comes to overhauls people should limit themselves to a specific area. Overhaul the combat, sure. Overhaul the loot, yeah why not. Overhaul the leveling system, perks and numbers associated with it, ok. Overhaul enemy placement and scaling, great. But try to do everything at the same time and the probability that you fuck up somewhere is huge because you won't give any specific area the required attention and time needed.

where the fuck is sir casimir in vigilant


kys freak

Can someone please tell me who at least made her?

That's not what I asked

"Ya winnin', son?"

Ava, judging by the resolution.


Standards have really dropped.

that picture is so triggering for me dude. i nearly got caught fapping yesterday by my aunt.

Who's the father?

Oh no, nothing of the sort. They are just perplexed by the black screen from this newly bought PC.


God dammit.

>having kids

He does kind of resemble Faust if you think about it. How did you do it my man? What is the secret to impregnating vampires?

Does this mean that you have officially stopped acknowledging Yrsa?


>He does kind of resemble Faust if you think about it.
Nah, that boy got everything from his mother.
Even her estrogen lmoa

>How did you do it my man?
We don't even know for sure if I was the one that did it.

No, it means it's 3am and I'm bored, so I'm digging the hole I'm in a little deeper so that I can continue my downward spiral.

>that pic
Eww, gay sex goes to


I think they see me?


What mod adds fun monsters?

What hairmod is this?

Immersive Monsters, Beasts of Tamriel

This is high level monsters, but there are some that add new unique monster. I didn't really try them out too much because they really don't fit skyrim but you should check the www.tesgeneral.com/npcs

Immersive patrols is really good as well.

Does the Steam Overlay fuck up all ENBs, or just a few like TKRE?

ENB Manager or ENB Organiser?

Why is it so hard to get started with a new character but once you get started its hard to stop.

Why do bosmer have british accents?

Just some I think.

Someone suggested cloneskin last thread to me and said its on the OP, but i can't find it.

Where do you get cloneskin?

Some, mainly LUT ones.
Just disable it and play in borderless window. Much more comfortable.

Great, thanks! Now to install 50 ENBs and find the perfect one :D

So in a past Kalpa were the Dreugh more humanoid looking crab people and had a civilization?

>discount Bee-v


You don't get it anywhere because clones is a retard who keeps deleting his shit right after releasing it.

Everyone is a discount bee-v or a vampire currently.

Name five modern discount Bees.

It has been taken down permanently.

Wasn't she nicknamed Discount Bee even in 2015 though?

The Dark Brotherhood just contacted me, anons...

I hope I killed the right one.

Imperial necromancer

Very Y

Jeez, look at all that dust... get a cleaner in there, user!

Is Mistel kill?

How can /tesg/ ever compete?

hdt hair from one chinese site, I forgot pack's name.

all regulars are


the hell is he doing now?

>Check out OBIS
>It separates the bandits of Skyrim into their own unique clans, each with their own lore and way of doing things
>"Oh and by the way they all still work together lmao so no gang warfare for you"

Never before have I been blueballed this hard.

That wasn't very helpful, but.. thanks I guess.

Any mod other than Morrowloot that removes elven armor and stuff from high level bandits?

can the nmm handle two seperate installs of skyrim or i have to learn to use the other mod manager?

mod organizer is what you want.

there is nothing to learn about it just use it already

But next w10 update will break MO

>using windows 10

k then...
But does it tell me when there is an update for a mod?

Also, which skyrim should i torrent? Its been a while since i fucked around with this game.

Piss skin pls die.

Working on Glenomril?

You gotta be fucking kidding me

Nooe. It will fix the vram bug tho.


Fighting dremora was more fun than dragons

i JUST finished getting 240 mods working just fine tell me theres a way to dump all this shit as is into nmm or something